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Factional Warfare : Doomed from the beginning? Am I wasting my time?

Silence iKillYouu
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#21 - 2011-11-02 03:12:11 UTC
Hershman wrote:
I kind of like FW as it is...

Yea I don't mind it:)
Just needs more players in my poo timezone

EVE Mail me i dont check forums often.

Kengutsi Akira
#22 - 2011-11-02 05:31:34 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
A real fix to action warfare, and not some half assed number moving would be one of the few things that could get me to buy a year long subscription again.

What about WiS? Thought you were quitting if they didnt ...whatever you were on about again.

Also, didnt you post like 3 "I quit" threads?

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-11-02 06:58:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Fina
I wouldn't be surprised that some in CCP would be against the implementation of FW since it stands in stark contrast with one fundamental idea that the developers keeps describing eve with – for players, by players. One of the most awsome things with CCP is that they repeatedly state that they have a hands off stance towards the game but introducing factional warfare was contradicting that view since up to that point the players were the ones creating the premise for conflict but now CCP interfered with the player driven universe and created a "artificial" or developer created reason to wage war.

On a personal note the introduction of fw was one of the reasons why i took a very long break from Eve back in the days. It felt tlike CCP was wandering away from one of their core principles – much like how people who quits or takes breaks over the NEX-drama feels today. Admittedly the ones who complained about fw on that level back in the days were very few.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#24 - 2011-11-02 07:15:40 UTC
You had that nice thread about how to make FW better, but i did not see any good new ideas in there that can be made.

FW is complicated thing in EVE as it is not part of 0.0 that is the main focus of the game. So if FW would be only place to fight in EVE ccp could make it easily to work.

When people really can propose ideas that can fill all restrictions and goals ccp made at beginning, then those proposals might be implemented.

So answer is yes, you are wasting your time, because you are missing real vision what to do.
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-11-02 09:22:19 UTC
Cpt Fina wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised that some in CCP would be against the implementation of FW since it stands in stark contrast with one fundamental idea that the developers keeps describing eve with – for players, by players. One of the most awsome things with CCP is that they repeatedly state that they have a hands off stance towards the game but introducing factional warfare was contradicting that view since up to that point the players were the ones creating the premise for conflict but now CCP interfered with the player driven universe and created a "artificial" or developer created reason to wage war.

On a personal note the introduction of fw was one of the reasons why i took a very long break from Eve back in the days. It felt tlike CCP was wandering away from one of their core principles – much like how people who quits or takes breaks over the NEX-drama feels today. Admittedly the ones who complained about fw on that level back in the days were very few.

So you are against CCP creating alliances as well, since they were added to the game by CCP? Or maybe missions. Or incursions???

CCP provide the players with TOOLS (of which, FW is one of them, albeit a little bit broken) to make our content with...

Route One
#26 - 2011-11-02 10:25:56 UTC
Dirk Magnum wrote:
I'm sure that "opposed internally from the begining" was really more of a case of "debated internally about how to implement and then what WAS implemented did not make some designers happy". I can't imagine what argument could be made against *some* type of faction warfare feature in an overall sense. It adds to the depth of the game.

I think you'll find that Mr Ward disagreed quite vehemently with the whole idea of factional warfare, not just the implementation.

I also think you'll find he holds the same position regarding FW now.

That's my understanding - its entirely possible he's changed his mind.

Hans matey some of us have been pointing this out for years - I've mentioned it to you in other threads, probably on old forums now.

#27 - 2011-11-02 10:51:44 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
I should direct my initial inquiry towards the current CSM as well.

The CSM has seen many of the cool new features ahead of time, they also would be in a fair place to asses whether this is lip service or whether they've actually seen Faction Warfare features on the developers desks during interviews and tours and discussions.

So, I'd be just as happy to hear from a CSM whether they were coming out of left field when they announced Winter Expansion as including FW fixes, or whether there is actually progress on this feature.

Get a FHC login and make your case there. The CSM can't really follow the drivel here on eve-o because of the high Rétard/Signal ratio. On FHC the rage is much higher, but the debate gets followed more closely.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#28 - 2011-11-02 16:10:31 UTC
Bomberlocks wrote:

Get a FHC login and make your case there. The CSM can't really follow the drivel here on eve-o because of the high Rétard/Signal ratio. On FHC the rage is much higher, but the debate gets followed more closely.

I've read the FHC forums, its barely a step up from 4chan in maturity level, (not to mention its a pretty horrible place to go for fitting advice). But its not the debate I'm after at this point, that's been going on for years. I started this thread to give the CSM and developers a chance to confirm what was meant when they mentioned "faction warfare" in the list of winter fixes.

Is something so trivial like discount C.O. BPC's considered the FW "fix" or are they working on more??

I really just want to know whether or not FW is actually being discussed developed, or whether its a purely hypothetical "if we have time we might consider adding a quick fix" sort of thing. The players putting the time in to share feedback (not just myself) deserve to know whether CCP is dedicating resources to this, or just saying that feedback is welcomed but not necessarily being acted on.

The continued pattern of ambiguous statements amounts to simply stringing players along, I think we can all handle just about any response from CCP or the CSM about Faction Warfare as long as its open and honest.

I sincerely hope that my response here is overblown, and that they are indeed working on Faction Warfare improvements for Winter as publically stated, and that they just haven't released the blogs yet. But if this is the case, all they have to do is say so.

They've been willing to give very clear statements about every other feature in the expansion even if its a work in progress. "We're working on it, we can't release details but stay tuned for a blog" etc. I think its fair to ask for the same courtesy regarding Faction Warfare, and especially so given CCP's history with the FW community.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Malkav Rushnikov
Dynamic Mass
#29 - 2011-11-02 16:24:10 UTC
CCP has historically been slow to fix broken features. However, the Winter expansion is largely one big "fix broke stuff" expansion with a couple of new ships thrown in for good measure. So I think if they can correct course on things like blasters, which have been broken for years, there is hope for Faction Warfare, even if they're prioritizing other things first.

As far as concerns that the FW "fix" will be insufficient, again, I'd say how they're handling blasters is how I'd expect them to handle it. The fix might not be satisfactory to everyone, but I have faith the the new, leaner, humbler CCP will continue to monitor and tweak whatever fix(es) they do make until it's actually a fun part of the game.

Maybe I'm just a naive optimist.
Lord Meriak
State Naval Academy
#30 - 2011-11-02 16:42:53 UTC
The missing of the round table : Was bought to our attention buy Ydyp. Thead then bought to forum by Har Harrison.

BUT ydyp has / was a player of eve sence 2004 / 5 he traveled to fanfest but after the no show and all that been happened with fw.
He lost heart and left eve. later followed by mad scott to players i have been playing with sence they turned up in a sytem in there 1 st crus ship.

I really hope they pull something out the bag more players that i have known for years ,may be moving on.

I have been an eve player sence 2003 and lost so many friends of the years last few months have gotten worse :(

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2011-11-02 22:38:05 UTC
^^ This.

ARETR has lost a significant amount of dedicated pilots, either to 0.0 or totally from Eve. So congratulations CCP. You managed to get some people out of low sec into 0.0 at the cost of losing some subs.

When people who did FW for as long as some of these players did leave, it is time to sit up and take notice and ask why...

Just to give people a help along - chasing mission SB that 9/10 you can't catch on a gate was the cloak and warp IS NOT FUN... Same as sitting on a button for 30 minutes IS NOT FUN.

Plus 10 NV
#32 - 2011-11-03 02:52:50 UTC

Im sure ccp is aware that FW has the potential to double their subscription numbers - if it is done right. It can offer small scale pvp in a way that currently does not exist in new eden. In a way that is sorely lacking.

However fixing it is not as easy as tweaking some numbers in the database - like fixing hybrids.

This one requires thought.

Yes there have been a few (very few) fixes all agree would improve fw. These are typically of 2 varieties. Those that aim to make fw more enjoyable and those that just make it so you get more gains for doing faction war even if it is not in itself more enjoyable.

Examples of the first would include making it so plexes don't spawn only after downtime and fixing various bugs.

Examples of the second would be the cries to make occupancy "mean something" and to pay pilots for doing plexes etc.

But none of the changes that players have all agreed on will really make FW what it should be. These fixes might increase the number of people who do plexing from 20 people to 80 people. But I'm sure CCP is aiming higher hopefully at least 100 xs higher. This is something that they need to think through. They probably should have a few plan bs and even plan cs if things don't go as expected. (you can't plan everything in a player driven sandbox game.)

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#33 - 2011-11-03 03:24:42 UTC
Cearain wrote:

But none of the changes that players have all agreed on will really make FW what it should be. These fixes might increase the number of people who do plexing from 20 people to 80 people. But I'm sure CCP is aiming higher hopefully at least 100 xs higher. This is something that they need to think through. They probably should have a few plan bs and even plan cs if things don't go as expected. (you can't plan everything in a player driven sandbox game.)

I totally agree. I'm even fine with waiting till summer expansion (not like I have a choice) if it means a more fully fledged, well thought out expansion of the feature.

