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Deep-Space probe scanning removed in Odyssey?

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Fioda Skiza
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-05-03 13:56:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Fioda Skiza
After watching the EVE Keynotes from FF2013 (time: 01:13:00) I noticed that percents are removed from the scanner: screenshot
The percent readings are crucial for a popular scanning technique: DSP signature filtering.
1. Launch one Deep Space probe, set max radius
2. Filter results by signal strength
3. Use the reference signature strength table - you now can ignore up to 90% of signals if you are looking for a given type of an anomaly.

The video of the method:
The specialized website:
- reference tables:
- method description:

Do not break this smart and elegant method of scanning! Add those fancy color bars, but keep the percents as well.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-05-03 14:06:07 UTC
That is an excellent point. I have been watching for a devblog on the subject in order to post somewhere that a dev actually reads (not that they don't here, we've seen CCP Fozzie in here before).
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-05-03 14:25:22 UTC
I heard from corp mates that they raised it with CCP at fanfest and that they were going to look into it.

Personally, I'd be happy for it to go since ive always considered the method fairly dodgy.
Also, if you probe enough you can tell what sig is what based on the results without needing any external reference so it doesnt really matter.

There is no Bob.

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Zeras Allyndar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-05-03 14:37:24 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
I heard from corp mates that they raised it with CCP at fanfest and that they were going to look into it.

Personally, I'd be happy for it to go since ive always considered the method fairly dodgy.
Also, if you probe enough you can tell what sig is what based on the results without needing any external reference so it doesnt really matter.

I agree. I feel that all of the "advanced" scanning methods/tricks only benefit those who are not skilled enough or are too lazy to learn to scan properly. The DSP should exist to show you all signatures in a single scan and nothing more.

ISD Ezwal: "Well, lets put it this way, if I would clean this thread by the forum rules, there would be very little left."

Indo Nira
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-05-03 14:43:38 UTC
Zeras Allyndar wrote:

I agree. I feel that all of the "advanced" scanning methods/tricks only benefit those who are not skilled enough or are too lazy to learn to scan properly. The DSP should exist to show you all signatures in a single scan and nothing more.

OH YEAH THOSE CHEATING BASTARDS THAT CAN FLY A TITAN WHILE I CAN'T CAUE I DIDN"T TRAIN FOR THEM. Cheaters. they should be banned. Oh and the guys flying command ships too, or any other ship that i didn't train for yet.

genious post

ON TOPIC. the sig strength % was replaced with a bar, as far as i could tell. same thing, just hidden. almost.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-05-03 14:49:47 UTC
Zeras Allyndar wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
I heard from corp mates that they raised it with CCP at fanfest and that they were going to look into it.

Personally, I'd be happy for it to go since ive always considered the method fairly dodgy.
Also, if you probe enough you can tell what sig is what based on the results without needing any external reference so it doesnt really matter.

I agree. I feel that all of the "advanced" scanning methods/tricks only benefit those who are not skilled enough or are too lazy to learn to scan properly. The DSP should exist to show you all signatures in a single scan and nothing more.

What a bunch of elitist bullshit. While there are multiple ways of getting an initial read on signatures without the use of a DSP, they certainly aren't simply for the lazy or stupid. I've been scanning WH's for almost 2 years now and have it down very well. I still like the DSP's and find them very accurate when used properly.

That being said, the loss of percentages will affect you "advanced" scanners as well, as you won't get a good initial read via any types of probes. So its very likely going to make scanning that empty WH with 40 sigs to find the exit even more tedious.

Additionally, it is potentially annoying, if you consider that outside of jump portal mods the only real reason to bother training astrometrics to 5 is for DSP's.
Aducat Ragnarson
Blootered Bastards
#7 - 2013-05-03 15:05:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Aducat Ragnarson
I don't get it, all you need to do after the change is take a system full of sigs, launch a deep space probe and scan, then you note down how far the bars are filled for all the sigs and then scan down the sigs regularly and then couple this with the initial "fulness" of the bar. Voila, you now know what each signature strength looks like in the new system and nothing has changed, except that now you do not see a percentage, but how full the bar is. At good skills (which you should have when using a DS) the bands of signature strenght should be clearly visible on the bars.
You can also always wait 2 days until someone else has done all this and has compiled a nice little website/chart that tells you how the bars look like at your skills for each signature strength.

EDIT: Also, the astrometrics skill gets a decent boost, making it worthwile to skil lto V.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-05-03 15:12:23 UTC
Aducat Ragnarson wrote:
I don't get it, all you need to do after the change is take a system full of sigs, launch a deep space probe and scan, then you note down how far the bars are filled for all the sigs and then scan down the sigs regularly and then couple this with the initial "fulness" of the bar. Voila, you now know what each signature strength looks like in the new system and nothing has changed, except that now you do not see a percentage, but how full the bar is. At good skills (which you should have when using a DS) the bands of signature strenght should be clearly visible on the bars.
You can also always wait 2 days until someone else has done all this and has compiled a nice little website/chart that tells you how the bars look like at your skills for each signature strength.

