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Dear CCP, why I love the Gnosis BC.

MicDeath Titan
No Mans Corp
#1 - 2013-05-06 10:17:47 UTC
Went specialized for drone dmg, my hob 2 were doing 150-300 DMG each, my hammerheads where doing 200-350ish dmg, and I will test the ogres once the server is back up, I can only guess what it will be, as before this, they were doing 175-350 dmg already.
When specialized for Scanning, the time it took to lock onto the 1.5% sites was very very fast.
When specialized for tank, it was ok, not great, but ok. But I will say, made for a great pve mission ship, as the armor % was the same across the board.

I also like the look of it. I really want this ship to be a permanent ship in this game, maybe not the same stats as it has now, but perhaps a split, with each personality of the ship is split, while keeping the same slots.
But generally all I really want is the ship model to be honest, it looks so cool.

So I ask of you CCP, please have this ship seeded in an LP store, with a cost of 150k LP, + 1billion isk. I will gladly farm for it, pimp it out, and ride the ways of null sec.

Pretty please? My payment is the first post :D
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#2 - 2013-05-06 10:37:37 UTC
You can have mine for a billion ISK.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-05-06 10:40:03 UTC
I fit my Gnosis with blasters and a shield tank.

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Princess Saskia
Hyperfleet Industries
#4 - 2013-05-06 10:40:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Saskia
I will sell you 3 for 2.5b for the set.


University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-05-06 11:17:40 UTC
ACE McFACE wrote:
I fit my Gnosis with blasters and a shield tank.

Ever tried nano-fitting? Put some TEs in the lows, TDs in the meds and null in the guns. Mostly fly it at speed just outside scram/web range; with skill it's a great little boat. Nothing can hit you so long as you put your drones on their drones and steer clear of missile boats.

Dodixie > Hek

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-05-06 11:19:25 UTC
ElQuirko wrote:
ACE McFACE wrote:
I fit my Gnosis with blasters and a shield tank.

Ever tried nano-fitting? Put some TEs in the lows, TDs in the meds and null in the guns. Mostly fly it at speed just outside scram/web range; with skill it's a great little boat. Nothing can hit you so long as you put your drones on their drones and steer clear of missile boats.

Well I havent tried it with the Gnosis.

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

#7 - 2013-05-06 11:20:46 UTC
They should release a permanent model into the game, BPO etc. Just make the materials ridiculous so it costs 400mill to build one.

Seems a shame that this won't become a regular fixture.
The Greater Goon
#8 - 2013-05-06 12:57:36 UTC
there will be pbc's of it floating around for some time to come.

I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable
Forum Clone 77777
#9 - 2013-05-06 13:02:39 UTC
Morganta wrote:
there will be pbc's of it floating around for some time to come.

I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable

Theyre gonna try to make a ship that is somewhat limited cheap for newbies? Got it.

You arent the most clever person are you?
The Greater Goon
#10 - 2013-05-06 13:03:53 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Morganta wrote:
there will be pbc's of it floating around for some time to come.

I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable

Theyre gonna try to make a ship that is somewhat limited cheap for newbies? Got it.

You arent the most clever person are you?

define "somewhat limited"
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-05-06 13:06:28 UTC
i`ll sell you two for 1b isk :D
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2013-05-06 13:14:10 UTC
Morganta wrote:
I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable

That's like saying minerals are free if you mine them yourself!

A ship is worth what it sells for on the market, not what it costs in minerals to build. If CCP don't keep this ship rare, it will obsolete every other BC in the game. If they keep it rare, the price is going to start high and go higher. The two offers already in this thread are probably going to be considered cheap in time (1 for 1B and 3 for 2.5B).

This ship is easily in the same league as Command ships at 200M a piece, without factoring in the rarity value.
#13 - 2013-05-06 13:15:15 UTC
Morganta wrote:

I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable

I can't decide if that's a good idea. On one hand, it's a quick way for a newbie to fly a very flexible BC as if they had BC V. On the other hand, it might spoil the newbies and make them too impatient to work their way up to "real" BCs.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-05-06 13:16:58 UTC
Jureth22 wrote:
i`ll sell you two for 1b isk :D

If that offer is for both of them. ie 500M each. I'll take them, contract them to me pls, providing they are in high or low sec, not null.
Forum Clone 77777
#15 - 2013-05-06 13:19:04 UTC
Morganta wrote:
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Morganta wrote:
there will be pbc's of it floating around for some time to come.

I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable

Theyre gonna try to make a ship that is somewhat limited cheap for newbies? Got it.

You arent the most clever person are you?

define "somewhat limited"

Its somewhat limited in that there is no BPO. I doubt people will shell out money for the CE constantly just to get the 5 run BPCs.
It is somewhat limited, because it wont be as "easy" to get as a drake, but its not a one time handout either.
Band of Freelancers
#16 - 2013-05-06 13:22:21 UTC
Major Trant wrote:
Jureth22 wrote:
i`ll sell you two for 1b isk :D

If that offer is for both of them. ie 500M each. I'll take them, contract them to me pls, providing they are in high or low sec, not null.

Hey smart guy, they are going for 200m in Jita... Lol

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Titans on fire outside "The Alamo" of NOL-M9. I watched massive Super Capital fleets glitter in the dark near the BKG-Q2 gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain...  Time to die.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-05-06 13:23:09 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Morganta wrote:
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Morganta wrote:
there will be pbc's of it floating around for some time to come.

I'm thinking CCP is going to try and make this as cheap a ship as they can since its really a golden noob boat, and should remain affordable

Theyre gonna try to make a ship that is somewhat limited cheap for newbies? Got it.

You arent the most clever person are you?

define "somewhat limited"

Its somewhat limited in that there is no BPO. I doubt people will shell out money for the CE constantly just to get the 5 run BPCs.
It is somewhat limited, because it wont be as "easy" to get as a drake, but its not a one time handout either.

well that's exactly what it is....its a one time release with a bunch of 5 Run BPC's to those who got the CE.
Sounds limited to me.....

Jarod Garamonde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-05-06 13:28:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Jarod Garamonde
MicDeath Titan wrote:
Went specialized for drone dmg, my hob 2 were doing 150-300 DMG each, my hammerheads where doing 200-350ish dmg, and I will test the ogres once the server is back up, I can only guess what it will be, as before this, they were doing 175-350 dmg already.
When specialized for Scanning, the time it took to lock onto the 1.5% sites was very very fast.
When specialized for tank, it was ok, not great, but ok. But I will say, made for a great pve mission ship, as the armor % was the same across the board.

I also like the look of it. I really want this ship to be a permanent ship in this game, maybe not the same stats as it has now, but perhaps a split, with each personality of the ship is split, while keeping the same slots.
But generally all I really want is the ship model to be honest, it looks so cool.

So I ask of you CCP, please have this ship seeded in an LP store, with a cost of 150k LP, + 1billion isk. I will gladly farm for it, pimp it out, and ride the ways of null sec.

Pretty please? My payment is the first post :D

Please continue ratting in an uber-rare ship, while I start up the locator agent...

Also, I really don't think you understand how much ISK "1 billion" really is.... nobody is going to buy a billion ISK battlecruiser from an LP store. 120k LP/10mil ISK would be more like reasonable.
1 Billion is the range of most naked carriers, or a fully-fitted TIII cruiser or Marauder/Black Ops.

That moment when you realize the crazy lady with all the cats was right...

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2013-05-06 13:38:39 UTC
HostageTaker wrote:
Major Trant wrote:
Jureth22 wrote:
i`ll sell you two for 1b isk :D

If that offer is for both of them. ie 500M each. I'll take them, contract them to me pls, providing they are in high or low sec, not null.

Hey smart guy, they are going for 200m in Jita... Lol

Wow thanks for that information, I live in low, so not aware of that, must log on an alt. Cancel contract.
Vardaugas Family
#20 - 2013-05-06 13:46:40 UTC
Damn. I just can't decide how to fit the Gnosis. So many possibilities!

Looks like I will have to wait for the price to settle and buy a few more to try the fits out.

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