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Bloody Vermin - Lowsec Piracy

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#1 - 2013-05-03 02:07:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Damay Aprionati
Lowsec Piracy will NEVER Die

Bloody Vermin is a group of scum, scallywags, and filth that make even the hardest of all men quake in their boots when they enter local.

The men and women of Bloody Vermin live by only a few simple rules:

Ransoms will always be honored. If a victim is killed after a ransom is given, the amount will be payed back in full.

Don’t be a douche. If you don’t play nice with others or just have a consistent bad attitude you will be asked by a very polite man, with a large hat and a big boot, to leave.

Have fun. It’s just pixels.

Requirements for those wishing to be Bloody Vermin:

Willingness to adhere to above rules.

Full API of all accounts.

A short interview with the CEO.

A T1 frigate duel with the CEO. (No-Faction frigs, fitting can be to taste)

We have no SP requirement but a willingness to learn and roam solo IS.

We are not anal about our Killboard but positive is preferred once you join.



A willingness to go out and kill things on your own. Not sit in station and wait for a fleet.

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#2 - 2013-05-03 11:38:17 UTC
Public channel is: Bloodsoaked Rat. Feel free to hang out.

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#3 - 2013-05-03 17:12:58 UTC
First recruit officially picked up today. Duel ended in a draw with me unable to break the mighty tank of the dual rep incursus. A second recruit and second duel to come later tonight.

Dead men can't pay.

White Voodoo
Three Cigarettes
#4 - 2013-05-03 21:28:50 UTC
Oh hey, Damay's finally getting around to running a corp his own style!

That's great man, glad to hear it.

For everyone else, this is one of the few people that still practices that oldschool 'pure' kinda pvp, as someone that's worked directly with him on multiple occasions I can vouch that he's a person with which good times will be had.
Cael Faden
Three Cigarettes
#5 - 2013-05-04 00:18:42 UTC
Well lookit that. Its primetime.
Pure Victory
#6 - 2013-05-04 10:59:02 UTC
Joined yesterday and having fun already!!
Old school Pirate ftw!




Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#7 - 2013-05-04 18:21:11 UTC
A bump for being hungover.

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#8 - 2013-05-04 23:46:06 UTC

Dead men can't pay.

Kane the Black
#9 - 2013-05-05 14:14:20 UTC
Bumping for an ol' friend.

Combat Boosters for sale -

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#10 - 2013-05-05 17:43:30 UTC
Kills and Ransoms for all!

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#11 - 2013-05-07 19:45:12 UTC
Hold people hostage and demand money from them! Lol

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#12 - 2013-05-08 23:16:42 UTC
Still recruiting new and experienced players alike. You just need to be willing to have a red skull on your ship and a wanted sign on your face! EVEmail me and/or hop in our public channel.

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#13 - 2013-05-09 23:20:24 UTC
Get Bloody.

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#14 - 2013-05-11 00:37:37 UTC
Always accepting new applicants.

Dead men can't pay.

Damay Aprionati
Chroma Corp
Prismatic Legion
#15 - 2013-05-13 23:37:38 UTC
For fun, death and booty contact us.

Dead men can't pay.