EDIT: Also, the astrometrics skill gets a decent boost, making it worthwile to skil lto V.

True if the bars are "accurate". It will just be an adjustment.

What about the astrometrics skill? What kind of boost does it get, cause right now all it gives you is 1 additional probe per level.
Aducat Ragnarson
Blootered Bastards
#9 - 2013-05-03 15:19:10 UTC

Under scanning changes.
Though unconfirmed, the latest data dump indicates that the scanning skills will be adjusted to this:

Astrometrics - 5% Reduced scan time, 5% reduced scan deviation and 5% increased scan strength per level
Astrometric Acquisition - Changes from 10% reduced scan time per level to 5.0% per level
Astrometric Pinpointing- Changes from 10% reduced scan deviation per level to 5.0% per level
Astrometric Rangefinding- Changes from 10% increased probe strength per level to 5.0% per level
Defying Gravity
#10 - 2013-05-03 15:20:54 UTC
The method will not work with color bars because of the scale.
You wont' see the difference between 3%, 5% and 8% signal. Pixel hunting is bad! Numbers are good.
Aducat Ragnarson
Blootered Bastards
#11 - 2013-05-03 15:27:32 UTC
MdZt wrote:
The method will not work with color bars because of the scale.
You wont' see the difference between 3%, 5% and 8% signal. Pixel hunting is bad! Numbers are good.

Considering that you can sort by scan strength you will most definitly be able to see the bands in the signature strenghts at times where filtering sigs will be timesaving. Obviously if there are only 3 or 4 sigs in the system it might be hard to determine if the highest one is at 5% or 8%, but at those times it is not that much of a difference if you scan them down real quick. In systems where you have about 60+ signatures you will see the different bands in sig strength pretty clearly.
In my opinion this is acutally a pretty nice improvement. This will make people decide at what number of sigs they will still scan out the entire system and when to use the DS method.
I strongly believe that the DS method as it is now is dumbing down the hole scanning process too much.
Girls Lie But Zkill Doesn't
Pandemic Legion
#12 - 2013-05-03 16:24:49 UTC
Indo Nira wrote:
Zeras Allyndar wrote:

I agree. I feel that all of the "advanced" scanning methods/tricks only benefit those who are not skilled enough or are too lazy to learn to scan properly. The DSP should exist to show you all signatures in a single scan and nothing more.

OH YEAH THOSE CHEATING BASTARDS THAT CAN FLY A TITAN WHILE I CAN'T CAUE I DIDN"T TRAIN FOR THEM. Cheaters. they should be banned. Oh and the guys flying command ships too, or any other ship that i didn't train for yet.

genious post

ON TOPIC. the sig strength % was replaced with a bar, as far as i could tell. same thing, just hidden. almost.

the devs at the exploration round table had mentioned though it would not be shown in the % bar there was a high chance that you could mouse over the sig to get its strength. Also when it was brought up they said there would be other information there .. but it may not be enough to be used in the same way it is now .. EI sig strengths may gain some variation.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#13 - 2013-05-03 16:30:42 UTC
The only reason so little people draw an advantage out of using DSPs is the lack of astrometrics V and people dodging that train.

Out of all things, a deep space probe is nice to have in a covops, to quickly map a chain in short time. Just think of a c4→c4-chain, normally crowded with sigs, and always a 2 minute scan effort just using a dsp.
If it were to be taken out of the game, I'd consider it a serious punch in the face of people actually being creative at scanning and orientating - and yet another step to decrease the need for actual scanning skill or dependence on.
Tarunik Raqalth'Qui
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-05-03 16:51:37 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
The only reason so little people draw an advantage out of using DSPs is the lack of astrometrics V and people dodging that train.

Out of all things, a deep space probe is nice to have in a covops, to quickly map a chain in short time. Just think of a c4→c4-chain, normally crowded with sigs, and always a 2 minute scan effort just using a dsp.
If it were to be taken out of the game, I'd consider it a serious punch in the face of people actually being creative at scanning and orientating - and yet another step to decrease the need for actual scanning skill or dependence on.

Tech Two probe launchers require it as well. I use them on things like closing ships, where you really don't want to shell out for a Sisters launcher, but a scan boost is helpful in case you have to scan your way out after a botched roll.

As to the 'pixel hunting' issue: wouldn't that be fixed by scaling the bars according to the strongest sig present? (not perfect, but far better than the alternative).
Zeras Allyndar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2013-05-03 18:28:25 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
What a bunch of elitist bullshit.

How is it being "elitist" to say that taking the time to hone your skills and practice should be valued over simply training an extra 14 (or however many) days to use an item which lets you essentially circumvent a large portion of the scanning mechanic? You still have to actually find and resolve the Signature to 100%, so the DSP isn't simply an "easy button", but IMO it should not be so easy to filter out the Anoms that you are not interested in.

In regards to Indo's post;
I believe the point you are making is that taking the time to train a skill should reward you over those who did not take the time to train. I agree with this statement, but I don't believe that there is any other skill in the game which takes only a few days and allows you to cut your effort by such a fraction as the DSP does. For example, lets take a system which has 10 sigs; you could spend a minute scanning each signature until you find the one you are looking for. With the DSP you could have your potential scans instantly cut in half, or a third, or even down to just one signature. There is no other 14 days skill in the game that gives you a 100% increase in your ability to do something and doesn't even require an ISK investment either. The transition to T2 guns does not double your DPS. It does provide a significant increase but it is not an instant "win fights" button.

The point which I was trying to make is that the DSP method provides too significant a reduction in time needed to "Explore" for the investment need to unlock it.

ISD Ezwal: "Well, lets put it this way, if I would clean this thread by the forum rules, there would be very little left."

Grizzly Kreyszig
Caldari State
#16 - 2013-05-03 19:42:48 UTC
You don't need a DSP to determine the size of a sig. Core and combat probes work perfectly fine.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-05-03 20:12:50 UTC
Zeras Allyndar wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
What a bunch of elitist bullshit.

How is it being "elitist" to say that taking the time to hone your skills and practice should be valued over simply training an extra 14 (or however many) days to use an item which lets you essentially circumvent a large portion of the scanning mechanic? You still have to actually find and resolve the Signature to 100%, so the DSP isn't simply an "easy button", but IMO it should not be so easy to filter out the Anoms that you are not interested in.

It isn't. Unfortunately what you just said here Isn't what you said up in post #4.

Benefiting from using DSP, and scanning skills are not mutually exclusive. To take what you actually said in post #4 would indicate that if I derive benefit from using DSP's then it must be because I'm too stupid or too lazy to scan properly. I assure you neither is the case.

Zeras Allyndar wrote:
In regards to Indo's post;
I believe the point you are making is that taking the time to train a skill should reward you over those who did not take the time to train. I agree with this statement, but I don't believe that there is any other skill in the game which takes only a few days and allows you to cut your effort by such a fraction as the DSP does. For example, lets take a system which has 10 sigs; you could spend a minute scanning each signature until you find the one you are looking for. With the DSP you could have your potential scans instantly cut in half, or a third, or even down to just one signature. There is no other 14 days skill in the game that gives you a 100% increase in your ability to do something and doesn't even require an ISK investment either. The transition to T2 guns does not double your DPS. It does provide a significant increase but it is not an instant "win fights" button.

The point which I was trying to make is that the DSP method provides too significant a reduction in time needed to "Explore" for the investment need to unlock it.

Nice argument, however you give the DSP too much credit. Similar result can be had using a single combat probe. Although the DSP results will generally be more accurate, especially in large systems.

And the core of this thread is that moving from exact percentages to inexact "strength bars" has the potential to affect everyone's abilities to filter signature strength whether they are using core, combat or DSP.

Defying Gravity
#18 - 2013-05-03 23:04:35 UTC
I fail to see DSP scanning as a hack. Maybe it was not intended like this by the devs but it is a beautiful and logical method. There is a solid physical footing underneath.
There's a line between simplification for usability and dumbing the game down.
Please don't force us to do the pixel hunting. Keep the real %% on screen.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#19 - 2013-05-03 23:55:30 UTC
I will put it simple. I like the scanning minigame as it. Dont mess with it.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-05-04 07:55:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Derath Ellecon wrote:
What a bunch of elitist bullshit. While there are multiple ways of getting an initial read on signatures without the use of a DSP, they certainly aren't simply for the lazy or stupid. I've been scanning WH's for almost 2 years now and have it down very well. I still like the DSP's and find them very accurate when used properly.

That being said, the loss of percentages will affect you "advanced" scanners as well, as you won't get a good initial read via any types of probes. So its very likely going to make scanning that empty WH with 40 sigs to find the exit even more tedious.

Additionally, it is potentially annoying, if you consider that outside of jump portal mods the only real reason to bother training astrometrics to 5 is for DSP's.

oh good, someone who thinks they know how to scan, my favorite :)

the change isnt going to affect my scanning at all since i dont use sig sizes, ever.
scanning is my bread and butter and because i don't use sig sizes, ive actually focused my efforts at beign good at scanning, not just eliminating the sigs i dont need to scan.

a 40 sig system is about 8-10 min of work to ID all sigs and BM all WHs and if youre going to have all the K162s and the vast majority of outgoing WHs first 2min fairly easily since theyre the easiest to ID sigs.
you don't need to do any 'initial scan', it just wastes time 99% of the time

youre also terribly wrong about the reasons to train astro 5. the reason you train astro 5 is so you can use 8 probes.

Grizzly Kreyszig wrote:
You don't need a DSP to determine the size of a sig. Core and combat probes work perfectly fine.

^also, this, so you dont need astro 5 for this method in any case.

PS: im talking here about WH scanning. i realize that kspace plex runners use the DSP method way more than anyone in WHs for good reason. Sorry guys, but i really thing you should need to put at least some token effort into finding the plexes youre after.

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