At this point, my frustration isn't really about how far along developers are in the process, its about how they communicate about their progress. Hence, my seperation of this thread from the actual discussion about Faction Warfare fixes.

If Faction Warfare fixes are all far too reaching to be implemented in time for Winter Expansion, than all they have to do is say so. With zero clue as to if and any fixes are even being considered, the conversation is going to keep going in circles over and over again, instead of focusing the feedback on the features they actually can implement. That was my whole point of starting that thread.

As I've stated before, Soundwave's single idea, which was unrelated to any of the other ideas brought forth by the community, could have been dropped into the thread without even reading what is there. The lack of response to the most common ideas being floated combined with the single unrelated "fix", indicates that CCP really has nothing concrete in mind for this current expansion. Thats fine if thats the case, I understand there is a backlog of other stuff to work on. My objection is that they stated that FW would be a part of the expansion, than fell silent like they have for years now.

Please CCP, just tell us the truth. Either you're working on fixes and listening to feedback, and just can't reveal details yet, or you've decided to postpone FW till next expansion. Or, you've decided to never revist FW. Regardless of which of the three it is, we deserve to know if we are being taken seriously, or if our efforts are better placed elsewhere.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Plus 10 NV
#34 - 2011-11-03 03:43:24 UTC
Well before "ccp" can communicate what "they" are thinking they probably have to discuss the matter. And its quite possible that they are in just as much disagreement about the matter as the players are.

I'm not sure of that though. Someone from ccp said something along the lines of the plans had to harden up or something. But maybe those plans are on the chopping block. But if they give us a post along the lines of "well we had an idea but now we are not so sure" I don't think that will solve more problems than it will cause. But i don't know.

I really don't think they are leading us on. Anyone can see the potential this game could have to explode subscription numbers if they can implement a decent small scale pvp mechanic for more casual players.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2011-11-03 05:19:53 UTC
Cearain - Soundwave said that the deadline for features in the winter expansion was coming due and he was trying to work out what could be put into this expansion.

Cpt Fina
Caldari State
#36 - 2011-11-03 05:26:10 UTC
Har Harrison wrote:

So you are against CCP creating alliances as well, since they were added to the game by CCP? Or maybe missions. Or incursions???

CCP provide the players with TOOLS (of which, FW is one of them, albeit a little bit broken) to make our content with...

Alliances seem to add content to the player driven universe in the sense as they allow player interaction on a deeper level. And yes, missions and incusrions (PvE in general) is NOT Eve's forte and NOT something that makes this game the unique gem in the mmo jungle that it is.

So yes, I would not shed a tear if CCP had a long term goal of phasing out alot of the PvE content (missions, incursions and factional warfare in the sense that it is artificiall to a high degree) and replacing it with meaningful PvP content.
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2011-11-03 06:59:19 UTC

here's a good article about the history of FW.

More directly to the OP's point, here's a quote from Noah where he was supporting the idea of FW ( at least at some point )

WarCry: Is the graphics upgrade still on schedule for Revelations Chapter 2 and what's a conservative estimate of when that will be reaching the players?

Noah Ward: The graphics upgrade was slated for Chapter 3. Factional Warfare was supposed to be the big feature of Chapter 2 but unfortunately it's being pushed back to Chapter 3 to make way for the underlying improvements that lay the groundwork for Factional Warfare. I was really disappointed to hear FW was getting pushed back because I feel it's going to be a really fun addition for the casual gamer. Constellation Sovereignty, Medals and Rewards, War Victory Conditions and Starbase Improvements are all features that are part of Factional Warfare but will be coming in Chapter 2. Chapter 2 is slated for some time around June with Chapter 3 coming in before the end of the year. (Subject to change of course)


EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
Level Up
#38 - 2011-11-03 09:15:37 UTC
After all this years......

My youtube chanell:

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#39 - 2011-11-03 11:08:20 UTC
Yeah, the initial vision that was presented while FW was still in the planning stages was pure :awesome: .. unfortunately it ran into the exact same problem that the sovereignty overhaul did .. lack of funds/manpower/bwaiiinz!.
So they started crossing "expensive" items of the list which led to many "inexpensive" things being axed as they depended on them and so on, result was broken FW and a null that is in many ways even worse than what came before.

Is it any wonder that it is on the eternal to-do list when the ball was whittled down to the size of a pea before being dropped .. they can't even find the blasted thing any more!
Plus 10 NV
#40 - 2011-11-03 12:30:01 UTC
Har Harrison wrote:
Cearain - Soundwave said that the deadline for features in the winter expansion was coming due and he was trying to work out what could be put into this expansion.

I'm pretty sure when they "work out" what faction war changes will happen when they will let us know.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve