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Player morality in EVE online. Why did you leave it at the door?

First post
Caldari State
#481 - 2011-11-02 03:36:30 UTC
I understand that there are people who would never scam, grief or blatantly be a total ass, even in a game.

But you have to understand, this game is by design allowing you to do just that and CCP makes no secret of that fact.
As soon as you know that this game allows these things, you have to make a choice for yourself.

I have no doubt many people left because of what this game allows, some accept it for what it is, for others it's the entire reason they play this game.

Everything you decide in this game has a risk attached to it, even trusting someone who has been your friend is a risk.

When you log in, you automatically accept the consequences this may have.

Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#482 - 2011-11-02 03:44:06 UTC
Eebi wrote:
I understand that there are people who would never scam, grief or blatantly be a total ass, even in a game.

But you have to understand, this game is by design allowing you to do just that and CCP makes no secret of that fact.
As soon as you know that this game allows these things, you have to make a choice for yourself.

I have no doubt many people left because of what this game allows, some accept it for what it is, for others it's the entire reason they play this game.

Everything you decide in this game has a risk attached to it, even trusting someone who has been your friend is a risk.

When you log in, you automatically accept the consequences this may have.

To say Eve was designed for these things gives them too much credit, ineptness and inability to control abuse which became policy is more like it. A great deal of corp thefts are due to an embarrassingly poor corp management system.
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#483 - 2011-11-02 03:49:47 UTC
Apollo Gabriel wrote:
A great deal of corp thefts are due to embarrassingly poor corp management.

Fixed that :)

Every corp theft I've seen was the fault of the corp allowing someone access to assets they didn't need access to.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Vyl Vit
#484 - 2011-11-02 03:54:48 UTC
Thomas Orca wrote:
It's quite surreal watching people compare those who beat them at a singular part of a vast video game to murderers, serial killers, rapists, and child molesters. I find that response to being killed for no reason in a video game, much much much more disturbing.

It's also quite surreal to see people who have an absolute need to be the white knight, and always have the idea of morality and being the good guy behind them. To me, it shows that they are so insecure about decisions, that even in a virtual space, where no one expects anything of them, they feel the need to justify pushing F1 on an internet space ship.

Straw man argument...white knights defending whatever. (What you don't know you'll make up?) Problem with that line of thought is, stating facts as facts neither defends, nor offends a position. It's objective...unless you have an agenda.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Barbelo Valentinian
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#485 - 2011-11-02 04:05:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbelo Valentinian
OK, this is part further musing on the subject, partly indirect response to Malcanis' comments on my last post, partly in response to some of the other posts here.

Someone made the argument that people are just roleplaying space asshats. Of course many are, but it's also pretty obvious some aren't. It's just that the rules that allow people to roleplay space asshats also allow people to come into the game not respecting the roleplaying/simulation aspects of the game, but using the ability to do virtual evil with the deliberate aim of hurting other players, not as part of the game, but rather as standing aloof from the game - e.g. mocking the "seriousness with which they take their pixels", for instance.

But if you don't take your pixels seriously, why the **** are you playing a game that gives you so many pixels designed to make you feel as close as possible given the current state of entertainment technology, that you really are flying a spaceship?

This game has a creative tension between being a simulator and a game. The simulator side of the game is supposed to draw you in, and fool your brain momentarily into believing that the pixel spaceship is a real spaceship, that you really are flying through space in star systems, jumping through gates, docking at space stations, building things, equipping your ship, etc., etc. Of course you're supposed to take it seriously, taking it seriously is part of the game. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's something to be proud of that you have the imagination to immerse yourself in such a way.

On the other hand, the game side of the simulator puts certain constraints on just how much of a simulator the game can be. Obviously there are many more things that could be done to make the game more "realistic", including some representation of being able to track identity in a high tech society (e.g. it's nonsensical that a high tech society such as represented by New Eden wouldn't be able to track pod pilots and their "crimes", and largely prevent them); but they would make the game more sluggish and less capable of providing jags of entertainment for average playing times (an hour or two or three) - and not just one kind of entertainment, but several kinds, several ladders of achievement, ways of interacting with other players and competing with them.

Now one aspect of the gamey side of EVE is that it's a game of consensual hurting. Like Boxing, or S&M, it offers a way of hurting people that's socially sanctioned, but in a manner that has almost zero serious RL consequences.

That hurting is part of EVE. But it's also tied in with the simulation side. There would be no "hurt" for someone who didn't take their pixels at least a bit seriously.

So you can't have it both ways. The worst type of response to all this is to say "lol dude takes his pixels seriously". That's a cop-out. The other person is supposed to take their pixels seriously, as are you. If there's no taking pixels seriously, there's no hurting, and there's no game of EVE. The "sport" of it is to hurt and be hurt, but if you're hurt to take it on the chin and recover quickly, and if you hurt others not to cross the line into griefing.

But that's also why there's no game of EVE when someone plays it who doesn't take the pixels seriously, but who's in it just to grief people for laughs using the medium of the game.

So Malcanis, are you telling me you don't recognise the difference between someone playing EVE, with all its consensual hurting, on the one hand, and someone being vindictive and gloating, and just taking advantage of the happenstance that the game rules for the consensual hurting have to be such that very little can be done to prevent griefing, on the other? Are you saying you've never encountered the latter type of behaviour in-game? If not, then you're just lucky. Or maybe you just joined EVE a long time ago.

But I can assure you, the griefer does exist. They come to EVE like flies to ****. They started coming a few years before I joined (2007) as they got wind of the possibilities EVE offers to griefers (I've observed EVE for longer than I've played it). And the trouble is, more and more of them come. They don't last, but they do muck up this glorious game/simulation for everyone else - they detract from it, they are bad players, bad sportsmen - not even sportsmen.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, their money is as good as anyone else's - CCP just has to strike a balance between sticking to loose rules that happen to also allow griefing, and tightening them up so that the lucrative casual players aren't totally put off, and some of them can get into the game on their own terms - including making allowance for the consensual hurting.
Caldari State
#486 - 2011-11-02 04:22:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Eebi
Apollo Gabriel wrote:

To say Eve was designed for these things gives them too much credit, ineptness and inability to control abuse which became policy is more like it. A great deal of corp thefts are due to an embarrassingly poor corp management system.

If CCP's corp management system was broken, because of some bug/exploit in the system, then any assets stolen can be retrieved simply by petitioning a bug/exploit in the system.

This would for example be true if PersonA in a corp with no roles, stole assets from the corp, something like this was never intended to happen.

However, in case PersonA has been given roles to do this, then a petition won't help the corp get the assets back, CCP will not intervene in this case.
Handsome Hussein
#487 - 2011-11-02 04:29:49 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
I would offer the suggestion then that you're the one not playing in the sandbox. Maybe EvE isn't for you.

PLEX is a part of the sandbox. Prove me wrong. Maybe in another thread so this one isn't derailed from its retardedness.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#488 - 2011-11-02 04:51:45 UTC
Huehuehue wrote:
I know this is going to be a controversial topic (mostly everyone vs. me I think...) but please read trough. This is not a troll attempt of kind, but this is an attempt to generate discussion on this topic.

It seems to me that most of EVE player community seems to think , even if they don't do this themselves, that it's okay to shoot down a lone miner or missioner in low sec, steal ore, threaten someone for money etc. "It's part of the game, deal with it" is what I hear most of the time. The question I want to ask you is this: Why do you leave your morality at login screen? Don't get me wrong, pvp and such is obviously okay when both parties do it for fun and enjoyment, which is the case with most pvp in EVE. Sure, no one likes to lose but that's part of the fun too. But when you kill a lone miner who's not even in a player corp that's just evil. You don't see people saying "well he shouldn't whine it's part of the life" if a guy wanders in bad part of the town and gets beat up do you? How would like it if I came up to you and beat you up, afterwards saying "hey don't get mad, god (aka the lead dev of life ;) ) made this possible so it's cool!". You don't see theist go around saying **** like that do you?

It's so easy to be an ******* to people when you both are anonymous and it's never going to get back you. What marks a real good and moral person is his ability sympathize with others regardless of the fact who and where the other person is. "It's part of the game" is just really really bad excuse for behaving like an ******* and makes me wonder if these people are just as bad irl, or do express their inner ******* online because they don't have the balls to do it irl? I know I'd much rather just say hi to that lonely miner than blow him to pieces just because.

Overall, Eve is a sandbox with enough peeps in it to populate a small city. Part of the appeal of playing a sandbox game is the ability to be a complete ass and be rewarded for it. In GTA/Saint's Row, players will run over old ladies, take off all their clothes and hip thrust at old ladies, get into a sewage truck and spray old ladies with poo, and get into an aerial vehicle and fly to the highest point possible only to jump out and tackle old ladies.

The same appeal is represented in Eve. Only with Eve you can replace the image of spraying an old lady with poo to spraying another person half way across the world with poo as they furiously stomp on their keyboard.
#489 - 2011-11-02 04:58:03 UTC
When I sit down to a game of poker with friends, we are all playing poker.
If I am playing a game of trickery and deception, then I will trick and deceive.
It’s a game and we all know that. Are you good enough to play with your peers?

Eve is different games to different people and all have their own peers in game.
If you want to lord over someone not playing your game, then you set your goals low.

I participate in this game with other players who play the same game as I.

It is ludicrous to hear “Oh.. I’m role playing a bad guy and just blew up his stuff and set his dog on fire then he quit the game and cried.. but I’m just role playing man.. I’m not like that really.”

What a load of crap.. yes you are. Can we say denial? Oh lets drag psychology into it or religion or dogma or feng shui if you want to but it’s still just crap.

Eve will let you be as big an ass as you aspire to be but be real.. take responsibility for being the ass you aspired to be like a great big grown up or stuff a sock in it before someone thinks you’re just simple. It’s not like we don’t have a whole flock of them already in this game.

I respect people who play the game, however harsh they wish to play, but not the ones who hide behind it. My children know that.. why do some of you not?

Be nice. If nice not work, be civil. If civil not work, beat with iron pipe till bloody and still.

Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#490 - 2011-11-02 05:02:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jhagiti Tyran
Imagine this:

A person decides to try a new sport, they join a club and go down for the game. Its a loveley sunny day, perfect for some exercise and they are running down the pitch with the ball and the persons thinking "wow Im going to score!" and generally enjoying themselves.

Then a 16 stone guy face plants them into the ground with a tackle, it just hurt like hell and their nose could well be broken. Welcome to Rugby! So what does the person do? run to the reff and cry that they got hurt? tell all thier freinds that the guy who tackled them isnt right in the head? Write dozens of articles about how Rugby players should understand that they hurt someones feelings by ruining their nice days exercise in the sun?

If they do they are retards, they chose to play Rugby, they should have known what to expect.

EVE is no differant, people choose to play, they should know what to expect and its no use them whining or blaming the person that tackled them. Noone should feel morally conflicted for playing the game, the people who whine and ***** that people are morally deficient for playing the game need to learn how to compartmentalise a game from reality.
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#491 - 2011-11-02 05:17:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbara Nichole
Huehuehue wrote:
I know this is going to be a controversial topic (mostly everyone vs. me I think...) but please read trough. This is not a troll attempt of kind, but this is an attempt to generate discussion on this topic.

It seems to me that most of EVE player community seems to think , even if they don't do this themselves, that it's okay to shoot down a lone miner or missioner in low sec, steal ore, threaten someone for money etc. "It's part of the game, deal with it" is what I hear most of the time. The question I want to ask you is this: Why do you leave your morality at login screen? Don't get me wrong, pvp and such is obviously okay when both parties do it for fun and enjoyment, which is the case with most pvp in EVE. Sure, no one likes to lose but that's part of the fun too. But when you kill a lone miner who's not even in a player corp that's just evil. You don't see people saying "well he shouldn't whine it's part of the life" if a guy wanders in bad part of the town and gets beat up do you? How would like it if I came up to you and beat you up, afterwards saying "hey don't get mad, god (aka the lead dev of life ;) ) made this possible so it's cool!". You don't see theist go around saying **** like that do you?

It's so easy to be an ******* to people when you both are anonymous and it's never going to get back you. What marks a real good and moral person is his ability sympathize with others regardless of the fact who and where the other person is. "It's part of the game" is just really really bad excuse for behaving like an ******* and makes me wonder if these people are just as bad irl, or do express their inner ******* online because they don't have the balls to do it irl? I know I'd much rather just say hi to that lonely miner than blow him to pieces just because.

not everyone thinks like that .. but the problem is that what you are up against is the more vocal forum bunch are hardcore sandbox (amoral) proponents - and they will shout you down.

I mostly leave miners alone these days.. but back in my null sec youth I strickly defended our home space.. meaning that even lone miners were ruthlessly shot down if they trespassed.. I do remember one miner however that came into our space for whom I offered the option to join one of our sister corps in order to stay and mine. but when you realize that all aspects of eve are governed by pvp you understand that an attack is the sole form of enforcement you really have.

this said there are all kinds in the game and many I suspect were the school yard bullies, the kids that pulled wings off of insects or shot be-be guns at dogs and other pets... who gank and kill because it's "fun" to cause pain. these folk will never be convinced they are wrong in the way they "play" and ultimately finding a way to hit them back may be the only thing you can do that may discourage their behavior in any way.

you choose who you want to be in eve.. for many that means choosing to be the under-crust of eve humanity.. how you play when all others around you are corrupt is how you measure personal honor and integrity. find principles you like and adhere to them but don't expect others will adopt them.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#492 - 2011-11-02 07:20:02 UTC
My only comment at this point other than what I've already posted is that I think I have helped establish "asshat" as an Eve term!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#493 - 2011-11-02 07:41:33 UTC
Apollo Gabriel wrote:
Eebi wrote:
I understand that there are people who would never scam, grief or blatantly be a total ass, even in a game.

But you have to understand, this game is by design allowing you to do just that and CCP makes no secret of that fact.
As soon as you know that this game allows these things, you have to make a choice for yourself.

I have no doubt many people left because of what this game allows, some accept it for what it is, for others it's the entire reason they play this game.

Everything you decide in this game has a risk attached to it, even trusting someone who has been your friend is a risk.

When you log in, you automatically accept the consequences this may have.

To say Eve was designed for these things gives them too much credit, ineptness and inability to control abuse which became policy is more like it. A great deal of corp thefts are due to an embarrassingly poor corp management system.

Perhaps you should look at who originally created EVE and why. EVE was very much designed to allow scamming, ganking, piracy, theft and so on. It was a deliberate design choice, not an oversight.

I mean ffs, CCP even recently put out a advert specifically advocating corp theft within game, and others show piracy, there's a thread started by a Dev in the new players section about scamming.

Yeah, no: you're flat out wrong.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Chopper Rollins
#494 - 2011-11-02 07:49:12 UTC
I have a thought here for the big moralists taht land in these threads and any thread to do with ganking, e-honor, manners etc.

I used to get a bit steamed losing a ship i'd worked to buy. Sometimes by talking to the guy you get a feel for a sadist, thug or dipstick. Sometimes a ruthless pixel asploder will be a cool calm collected well-mannered knight -of-the-skies. End result for me is the same though, pod spamming warp.

Took maybe a year for me to understand that some of the biggest carebears are in 0.0, and that most of the tough-talking cowards in eve are in high sec, with bought characters and faction pinatas. They nearly always have victim-complexes, you can't interact with them without someone being the bad guy. They assure you that they don't care what stuff you burn, but that you are a bad person for doing it. A case of "Talking was invented by the loser of the first fight."

So if a skilled player takes offence at some of these garbage-mouthed jellyfish and decs them into the stone age, I don't immediately think they are the hard done by victims of a 'bad person'. There are hi-sec wardec griefers, but so what? I had one of them fail to kill my retriever in his Claymore at a station undock, first time i ever got to say GF as i warped off.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#495 - 2011-11-02 08:09:19 UTC
Barbelo Valentinian wrote:

So Malcanis, are you telling me you don't recognise the difference between someone playing EVE, with all its consensual hurting, on the one hand, and someone being vindictive and gloating, and just taking advantage of the happenstance that the game rules for the consensual hurting have to be such that very little can be done to prevent griefing, on the other? Are you saying you've never encountered the latter type of behaviour in-game? If not, then you're just lucky. Or maybe you just joined EVE a long time ago.

But I can assure you, the griefer does exist...

Of course I recognise the difference, but I attach different weights to that difference.

A few points:

(1) Why does it matter so much to you who destroys your ship? What difference does it make if you got popped by a perfect gentleman or a total asshat, other than to your pride?

(2) I've met (and flown with) some of the so-called "asshats". They're mostly extremely nice, helpful, usually very generous people. Most of them aren't teenagers; they have jobs, families, lives. They've simply divided EVE into two groups: a small one of people they like, and everyone else who is fair game, because that's the way they want to play. Does that make them "asshats"? If so, then I guess that makes me one too; I nailed my colours to the mast here where I explain that mindset.

(3) In my experience the "asshat" labelling is at least as much a childish ego-defence by the guy who just lost his ship as it is anything to do with the kind of person who just killed it. "Oh yeah well maybe you just killed my faction BS and looted the X-type mods but AT LEAST I'M NOT AN ASSHAT". Yeah, whatever, buddy, they just won, you just lost. Yelling like a kid on the playground won't change that.

(4) The "sadist" who "does it for the tears" thing started around 2005-2006, so far as I can tell. But it wasn't because there was a particular influx of "griefers", it was because there was an influx of players who were incredibly, ignorantly, extravagantly, hilariously pissed off that they lost a ship. To the existing community for whom ship loss was a daily reality, these people were simply ludicrous, and how else could they react but with (initially) benused amusement and later by baiting these drama-queens into further histrionics. And of course the meme grew and metastasized to the point where it's the bedrock of discourse on these forums these days; simply disagreeing with someone is enough to elicit the "om nom tears" response. New players jumped on the memewagon without understanding where it arose and you have what we have today.

(5) I have never been "griefed" in the sense that no-one has ever done anything to me in-game that has caused me grief. Some of the things that have happened might qualify as griefing to some people, but for me they're part of the game. Additionally, whilst I suck a bag of dicks at PvP, the one great advantage I have decided to grant myself in EVE is that I play the game as it actually is, rather than as some imaginary version of it that might suit me. The practical upshot of this is that I strongly limit the scope I give for other players to "grief" me. Whether by never autopiloting a hauler full of T2, by making sure I can get my stuff out of a conquerable station, by only lending ISK and assets I can afford to lose, to maintaining opsec when I'm moving valuables or doing something lucrative, by reading contracts carefully, by always using a scout, by not fleeting with people I don't trust, by making sure that my capital is always the fleet owner when I have to jump to a cyno lit by someone else, making ping spots, etc etc etc. In short: I accept that EVE is a game where carelessness and ignorance are extremely dangerous, and I make considerable efforts to mitigate that danger by not being ignorant or careless. And finally, when I do lose a ship, I work out what *I* did wrong to allow it to happen, and make sure that I don't do it again. Or if I have to do it again, to do it in a cheap ship I can afford to lose.

As you might expect, herefore, I have very little sympathy for people who don't make these efforts, who refuse to accept the game as it is, who insist on trying to play an imaginary version of EVE, and then cry about how they've been "griefed".

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Azn Empire
#496 - 2011-11-02 08:35:35 UTC
Vyl Vit wrote:
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

Another specious argument. I love how that's all the pro-gank side has in their armory. Morality isn't something you turn on and off like the bathtub faucet. If it's not on, it was never on.

Furthermore, when all the uproar by the self-same people over Incarna started, they were screaming about all the time and effort they've put into this game as justification that they get their way. When it comes to stomping on someone else's parade it suddenly becomes a simple matter of rearranged pixels.

IRL seems to come up a lot. I don't know about those who are divorced from their sanity, but I'm sitting here IRL typing away on a REAL keyboard, and sure as the world, when I hit "post" this bit of text will suddenly appear on a REAL forum and can be read by REAL people. Chess references are fun. When I lose that white bishop, it's REALLY not on the board anymore. Really.
What utter tosh. The only reason IRL keeps cropping up, is because some people like yourself cannot differentiate between a game and RL.

I've been playing BF3 a bit lately, does this mean I also have no morals?

Get a grip.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#497 - 2011-11-02 12:32:19 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Thomas Orca wrote:

I at no point implied that morals and principles are not important. What I did state, was that Humans are animals, which is a commonly known fact, and that Humans are subconsciously influenced by ancestral drives implanted by evolution. My point, which you acknowledged earlier as legitimate from the viewpoint I was taking, is that it is rather logical to assume that there is a natural drive to take joy in dominance behavior. In current western society, it is seen as slightly barbaric. It is therefore suppressed by many members of Western society. However, in other cultures, such as that of the Mongols, one of whom I quoted earlier, it was an accepted part of society. In said cultures, this natural drive was perfectly acceptable to follow under certain circumstances.

However, in the application of this to a game like EVE, where there is no society, and therefore no societal unspoken law, there is no reason to suppress such primal drives. Which is why some do not. Those that do not, probably excel in compartmentalization, while those that choose to bring their societal moral compass onto a playing field where it does not apply, are most likely less adept at making such distinctions.

You keep stating that humans are like animals and our instincts are ancestral remnants, but I can't think of any animal that tortures and kills for the sake of enjoying the suffering of another animal. So I'm failing to see how this even relates to the human enjoyment of someone's suffering.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#498 - 2011-11-02 13:11:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Thomas Orca wrote:

I at no point implied that morals and principles are not important. What I did state, was that Humans are animals, which is a commonly known fact, and that Humans are subconsciously influenced by ancestral drives implanted by evolution. My point, which you acknowledged earlier as legitimate from the viewpoint I was taking, is that it is rather logical to assume that there is a natural drive to take joy in dominance behavior. In current western society, it is seen as slightly barbaric. It is therefore suppressed by many members of Western society. However, in other cultures, such as that of the Mongols, one of whom I quoted earlier, it was an accepted part of society. In said cultures, this natural drive was perfectly acceptable to follow under certain circumstances.

However, in the application of this to a game like EVE, where there is no society, and therefore no societal unspoken law, there is no reason to suppress such primal drives. Which is why some do not. Those that do not, probably excel in compartmentalization, while those that choose to bring their societal moral compass onto a playing field where it does not apply, are most likely less adept at making such distinctions.

You keep stating that humans are like animals and our instincts are ancestral remnants, but I can't think of any animal that tortures and kills for the sake of enjoying the suffering of another animal. So I'm failing to see how this even relates to the human enjoyment of someone's suffering.

Mammalian predators engage in what we might as well call "cruelty" increasingly with intelligence. Cats play with mice they have caught. Killer whales will enjoy flinging a live seal pup about, catching it, dunking it, tossing it to another whale, until it dies. They will also engage in behaviour like harrassing a whale and her calf until they can eventually drown the calf, then, after eating a token amount of it, leaving it to sink and rot.

Chimpanzees have been observed engaging in premeditated infanticide, bullying, **** and murder (unprovoked violence against a member of their community). They also actively enjoy hunting monkeys (the food value of the prey is far less than the energy expended catching it)

To name but a few examples.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Mercantile and Stuff
#499 - 2011-11-02 13:24:57 UTC
Handsome Hussein wrote:
MeestaPenni wrote:
I would offer the suggestion then that you're the one not playing in the sandbox. Maybe EvE isn't for you.

PLEX is a part of the sandbox. Prove me wrong. Maybe in another thread so this one isn't derailed from its retardedness.

I love that "prove me wrong" stuff.

If you run out of ships....and re-ship by simply running some plastic through PayPal, you turn the game from a sandbox to no more than an arcade shooter.

If you don't mine, mission, ransom, loot, manufacture, etc., you're not indulging in the 'sandbox' that is envisioned. Any fool here with some real world liquidity can replace ships with real money.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#500 - 2011-11-02 13:28:15 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
I love that "prove me wrong" stuff.
For the record, the proper answer to that one is always “I don't need to until you prove yourself right.”