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Do not be deceived

Crazy Captain Nemo
Nova Corps Marines
#21 - 2013-04-20 08:52:34 UTC
I have said it before here within the IGS and I will say it as many times as is neccessary. The Caldari State has been since its formation a Confederacy comprised of the various megacorporations. Each corporation occupies a region of space that the other's agree upon. Within each megacorporations sphere of influence they reign surpreme, provided they do not cross the bounderies set by the CEP, and are free to do whatever they desire within said sphere. For example, a citizen of the State that is a judge in the Lai-Dai court system has no judicial authority over the goings on of an Ishukone trial. What Heth is trying to do not only flies in the face of centuries of tradition, but against the founding principles of the Caldari State.

Instead of a Confederacy of Megacorporations, Heth desires to combine all of the megacorp's into one large gestalt; of which he is the CEO. I respect Heth for his actions in the past, I respect him for his martial prowess, and I very much respect him for rising from the lowest ranks of the State to the office of Executor. But I CANNOT and WILL NOT bow to a man who wishes to take away the power from the megacorporations and then give said power to himself.
The Crucible.
#22 - 2013-04-20 10:10:05 UTC
Xindi Kraid wrote:
Our corporate factionalism has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Gallente.

Anabella Rella wrote:
Someone needs to make Heth open a history book. He can try pinning a lot of things on the Gallente but, corporate culture isn't one of them.

Technically Heth is half-correct. He claims that Caldari corporatism started in response to "The Gallente enforcing their culture on us[the Caldari]"

It is debatable how, when, why or even if this was the case, and this is not the place for that argument. However, the Caldari as a people had their culture from long before the first-contact event, and in that culture lies the roots of the Caldari version of what can be termed modern Federal corporatism.

In short, there was no such thing as 'corporate' culture among the Caldari, divided as they were along national lines, but there was that original ideal, that concept that would mesh so nicely with the corporate idea. As I recall, when the Gallente introduced this corporate concept to the Caldari, the latter did not simply take use of it as it was, but they apparently liked the idea - with a few changes and tweaks the Caldari version of the concept was born - in many ways simply the ideals and means of the Caldari culture distilled into practical form, well-suited to the Caldari way of life.

This created the bed-rock that the soon-to-be Mega-corporations would grow on and soon Caldari society was divided between their nations (all successors of the Raata Empire) and the corporations that were pervasive in them. Soon after the Federation's founding the Mega's would independently found the secret colonies for themselves (without their Nation's knowledge, IIRC) and after some time it was not uncommon to find CEO's and corporate spokespersons speaking with more weight in the Federal senate than even the senators from Caldari nation-states themselves. History ensues.

When Heth claims that the Caldari corporate culture that the State is effectively built on, was a "reaction" to the Gallente, he speaks half the truth. It can be debated that the State itself exists as a consequence of the Gallente and the Federation itself. I imagine he dislikes this idea intensely, and his idea for changing it is to abolish it entirely and re-create the Raata Empire with himself as Emperor. I doubt this will go down very well with your average State citizen-employee, but that remains to be seen.

In closing, I would like to offer an apology: I stated in the start of this tread I would not get involved as this does not concern me, and while that might be true I find myself unable to give Heth at least some credit for his statement - he is not completely off the mark, as it is. Shame that it's spun with his typical take on things, but that's to be expected, I suppose.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
Toluijin Chagangan
#23 - 2013-04-20 10:20:45 UTC
While it is not my place to weigh in here, and I will not comment after this particular post, I feel that too much attention has been placed on the target that Heth likely intended with the speech, namely the effect that the Federate culture had on the pre-spaceflight Caldari people.

The part of his speech that is, in my opinion, far more shocking, is his dismissive attitude towards the Achurian people.
Let us not mince words here, on the IGS his most outspoken supporter is of Achurian descent, and his most outspoken opponents within the state are descended from Caldari Prime.
Yet he seeks to galvanise the descendents of Caldari Prime against all foreign influence and remove such foreigners from the state.

For what it's worth, I truly feel sorry for Kim. I may not like the woman, but this betrayal from the man she has given her all for must hurt and no-one deserves to be betrayed to that degree.

Seven Tribes.
One Matari People.
Heinel Coventina
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-04-20 11:02:50 UTC
Toluijin Chagangan wrote:
While it is not my place to weigh in here, and I will not comment after this particular post, I feel that too much attention has been placed on the target that Heth likely intended with the speech, namely the effect that the Federate culture had on the pre-spaceflight Caldari people.

The part of his speech that is, in my opinion, far more shocking, is his dismissive attitude towards the Achurian people.
Let us not mince words here, on the IGS his most outspoken supporter is of Achurian descent, and his most outspoken opponents within the state are descended from Caldari Prime.
Yet he seeks to galvanise the descendents of Caldari Prime against all foreign influence and remove such foreigners from the state.

For what it's worth, I truly feel sorry for Kim. I may not like the woman, but this betrayal from the man she has given her all for must hurt and no-one deserves to be betrayed to that degree.

Seven Tribes.
One Matari People.

It's good that someone mentioned the Heth loyalists. I was just wondering if they're going to all commit honorary suicide if Heth falls. This will be the true test of their faith. We will see if their actions match their words.
Toluijin Chagangan
#25 - 2013-04-20 12:25:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Toluijin Chagangan
To be fair, She has always claimed her loyalty is to the State, she just has a somewhat skewed view of what the state should be after the events of the past five years.

and i just commented again didn't I?.
I'll be quiet now.

Seven Tribes.
One Matari People.
Sofia Roseburn
Verdant Inquiries
#26 - 2013-04-20 12:28:45 UTC
Toluijin Chagangan wrote:
To be fair, She has always claimed her loyalty is to the State, she just has a somewhat skewed view of what the state should be after the events of the past five years.

Other people seem to have got on fine (although that number is probably smaller than one might think). She's definitely deranged though.
Shiho Weitong
Caldari State
#27 - 2013-04-20 15:14:10 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Shiho Weitong wrote:
And so, the first step towards civil war is taken.

This is like calling the ascension of the top step of a flight of stairs the 'first step towards' something. There have been many such, perhaps hidden from your view, but necessary in the long climb to this point.

Thankfully it is not yet the last step towards Civil War. I pray to Winds and the Maker that Executor Heth wakes up before he takes that one and steps down.

It is true that the signs have been here long. It's also true that we have seen coming for a long time.
This is however the first time Heth have publicly declared, at least so unequivocally, his intent to topple the megas.

If he is not forcibly removed I do not see any other ending than civil war however.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#28 - 2013-04-20 16:24:50 UTC
Shiho Weitong wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Shiho Weitong wrote:
And so, the first step towards civil war is taken.

This is like calling the ascension of the top step of a flight of stairs the 'first step towards' something. There have been many such, perhaps hidden from your view, but necessary in the long climb to this point.

Thankfully it is not yet the last step towards Civil War. I pray to Winds and the Maker that Executor Heth wakes up before he takes that one and steps down.

It is true that the signs have been here long. It's also true that we have seen coming for a long time.
This is however the first time Heth have publicly declared, at least so unequivocally, his intent to topple the megas.

If he is not forcibly removed I do not see any other ending than civil war however.

Where we disagree is only in the matter of degrees, I think. I have seen this coming for some time - although I hoped that cooler heads would council wisdom.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#29 - 2013-04-20 16:32:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Sakura Nihil
So, are any State loyalists finally coming around to my point of view, that we should just murder the guy and be done with it?
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#30 - 2013-04-20 16:37:49 UTC
Sakura Nihil wrote:
So, are any State loyalists finally coming around to my point of view, that we should just murder the guy and be done with it?

Aspects of your solution are attractive to me - since it has become clear that he will not take the honourable way out himself.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#31 - 2013-04-20 17:03:40 UTC
Given long enough locked in a room with a cup of tea, I suspect he'd drink.

The question is how we go about de-clawing the CPD.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Sofia Roseburn
Verdant Inquiries
#32 - 2013-04-20 17:14:29 UTC
Sakura Nihil wrote:
So, are any State loyalists finally coming around to my point of view, that we should just murder the guy and be done with it?

Murder is such a base word. Remove permanently from office has a much nicer ring to it.
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2013-04-20 17:24:09 UTC
Makoto Priano wrote:
Given long enough locked in a room with a cup of tea, I suspect he'd drink.

The question is how we go about de-clawing the CPD.

Just my thoughts on the matter here, but a full CBT investigation and the subsequent arrest and prosecution of any Dragonaur within their number would be a good start.

Without those stirring up dissent and hatred it is likely that most of the CPD would return to their respective megacorporations and fall back into line.

though that is probably the best case scenario. I'd rather not contemplate the worst case.

Not indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated.

Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#34 - 2013-04-20 17:43:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Seriphyn Inhonores
I'm going to play advocate in the same manner a UoC professor would in challenging her students; as in, by playing contrarian, one may reinforce their own beliefs by backing it up in the face of counter-points. It's a key element to the art of debate. Unfortunately, it is mistaken for unbridled attacks and reciprocated with rage.

What is inherently wrong with what Executor Heth has said? As an outsider, what I might see is just another echo chamber response to how nobody likes Tibus Heth. After all, it is easy to score points with other capsuleers if there is a mutual channeling of dislike towards Heth. Look at how Diana Kim is ostracized amongst capsuleers for her beliefs. Even if there is logical thought to backing up the disapproval, are we confident this logic isn't derived from entrenched bias?

Executor Heth is proposing a single State where all Caldari are united under one nation, not eight corporations that each claim to be representing the Caldari (I am not saying their claims are invalid). If you removed the corporations, the threat of civil war is eliminated, as you do not have eight gargantuan interstellar entities that each have their own military. There will be no internecine warfare based on human greed and competition. You can still have a meritocracy in a unitary system. There will be many benefits, I'm sure, though I do not have the time to do my reading and list them all out here.

So, are we sure our dissent is rational, rather than not influenced by desiring the approval of other capsuleers, or coloured by our historical grievances with Executor Tibus Heth? Is this exactly what the megacorporations want you to think? Tibus Heth is proposing their abolition; when referring to realpolitik, they are naturally going to do anything to maintain power by spinning their own propaganda against the Provist proposal. Through this light, you are doing what those in power want you to do; vehemently disapprove of it rather than consider the other side of the argument.

Neither the Federated Union nor the Caldari State were around 300 years ago. They may not be in another 300. Any merits in what Tibus Heth has said has been lost in the noise of the echo chamber.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#35 - 2013-04-20 17:48:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyn Farel
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
I'm going to play advocate in the same manner a UoC professor would in challenging her students; as in, by playing contrarian, one may reinforce their own beliefs by backing it up in the face of counter-points. It's a key element to the art of debate. Unfortunately, it is mistaken for unbridled attacks and reciprocated with rage.

What is inherently wrong with what Executor Heth has said? As an outsider, what I might see is just another echo chamber response to how nobody likes Tibus Heth. After all, it is easy to score points with other capsuleers if there is a mutual channeling of dislike towards Heth. Look at how Diana Kim is ostracized amongst capsuleers for her beliefs. Even if there is logical thought to backing up the disapproval, are we confident this logic isn't derived from entrenched bias?

Executor Heth is proposing a single State where all Caldari are united under one nation, not eight corporations that each claim to be representing the Caldari (I am not saying their claims are invalid). If you removed the corporations, the threat of civil war is eliminated, as you do not have eight gargantuan interstellar entities that each have their own military. There will be no internecine warfare based on human greed and competition. You can still have a meritocracy in a unitary system. There will be many benefits, I'm sure, though I do not have the time to do my reading and list them all out here.

So, are we sure our dissent is rational, rather than not influenced by desiring the approval of other capsuleers, or coloured by our historical grievances with Executor Tibus Heth? Is this exactly what the megacorporations want you to think? Tibus Heth is proposing their abolition; when referring to realpolitik, they are naturally going to do anything to maintain power by spinning their own propaganda against the Provist proposal. Through this light, you are doing what those in power want you to do; vehemently disapprove of it rather than consider the other side of the argument.

Neither the Federated Union nor the Caldari State were around 300 years ago. They may not be in another 300. Any merits in what Tibus Heth has said has been lost in the noise of the echo chamber.

Not that I disagree or agree, but on the same line of thought, is there merit to your eyes in the one unified nation in New Eden instead of the four gargantuan empires ?
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#36 - 2013-04-20 17:58:31 UTC
Lyn Farel wrote:
Not that I disagree or agree, but on the same line of thought, is there merit to your eyes in the one unified nation in New Eden instead of the four gargantuan empires ?

The Caldari are a relatively homogenized civilization; in my opinion, that is what makes the State megacorporations so efficient. It is far easier to administer a homogeneous population than a composite group of multiple populations with different expectations and world views. But that is the challenge of pluralism.

A single New Eden entity will have the difficulty of trying to administer a heterogeneous population. We can see the pitfalls of this with the current Federation.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#37 - 2013-04-20 18:24:24 UTC
Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
I'm going to play advocate in the same manner a UoC professor would in challenging her students; as in, by playing contrarian, one may reinforce their own beliefs by backing it up in the face of counter-points. It's a key element to the art of debate. Unfortunately, it is mistaken for unbridled attacks and reciprocated with rage.

Okay. I'll take what you say at face value.

Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Executor Heth is proposing a single State where all Caldari are united under one nation, not eight corporations that each claim to be representing the Caldari (I am not saying their claims are invalid). If you removed the corporations, the threat of civil war is eliminated, as you do not have eight gargantuan interstellar entities that each have their own military. There will be no internecine warfare based on human greed and competition. You can still have a meritocracy in a unitary system. There will be many benefits, I'm sure, though I do not have the time to do my reading and list them all out here.

The Caldari are, as has been said many times, by nature an authoritarian race. We believe in conformity, following the social order and maintaining the Status Quo. We are probably one of the only races in New Eden where it is unfashionable to criticise a superior unless you believe you could step in and do a better job.

This authoritarianism is both a strong advantage and a possible disadvantage - if we are led to a cliff, it is possible that we will march off the damn thing, still in step until we hit the bottom. By maintaining a weak central government we provide those offsetting viewpoints that might not otherwise find expression. Wiyrkomi will argue with Lai Dai. Kalaakiota will argue with Ishukone. In order for the State to move as one, a proper majority must be achieved within the CEP - and the representatives in the CEP are subject to the approval of their shareholders.

In the system Executor Heth desires there will be no proper checks or balances upon his power. I imagine we'll be out of the Yulai convention and at full war with the Gallente within the year.

Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
So, are we sure our dissent is rational, rather than not influenced by desiring the approval of other capsuleers, or coloured by our historical grievances with Executor Tibus Heth? Is this exactly what the megacorporations want you to think? Tibus Heth is proposing their abolition; when referring to realpolitik, they are naturally going to do anything to maintain power by spinning their own propaganda against the Provist proposal. Through this light, you are doing what those in power want you to do; vehemently disapprove of it rather than consider the other side of the argument.

Neither the Federated Union nor the Caldari State were around 300 years ago. They may not be in another 300. Any merits in what Tibus Heth has said has been lost in the noise of the echo chamber.

Ever since the first Gal/Cal War the existence of the State has been for the purpose of preserving the Caldari Way. Our traditions. Our culture. Our specific way of life. Executor Heth seeks to scrap the State in order to create a new society dedicated to what? The renewal of the Old Raata Empire?

Are we to return to expansionism? To Imperialism? No! These are values that do not serve the State in the slightest! Executor Heth seeks to forge the State into a weapon for the sole purpose of striking at the Gallente - and such has never been our relationship with our cousins. It is more than folly, it is madness - Heth is mad. Those who follow him now either share this madness or they hope to profit from it!

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#38 - 2013-04-20 19:08:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Makoto Priano
Mr. Inhonores;

Tuulinen-haan has already addressed some core points. Let me simply highlight one of his comments, and expand on it: "...forge the State into a weapon for the sole purpose of striking at the Gallente."

This cannot be stressed enough. Through his attempt to prevent food and medical aid from being delivered to Caldari Prime, to his arrest of those who executives that resigned in protest, to this latest effort to dismantle the existing State, Heth has demonstrated that his objective is not a stronger Caldari people.His objective is to do harm to -- ideally, in his mind, destroy -- the Gallente Federation.

We of the State honor those who best serve the State and its ideals -- duty, productivity, competition. Heth has conflated duty with personal loyalty, and has replaced the other ideals with the desire to commit genocide.

Heth's State isn't the State I grew up in, and it's not the State I serve.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#39 - 2013-04-20 20:31:31 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Unifying the State now is the best course of action.

The Power is in Unity!

We should not allow traitors to separate our nation into small parts, and sell these parts to Gallenteans one by one!


And it seemed like you were doing so well for a while there, Kim :/

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-04-20 21:52:51 UTC
it did? I must have blinked and missed it.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders