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Odyssey Patch Speculation Thread

First post
Fleet of the Damned
#101 - 2013-04-24 09:22:02 UTC
My best guess is agents in player owned stations. Missions to find plexes and destroy commander and get loot of the specific faction. So prob pirate/faction modules will drop in price.

This does 2 things a lot of people want. Buff nullsec a little bit and nerf higsec a little bit.
Uppsy Daisy
State War Academy
Caldari State
#102 - 2013-04-24 14:45:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Uppsy Daisy
New Decryptors, plus old ones renamed.

Pastebin looks to contain a new capital ship called 'Nation' too perhaps.
Umar Umarhabib
#103 - 2013-04-24 17:38:11 UTC
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
New Decryptors, plus old ones renamed.

Pastebin looks to contain a new capital ship called 'Nation' too perhaps.

If Ice Fields have to be scanned, then it must mean they deplete.

Is there anything in Eve you have to scan, but after you find it, it stays there forever and never deplete?
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#104 - 2013-04-24 22:34:49 UTC
Umar Umarhabib wrote:
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
New Decryptors, plus old ones renamed.

Pastebin looks to contain a new capital ship called 'Nation' too perhaps.

If Ice Fields have to be scanned, then it must mean they deplete.

Is there anything in Eve you have to scan, but after you find it, it stays there forever and never deplete?

Miners are the closest thing that fits your description.
Felicity Love
#105 - 2013-04-26 18:41:03 UTC
Umar Umarhabib wrote:

If Ice Fields have to be scanned, then it must mean they deplete.

Is there anything in Eve you have to scan, but after you find it, it stays there forever and never deplete?

Ka-ching. Cool

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2013-04-26 18:52:24 UTC
Felicity Love wrote:
Umar Umarhabib wrote:

If Ice Fields have to be scanned, then it must mean they deplete.

Is there anything in Eve you have to scan, but after you find it, it stays there forever and never deplete?

Ka-ching. Cool

I think they confirmed depletion a little later, they will deplete and regenerate after 4hrs
Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#107 - 2013-04-26 19:24:10 UTC
Many popular ratting setups will become unusable once elite frigates are added to forsaken hubs. This might be an interesting opportunity for speculation (at least a little more interesting than minerals, ice, ...).


State War Academy
Caldari State
#108 - 2013-04-26 22:36:59 UTC
Umar Umarhabib wrote:
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
New Decryptors, plus old ones renamed.

Pastebin looks to contain a new capital ship called 'Nation' too perhaps.

If Ice Fields have to be scanned, then it must mean they deplete.

Is there anything in Eve you have to scan, but after you find it, it stays there forever and never deplete?

Yes. Moon mineral composition.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#109 - 2013-04-26 22:43:26 UTC
R64s are now bottlenecked. Expect them to rise, as well as the products that they go into at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Ice now depletes, has to be scanned out (which is easy, to be fair) and according to CCP "only 80% of demand can be met by highsec". I'd expect the price to at least triple as a result.

Gravimetric sites in nullsec are now quite attractive, with a ton of new low ends available to them. This will probably cause low end prices to fall, high end prices remain to be seen - there are a couple of scenarios. However, that still makes BS tiericide a good investment if they bump what are now tier 1 and tier 2 ships up to tier 3 build costs - even in the "worst case" scenario, a Tier 3 BS still costs about 150 or so to build.

Check this weekend for a more in-depth look, once I finish writing it.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Osmanli Empire
#110 - 2013-04-26 23:32:12 UTC


Below is a list of the affected ore types, with the amount of minerals that they provide for each refine volume. Changes are in brackets.

Arkonor: 10000 Tritanium (+9700), 166 Zydrine, 333 Megacyte

Bistot: 12000 Pyerite (+11830), 341 Zydrine, 170 Megacyte

Crokite: 38000 Tritanium (+37669), 331 Nocxium, 663 Zydrine

Dark Ochre: 25500 Tritanium (+25250), 500 Nocxium, 250 Zydrine

Gneiss: 3700 Tritanium (+3529), 3700 Mexallon (+3529), 700 Isogen (+357), 171 Zydrine

Spodumain: 71000 Tritanium (+67810), 9000 Pyerite (+8590), 140 Megacyte

Trit and pyer getting much much cheaper ?
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#111 - 2013-04-27 01:53:30 UTC
Umar Umarhabib wrote:
Uppsy Daisy wrote:
New Decryptors, plus old ones renamed.

Pastebin looks to contain a new capital ship called 'Nation' too perhaps.

If Ice Fields have to be scanned, then it must mean they deplete.

Is there anything in Eve you have to scan, but after you find it, it stays there forever and never deplete?

On fanfest we heard that they could be depleted and would respawn with the same rate as the scanned down site now does. So icefield depletion would no longer have a refresh on DT only.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#112 - 2013-04-27 02:18:34 UTC
We should get more people mining ice as the value increases. Less people will mine veld, keeping the price of Trit up. At the end of the day, I would expect a balance between veld, pyroxies and ice in terms of isk per hour.

The amount of miners will probably decrease (by 33%?) due to people not being able to AFK ice mine. So as a guestimate, you could take the isk/hr of mining veld, pyerite ind ice, add them divide by 2 to get the new value.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#113 - 2013-04-27 02:21:20 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Stonkeep wrote:


Below is a list of the affected ore types, with the amount of minerals that they provide for each refine volume. Changes are in brackets.

Arkonor: 10000 Tritanium (+9700), 166 Zydrine, 333 Megacyte

Bistot: 12000 Pyerite (+11830), 341 Zydrine, 170 Megacyte

Crokite: 38000 Tritanium (+37669), 331 Nocxium, 663 Zydrine

Dark Ochre: 25500 Tritanium (+25250), 500 Nocxium, 250 Zydrine

Gneiss: 3700 Tritanium (+3529), 3700 Mexallon (+3529), 700 Isogen (+357), 171 Zydrine

Spodumain: 71000 Tritanium (+67810), 9000 Pyerite (+8590), 140 Megacyte

Trit and pyer getting much much cheaper ?

That's almost a guarantee, although in the short term you should see prices bolstered somewhat by Tiericide, depending on the changes. A Tier 3 BS still costs ~160m at the low end (maelstrom) and ~200m at the high end (abaddon) even if (for example) trit drops to 4, pyerite to 8, mex to 45 and isogen to 90, with nocx, zyd and mega staying the same as they are now, so if current tier 1 and tier 2 prices are adjusted up to around tier 3 there's a lot of room to move, and people will be building lots of BS.

e: Wrote my deeper analysis, look for it on tomorrow.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Whereis Mebong
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2013-04-27 03:03:07 UTC
So how much will tech drop, and much will thulium etc go to?
Are there any smart people here that can do some math on the info supplied info from the blogs? I can't count higher then 20 (thats all the digits i have)........maybe 21 if i have to...wink wink
State War Academy
Caldari State
#115 - 2013-04-27 04:22:09 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Stonkeep wrote:


Below is a list of the affected ore types, with the amount of minerals that they provide for each refine volume. Changes are in brackets.

Arkonor: 10000 Tritanium (+9700), 166 Zydrine, 333 Megacyte

Bistot: 12000 Pyerite (+11830), 341 Zydrine, 170 Megacyte

Crokite: 38000 Tritanium (+37669), 331 Nocxium, 663 Zydrine

Dark Ochre: 25500 Tritanium (+25250), 500 Nocxium, 250 Zydrine

Gneiss: 3700 Tritanium (+3529), 3700 Mexallon (+3529), 700 Isogen (+357), 171 Zydrine

Spodumain: 71000 Tritanium (+67810), 9000 Pyerite (+8590), 140 Megacyte

Trit and pyer getting much much cheaper ?

That's almost a guarantee, although in the short term you should see prices bolstered somewhat by Tiericide, depending on the changes. A Tier 3 BS still costs ~160m at the low end (maelstrom) and ~200m at the high end (abaddon) even if (for example) trit drops to 4, pyerite to 8, mex to 45 and isogen to 90, with nocx, zyd and mega staying the same as they are now, so if current tier 1 and tier 2 prices are adjusted up to around tier 3 there's a lot of room to move, and people will be building lots of BS.

e: Wrote my deeper analysis, look for it on tomorrow.

While this is true, I believe there is a reasonable chance that CCP will make a case for Battleships similar to battlecruisers, and will only bump tier 1 bs up to the level of tier 2, with the possibility of (a precedent) moving tier 3 down to tier 2, or leaving it where it is. This would see a much more neglible increase in value of investment, with the possibility of isk being lost, with enough of a mineral drop.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#116 - 2013-04-27 04:28:36 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Arronicus wrote:
While this is true, I believe there is a reasonable chance that CCP will make a case for Battleships similar to battlecruisers, and will only bump tier 1 bs up to the level of tier 2, with the possibility of (a precedent) moving tier 3 down to tier 2, or leaving it where it is. This would see a much more neglible increase in value of investment, with the possibility of isk being lost, with enough of a mineral drop.

If they do lower Tier 3 to Tier 2, all bets are off, yes. But if they don't, then the Domi, Apoc and Raven all have to (well, okay, "probably") increase up to Tier 3, as they're becoming Combat BS alongside the existing Tier 3, and the worst case for the remaining ships (Geddon, Tempest, Typhoon and Megathron) is becoming/staying at Tier 2 as the Attack class.

I can't rule it out, but I would be rather surprised if they lowered the cost of the ship. If nothing else, BS sitting around 200m (at current mineral prices of course) makes sense. Given those same current prices, you have cruisers around 8-10m and battlecruisers around 50. 200 is a decent next logical step in the progression.

We'll see soon enough though.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

El 1974
Green Visstick High
#117 - 2013-04-27 06:40:16 UTC
Ravenclaw2kk wrote:
We should get more people mining ice as the value increases. Less people will mine veld, keeping the price of Trit up. At the end of the day, I would expect a balance between veld, pyroxies and ice in terms of isk per hour.

The amount of miners will probably decrease (by 33%?) due to people not being able to AFK ice mine.

There's not going to be enough ice. Most ice fields will deplete before the site respawns. This guarantees that ice will be expensive. I expect lots of ore miners will become part-time ice miners. And the more ice miners there are, the faster those sites will deplete. I expect a lot of miners will mine ice till the sites deplete and then log off, mine ores, run missions or whatever. People will set their alarmclocks for this.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2013-04-27 06:49:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ravenclaw2kk
Yea. 80% off all ice requirements are going to be seeded in hi-sec. Assuming they are fully mined, there will still be a big bottleneck.

I'm glad I bought a bunch of fuel a few weeks ago. I just spent another 4bn on ice for the hell of it, I'd imagine it would have to go up to a decent isk/hr rate now that it will be more or less the same as mining regular ore.

Even with the isotopes at 1000 isk p/u, you will only be pulling in 20m per hour mining ice. No point really, if you can not afk mine any more.
#119 - 2013-04-27 07:41:16 UTC
Ravenclaw2kk wrote:
Yea. 80% off all ice requirements are going to be seeded in hi-sec. Assuming they are fully mined, there will still be a big bottleneck.

I'm glad I bought a bunch of fuel a few weeks ago. I just spent another 4bn on ice for the hell of it, I'd imagine it would have to go up to a decent isk/hr rate now that it will be more or less the same as mining regular ore.

Even with the isotopes at 1000 isk p/u, you will only be pulling in 20m per hour mining ice. No point really, if you can not afk mine any more.

Have you factored the halving of the cycle time into your calculation?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2013-04-27 11:22:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Ravenclaw2kk
Kithran wrote:
Ravenclaw2kk wrote:
Yea. 80% off all ice requirements are going to be seeded in hi-sec. Assuming they are fully mined, there will still be a big bottleneck.

I'm glad I bought a bunch of fuel a few weeks ago. I just spent another 4bn on ice for the hell of it, I'd imagine it would have to go up to a decent isk/hr rate now that it will be more or less the same as mining regular ore.

Even with the isotopes at 1000 isk p/u, you will only be pulling in 20m per hour mining ice. No point really, if you can not afk mine any more.

Have you factored the halving of the cycle time into your calculation?

it doesn't really matter if it takes 1 hour to deplete a belt or 2 hours. Supply is fixed at a maximum of 80% eve needs in hi-sec.

Cycle time will not increase the amount of available ice. So people be mining ice for 1hr and then other ores for the other 3hrs.

They will only really do that if ice is much higher than the other ores in isk/hr.