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Missions & Complexes

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Missioners: What is your goal?

I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#61 - 2011-10-24 20:59:10 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:

2. Don't want to post as your replies mostly come across as troll-ish, even though you state they are not.

Highlight these, please.

Otherwise don't make accusatory statements with no substance.

Already had earlier in the thread.

Those were refuted, and had no merit in any case as they were judged by baseless assumption and no real fact. Yet you still make statements that my replies mostly come across as troll-ish.

Trolling is not having a differing viewpoint. Trolling is replying with inflammatory responses designed to de-rail and or cause a desired response in others that is almost always negative.

You are the troll.

You replying =/= a refute.

Far more people liked my post, and other posts similar to mine than any of yours. Maybe "bait" would be a more accurate term than "troll"

If anything, hopefully you have learned that there are far fewer mindless mission grinders in EVE than you maybe had expected. I think it is fair to surmise from this thread, which holds true to the people I know in game, that a majority of mission runners are doing it as a means of generating isk for other activities.

Actually my replies are a direct refute and since your points were based on nothing but generalization and assumption, they lack fact. Without a fact, if I say it isn't so, it isn't so.

Your posts got liked because there are other incompetent morons who read these threads, just like you, and agree with your flawed points because they would make the same.
I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#62 - 2011-10-24 21:07:33 UTC
I would suggest taking your posts which lack thought process and planning elsewhere, Derath. When you make comments like:

Derath Ellecon wrote:

He may not even realize he's trolling, but he is.

it really shows how dimwitted you are. It is impossible to "troll" without knowing you are trolling. You make baseless assumptions, and then don't back them up and take them in another direction when you are refuted. And not just by me, there was another person who voiced their displeasure over your inability to read after your very first post in the thread. Go somewhere more appropriate to your intelligence, like Crime & Punishment.

#63 - 2011-10-24 21:49:18 UTC
You're one of the better trolls I've seen, I'll give you that much. Your original post was laden with inflammatory comments and both the wording and the general tone were clearly confrontational. Your implicit message was "missions suck, how can you be so unimaginative and so unambitious as to continue on." But you know that already. Kudos, sir, kudos.

Also, if you're not playing, what are you doing? If you're no longer missioning that doesn't leave you with a lot of options. I have to ask, if you don't play EVE anymore, why are you posting and why do you give a ****?
I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#64 - 2011-10-24 21:55:15 UTC
countertroll wrote:
You're one of the better trolls I've seen, I'll give you that much. Your original post was laden with inflammatory comments and both the wording and the general tone were clearly confrontational. Your implicit message was "missions suck, how can you be so unimaginative and so unambitious as to continue on." But you know that already. Kudos, sir, kudos.

Also, if you're not playing, what are you doing? If you're no longer missioning that doesn't leave you with a lot of options. I have to ask, if you don't play EVE anymore, why are you posting and why do you give a ****?


I was bored in class, software engineering in college has some boring classes, so I decided to ask an arbitrary question that I wanted an answer to.

The wording and general tone is not confrontational, perhaps blunt. That is the type of person I am.
#65 - 2011-10-24 21:57:45 UTC
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
countertroll wrote:
You're one of the better trolls I've seen, I'll give you that much. Your original post was laden with inflammatory comments and both the wording and the general tone were clearly confrontational. Your implicit message was "missions suck, how can you be so unimaginative and so unambitious as to continue on." But you know that already. Kudos, sir, kudos.

Also, if you're not playing, what are you doing? If you're no longer missioning that doesn't leave you with a lot of options. I have to ask, if you don't play EVE anymore, why are you posting and why do you give a ****?


I was bored in class, software engineering in college has some boring classes, so I decided to ask an arbitrary question that I wanted an answer to.

The wording and general tone is not confrontational, perhaps blunt. That is the type of person I am.

still excellent sir. calm tone. just enough to invite comment and counterpoint and drag it out. what's giving you away right now is how quickly you're posting. patience, sir, is your only missing virtue. don't worry, one day you can join the ranks of the Greater Trolls.
I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#66 - 2011-10-24 22:01:25 UTC  |  Edited by: I Accidentally YourShip
countertroll wrote:
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
countertroll wrote:
You're one of the better trolls I've seen, I'll give you that much. Your original post was laden with inflammatory comments and both the wording and the general tone were clearly confrontational. Your implicit message was "missions suck, how can you be so unimaginative and so unambitious as to continue on." But you know that already. Kudos, sir, kudos.

Also, if you're not playing, what are you doing? If you're no longer missioning that doesn't leave you with a lot of options. I have to ask, if you don't play EVE anymore, why are you posting and why do you give a ****?


I was bored in class, software engineering in college has some boring classes, so I decided to ask an arbitrary question that I wanted an answer to.

The wording and general tone is not confrontational, perhaps blunt. That is the type of person I am.

still excellent sir. calm tone. just enough to invite comment and counterpoint and drag it out. what's giving you away right now is how quickly you're posting. patience, sir, is your only missing virtue. don't worry, one day you can join the ranks of the Greater Trolls.

I tend to reply to something when I notice that there is a response, I have two monitors and it popped up with a (1) in the tab containing this thread. I don't see the purpose in making people wait for responses, or fairy language designed to placate people.

Your viewpoint on trolling and your name has an odd disconnect.

Edit: And stop de-railing my thread.
#67 - 2011-10-24 22:04:27 UTC
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
Edit: And stop de-railing my thread.

Classic! Pure win, sir! Pure win!
I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#68 - 2011-10-25 08:07:24 UTC
You know what is most amusing about this thread? I just re-subscribed, partially because of this thread, and what am I doing? Missioning.
Tanjo Janau
#69 - 2011-10-25 12:43:53 UTC
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
You know what is most amusing about this thread? I just re-subscribed, partially because of this thread, and what am I doing? Missioning.

:What is your goal?
I Accidentally YourShip
Ronin ONE
Ronin Reloaded
#70 - 2011-10-25 16:36:51 UTC
Tanjo Janau wrote:
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
You know what is most amusing about this thread? I just re-subscribed, partially because of this thread, and what am I doing? Missioning.

:What is your goal?

To blitz them all.
Anshio Tamark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#71 - 2011-11-02 10:22:53 UTC
I only run missions because I want to be able to replace my ships. If I didn't run missions, I wouldn't earn as much ISK, and it's about a dozen times more fun and profitable than running DED complexes just to have some ****** come and kill the enemy that drops the good loot, so I don't get that. At least missions are reliable. I have yet to experience anyone Ninja-salvaging my missions (then again, I don't give a damn about the salvage. I just want the bounties and mission rewards, so I wouldn't need to worry about Ninja-looters).
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2011-11-02 13:24:47 UTC
Missions - meh

Well first off I'm the wrong person to answer this as missions are not by any means my main activity but I do at times end up running quite a few of them. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Standings - needed for all kinds of stuff, the best way to get standings is still through missions.
  • Testing ships - some people like the test server, when I want to try out a new combat ship or setup I take it on a few missions. It allows me to see how the ship performs overall and helps me to understand how it handles. Usually the ship then gets adapted for a purpose (generally exploration) but missions are predictable enough that they make good benchmark for testing.
  • Training pilots - yes I mean it. Mission running is a safeish way to introduce pilots to the basics of fitting and flying. Things like the basics of tanking, optimizing damage etc. can be well illustrated in a mission environment.
  • Pass the time - Sometimes I've just got a half hour and nothing else to do. (especially when I'm too tired to think :p) then I'll pop a mission for laughs.

I do, sincerely wish missions were more variable and challenging, or to be exact that you could run missions in a more variable and challenging environment (from someone who has spent time running missions in nullsec) but I'm guessing that's not going to happen any time soon.
Recidivists Incorporated
#73 - 2011-11-02 14:30:40 UTC
I'm on the same page as a lot of people in here. When I was playing and missioning almost constantly, it was mainly because I was relatively low SP and couldn't do things like null sec and exploration well. I have tried PvP and suck at it, and I don't have the patience or time in my life to sit around on a roam for an hour and a half trying to find a lonely ratter to gank. I quite frankly found the whole nullsec roam and highsec station camping PvP to be far less interesting than running missions. Add to that my general lack of ability, so that when I did get into a fight, I almost always lost it.

Mainly though, it was a matter of ISK. I am prone to doing stupid things with my ships, and as a result, never seem to have enough ISK to replace them, much less upgrade to the T2 hulls I recently trained to. Since I have gotten to know the game better, I have been doing some exploration, but even then there is a lot of down time. Missions are great because I can just hop in and be doing something.

TL;DR I am bad at PvP and find it generally less interesting, Missions are a quick fix that I don't die in all the time.
Salo Aldeland
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2011-11-02 14:34:27 UTC
New-ish player here. My goal when I started Eve was to get into the exploration type of career path, but as a beginner scanning down sites took forever and most of the time, the sites I found were either emptied out before I got there or to heavy for my puny vessels to handle. Missioning has given me a less frustrating way to buy a bunch of different ships and fits, find out what I like and don't like in a vessel, and get to know the game while my skills improve.
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#75 - 2011-11-02 16:21:54 UTC
I like to 'mix n match' and am involved in a number of different EVE professsions. I reckon there are probably very few pilots that just do missions. I do missions for the following reasons:

1) I enjoy doing them.
2) To increase my standings with factions & corps for 'industrial reasons' including refining and to access the higher rated COSMOS agents.
3) For the salvage and ship fittings/equipment/tags/loot.
4) For the iskies. :)
5) I like the stories/politics and would like to see this aspect expanded although I don't expect it to happen.
6) For the LP to get implants/skillbooks/modules etc that I would like to have.
7) I like to round my standings to 10.0 with agents for completion sake.(That is a little sad. Not one of main targets in-game now.)
Corporate Scum
#76 - 2011-12-10 17:02:44 UTC
Somedays I like missoning, other days I am just skint. I see mission running as mining with guns. Also, since I been away so long misson running is a good way to get back into eve. Although, having said that I am looking forward to learning about new aspects of eve pvp and pve.

Too be honest, I will allways have a mission ship in the hanger as a last resort!

Tasko Pal
Spallated Garniferous Schist
#77 - 2011-12-10 18:08:12 UTC
I have the pie-in-the-sky goal of 8+ standing with every NPC corp in game. According to my calculations, I'm more than 10% of the way there (7 corps at 8+ standing, 18 additional corps at perfect refine which is roughly 6+ standing for me). If I had serious internet over this last summer, I'd probably have about double those numbers.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2011-12-11 10:07:45 UTC
I Accidentally YourShip wrote:
Goose99 wrote:

A better question would be: why do you care?Roll

You know how people say there is no such thing as a stupid question?

I believe it is 'the only stupid question is the unasked one', no?
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2011-12-11 10:11:37 UTC
To OP,

My main has been playing since '04, and has run missions for approximately half that time. For me, it's escapism. I now have four children [already had two prior to discovering EvE] and anyone with a young family will understand that you simply cannot commit to anything other than solo ventures.

I kinda do most stuff now in EvE, PvP, PvE, Incursions, etc, etc so don't have to solely rely on missioning for my 'escape'.

An interesting thread.
Caellach Marellus
#80 - 2011-12-11 10:59:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Caellach Marellus
I mission for a few various reasons.

1: Instant gratification - You undock, warp and shoot all within 5 minutes of logging on.

2: Experimentation - Trying out various shipfits and setups, not to mention getting the ISK from it to do dream setups that involve really expensive shiny ships and/or fittings.

3: Self challenging - "Right I just run AE4 in the space of 25 minutes, now how do I cut that down to under 20.." And then doing it all in a single bounty clear.

4: There's days where I'm an antisocial bastard who really doesn't want to put up with dealing with others, a day's missioning gives me something to do without being dependant on a group, and is productive to my isk balance.

5: Because I make rigs and have Scrapmetal Processing trained to make more isk.

TL:DR - Different strokes for different folks.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.