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Player morality in EVE online. Why did you leave it at the door?

First post
Mercantile and Stuff
#421 - 2011-11-01 22:51:19 UTC
Handsome Hussein wrote:
I buy a PLEX every so often and also pay a subscription. I don't have a lot of time to grind and I don't make a lot of money. OTOH, I don't take it hard if I lose a ship, or multiple ships. If I ran out of ships on both accounts, I would buy another PLEX or tough it out in a n00b ship until I could afford a frigate. This is all part of the game.

I would offer the suggestion then that you're the one not playing in the sandbox. Maybe EvE isn't for you.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

Jita Alt666
#422 - 2011-11-01 22:56:45 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:

You enjoy "the markets" apparently. What if a mechanism was introduced to let folks break into your hangar and destroy all your goods without your consent? No reward for them, just tears for you is their reward. Would that be a good thing for you? That would seem to be consistent with how some folks think Eve should work. If someone did that to you would you just shrug it off and still think of them as a moral person? That is pretty much how FiS works, maybe the markets would be better if we introduce "vandalism" as a station skill.


I actually suggested that as a conceptual idea for WIS/Ambulation in 2008. As long as there is balance i.e. game mechanics devices that allow a player to defend their in station assets as well as well as game mechanics devices that allow a player to infiltrate and seek to overcome those defences. (see I really do support WIS) P

Currently I am on the losing end of some eve market pvp. Is it moral to you that I have invested a large amount of time to gain resources to purchase a large amount of goods as an investment to find a group who hold a far superior market share are attempting to devalue my investment to maintain their market share?

Jita Alt666
#423 - 2011-11-01 22:58:48 UTC
Justin Credulent wrote:
Try to keep some perspective.

Sorry, but if you're a douchebag in the game, then you're a douchebag, period.

Operative words in bold.

And as for "perspective": It's not just "space cash" you're losing. Subscriptions aren't free, and CCP does not just give ISK away - you have to work for it, which requires real time and effort.

Saying "it's just a game" grossly misses the point, and in most cases, on purpose to alleviate abuser guilt.

Who I am in real life is of no concern to you, but I can tell you that no one who knows me (except those few who know how I play Eve) would agree with you. They'd probably tell you about...oh it doesn't matter. Nothing I could tell you about my real life would sway your opinion that someone who chooses to play the bad guy in a video game is a bad guy in real life.

People thought Jeffry Dahmer was a sweet lad, too. But he turned out to be a closet homosexual psychopath who enjoyed the taste of human flesh. *shrug* Point being: It doesn't matter what your (biased) friends think. What matters is what you do.

If you do douchebag things, then you're a douchebag.


Have a good one guys. I've read enough bad arguments for one day.

Please respond to THIS post. I would like to hear your views.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#424 - 2011-11-01 23:02:54 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Justin Credulent wrote:
And as for "perspective": It's not just "space cash" you're losing. Subscriptions aren't free, and CCP does not just give ISK away - you have to work for it, which requires real time and effort.

As I said in my previous post, and which you selectively ignored:

You're playing a game WITH OTHER PEOPLE. They might do things to you which negatively impact your gameplay in order to win. That's part of competitive games, beating the other guy. And in Eve, there is no set win condition, meaning that winning for me might be blowing up your stuff.

If you want to grind for years and build stuff without risk of it being messed up, Eve isn't the game for you. If you accept that risk, you need to grow up and stop calling people names just because we choose to play a game in a different way than you do. Honestly, you're being childish.

I would never claim Eve should be a place where stuff isn't at risk.

However, there seem to be two types of adversarial behavior here.

One is the true "conflict". I seek to control space, resources or challenge you in your abilities to fight me. I think that is truly Eve and I respect folks that choose to engage other folks with those goals.

The second is the "asshat". The just just mess with folks to mess with folks. These are the low life gankers and griefers that believe that because Eve is a "sandbox" their actions are justifiable and moral. The "I can get away with it so it must be OK folks". These folks are easy to spot with their "I love your tears" posts and general perference for combat where they have an overwhelming advantage or destruction of basically undefended targets. These folks do it just to inflict pain on another, not for any other in game reward. These are the Eve equivalents of folks that key randon other folks cars for grins.

I'd argue that in this way Eve is broken. There isn't enought negative feedback to make folks engaged in this behavior really suffer any consequense. Negative security status is easily repaired and the bounty system is a joke.

That said, I don't claim to know how you could change Eve and still allow the "right" kind of non-consensual PvP to be allowed.

So to save some folks from some misguided angry responses, I'd put the goons ice miner thing in the first category of Eve conflicts. These efforts were organized with a specific goal. The "hulkagedon" events are tough for me, I see them more in the second category as they seem just for causing "pain" to other random players, but I could see them as a form of "hunting" since they are directed at a specific target. So that one is trickier.

Bottom line, no name calling intended but if you engage in ganking for tears, there is no argument that can be made that you are being anything other that what I'd call an "asshat".

Jita Alt666
#425 - 2011-11-01 23:11:45 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Justin Credulent wrote:
And as for "perspective": It's not just "space cash" you're losing. Subscriptions aren't free, and CCP does not just give ISK away - you have to work for it, which requires real time and effort.

As I said in my previous post, and which you selectively ignored:

You're playing a game WITH OTHER PEOPLE. They might do things to you which negatively impact your gameplay in order to win. That's part of competitive games, beating the other guy. And in Eve, there is no set win condition, meaning that winning for me might be blowing up your stuff.

If you want to grind for years and build stuff without risk of it being messed up, Eve isn't the game for you. If you accept that risk, you need to grow up and stop calling people names just because we choose to play a game in a different way than you do. Honestly, you're being childish.

I would never claim Eve should be a place where stuff isn't at risk.

However, there seem to be two types of adversarial behavior here.

One is the true "conflict". I seek to control space, resources or challenge you in your abilities to fight me. I think that is truly Eve and I respect folks that choose to engage other folks with those goals.

The second is the "asshat". The just just mess with folks to mess with folks. These are the low life gankers and griefers that believe that because Eve is a "sandbox" their actions are justifiable and moral. The "I can get away with it so it must be OK folks". These folks are easy to spot with their "I love your tears" posts and general perference for combat where they have an overwhelming advantage or destruction of basically undefended targets. These folks do it just to inflict pain on another, not for any other in game reward. These are the Eve equivalents of folks that key randon other folks cars for grins.

I'd argue that in this way Eve is broken. There isn't enought negative feedback to make folks engaged in this behavior really suffer any consequense. Negative security status is easily repaired and the bounty system is a joke.

That said, I don't claim to know how you could change Eve and still allow the "right" kind of non-consensual PvP to be allowed.

So to save some folks from some misguided angry responses, I'd put the goons ice miner thing in the first category of Eve conflicts. These efforts were organized with a specific goal. The "hulkagedon" events are tough for me, I see them more in the second category as they seem just for causing "pain" to other random players, but I could see them as a form of "hunting" since they are directed at a specific target. So that one is trickier.

Bottom line, no name calling intended but if you engage in ganking for tears, there is no argument that can be made that you are being anything other that what I'd call an "asshat".


If you allow lawful evil you can't ban chaotic evil.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#426 - 2011-11-01 23:14:31 UTC
Ana Vyr wrote:
Karl Planck wrote:

While the fact that the person is immoral may or may not be true, their actions in game cannot be used to make any determination about their moral character IRL.

That right there is so much bull. That's a fine rationalization to justify any action in game. You don't think that folks who taunt you to collect your "tears" have a few issues outside the game? That's just foolish.


They can't get any tears unless you give it to them usually by reacting like a spoiled child who can't get their own way.
Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#427 - 2011-11-01 23:19:30 UTC
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#428 - 2011-11-01 23:22:23 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Justin Credulent wrote:
And as for "perspective": It's not just "space cash" you're losing. Subscriptions aren't free, and CCP does not just give ISK away - you have to work for it, which requires real time and effort.

As I said in my previous post, and which you selectively ignored:

You're playing a game WITH OTHER PEOPLE. They might do things to you which negatively impact your gameplay in order to win. That's part of competitive games, beating the other guy. And in Eve, there is no set win condition, meaning that winning for me might be blowing up your stuff.

If you want to grind for years and build stuff without risk of it being messed up, Eve isn't the game for you. If you accept that risk, you need to grow up and stop calling people names just because we choose to play a game in a different way than you do. Honestly, you're being childish.

I would never claim Eve should be a place where stuff isn't at risk.

However, there seem to be two types of adversarial behavior here.

One is the true "conflict". I seek to control space, resources or challenge you in your abilities to fight me. I think that is truly Eve and I respect folks that choose to engage other folks with those goals.

The second is the "asshat". The just just mess with folks to mess with folks. These are the low life gankers and griefers that believe that because Eve is a "sandbox" their actions are justifiable and moral. The "I can get away with it so it must be OK folks". These folks are easy to spot with their "I love your tears" posts and general perference for combat where they have an overwhelming advantage or destruction of basically undefended targets. These folks do it just to inflict pain on another, not for any other in game reward. These are the Eve equivalents of folks that key randon other folks cars for grins.

I'd argue that in this way Eve is broken. There isn't enought negative feedback to make folks engaged in this behavior really suffer any consequense. Negative security status is easily repaired and the bounty system is a joke.

That said, I don't claim to know how you could change Eve and still allow the "right" kind of non-consensual PvP to be allowed.

So to save some folks from some misguided angry responses, I'd put the goons ice miner thing in the first category of Eve conflicts. These efforts were organized with a specific goal. The "hulkagedon" events are tough for me, I see them more in the second category as they seem just for causing "pain" to other random players, but I could see them as a form of "hunting" since they are directed at a specific target. So that one is trickier.

Bottom line, no name calling intended but if you engage in ganking for tears, there is no argument that can be made that you are being anything other that what I'd call an "asshat".


If you allow lawful evil you can't ban chaotic evil.

Geek!! Lol

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Vyl Vit
#429 - 2011-11-01 23:25:23 UTC
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

Another specious argument. I love how that's all the pro-gank side has in their armory. Morality isn't something you turn on and off like the bathtub faucet. If it's not on, it was never on.

Furthermore, when all the uproar by the self-same people over Incarna started, they were screaming about all the time and effort they've put into this game as justification that they get their way. When it comes to stomping on someone else's parade it suddenly becomes a simple matter of rearranged pixels.

IRL seems to come up a lot. I don't know about those who are divorced from their sanity, but I'm sitting here IRL typing away on a REAL keyboard, and sure as the world, when I hit "post" this bit of text will suddenly appear on a REAL forum and can be read by REAL people. Chess references are fun. When I lose that white bishop, it's REALLY not on the board anymore. Really.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#430 - 2011-11-01 23:28:15 UTC
Thomas Orca wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

But I know my friends, and enough smacktalk would have gotten my ass kicked. Yes, even over a poker game because a certain level of prickishness can transcend what the setting or activity was.

Get better friends then.


I don't want a bunch of spineless office yuppies for friends. My friends are the sort of people who, if I had to go into a combat zone with them, and didn't have a gun of my own, I could bet that one would come available for the picking up and I will live long enough to use it. These are brave honorable souls who occasionally drink all of my beer but I make the beer and I do too good a job at it so it seems.

None of these friends would ever grief anybody in a game, BTW, and would not think well of someone who does and gets off on it.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Thomas Orca
Broski is ded
#431 - 2011-11-01 23:32:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Orca
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Thomas Orca wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

But I know my friends, and enough smacktalk would have gotten my ass kicked. Yes, even over a poker game because a certain level of prickishness can transcend what the setting or activity was.

Get better friends then.


I don't want a bunch of spineless office yuppies for friends. My friends are the sort of people who, if I had to go into a combat zone with them, and didn't have a gun of my own, I could bet that one would come available for the picking up and I will live long enough to use it. These are brave honorable souls who occasionally drink all of my beer but I make the beer and I do too good a job at it so it seems.

None of these friends would ever grief anybody in a game, BTW, and would not think well of someone who does and gets off on it.

So your friends are a bunch of incompetent idiots who end up getting themselves killed so quickly that you can pick up their weapon? And on top of that they take advantage of you for your beer? And on top of that they're a bunch of spoiled whiny children who can't stand playing with others?

Yeah, you definitely need better friends.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#432 - 2011-11-01 23:41:57 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Justin Credulent wrote:
And as for "perspective": It's not just "space cash" you're losing. Subscriptions aren't free, and CCP does not just give ISK away - you have to work for it, which requires real time and effort.

As I said in my previous post, and which you selectively ignored:

You're playing a game WITH OTHER PEOPLE. They might do things to you which negatively impact your gameplay in order to win. That's part of competitive games, beating the other guy. And in Eve, there is no set win condition, meaning that winning for me might be blowing up your stuff.

If you want to grind for years and build stuff without risk of it being messed up, Eve isn't the game for you. If you accept that risk, you need to grow up and stop calling people names just because we choose to play a game in a different way than you do. Honestly, you're being childish.

I would never claim Eve should be a place where stuff isn't at risk.

However, there seem to be two types of adversarial behavior here.

One is the true "conflict". I seek to control space, resources or challenge you in your abilities to fight me. I think that is truly Eve and I respect folks that choose to engage other folks with those goals.

The second is the "asshat". The just just mess with folks to mess with folks. These are the low life gankers and griefers that believe that because Eve is a "sandbox" their actions are justifiable and moral. The "I can get away with it so it must be OK folks". These folks are easy to spot with their "I love your tears" posts and general perference for combat where they have an overwhelming advantage or destruction of basically undefended targets. These folks do it just to inflict pain on another, not for any other in game reward. These are the Eve equivalents of folks that key randon other folks cars for grins.

I'd argue that in this way Eve is broken. There isn't enought negative feedback to make folks engaged in this behavior really suffer any consequense. Negative security status is easily repaired and the bounty system is a joke.

That said, I don't claim to know how you could change Eve and still allow the "right" kind of non-consensual PvP to be allowed.

So to save some folks from some misguided angry responses, I'd put the goons ice miner thing in the first category of Eve conflicts. These efforts were organized with a specific goal. The "hulkagedon" events are tough for me, I see them more in the second category as they seem just for causing "pain" to other random players, but I could see them as a form of "hunting" since they are directed at a specific target. So that one is trickier.

Bottom line, no name calling intended but if you engage in ganking for tears, there is no argument that can be made that you are being anything other that what I'd call an "asshat".


If you allow lawful evil you can't ban chaotic evil.


Solo Player
#433 - 2011-11-01 23:48:06 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Because I've got a dark, twisted side of my personality that doesn't get to come out and play in the real world.

I learned when I was young that I was quite good at doing bad things. I was also smart enough to NOT do many of the bad things I'd have liked to do, because prison doesn't sound like the sort of place I want to spend a significant portion of my life. I'm a model citizen with a wife and kids and mortgage and I haven't even had a traffic ticket in years...but there's a part of me that revels in creating chaos and I satiate that part with video games. Eve is the perfect place for a person like me to finally throw off any pretense of morality and let my darker impulses go for a while.

Quoted for honesty.
Of course, I still don't think EVE is the perfect place to live out your dark side - there are single player games for that. Doing that in EVE will always be to another's detriment, even if it's a random internet stranger.
The tears are real.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#434 - 2011-11-01 23:48:19 UTC
Vyl Vit wrote:
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

Another specious argument. I love how that's all the pro-gank side has in their armory. Morality isn't something you turn on and off like the bathtub faucet. If it's not on, it was never on.

Furthermore, when all the uproar by the self-same people over Incarna started, they were screaming about all the time and effort they've put into this game as justification that they get their way. When it comes to stomping on someone else's parade it suddenly becomes a simple matter of rearranged pixels.

IRL seems to come up a lot. I don't know about those who are divorced from their sanity, but I'm sitting here IRL typing away on a REAL keyboard, and sure as the world, when I hit "post" this bit of text will suddenly appear on a REAL forum and can be read by REAL people. Chess references are fun. When I lose that white bishop, it's REALLY not on the board anymore. Really.

Well said. Was going to type another post but you summed it up rather nicely.

It's quite surreal watching people defend sadism to the point where they lay whole blame on the victim, among other silly excuses. And even more surreal watching people that but only a few weeks ago threw tantrums over changes to what they call pixels and now spouting here that it's only "pixels".

I guess they're only pixels when they're not my pixels Blink.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#435 - 2011-11-01 23:55:06 UTC
Vyl Vit wrote:
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

Another specious argument. I love how that's all the pro-gank side has in their armory. Morality isn't something you turn on and off like the bathtub faucet. If it's not on, it was never on.

Furthermore, when all the uproar by the self-same people over Incarna started, they were screaming about all the time and effort they've put into this game as justification that they get their way. When it comes to stomping on someone else's parade it suddenly becomes a simple matter of rearranged pixels.

IRL seems to come up a lot. I don't know about those who are divorced from their sanity, but I'm sitting here IRL typing away on a REAL keyboard, and sure as the world, when I hit "post" this bit of text will suddenly appear on a REAL forum and can be read by REAL people. Chess references are fun. When I lose that white bishop, it's REALLY not on the board anymoalre. Really.

Who said that I turn morality on and off? I really don't, I do not crease myself up with moral conflict when about to score points in sports, neither do I feel guilty for knocking somebody out in a board game. EVE is a game and no different. Chess referances may be "fun" to you but the analogy is perfect, losing in competitive chess can even cost more than EVE ever should, but the winning player doesn't twist himself up before making the move. Other games and sports can cost jobs and millions in cash.

The onus isn't on the winning player/team to not win, its on the losing person to not play if they cant afford or handle losing.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#436 - 2011-11-01 23:55:14 UTC
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

How to say this kindly, you are very early in your karmic journey. You are doing damage to someone else for the sake of making that person sad. That you can't see that shows you aren't very aware of the world you live in. You negated the result of someone else's real life time in getting or building whatever you 'sploded for kicks.

I get this is a game and you can make a case for "kicking over someone else's sand castle" if it is part of some "winning" strategy that involves eventual gain in game. But if it is just to be a bully, just admit it, you play the game to be the asshat you would be in RL if you could get away with it. Acknowledge you are deriving fun just because you caused someone else pain. At least then you'd be being honest.

Embrace your roll as someone that enjoys inflicting needless pain on others, maybe it's part of your life lesson,

Thomas Orca
Broski is ded
#437 - 2011-11-01 23:56:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Orca
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Vyl Vit wrote:
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

Another specious argument. I love how that's all the pro-gank side has in their armory. Morality isn't something you turn on and off like the bathtub faucet. If it's not on, it was never on.

Furthermore, when all the uproar by the self-same people over Incarna started, they were screaming about all the time and effort they've put into this game as justification that they get their way. When it comes to stomping on someone else's parade it suddenly becomes a simple matter of rearranged pixels.

IRL seems to come up a lot. I don't know about those who are divorced from their sanity, but I'm sitting here IRL typing away on a REAL keyboard, and sure as the world, when I hit "post" this bit of text will suddenly appear on a REAL forum and can be read by REAL people. Chess references are fun. When I lose that white bishop, it's REALLY not on the board anymore. Really.

Well said. Was going to type another post but you summed it up rather nicely.

It's quite surreal watching people defend sadism to the point where they lay whole blame on the victim, among other silly excuses. And even more surreal watching people that but only a few weeks ago threw tantrums over changes to what they call pixels and now spouting here that it's only "pixels".

I guess they're only pixels when they're not my pixels Blink.

It's quite surreal watching people compare those who beat them at a singular part of a vast video game to murderers, serial killers, rapists, and child molesters. I find that response to being killed for no reason in a video game, much much much more disturbing.

It's also quite surreal to see people who have an absolute need to be the white knight, and always have the idea of morality and being the good guy behind them. To me, it shows that they are so insecure about decisions, that even in a virtual space, where no one expects anything of them, they feel the need to justify pushing F1 on an internet space ship.
Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#438 - 2011-11-02 00:01:42 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Jhagiti Tyran wrote:
I never lost my morality when I started playing, all I have really done is rearrange some pixels. Any harm done to anybody wasn't my fault, how could I know somebody was mentally unstable enough to take the said rearrangement of pixels seriously enough that it affected them IRL?

How to say this kindly, you are very early in your karmic journey. You are doing damage to someone else for the sake of making that person sad. That you can't see that shows you aren't very aware of the world you live in. You negated the result of someone else's real life time in getting or building whatever you 'sploded for kicks.

I get this is a game and you can make a case for "kicking over someone else's sand castle" if it is part of some "winning" strategy that involves eventual gain in game. But if it is just to be a bully, just admit it, you play the game to be the asshat you would be in RL if you could get away with it. Acknowledge you are deriving fun just because you caused someone else pain. At least then you'd be being honest.

Embrace your roll as someone that enjoys inflicting needless pain on others, maybe it's part of your life lesson,


You assume a lot for someone that doesn't even know me or how I act in game let alone in the real world.
#439 - 2011-11-02 00:05:48 UTC
Huehuehue wrote:
I know this is going to be a controversial topic (mostly everyone vs. me I think...) but please read trough. This is not a troll attempt of kind, but this is an attempt to generate discussion on this topic.

It seems to me that most of EVE player community seems to think , even if they don't do this themselves, that it's okay to shoot down a lone miner or missioner in low sec, steal ore, threaten someone for money etc. "It's part of the game, deal with it" is what I hear most of the time. The question I want to ask you is this: Why do you leave your morality at login screen? Don't get me wrong, pvp and such is obviously okay when both parties do it for fun and enjoyment, which is the case with most pvp in EVE. Sure, no one likes to lose but that's part of the fun too. But when you kill a lone miner who's not even in a player corp that's just evil. You don't see people saying "well he shouldn't whine it's part of the life" if a guy wanders in bad part of the town and gets beat up do you? How would like it if I came up to you and beat you up, afterwards saying "hey don't get mad, god (aka the lead dev of life ;) ) made this possible so it's cool!". You don't see theist go around saying **** like that do you?

It's so easy to be an ******* to people when you both are anonymous and it's never going to get back you. What marks a real good and moral person is his ability sympathize with others regardless of the fact who and where the other person is. "It's part of the game" is just really really bad excuse for behaving like an ******* and makes me wonder if these people are just as bad irl, or do express their inner ******* online because they don't have the balls to do it irl? I know I'd much rather just say hi to that lonely miner than blow him to pieces just because.

I believe the reason for this is due to the proliferation of alts. I'm not saying it's the 'right' or the 'wrong' way to play, but I really dislike the fact that people can avoid consequences to their reputation when they play the bad guy. Reputation is one of the coolest aspects of Eve. While it is more important than in many other mmo's, Eve is not the immersive, realistic game it could be if there were some way to make it 1 character per player.

No good deed goes unpunished

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#440 - 2011-11-02 00:08:18 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Thomas Orca wrote:
It's quite surreal watching people compare those who beat them at a singular part of a vast video game to murderers, serial killers, rapists, and child molesters. I find that response to being killed for no reason in a video game, much much much more disturbing.

It's also quite surreal to see people who have an absolute need to be the white knight, and always have the idea of morality and being the good guy behind them. To me, it shows that they are so insecure about decisions, that even in a virtual space, where no one expects anything of them, they feel the need to justify pushing F1 on an internet space ship.

But taking pleasure in hurting and humiliating others with childish taunts, now that is quite normal behaviour. The common theme with some of you seems to be to stir up the bee hive by intentionally upsetting and ridiculing players and then claim how immature they are while wanking to their tears. So yeah, I gues you should know a little bit about that high horse you speak of.

By the way, someone should send out a memo as to what weeks are pixels serious business and when they aren't. A few weeks ago when CCP was "rearranging pixels" some of you were acting like you were losing your first born baby. What happened? I guess this week pixels are just... pixels again?

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.