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Concerning my recent loss

Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#21 - 2013-04-25 09:43:32 UTC
Marc Callan wrote:
Oh, and the Orca may be big and expensive, and look hideously sluggish at first glance, but it's a wonderful utility hauler, what with its ship maintenance bay capable of moving rigged ships (up to battlecruisers, even!), and the size of its multiple holds. It's about to become much easier to train into, as well; the two-week-plus train to Mining Barge V is about to be replaced with ORE Industrial III as a prerequisite (it's keeping the requirement for Mining Director I).

And like Smokey said above, with a 100MN microwarpdrive, the Orca will go into warp from a standing start in ten seconds; it can be set up to tank close to a quarter million EHP (the output of twenty Tornadoes!) with shield hardeners, a Damage Control II, and Reinforced Bulkheads II; it can be cargo-fitted to carry a packaged battleship (50,000 m3); and if you're willing to invest in a Large Ancillary Current Router and Tech-II Large Cargohold Optimization rigs, it can do all three at the same time.

Wanted to add a little early warning here, after the Odyssey patch there will be new rigs for capitals, no need to panic, the ones in your Orca will continue to work but if you decide to upgrade to T2 or change something after Odyssey you will need the 'Capitol Rig' at 5 times the production requirements a T2 Cargohold optimization rig is going to cost almost as much as the Orca.

So the point is if you can't fly one now, get a friend that can and fit up the rigs before June 4th.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-04-25 10:59:39 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Marc Callan wrote:
Oh, and the Orca may be big and expensive, and look hideously sluggish at first glance, but it's a wonderful utility hauler, what with its ship maintenance bay capable of moving rigged ships (up to battlecruisers, even!), and the size of its multiple holds. It's about to become much easier to train into, as well; the two-week-plus train to Mining Barge V is about to be replaced with ORE Industrial III as a prerequisite (it's keeping the requirement for Mining Director I).

And like Smokey said above, with a 100MN microwarpdrive, the Orca will go into warp from a standing start in ten seconds; it can be set up to tank close to a quarter million EHP (the output of twenty Tornadoes!) with shield hardeners, a Damage Control II, and Reinforced Bulkheads II; it can be cargo-fitted to carry a packaged battleship (50,000 m3); and if you're willing to invest in a Large Ancillary Current Router and Tech-II Large Cargohold Optimization rigs, it can do all three at the same time.

Wanted to add a little early warning here, after the Odyssey patch there will be new rigs for capitals, no need to panic, the ones in your Orca will continue to work but if you decide to upgrade to T2 or change something after Odyssey you will need the 'Capitol Rig' at 5 times the production requirements a T2 Cargohold optimization rig is going to cost almost as much as the Orca.

So the point is if you can't fly one now, get a friend that can and fit up the rigs before June 4th.

Update: CCP Tallest confirms that Orcas will continue to use large rigs rather than transitioning to capital rigs:

I get the impression that the capital rigs are only for carriers, supercarriers, dreadnoughts, Rorquals, and Titans.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Steve Spooner
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2013-04-25 11:04:06 UTC
The issue being that a instalocknpop nado will lock you in less than the 1 second it takes for you to warp and pop you and your measely tank the millisecond after that.
Aruena Clearwater
RedShift Tactical
#24 - 2013-04-25 11:22:11 UTC
Awesome thread about the fits and more importantly for the way of thinking on how to make haulers more gankproof. Big smile The information about Orca will help me a lot when I need it eventually to haul some ships or some wast amounts of cargo. Big smile I can't say I am not happy that they are keeping Orca's rig slots to large since Orca by itself is expensive for my wallet at the moment and will be a large investment when I finally get to it since that will save me quite a bit on the investment. Big smile

Well Steve thank you for the info on how much time it needs for an instantlocknpop nado to target me, only tells me that I need to always be vigilant and hone my reflexes even more while I am flying my haulers. It all comes down to is something worth the risk attacking a ship that was not, or was not able to be, scanned in order to check for the contents of its cargo. But those are the risks of hauling and risks of killing the same for profit that both sides need to accept and live with.

Quick question regarding gate camping tornados, how many shots can they fire before Concord tears them apart if they manage to lock a 20-22k ehp hauler? (sorry if this sounds silly but I have no idea on how EHP works and how to compare that to possible damage output of for example a tornado)
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-04-25 11:47:09 UTC
Concord's reaction time is roughly based on the security level of the system you're in; in a 0.5 security system, I think it's anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, which potentially gives them time for a second shot (and possibly a third assuming the longer reaction time), based on overheated guns at maximum skill (a max-skilled Tornado pilot can theoretically fire Tech II 1400's at 14-second intervals). As security level rises towards 1.0, Concord's reaction time will drop, reducing the likelihood that the ganker will get off that second shot.

Don't forget, though, that turret damage is variable. If the Random Number Gods are smiling on the ganker, he might get multiple wrecking shots in his opening salvo and not need a second shot...

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Aruena Clearwater
RedShift Tactical
#26 - 2013-04-25 11:54:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Aruena Clearwater
So even though there are concord already present at the gate it still takes them from 15-30sec to react to an act of agression... Talk about lazy police... Big smile Those donats must be extreamely good. Big smile
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-04-25 12:04:10 UTC
Well, if Concord's already there, that will, of course, reduce their response time. But it won't stop the ganker from getting off the first shot. Or any subsequent gankers (they do sometimes operate in teams) from getting off their first shot.

That's why the Tornado is so popular among gankers, after all; Concord will use god-mode neuts and ECM jammers to shut down gankers before killing them, but if the aggressor is a blap Tornado, then even with zero reaction time, Concord won't be able to react until the damage is already done.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-04-25 12:04:52 UTC
Aruena Clearwater wrote:
So even though there are concord already present at the gate it still takes them from 15-30sec to react to an act of agression... Talk about lazy police... Big smile Those donats must be extreamely good. Big smile
Actually there are Naval vessels present, not CONCORDOKKEN blastmobiles.

But the presence of CONCORD makes a difference. The CONCORD response time is right around exactly 15 seconds in 0.5 security space under normal circumstances. If CONCORD ships are already in the area (due to a previous gank that day), then they will respond much more quickly. On the other hand, if there are CONCORD ships already present in a different part of the same system, their response time will actually be slower. I don't know how much slower but that would be the ~30 seconds the other guy was talking about.

If you fit a Warp Core Stabilizer, you might tank a bit less, but you can pretty much ensure you get away before that second shot is fired. Also, in a blockade runner you not only have more EHP but you have a smaller sig radius and move faster, adding to the chance the Tornado gets glancing hits. In fact if you are sitting in gate cloak and believe that a tornado will shoot at you as soon as you start moving, you could activate afterburner to move even faster and screw up his shot. (if you have an afterburner fit)

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Wolfgang von Wolfhausen
#29 - 2013-04-25 13:00:52 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
in a blockade runner you not only have more EHP

This is flat-out wrong. Blockade runners are agile with very low EHP (less than 20k) and small cargo space. Deep space transports have much more tank, and a bigger cargo hold but are slow, slow, slow.

Also, someone told you that if you have items inside a container, they aren't scanned. Wrong. Unless they are "double-wrapped" as a contract package inside of a container, they are scannable.

Lastly, I see lots of people suggesting that because a BR can't be scanned now, they won't be ganked so you can relax a bit. Also incredibly misleading- because they can't be scanned, some (not all) gankers may be willing to risk it and will pop you regardless. Think about it: the BR could be empty, or could have 2.1b in loot. If I'm in a 100 mil Tornado, I could lose 19 of them popping empty BR's and still profit off of the 20th.

You can also never, ever auto-pilot in a BR even if your hold is empty for this reason.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2013-04-25 17:07:29 UTC
Wolfgang von Wolfhausen wrote:
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
in a blockade runner you not only have more EHP

This is flat-out wrong. Blockade runners are agile with very low EHP (less than 20k) and small cargo space.
Easily 30k EHP with a basic tank fit, and that's more than a T1 industrial, which was my point.

I wouldn't AFK in a blockade runner or deep space transport either, but I also wouldn't AFK in a capsule, shuttle, or tech 2 frigate. Some things are just too easy to get rid of.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-04-25 19:31:36 UTC
I'm not a hauler, nor do I play one on TV. I know a decent number of folks who are successful haulers, though. The best thing you can do is have intelligence on your route. Zappity recommends a covops scout, but even a new pilot in a shuttle will do. Have them undock before you to check out the station. Have them jump ahead of you and report. Lots of folks dual-client and use an alt, but if you're in a corp this is a great way to use brand new pilots.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#32 - 2013-04-25 23:37:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Tip: Never travel in a Blockade Runner uncloaked. Because you cannot be scanned, bored people will take a random shot at you in hopes that something will drop.

You don't really have to worry about tank on a blockade runner: if you are uncloaked you will die unless the attacker is incompetent. Otherwise, on un-dock initiate warp and activate tank modules, since you can't cloak near station. You are most vulnerable docking and un-docking.

Warning: CONCORD, faction police, and other ships around a gate can prevent you from cloaking if they are too close. This is rare in my experience, but it does happen.

I recently hauled 7 billion ISK out of Jita in a Crane with 2x T2 cargo rigs with two meta 4 istabs in the lows (instant un-dock bookmark used of course - there is a moon aligned with the 4-4 undock, NOT moon 4).

Note that meta 4 istabs have less signature bloom than tech 2, but same agility bonus.

All BR can fit a 10MN MWD, but it is primarily only used to get out of bubbles [I like to use it to zip between POS modules].

It is really hard to lose a blockade runner in hisec or lowsec, though beware of smartbomb gate camps [avoid Rancer].
Galaxies Fall
#33 - 2013-04-26 00:12:55 UTC
[avoid Rancer]

This should be introduced in the Eve starting tutorial lol. Rancer is a HORRIBLE place if you are NOT a Pirate type. If you ARE a Pirate type then you probably love Rancer and have had many LOL times there.

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Wolfgang von Wolfhausen
#34 - 2013-04-26 00:40:52 UTC
You don't really have to worry about tank on a blockade runner


If anyone tells you to tank a BR, run away from them and do not accept their candy. BR's are meant for speed and agility. If you're worried about tank, you're doing it wrong and shouldn't be flying it in the first place.
Dar Saleem
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2013-04-26 02:03:28 UTC
Sian Ka'an wrote:
No, all they see on scan is the container, but none of its contents.

Incorrect they can see the contents of cans. You can still avoid scanning with double wrapping but many gankers will take a punt on double wraps.

Its the same with blockade runners many gankers will take a punt on what you carrying, if anything
Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2013-04-26 03:12:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Naween
DeLindsay wrote:
[avoid Rancer]

This should be introduced in the Eve starting tutorial lol. Rancer is a HORRIBLE place if you are NOT a Pirate type. If you ARE a Pirate type then you probably love Rancer and have had many LOL times there.

nah, still hate Rancer. its a cesspit.

edit: gah forgot to add what I really wanted.

blockade runner. seriously t1 industrials are to slow and fragile. just cloak and warp. its your safest bet. since with agility mods (no dont cargo rig them) you will just be a blip on the overview and even with a sensor boosted tornado the ganker has to really be on the ball to catch you. specially on a busy gate. and even then with human reactions, server ticks and everything you have to be really unlucky to get caught.

t1 indies.. well.. they are so slow and fragile we pop em easy. anything with a cov ops cloak and agility rigged, i for one usually just say.. bleep em.. and dont even try. it isnt worth it when they zip around in my lowsec area where i live. its just so darn hard to catch em unless the pilot is a moron.... which.. granted there are a lot of.
Tristis Puella
Empty You
#37 - 2013-04-26 03:45:20 UTC
I'd like to recommend you check out the "Haulers Channel" as well and come chat with fellow haulers. Lots of good folks there willing to help out a fellow hauler as well as quite a few courier contracts posted in there quite frequently, most with pretty good payouts.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#38 - 2013-04-26 22:55:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Lady Naween wrote:
blockade runner. seriously t1 industrials are to slow and fragile. just cloak and warp. its your safest bet. since with agility mods (no dont cargo rig them) you will just be a blip on the overview and even with a sensor boosted tornado the ganker has to really be on the ball to catch you. specially on a busy gate. and even then with human reactions, server ticks and everything you have to be really unlucky to get caught.

What will get you are not being able to cloak (objects too close, like drones or cans, or a large fleet on the gate - been there, done that, lived to tell), or an on-the-ball bubble camp (can be uncloaked before getting out of bubble).

All the Blockade Runners seem optimized to carry around 8,000 m3, and they all warp in about the same amount of time in this configuration.

Cargo rigs don't seem to make a big difference, as Blockade Runners already have high agility, and if you are using istabs (meta 4 of course) agility rigs are stacking penalized. Signature bloom from istabs is not really an issue for the same timing reasons. Increasing velocity does help get out of bubbles faster though, so nanos are suggested if you know you are going through nulsec.

I carry 2x of each at all times: cargo, istabs, and nanos. Fit as needed.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#39 - 2013-04-27 02:49:54 UTC
Wolfgang von Wolfhausen wrote:
Avoid the Rancer system at all times. Period.

Rancer is bad, but Amamake is just fine.

Trust me.



I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Wolfgang von Wolfhausen
#40 - 2013-04-27 05:07:22 UTC
Cargo rigs don't seem to make a big difference, as Blockade Runners already have high agility

Again, looks like someone hasn't spent much time using a BR. Cargo rigs are a bad enough idea in a BR going through highsec, and can easily get you popped in low/null if a camper is on his A-game and you're being lazy (and if you're using cargo rigs or modules in a BR, you're being lazy). Check out Eve Fitting Tool if you haven't already- the difference between 4s and 8s align time is critical (entering warp always rounds up, so 3.7s becomes 4s, 8.1s becomes 9s, etc.)

Half the fun of using the EVE forums is figuring out who's trying to get you killed, and who's trying to help :).
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