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Warfare & Tactics

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First post
Digital Ghosts
#141 - 2013-04-29 15:16:32 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
and with both warzones having flipped several times during that time the argument that "not going people's way.." is made rather dead.


ok so rewind a few months amarr pushed to t4 so did caldaris and all was rosey amarr were chestbeating on forums there battleships were flavor of the month with ppl and the battle crys was out, fweddit was announcing glitter fleets were gunna take over and minnies prepare there holes .. (even you was happy im not trolling thru that threadnaught but it was there) you was earning u was happy.

caldaris were also crowing that daddy evoke had joined and now gallentes were gunna get beat back. (all smiles here and happy)

Game at this point working as intended...................

now the sides have flipped bk its BROKEN again and its always a caldari or amarr that posts these threads ... So argument not dead

Digital Ghosts
#142 - 2013-04-29 15:19:41 UTC  |  Edited by: ALUCARD 1208
Rommell Drako wrote:

How are there 19 systems that are vulnerable? Why has Gallente not flipped them? (all of the vulnerable systems are caldari owned, this is the definition of Minmatar plexing alts pushing their warzone).


Nope we dont flip them and higher the tier level to discourage farmers t2 isnt a bad payout ;)

leaving the system in caldari hands so they can continue to offensive plex it (more LP),

Wrong again you cant farm past vulnerable and cals dont deplex it so that farmers can earn putting it right bk in again while were not flipping them
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#143 - 2013-04-29 15:23:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Muad 'dib
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
and with both warzones having flipped several times during that time the argument that "not going people's way.." is made rather dead.


ok so rewind a few months amarr pushed to t4 so did caldaris and all was rosey amarr were chestbeating on forums there battleships were flavor of the month with ppl and the battle crys was out, fweddit was announcing glitter fleets were gunna take over and minnies prepare there holes .. (even you was happy im not trolling thru that threadnaught but it was there) you was earning u was happy.

caldaris were also crowing that daddy evoke had joined and now gallentes were gunna get beat back. (all smiles here and happy)

Game at this point working as intended...................

now the sides have flipped bk its BROKEN again and its always a caldari or amarr that posts these threads ... So argument not dead

When amarr pushed t4 that was only t4, how long did they hold the highest level they had in total?

They pushed it to see if it COULD be done and to get some isk back for the LP they had. Minms remind at a comfortable lvl and quickly regained control to a point thats it worse than it was before for the amarr tried.

The systems always been broken and the same amarr that whined BEFORE inferno, whined while inferno and are still whining.

Got to admire that much faith a feature to one day be balanced correctly

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Plus 10 NV
#144 - 2013-04-29 15:26:33 UTC
Milton Middleson wrote:
What is a pvp sov mechanic? And how does it function when the other side is a no-show?

Don't say notifications..

LOL "don't say what will end hide and seek plexing." Notifications and a timer rollback will make fw sov a pvp mechanic. Its the same proposal that has been supported by people who want fw sov to be pvp for years. CCP Devs have actually said they are inclined to do both of them, but they obviously need to be pushed.

Notifications will greatly increase the chances that someone will show up. Right now no one shows up because 90% of the enemy militia does not even know where someone is plexing.

Its funny how people know the solution but they keep trying to dance around it.

BTW: Were you the one who said "no one will respond to the notifications" and also that "too many people will respond to the notifications" in the same post?

Milton Middleson wrote:

Under the current mechanics if they really want to win sov they should lose the pvp fits, get stabs, and do hide and seek plexing. It shouldn't be that way.

This is a better of assessment of the problem than a lot of the suggestions in this thread, but that's very easy to say and very hard to do. The obvious solution is to punish people for rabbiting, though you can't go overboard, because if, e.g., we have timer resets if you abandon the plex to the defenders, then the optimal defensive strategy is blob attackers out of plexes in sequence. The other thing is, you really don't want to punish people for trying to fight at a disadvantage or make ignoring the enemy the optimal strategy (which is sort of the case now), which is what a lot of the proposals in this thread would do.

Its easy to correct. There will be no hiding and hence no hide and seek plexing if the enemy is notified where plexers are. This combined with some form of timer rollback will mean that rabbits plexing is no longer as efficient compared to pvpers plexing. This is really pretty straightforward.

I agree the timer rollback will likely need to be tweaked. But this along with the notification system really should have gone in with inferno and ccp should have been tweaking it over the last year. Instead threw a bunch of isk at fw and called it fixed. But its not to late for them to pick up the ball again and start fixing fw sov properly.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#145 - 2013-04-29 15:26:41 UTC
Cearain wrote:

But the problem that is being expressed is that 40 pvpers, whether they stay together in the same blob or split up, will not be able to make any substantial resistance to the rabbit hordes.

3 plexes per system (large one doesn't exists for example).
rabbit doesn't need to be killed - it hides when in danger.

so your 40 PvPers can cover 13 systems and prevent rabbits from taking all plexes inside.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#146 - 2013-04-29 15:27:32 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
The systems always been broken and the same amarr that whined BEFORE inferno, whined while inferno and are still whining.

If only that put as much effort into the warzone as they did badposting on the forums...
Plus 10 NV
#147 - 2013-04-29 15:31:21 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
and with both warzones having flipped several times during that time the argument that "not going people's way.." is made rather dead.


ok so rewind a few months amarr pushed to t4 so did caldaris and all was rosey amarr were chestbeating on forums there battleships were flavor of the month with ppl and the battle crys was out, fweddit was announcing glitter fleets were gunna take over and minnies prepare there holes .. (even you was happy im not trolling thru that threadnaught but it was there) you was earning u was happy.

caldaris were also crowing that daddy evoke had joined and now gallentes were gunna get beat back. (all smiles here and happy)

Game at this point working as intended...................

now the sides have flipped bk its BROKEN again and its always a caldari or amarr that posts these threads ... So argument not dead

Wow I don't think I could get a timeline that screwed up if I tried. You indeed live in an alternate reality.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#148 - 2013-04-29 15:31:49 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Just ignore the fact that caldari score 30-40% more vp every day than gallente. Whats one more fact to ignore when you are in the swing of it, right Cearain?

You realize the minmatar plexers do not receive VP for taking plexes in the caldari warzone? this is why there are 19 systems vulnerable in caldari space but the caldari earn more VP then the gallente...

Please look up the actual numbers before posting.
Digital Ghosts
#149 - 2013-04-29 15:32:22 UTC  |  Edited by: ALUCARD 1208
Muad 'dib wrote:

They pushed it to see if it COULD be done and to get some isk back for the LP they had. Minms reminded at a comfortable lvl and quickly regained control to a point thats it worse than it was before for the amarr.

The systems always been broken and the same amarr that whined BEFORE inferno, whined while inferno and are still whining.

So they proved it could be done then the tide can be turned with co-operation, hardwork + TZ coverage, Feature working as intended
Plus 10 NV
#150 - 2013-04-29 15:33:02 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Muad 'dib wrote:
The systems always been broken and the same amarr that whined BEFORE inferno, whined while inferno and are still whining.

If only that put as much effort into the warzone as they did badposting on the forums...

Many people have no interest in having rabbit alts run timers and run from pvp. So we ask ccp to change the mechanics so that is no longer the winning strategy.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#151 - 2013-04-29 15:39:10 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
...(even you was happy im not trolling thru that threadnaught but it was there) you was earning u was happy....

Please do try to find it, because if it the one I think it is then I said pretty much the same as now.

And no I was not earning anything, I am in staunch opposition to the entire "LP-for-Everything" solution that CCP implemented and all LP I have earned since they irrevocably broke FW with the FarmWarâ„¢ patch are put into the nearest iHub.

You see, I do not buy into the whole "standards are good, so double standards must be twice as good" idea like most of my species seem to do Big smile

Sorry dear, been at this for a long time and have been rather consistent just as in real life. Flip-Flopping is for politicians and people with weak research skills (can't believe they even still exist in this Age of Uncle Google).

Timer autorun until reset upon contested 'touch'.
VP increase based on reverse tier LP multiplier.
Reduction of tier LP modifier (x5.5 for a steam roller is just obscene).
Missions to hostile space only.
Bunker EHP grind replaced with auto-flip after (4 - Adjacent hostile systems)+1) hours or something similar.

To start ...

Would prefer a complete re-do but that ship has sailed I am afraid so will make do with tweaks.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#152 - 2013-04-29 15:46:08 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
and with both warzones having flipped several times during that time the argument that "not going people's way.." is made rather dead.


ok so rewind a few months amarr pushed to t4 so did caldaris and all was rosey amarr were chestbeating on forums there battleships were flavor of the month with ppl and the battle crys was out, fweddit was announcing glitter fleets were gunna take over and minnies prepare there holes .. (even you was happy im not trolling thru that threadnaught but it was there) you was earning u was happy.

caldaris were also crowing that daddy evoke had joined and now gallentes were gunna get beat back. (all smiles here and happy)

Game at this point working as intended...................

now the sides have flipped bk its BROKEN again and its always a caldari or amarr that posts these threads ... So argument not dead

I agree with Muad'dibs response. We pushed it to prove that by being risk averse carebears we could push it up to t4. Unforutnaly spending a pvp pilots time on plexing and bearing burnt us all out. And minnis logged on and rabbit and farm plexed it all right back within 2 weeks.

Which is actually what we are doing again this last weekend and this week. We are being risk averse carebears and we already have earned more VP then the Gallente, Caldari and Minnis combined this weekend. Just proving the point that if you dont play eve online and play orbit button u can win the warzone.
Milton Middleson
#153 - 2013-04-29 15:47:02 UTC
Jesus, Cearain. You act as if finding people plexing is hard. It's not. Right now no one shows up because no one gives a ****. Or, you know, they do show up, and the plexer runs. Or they show up and the plexer doesn't run and there's a fight.

Also, no.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#154 - 2013-04-29 15:49:27 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:

Nope we dont flip them and higher the tier level to discourage farmers t2 isnt a bad payout ;)

So you proactivly work towards prevent farmers from joining your side? Doesnt really matter since minmatar are always high teir and they can plex the caldari systems. Which still gives them LP and doesnt rely on gallente LP store....


Wrong again you cant farm past vulnerable and cals dont deplex it so that farmers can earn putting it right bk in again while were not flipping them

Think you might be able to gain LP but no VP in a system that is vulnerable... even if not there is still the fact that caldari could deplex it giving you offensive plex LP, OR that you are preventing them from gaining offensive plex LP, or that gallente just dont want to flip systems because you know. too busy being rabbits.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#155 - 2013-04-29 15:52:05 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Muad 'dib wrote:
The systems always been broken and the same amarr that whined BEFORE inferno, whined while inferno and are still whining.

If only that put as much effort into the warzone as they did badposting on the forums...

Because spending the entire weekend plexing and being the 25th ranked VP gainer for all of FW is totally the bees knees....

I already want to bash my head on the keyboard for the brain numbing that is plexing and I only did it Friday and sunday.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#156 - 2013-04-29 15:55:18 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
Muad 'dib wrote:

They pushed it to see if it COULD be done and to get some isk back for the LP they had. Minms reminded at a comfortable lvl and quickly regained control to a point thats it worse than it was before for the amarr.

The systems always been broken and the same amarr that whined BEFORE inferno, whined while inferno and are still whining.

So they proved it could be done then the tide can be turned with co-operation, hardwork + TZ coverage, Feature working as intended

Once again, if we wanted to literally avoid all pvp and do nothing but orbit beacons and only form up for ihub bashes then yes we can push the warzone. But after 1 weekend of being a risk averse rabbit you begin to want to bash your head on the keyboard and quit eve. Because cliking orbit button and watching tv is not playing eve.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#157 - 2013-04-29 15:59:58 UTC
Milton Middleson wrote:
Jesus, Cearain. You act as if finding people plexing is hard. It's not. Right now no one shows up because no one gives a ****. Or, you know, they do show up, and the plexer runs. Or they show up and the plexer doesn't run and there's a fight.

Also, no.

WTB What?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#158 - 2013-04-29 16:01:23 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Many people have no interest in having rabbit alts run timers and run from pvp. So we ask ccp to change the mechanics so that is no longer the winning strategy.

CCP isn't going to change anything because you're a whiny babby that isn't even involved in Faction Warfare right now. Any argument you attempt to make is lost, because guess what, you live in exactly the same place you did before, you just contribute nothing to that which you would argue about endlessly.

If you don't like faction warfare in it's current recreation, then quit (which you have) and stop whining about it on the forums (much to the betterment of everyone having to suffer through post after post of your endless drivel)
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#159 - 2013-04-29 16:10:28 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Many people have no interest in having rabbit alts run timers and run from pvp. So we ask ccp to change the mechanics so that is no longer the winning strategy.

CCP isn't going to change anything because you're a whiny babby that isn't even involved in Faction Warfare right now. Any argument you attempt to make is lost, because guess what, you live in exactly the same place you did before, you just contribute nothing to that which you would argue about endlessly.

If you don't like faction warfare in it's current recreation, then quit (which you have) and stop whining about it on the forums (much to the betterment of everyone having to suffer through post after post of your endless drivel)

Xolve, I love you, but please look at the numbers and rationalize before entering rage f*** all the things mode.

These are the VP points earned on 4/27/2013

1 Fweddit 9160
2 State Protectorate 6660
3 Federal Defense Union 4540
4 Tribal Liber Force 3940
5 24th Imperial Crusade 1920
7 In Exile. 1280
8 Diesel Corporation 1140
9 Space Devilss 1080
10 SQUIDS. 920

These are the top VP earners: These names are all that are in Fweddit or YOLOCOLO group. Numbers are their rank in overall VP gain for FW.

4 Tom Forager 540
8 Rocko Tsero 500
10 Hesh Poljus 480
13 Pinky Feldman 420
14 Tristan daCuhna 420
19 Siiv Siix 400
24 Rommell Drako 360

So yes we can push the warzone... if we sell our souls to the orbit gods and slash our wrists in the name of Slaanesh.
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#160 - 2013-04-29 16:17:02 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
Cearain wrote:

Sahtogas is heating up recently but it traditionally isn't even one of the top pvp systems on that front. Usuually its just lots of boring dplexing. You and your corp may be fine with that, (and cry bloody murder anytime someone suggests changes that would make the war pvp) but others want to actually fight a war.

idk what war youzone you been fighting in the past few years. sahtogas has always been a hot area, being 1-2 jumps from the front lines and all.

and most of the saht locals dont give a **** about d-plexing.

From Poetic stanzels blog:

Most Active Systems:
Kamela (3473)
Kourmonen (3121)
Huola (2320)
Sahtogas (1115)
Sosala (1097)

Most Active Systems:
Amamake (3986)
Rens (2823)
Siseide (2728)
Dal (2379)
Vard (1552)

There are 6 other systems with over 2 and 3xs the number of kills. In other words it you will get about 1/3 to 1/2 the number of fights in the same time. Those six systems are all within one or 2 jumps from kourm. Sahtogas is 5 jumps from kourm. Again we can characterize these facts however we want but there are the numbers.

It may have been bad luck but when I would head out there Sahtogas and its surrounding systems would be pretty dead. Lately, of course, that has changed. That was my point. Lately sahtogas has taken off and next to ammamake it has the most kills in the last 24 hours.

i guess the 'being 1-2 jumps from the front lines and all.' confused you. and maybe the 'past few years' also confused you to.

and even so according to your own words 'Sahtogas is heating up recently but it traditionally isn't even one of the top pvp systems on that front' accord to this post you just made its in the top 5. so idk whats up with that.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro