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All Tr 3 BCs revield?

Silas Shaw
Coffee Hub
#41 - 2011-11-02 04:17:53 UTC
I want more ships in game like the tornado.


That way i can have a "minnie BC" that is really a Brutix on its head flying backwards, too.

Red Federation
RvB - RED Federation
#42 - 2011-11-02 04:31:18 UTC
Naga looks a little like the dropships from Halo Reach imo
Sylar Reuwich
Hek Trade and Industries
#43 - 2011-11-02 04:43:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Sylar Reuwich
MichaelWest wrote:

Not sure what everyone is complaining about this looks badass to me.

My thoughts exactly. I'm glad the two I like the look of most - amarr and gallente - are those I can fly :D can't wait till they're released.

Naomi Knight wrote:

The Naru-Kami looks really good but maybe too good when you consider what the rest of their ships look like lol..It would just be too inconsistent I think. The Stahlvogel looks alright but honestly I'd take the Naga over it.
Shivus Tao
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2011-11-02 05:19:37 UTC
I too like the Naga in that it's more along the design aesthetic of the Rokh: Ruthless caldari efficiency, none of this let's make the ship look like whatever it's named after silliness. Granted the scorpion is pretty.
Natascha Kerenski
Immortal Legion
#45 - 2011-11-02 11:23:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Natascha Kerenski
What looks best on the caldari design is the missile launcher turrets

too bad that we will have to wait forever to get something like that in the game....if it will ever come

CCP Missiles need some love tooAttention

“Fighting for peace is like having sex for virginity."

Lone Wolves Sub.
#46 - 2011-11-02 13:58:07 UTC
I was really looking forward to flying them all because they all look like a big pile of steaming awesome... and then I realised that I'll have to train up large t2 lasers.... another long level 5 to wait for :-(

Ah well, three out of four ought to keep me entertained I guess!
Solomar Espersei
Quality Assurance
#47 - 2011-11-02 14:09:12 UTC
Amarr Victor!

Quality Assurance Recruiting intrepid explorers and BlOps/Cov Ops combat enthusiasts

Cadman Weyland
Weyland Bros
#48 - 2011-11-02 14:36:15 UTC
I think i like all of the new BCs. The Amarr one is just vertical loveliness whilst the Caldari one reminds me of the USS Sulaco from Aliens. Which is fraking awesome and reason alone to fly one.
BLUE Regiment.
#49 - 2011-11-02 14:48:48 UTC
In general i do not like Caldari ships and their looks. (Raven,Moa, Osprey, Caracal... and i can go on all day...all butt-ugly) Only one i somewhat like is Rokh - looks like rough and mighty battlevagon.
But finaly Caldari got ship which is absolutely brilliant! It looks mean, dangerous, modern and still got typical Caldari metal rough looks.
It just may be only my obsession with dual-hull ships speaking (mega, mach, now this baby) but i love it.
Xhondo Dhoru
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#50 - 2011-11-02 16:21:01 UTC
Caldari BC looks amazing

Please keep the utilitarian/efficiency theme when redesigning future caldari ships.
Asymmetrical hard steel, yeaaaaah.
Kyo Haku
Kyo Haku Corporation
#51 - 2011-11-02 19:13:37 UTC
I like all of them actually. CCP did a really great job in picking out designs here.
Nimrod Nemesis
#52 - 2011-11-02 21:32:18 UTC
Kyo Haku wrote:
I like all of them actually. CCP did a really great job in picking out designs here.

Agreed. Now comes the even-more-difficult part: making them comparatively useful and not just tornado + eyecandies.
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