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Running LvL 4 in Amarr Space: wich ship do you suggest for avoid the Tracking Disruption ?

Inritus Astrum
#21 - 2013-04-11 12:00:47 UTC
Arty Maelstrom with MJD makes these missions trivial. Barely ever have to pulse the sheild booster. Also an 8k alpha is fun Big smile

If you do go this route, split your guns into 2 groups. You can generally half volley frigs and take them out 2 at a time from 50+ KM

That said, this wont be the fastest setup, it doesn't have near the raw DPS of a Mach or Marauder, but it will complete missions in a reasonable amount of time with relatively low SP and ISK investment.
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-04-11 12:12:38 UTC
Paikis wrote:
Heavensend wrote:
scorch or radio

Found your problem. Fit Tachyons.

Well, a decently skilled Amarr battleship pilot can fit out an Apocalypse with a 90+km optimal with T2 pulses firing Scorch (a variant on the Foxcat fleet doctrine), but the DPS will be a bit anemic. Tachyons will be hell on powergrid, but on a skilled-up Apoc with its range bonuses, they'll give you respectable firepower at ranges beyond even the quoted 84 km range of Sansha TD.

This is only good until Odyssey, when they drop the changes to the battleships.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Vapour Holdings
#23 - 2013-04-11 19:27:26 UTC
When did we start talking about Apocs? I was talking about the Nightmare.
Holy Eriker
Trust Doesn't Rust
Goonswarm Federation
#24 - 2013-04-12 07:36:59 UTC
A deeper study of the situation brought me to this discussion:

As you can see, the BS we know will be no more in few months and the Typhoon seems to be a new option.

The seventh mid slot on the Raven is also something to keep in mind.

Is still unknown (afaik) the new missile mechaninc CCP want to introduce; due to this is hard to say what it will be.

Degnar Oskold
#25 - 2013-04-15 18:44:57 UTC
My alt runs level 4s against blood raiders and sanshas in a Tempest Fleet Issue. I don't take Blockade or Vengeance, but does fine in the rest. Use 800mm autos in the highs, tank & prop in the mids, and in the lows 4 x gyros, 3x TEs. Works just fine as long as I have no more than 2 TDs on me.

In event of more than 2 TDs, I just focus on the TD cruisers first, then TD BSs.
Hulasikaly Wada
#26 - 2013-04-16 09:26:35 UTC

Already proposed an armor tanked typhoon with 5 cruiser launcher and sentries on another treat and still be a good option

Tried with success ( was a pyta ) 2 days ago a sansha blocade lvl 4 with my AC vargur, did it only because was fast enough to keep at range of 500 meters those TD rats ( rats always want to orbit you at theyr orbit range, closing so much the range will lead they to just run away from you and you following they with a radiant speed close to zero )

My 70 km falloff with 0,08+ traking was reduced always under 10 km with spikes under 4km basically without traking speed when 5 TD effects was on

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2013-04-18 08:10:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Barrogh Habalu
Some of misconceptions brought into this thread were dismissed already, but I'll sum it up nevertheless.

1. BR/Sansha missions aren't TD fests. Only 1-2 missions offered by your agent has TD to speak of, others aren't something tach fit laser boat can't handle. It's questionable whether it's worth it at all to run those missions even if there wasn't any TD, but that depends on your skills, knowledge, ships you have and thus how you do it.

2. TEs and TCs can't counter TDs due to stacking penalties; in fact, it's TDs that counter mission boats that are already often stuffed with TEs and TCs to get damage projection to acceptable levels.

3. TDs aren't "lol rats cheat". Effective range of NPC TDs in normal missions is under 95 km and sniper fits (translation: MJD, SeBo, big guns) can handle them just fine. If you have access to T2 Tachs, you're good, but I managed to pull it off with T1 ammo (IN Infrared deals roughly as much damage as Aurora if you can position yourself in a gap between 95-100 km).

While running Blockade like that (if you actually have to do it), remember that using these tactics involves some flying around in addition to jumping, so learn when to fly away from rats (don't sit still after MJDing away or elites, ones with TDs, will catch up with you before they are down) and when to start closing range to use more powerful ammo after dismantling all elite cruisers, it's a key to finishing this mission in "timely" (I don't think that going all-out blitz here is a good idea) manner.

I think the same goes for Serpentis Blockade, but I didn't check it out.

Another point worth mentioning is that future plans on TD-affected missiles is very vague idea, was spelled out just once and it's very uncertain.
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