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How often do haulers get suicide ganked?

Eric Raeder
No Fee Too High
#41 - 2013-04-14 06:00:41 UTC
So many killboard reports show 95% of the freighter load's value taking up 5% of the space. If you have high value stuff that will fit in a T2 indy, haul it in the T2 indy. Blockade runners are damn near unstoppable, and the bigger deep space transports can limit their exposure using the MWD cloak trick. Save the freighter for the bulky stuff that won't fit in the indys.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#42 - 2013-04-14 10:04:26 UTC
So I was in a Charon and I went to the BPO vendor that stands just outside Jita 4-4 and bought a Charon BPO, but somehow I managed to buy 1120 of them.

I was really confused, because I didn't have that much ISK in my wallet. While I was trying to figure out what had happened and what to do, somebody noticed my cargo and opened-fire. In a panic I just logged-off, and I instantly realized that was pointless. I figured it would make for a historic EVE killmail.

I forgot to mention this was all in a dream [sharp-eyed readers would have wondered about the vendor]. You know you play too much EVE when...

I made several trips today, for real, through Niarja and Uedama with pricey cargo in my Crane. Just got back from Jita 4-4 where I took a tanked Bustard instead to move some pricey and bulky hulls I purchased. All trips completed without any incident.

So the only time I've been ganked while hauling in over 4 years now is in my dreams.
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2013-04-15 11:30:51 UTC
I was ganked once. I had an untanked bestower, with 2 or 3 (I don't remember which right now) hulks in, when hulks were ~180mill a piece. And yeah, I got popped.

Opps. Learned that lesson. never again.

I'll auto pilot my freighter with 1bill or less without a second thought. I'll run it through the gates with 2bill or less. All of this is on an unknown character in an npc corp, so standings won't be an issue.

More than that, I use a jf, in an npc corp (no war-decs), with an exit cyno on the ready. Which means its near impossible to gank.

One tip. Don't double wrap your packages. Unless they are worth a ton. It's sort of like the guy graduating from college that doesn't include the GPA on his resume. You assume it's low. In this case, if you are double wrapped, people will assume it's high.

Follow those tips, your chance now of getting suicide ganked is very low. Sometimes, out of boredom, a random freighter will get ganked. But that is like winning the lottery. Unfortunately for you its the lottery on the Island.
Zenon Cold
#44 - 2013-04-15 23:17:23 UTC
Hi, I'm relatively new player and I got ganked today for my first time. And it was really painful.

Around a month ago I started as a trader doing stationtrading in Amarr, while doing some occasional small 200m isk max shipments from Jita. I earned little bit over one billion isk this way. And for me it was A LOT. I started to be quite good at it, doing spreadsheets and stuff. Today I did extensive market research figuring what would be most profitable to ship from Jita and sell in Amarr. It took me a while and I compiled list of very profitable stuff and went to buy it in my bestower. I arrived in Jita and bought 1 billion isk worth of items. All the money that I earned by trading so far.
I knew that something like suicide ganking exists but I didn't know how it works or how fast it is. I didnt have a clue that I cant stand a chance in untanked hauler. I thought that I manage to get away if I'm in high sec. Would I even have a chance if i put some hardeners on it? I have no clue. Well long story short I got popped instantly right after entering system 2 jumps before Amarr. I learned the hard way. All the effort and my free time invested gone in a split of an second.

So now the problem is that I kinda lost interest in playing the game, basically starting all over again. I mean what's the point spending hours and hours playing when you can loose everything in a second. What's the point being in highsec when police doesn't work anyway? Sure I know now, I won't ever haul expensive cargo in a fragile can but what hard lesson comes next? I am scared to go mining with my retriever or buy even more expensive ship, if I can loose it in highsec. I guess this game is not for me :-\

Fly safe, ZC.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#45 - 2013-04-16 00:51:42 UTC
Zenon Cold wrote:
So now the problem is that I kinda lost interest in playing the game, basically starting all over again. I mean what's the point spending hours and hours playing when you can loose everything in a second. What's the point being in highsec when police doesn't work anyway? Sure I know now, I won't ever haul expensive cargo in a fragile can but what hard lesson comes next? I am scared to go mining with my retriever or buy even more expensive ship, if I can loose it in highsec. I guess this game is not for me :-\

Did you have fun doing it?

That's the point of EVE.
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2013-04-16 06:06:35 UTC
Zenon Cold wrote:
What's the point being in highsec when police doesn't work anyway?

Just a comment on that. In EVE, the police's job is to punish infractions of the law, not to protect you. They would have punished your attackers for their unprovoked attack, however the value of the cargo you were hauling far outweighed the value of the ships the attackers needed.

Incognito Mode
Brotherhood of Spacers
#47 - 2013-04-16 15:40:33 UTC
Bob Killan wrote:

Always use warp to zero, and if you absolutelly have to carry some high value stuff, run a few test flights with a shuttle and try to map the best route, that is the route that requires less alligning between jumps even if it takes you extra jumps. You may find that warping to a sun/planet and warping from there to the gate can break your allign time by doing half the turn to get to the planet/sun and the other half to get to th gate. This will cut down the time you're sat around as a sitting duck.

Stop giving out false information. It doesnt matter if your ship is already facing the object you are warping to or has to turn 180 degrees. Both ways take just as long to start warping. This is why you always see freighters initiate warp while they have not fully alinged yet. they reached warp speed faster then they were able to turn.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#48 - 2013-04-16 17:28:47 UTC
Zenon Cold wrote:
Hi, I'm relatively new player and I got ganked today for my first time. And it was really painful.

Around a month ago I started as a trader doing stationtrading in Amarr, while doing some occasional small 200m isk max shipments from Jita. I earned little bit over one billion isk this way. And for me it was A LOT. I started to be quite good at it, doing spreadsheets and stuff. Today I did extensive market research figuring what would be most profitable to ship from Jita and sell in Amarr. It took me a while and I compiled list of very profitable stuff and went to buy it in my bestower. I arrived in Jita and bought 1 billion isk worth of items. All the money that I earned by trading so far.
I knew that something like suicide ganking exists but I didn't know how it works or how fast it is. I didnt have a clue that I cant stand a chance in untanked hauler. I thought that I manage to get away if I'm in high sec. Would I even have a chance if i put some hardeners on it? I have no clue. Well long story short I got popped instantly right after entering system 2 jumps before Amarr. I learned the hard way. All the effort and my free time invested gone in a split of an second.

So now the problem is that I kinda lost interest in playing the game, basically starting all over again. I mean what's the point spending hours and hours playing when you can loose everything in a second. What's the point being in highsec when police doesn't work anyway? Sure I know now, I won't ever haul expensive cargo in a fragile can but what hard lesson comes next? I am scared to go mining with my retriever or buy even more expensive ship, if I can loose it in highsec. I guess this game is not for me :-\

Fly safe, ZC.

Sorry you lost soo much.... I've had some doozies of losses too.... and it hurts...

Learning who to trust, how to trust, when to trust is important. Seriously, if your neighbor couldn't screw you over by usurping everything you share with him, trusting him wouldn't mean anything.

Just like, if you couldn't lose assets so nonchalantly, accruing them wouldn't be as rewarding.

In the end, it's the ability to lose everything so viciously that makes EvE unlike other MMO's. It's precisely because you can be scammed out of billions or that your precious ship might be killed anytime it undocks, that makes EvE a great game...

Some lessons are cheap... some are expensive... I've lost billions due to careless choices I've made, and it was part of the journey to where I am today.

Just an FYI: If you can make a billion once, you can do it again... and now you have knowledge behind you on how to do it. It's really this knowledge that gives you a leg up! You also have knowledge on how dangerous space is, and can take precautions to mitigate your risks.
#49 - 2013-04-16 22:48:48 UTC
Nykr wrote:
Stop giving out false information. It doesnt matter if your ship is already facing the object you are warping to or has to turn 180 degrees. Both ways take just as long to start warping. This is why you always see freighters initiate warp while they have not fully alinged yet. they reached warp speed faster then they were able to turn.

I used to do my ratting in a i-Stabbed (and align rigged) sentry Thanatos. Occasionally, if the Anoms were far apart, it would finish aligning in the direction of the warp before I landed.

The drawing of your ship that the Client renders aligns at a fixed rate (so far as I can tell) based on the ship and unrelated to your actual align time.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Anthar Thebess
#50 - 2013-04-17 13:31:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Not so often if you know simple rules :

Don't carry on your hauler more than 1.5x times ISK needed for ships to gank you.
Don't fly to low/null.
Don't haul faction stuff.
Don't fly if you are in militia.
Don't fly if you are at WAR.
Don't fly if you have active KR ( unless you making isk on this)
Don't fly if you have 'new' people in your (non npc) corp :P

And now something you should have.
All EHP skills armor/structure/shield
Passive resistance skills ( hmm they don't require items ?)
Passive tank implants (correct one, don't put shield implant if you fly orca)
If you fly orca Reinforced bulkheads II and damage control in low is a must!

So simple :)
And it applies - to all industrial / PVE ships :)
#51 - 2013-04-17 16:47:43 UTC
For extra fun when you are watching TV or just afk for the day. Take a fully insured Indy equiped with a bunch of cheap buffer tanking mods (best not to fit too smart even if it's) with a couple of double wrapped items (for bonus points add in some random really cheap sleeper loot) , autopilot the route jita -> Amarr -> Dodixie and so on. If you are lucky someone will decide you have phat lewt, and blow you up. In which case you collect your insurance pay out, and sell off your killrights for a tidy profit. The most amusing thing is the ganker will generally end up buying off the kill rights with an alt....

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Haulie Berry
#52 - 2013-04-17 16:52:48 UTC
Zenon Cold wrote:

So now the problem is that I kinda lost interest in playing the game, basically starting all over again. I mean what's the point spending hours and hours playing when you can loose everything in a second.

Er... you can only lose everything in a second if you first put yourself in a position to lose everything in a second. This is like complaining that you can lose everything in a second while playing roulette. It's only true if you walk into the casino and risk everything on a single bet.

Practice a little bit of risk management, and you won't be able to lose everything in a second.
Dave stark
#53 - 2013-04-17 17:57:08 UTC
Marsan wrote:
For extra fun when you are watching TV or just afk for the day. Take a fully insured Indy equiped with a bunch of cheap buffer tanking mods (best not to fit too smart even if it's) with a couple of double wrapped items (for bonus points add in some random really cheap sleeper loot) , autopilot the route jita -> Amarr -> Dodixie and so on. If you are lucky someone will decide you have phat lewt, and blow you up. In which case you collect your insurance pay out, and sell off your killrights for a tidy profit. The most amusing thing is the ganker will generally end up buying off the kill rights with an alt....

or they're already -10 and don't give a ****.
#54 - 2013-04-18 00:36:53 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:

or they're already -10 and don't give a ****.

It's still amusing my alt is up to 3 "kills" ;-)

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Galaxies Fall
#55 - 2013-04-18 03:54:41 UTC
So now the problem is that I kinda lost interest in playing the game, basically starting all over again. I mean what's the point spending hours and hours playing when you can loose everything in a second. What's the point being in highsec when police doesn't work anyway? Sure I know now, I won't ever haul expensive cargo in a fragile can but what hard lesson comes next? I am scared to go mining with my retriever or buy even more expensive ship, if I can loose it in highsec. I guess this game is not for me :-\

This IS the point of Eve. It is the only MMO that I'm aware of where your actions actually matter. Yes it sucks that you lost a ton of ISK. But at the same time, it really isn't that hard to get back, still doesn't make it suck any less. Think of most/any other MMO where you get killed 20x a day by some griefing A*hole, literally the only thing it costs you is time/frustration. In Eve you get popped ONCE in 6 months and it can be devastating. Also feel lucky if your clone was up to date, I know of people who have lost months of training time when they forgot to update the clone.

On a different note, apparently in my 7 years on/off this game I have never heard of "double wrapping" but I can only assume it means putting a secure container in your hold to put the valuables in? I do this with all my standard ships (not my Freighter) but it's to allow a tiny bit more cargo space, not to confuse players as to it's contents, maybe I should re-think my approach.

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2013-04-18 06:26:23 UTC
DeLindsay wrote:
On a different note, apparently in my 7 years on/off this game I have never heard of "double wrapping" but I can only assume it means putting a secure container in your hold to put the valuables in?

Putting the items into containers and then courier contracting the containers. Plastic wrap of contract + container = double-wrap

I do this with all my standard ships (not my Freighter) but it's to allow a tiny bit more cargo space, not to confuse players as to it's contents, maybe I should re-think my approach.

Double wrapping prevents cargo scanners from seeing the items, they can only see through a single layer, not two. Putting items into a secure container in your hold still allows those to be seen by cargo scanners, double wrapping does not.

Two-edged sword there. Gankers can't see the items and hence can't get an accurate valuation to see whether you're profitable to gank, on the other hand, would you double-wrap if cargo wasn't valuable....
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#57 - 2013-04-18 07:56:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Elena Thiesant wrote:
DeLindsay wrote:
On a different note, apparently in my 7 years on/off this game I have never heard of "double wrapping" but I can only assume it means putting a secure container in your hold to put the valuables in?

Putting the items into containers and then courier contracting the containers. Plastic wrap of contract + container = double-wrap

To clarify further:

Courier contract packages are plastic-wrapped. To enable a plastic-wrapped package to be plastic-wrapped a second time, it is placed into a container and the container is courier-contracted again.

A double-wrapped package is often considered to be a reason to gank a hauler.

You are better-off in an un-scanable Blockade Runner. [I moved 7 billion ISK out of Jita in an alt's Crane earlier this evening.]
Karig'Ano Keikira
Tax Cheaters
#58 - 2013-04-18 12:30:39 UTC
in my experience, haulers are ganked less often then people think and more often then you would like :)
basically got ganked only once (and I had like 30 mil of cargo that time, making me wonder why someone bothered at all) out of 100+ hauler trips to/from jita.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2013-04-18 13:56:28 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
You are better-off in an un-scanable Blockade Runner. [I moved 7 billion ISK out of Jita in an alt's Crane earlier this evening.]

You were still better off back when it was a scannable blockade runner. (yea I'm still bitter about the change).
#60 - 2013-04-19 01:22:01 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Tau Cabalander wrote:
You are better-off in an un-scanable Blockade Runner. [I moved 7 billion ISK out of Jita in an alt's Crane earlier this evening.]

You were still better off back when it was a scannable blockade runner. (yea I'm still bitter about the change).

It would be kind of nice to be able to turn it off for trips taken in ballast. Oh well.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon