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Warfare & Tactics

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First post
Plus 10 NV
#61 - 2013-04-28 23:23:17 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Cearain wrote:
Juan Rayo wrote:
Cearain wrote:
but others want to actually fight a war.

When you say "others" you understand you are talking about US right? the ones actually fighting and actually IN fw?

No not you. You are the ones who want to make sure your rabbits can hide and avoid all pvp as they win sov. You are the ones who continually argue that rabbit plexing is fine, and always cry out when anyone suggests changes that would end it.

We made a channel for you to tell you where our stabbed deplexing alts were, and I don't think you ever even joined. I was broadcasting over and over "Merlin in _____ plex in Notoras" with my alt.

Sorry to see someone who used to be an advocate of a pvp centered fw sov is now so afraid that gallente rabbits will be systematically removed from the game. You even participated in this farce of an info channel.

I think the op should be able to see the problem. CCP made faction war a pve game and so now there are allot of carebears who like it that way. Even chatgris is afraid what will happen to gallente if the plexing rabbits cant hide anymore.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Naga's Be Trippin
#62 - 2013-04-28 23:26:22 UTC
yawn another thread for cearain to sperg about that damn notification .... IM OUT
Plus 10 NV
#63 - 2013-04-28 23:31:12 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
yawn another thread for cearain to sperg about that damn notification .... IM OUT

Another thread that points out fw is still a broken carebear race. So yes another thread with the solution. Why do you think we keep getting these threads?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

#64 - 2013-04-28 23:32:23 UTC
Klazktrknuitzksalikamono wrote:


That's pretty funny.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#65 - 2013-04-28 23:38:00 UTC
Klazktrknuitzksalikamono wrote:


Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#66 - 2013-04-29 00:31:42 UTC
Tsobai Hashimoto wrote:
Rommell Drako wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
FW is working fine, CCP set goal they want to achieve and stats show that they managed to do good changes.

The fact that most players had different goal what changes should do does not matter, FW is fine, get over it.

maybe if we wait couple years stats will go down after hype and CCP has to do something, other option is that players start to play FW like CCP planned, i do not see reason why that should happen, but hey who am i to see future always.

FW is an isk faucet for risk averse cloak fit atrons. If working as intended then thats fine. But it is not a Faction Warfare anymore. Low sec Missioning and beacon orbiting maybe...

If this is what CCP wants then thats fine. Just change the name.

If CCP will say on this thread that it is working as intended... that afk plexers is what they want... then I would not be surpirsed when amarr stops running a single plex, only pvps, and publicly announces that every single amarr pilot has a minni mission running alt...

that is exactly what im thinking about doing

how much would two pilots cost me at the bazzar that can fly sb?

wouldnt even need extra accounts
to pay for plex. transfer one to my main one on my alt and minnie missions once or twice a week. make a bill a week and get **** killed

**** thats a great idea lol

I actually do this already. Honestly all you need is a meta 4 torp launcher and t2 fit purifier. Character bazaar can probably pull for like 1-2bil. Its super easy and you can actually make around 1 bil per 6 hours. notice how i PVE on my minni alt and pvp on my amarr main. Because that shows the system is working as intended.
Cosmo Raata
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#67 - 2013-04-29 00:32:28 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Eterne
Klazktrknuitzksalikamono wrote:


Wait, I thought we were arguing that Factional Warfare is broken, not that Amarr is losing.

Who cares, as it currently goes who wouldn't do that?

Hell, its evidence that PvP & Plexing don't currently mix at all. Separate activities.

Oh, and to all those who enjoy the status quo and post on here to simply try to put out the flames.....I take it you're raking in the LP nicely and you'd like nothing more than to keep everything as is. Go ahead, keep bumping the thread, no one takes your opinion with any weight at all. We all know its broken, *snipped*

*please keep complaints about CCP constructive* - CCP Eterne
United Mining and Hauling Inc
The Initiative.
#68 - 2013-04-29 00:34:49 UTC
Here's my take on FW.

"the war is won...". But did you stop and consider that maybe "the war" is not won by conquering systems? I might even go as far as asking, what exactly is "winning the war within the current Fw mechanics?"

Here's how things are right now in Fw as of Sovereignity and Lp rewards:

--If you conquer/upgrade more systems, you have primarily more Lp rewarded from offensive plexing and missions, plus other less influencial bonuses (faster production, less taxes, less repair costs at stations)
L---> But: since upgrading systems now is a lot more costly Lp-wise (300.000 Lp +increasing taxes up to 70%), and you would end up with a less fertile plexing ground, there is no real incentive on winning the war. Probably what would happen in a 90-10 map, is the dominating side turning to missions, as the minority continuing offensive plexing on the numerous available systems, the result? probably back to initial state of balance.

Since the new mechanic grants up to +225% Lp reward for offensive plex at T5, the question is, where would you offensive plex at T5? Since no one seems incredibly motivated by going above Tier 2, things will probably remain stagnant sov-wise.

My take, is that a red-blue balance of the map is silently accepted by both flags. Meaning continuing to have farming ground to fund our pvp. Which has seen increasing numbers as never before. And that to me is a war that's been won by ccp. By us.

There is no war to be won. Just a game that fuels its own end: keep doing what you love.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#69 - 2013-04-29 00:35:01 UTC
Cosmo Raata wrote:
Oh, and to all those who enjoy the status quo and post on here to simply try to put out the flames.....I take it you're raking in the LP nicely and you'd like nothing more than to keep everything as is. Go ahead, keep bumping the thread, no one takes your opinion with any weight at all. We all know its broken, now its just a matter of calling out CCP for what they are, pussies unwilling to risk subscriptions.

Please tell us more about this game you don't play...
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#70 - 2013-04-29 00:42:10 UTC
In regards to pinkys cloak frig.

We at FWEDDIT and YOLOCOLO are currently particitpating in a No Metal RUNMATAR campaign. Where we are using kills of their cloaky ships and doing exaclty what the minmatar have been doing. AFK cloak plexing.

We started Thursday and are continuing until the end of this week.

So yes you will see stabbed and cloak pve frigs for the next few days.

WE are using this to make a point that you dont actually have to pvp to win the warzone. So far Fweddit has some pretty iconic numbers in regards to VP.

I think we did 49.4% of all amarr VP yesterday. and many systems are now over 50% contested that were orignially stable. We have flipped 2 systems already and plan to flip a large number by the end of the week.

The game logs and fraps will show that amarr is able to push back and actually gain warzone control if we stop having fun and turn into drones that plex all day
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#71 - 2013-04-29 00:45:14 UTC
Cosmo Raata wrote:
Hell, its evidence that PvP & Plexing don't currently mix at all. Separate activities.
Really? I plex and get pvp all the time. And even Cearain uses plexes to get pvp. You might want to rephrase your statement.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#72 - 2013-04-29 00:46:57 UTC
Rommell Drako wrote:

I think we did 49.4% of all amarr VP yesterday. and many systems are now over 50% contested that were orignially stable. We have flipped 2 systems already and plan to flip a large number by the end of the week.

The game logs and fraps will show that amarr is able to push back and actually gain warzone control if we stop having fun and turn into drones that plex all day
Great point. Now go attack Huola or a system the Minmatar care about.

#73 - 2013-04-29 00:49:11 UTC
Rommell Drako wrote:
In regards to pinkys cloak frig.

We at FWEDDIT and YOLOCOLO are currently particitpating in a No Metal RUNMATAR campaign. Where we are using kills of their cloaky ships and doing exaclty what the minmatar have been doing. AFK cloak plexing.

We started Thursday and are continuing until the end of this week.

So yes you will see stabbed and cloak pve frigs for the next few days.

WE are using this to make a point that you dont actually have to pvp to win the warzone. So far Fweddit has some pretty iconic numbers in regards to VP.

I think we did 49.4% of all amarr VP yesterday. and many systems are now over 50% contested that were orignially stable. We have flipped 2 systems already and plan to flip a large number by the end of the week.

The game logs and fraps will show that amarr is able to push back and actually gain warzone control if we stop having fun and turn into drones that plex all day

Why is the system right next to your staging system still at 0.07% contested then? If you're doing a massive plexing push. Surely you could throw thrashers & cloaky tristans at that all day and easily reship?

Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#74 - 2013-04-29 00:54:40 UTC
Terhiss wrote:
Here's my take on FW.

"the war is won...". But did you stop and consider that maybe "the war" is not won by conquering systems? I might even go as far as asking, what exactly is "winning the war within the current Fw mechanics?"

Here's how things are right now in Fw as of Sovereignity and Lp rewards:

--If you conquer/upgrade more systems, you have primarily more Lp rewarded from offensive plexing and missions, plus other less influencial bonuses (faster production, less taxes, less repair costs at stations)
L---> But: since upgrading systems now is a lot more costly Lp-wise (300.000 Lp +increasing taxes up to 70%), and you would end up with a less fertile plexing ground, there is no real incentive on winning the war. Probably what would happen in a 90-10 map, is the dominating side turning to missions, as the minority continuing offensive plexing on the numerous available systems, the result? probably back to initial state of balance.

Since the new mechanic grants up to +225% Lp reward for offensive plex at T5, the question is, where would you offensive plex at T5? Since no one seems incredibly motivated by going above Tier 2, things will probably remain stagnant sov-wise.

My take, is that a red-blue balance of the map is silently accepted by both flags. Meaning continuing to have farming ground to fund our pvp. Which has seen increasing numbers as never before. And that to me is a war that's been won by ccp. By us.

There is no war to be won. Just a game that fuels its own end: keep doing what you love.

That +225% LP gain is used in missions. which lvl 4 FW missions is where the isk is.

Thanks for proving that you have no idea what you are talking about, because you are either bad or have never played FW.
Cosmo Raata
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#75 - 2013-04-29 00:56:12 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Cosmo Raata wrote:
Oh, and to all those who enjoy the status quo and post on here to simply try to put out the flames.....I take it you're raking in the LP nicely and you'd like nothing more than to keep everything as is. Go ahead, keep bumping the thread, no one takes your opinion with any weight at all. We all know its broken, now its just a matter of calling out CCP for what they are, pussies unwilling to risk subscriptions.

Please tell us more about this game you don't play...

Please comment more about how EPA was factional warfare.
Cosmo Raata
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#76 - 2013-04-29 00:59:40 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Cosmo Raata wrote:
Hell, its evidence that PvP & Plexing don't currently mix at all. Separate activities.
Really? I plex and get pvp all the time. And even Cearain uses plexes to get pvp. You might want to rephrase your statement.

And since it works for you that must mean its awesome. Congrats.

Atron ftw.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2013-04-29 01:01:17 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Rommell Drako wrote:

I think we did 49.4% of all amarr VP yesterday. and many systems are now over 50% contested that were orignially stable. We have flipped 2 systems already and plan to flip a large number by the end of the week.

The game logs and fraps will show that amarr is able to push back and actually gain warzone control if we stop having fun and turn into drones that plex all day
Great point. Now go attack Huola or a system the Minmatar care about.

The minmatar care about every system. Which is why they use their farmers to push the warzone so much.

When we want fights we go to Huola, and LNA docks or only uses sniping nados and warps off.

We RF minni poses while they are cowering in them.

We kill their booster poses because they forgot how to stront.

Its really quite sad how pathetic the "war"zone is in regards to actual fights. the only times i have seen minmatar engage with out running away at first sight of orange on overview is when they are inside a plex before us with kiting condors and blackbirds. Or all in throwaway frigs and even then they typically burn away or warp in at minmatar range (see 100km at all times. even in armor brawling ships).

Also if the minmatar only cared about the few systems (such as huola that you mentioned) then why do they have control of all the other ones? oh yea. they farmed the plexs and flipped them. welcome to the warzone.
Cosmo Raata
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#78 - 2013-04-29 01:02:32 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Rommell Drako wrote:

I think we did 49.4% of all amarr VP yesterday. and many systems are now over 50% contested that were orignially stable. We have flipped 2 systems already and plan to flip a large number by the end of the week.

The game logs and fraps will show that amarr is able to push back and actually gain warzone control if we stop having fun and turn into drones that plex all day
Great point. Now go attack Huola or a system the Minmatar care about.

Attack, as in spend countless hours flying around beacons while trying to coax minmatar to come out and fight, then leave when RL requires sleep to come back to a system that is exactly the same because Russian TZ reversed it.

No Thanks. If it meant we got fights, sure, but it doesn't force sh*t.
Rommell Drako
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#79 - 2013-04-29 01:02:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Rommell Drako
Eidellia wrote:
Rommell Drako wrote:
In regards to pinkys cloak frig.

We at FWEDDIT and YOLOCOLO are currently particitpating in a No Metal RUNMATAR campaign. Where we are using kills of their cloaky ships and doing exaclty what the minmatar have been doing. AFK cloak plexing.

We started Thursday and are continuing until the end of this week.

So yes you will see stabbed and cloak pve frigs for the next few days.

WE are using this to make a point that you dont actually have to pvp to win the warzone. So far Fweddit has some pretty iconic numbers in regards to VP.

I think we did 49.4% of all amarr VP yesterday. and many systems are now over 50% contested that were orignially stable. We have flipped 2 systems already and plan to flip a large number by the end of the week.

The game logs and fraps will show that amarr is able to push back and actually gain warzone control if we stop having fun and turn into drones that plex all day

Why is the system right next to your staging system still at 0.07% contested then? If you're doing a massive plexing push. Surely you could throw thrashers & cloaky tristans at that all day and easily reship?

What better way to find systems that the minmatar are not massed in then to go away from the typically fighting area...

For example, do you run to where everyone is or do you go to where there is no one?

Now if we wanted pvp we would be forming merlin, thrasher, etc gangs to go fight them. But we are making this pve push. which pve is avoiding pvp and capping plexs.

If you look at the % of each system we are pushing accross the board and many systems are getting high up there
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#80 - 2013-04-29 01:09:48 UTC
Cosmo Raata wrote:
And since it works for you that must mean its awesome. Congrats. Atron ftw.
No, it just means it works. If a moron like me can get a mechanic to work, I'm sure brain surgeons in MOAR TEARS and Fweddit can.