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EVE Fanfest stream

General Services
#21 - 2013-04-26 11:07:02 UTC
Yeah, what's up with the video stream? I expected it to start up again by now. I actually am interested in the economics review. (I'd also love it if they were able to broadcast the roundtables between program content - instead of the talking heads or always awful music they seem to pick)
Invisible Exchequer
#22 - 2013-04-26 11:08:03 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
i thought it was pretty strange that a huge party for eve, thats been going for ten years and funded other projects for ccp including a console game - they then charge extra for a stream to see additional content in better quality.

i said strange, im not surprised by ccps greed in the face of the most loyal fanbase of any mmo.

Or, instead of using a credit card to pay:

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Karti Aivo
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2013-04-26 12:20:52 UTC
To be honest, i feel a bit disappointed that the CSM and Alliance Panel is not broadcasted live. Specially as i paid for the HD Stream, im forced to see uninteresting Dust Panels while there are EVE Related things happening.

Cant u simply take down the (obviously completely un-succesful) DevTrack Stream with its ~30 viewer average and instead stream the actual :interesting: stuff ? Its obviously no technical issue as there is the 2nd DevTrack Stream.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-04-26 14:24:58 UTC  |  Edited by: okst666
my $.02 about the HD-stream in 1080p

The videoquality is not like I remember it to be last year.

It looks like that video is either softened before compression or not filmed with a true HD-Camera. It looks more like a mobile-phone video. Still HD, but not crisp, sharp, whatever you call it.

There is also allways a little bit grain and distortion visible - specially when filmed in the main hall. You get that effect, when filming with a cheap camera at bad lighting.

That EVE TV-logo in the upper right on the other hand is all crisp and sharp.

Last years HD-Stream was of much better quality.

This is not what I expect to be a 1080p Quality.

[X] < Nail here for new monitor

Sunshine and Lollipops
#25 - 2013-04-26 14:42:41 UTC
Fradle wrote:
WTF, why aren't any of the roundtables scheduled to be broadcasted unless there's another fanfest stream, we can't watch the alliance presentations either... am I missing something or are we just not getting as much content as last year?
Because roundtables are superbly unsuitable for broadcast — it's often a bit of a melee of opinions being brought forward, with sidebars and different discussions at different ends of the table, and getting everything in picture and on mic is far more than it's worth.

They've tried it in the past; it's been awful every time.

Yes, it's a shame, because the roundtables are often far more informative than the stage presentations, but that's because there's direct interaction, and that interaction is inherently difficult to impossible to record and broadcast properly.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-04-26 22:27:24 UTC
Sorry I have to bring this up again..

Out of couriosity I just opened again and watched a stream about Warcraft3 or something that was live streamed and had both streams open 480p and 720p...and oh boy...720p rocked - it was crisp and total clear.

So - what I am saying is (fore me - as I can not compare my experience with others) the HD Fanfest stream is an upscaled PAL image at best, but not more. it has grain and compression-artifacts everywhere (see screenshots in my posting above). Absolutly not comparable to the quality of what I saw in that warcraft video right now. And I want official clarification of how that could happen.

ATM the browserzoomed SD-Stream looks better than the HD-Stream and there must be something fundamentally wrong.
100 MBit Cable here...the incoming HD videostream is around 7MBit for me.

[X] < Nail here for new monitor

Abus Finkel
Caldari Capital Construction Inc.
#27 - 2013-04-26 23:35:55 UTC
okst666 wrote:
Sorry I have to bring this up again..

Out of couriosity I just opened again and watched a stream about Warcraft3 or something that was live streamed and had both streams open 480p and 720p...and oh boy...720p rocked - it was crisp and total clear.

So - what I am saying is (fore me - as I can not compare my experience with others) the HD Fanfest stream is an upscaled PAL image at best, but not more. it has grain and compression-artifacts everywhere (see screenshots in my posting above). Absolutly not comparable to the quality of what I saw in that warcraft video right now. And I want official clarification of how that could happen.

ATM the browserzoomed SD-Stream looks better than the HD-Stream and there must be something fundamentally wrong.
100 MBit Cable here...the incoming HD videostream is around 7MBit for me.

Yes I too am convinced the "HD" stream is either upscaled, or using incorrect encoding settings. The image quality is very bad.
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