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[Odyssey] Ship Resistance Bonuses

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Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#581 - 2013-04-16 06:55:23 UTC
That's true! High resistances are better than lot of Hitpoints!
You will quickly understand the effect of these change when a two undred ships fleet will alpha something. If beforr you had the hope to survive enough time to get reps, this time is over.

There is a small number of alliances capable to create such fleet, their domination sould be reinforced by this change.

Good Job CCP.

I ask myself something, why should we come with logi as they will have nothing to repair? We should perharps come with only more BS to have a better alpha.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#582 - 2013-04-16 07:03:28 UTC
Thank you for killing my favorite ships across all races all at once. I hate it when things are dragged out. You guys are the best!

Now if you'd just nerf those silly missiles that are so overpowered.

On a totally related note good job insuring everyone flies Minnie!

Now for a reasoned but ultimately pointless plea:
* Capital ships are underpowered given their cost, making them break easier is just stupid.
* Caldari ship are clearly the subject of CCP ire so I won't even debate.
* My favorite: Well that effective 33% makes it only 4 less than the 37.5% active bonus. Ok...and you're point?

At the rate of removing tanky from this game we'll be back to speed wars in no time. Also, I realize its the wrong thread but before you nerf their tank why not make Caldari worth shooting, let alone flying.

Danny John-Peter
Blue Canary
Watch This
#583 - 2013-04-16 08:45:55 UTC
SaberSeven wrote:

At the rate of removing tanky from this game we'll be back to speed wars in no time. Also, I realize its the wrong thread but before you nerf their tank why not make Caldari worth shooting, let alone flying.

So much ****** ITT.

Also, most of the recent changes suggest that CCP prefers the Meta of everybody Manmode Prom style (TE nerf, Geddon Changes etc) and sit at 5k.

A slight reduction in tanking on these boats doesnt actually hurt them that much, once you add links and mods to standard fleet fits on the Rokh/Baddon they lose around 1% resists across the board, thats hardly killing them.
Job Valador
Professional Amateurs
#584 - 2013-04-16 10:03:37 UTC
I love flying tanky ships such as these, I for one do not believe it will really break anything despite what many naysayers state. Combat will still feel relativity the same if you are running solo, gang, or fleet in these ships and CCP will in time be able too nit pick all of the little balancing problems. Stop panicking peeps Cool

"The stone exhibited a profound lack of movement."

Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#585 - 2013-04-16 11:53:28 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
I've finally gotten a handle on why I find this so irritating.

Because this is basically an attempt to nerf the Abbadon. This whole thing first started up in the tiericide posts about the T1 battleships, where we heard that the Abbadon's bonus was (apparently) too strong. That cascaded into this discussion about nerfing resists across the board, because they (apparently) cause remote reps to be too effective. IMO, tank is losing to gank, and grievously so, but I digress.

The real reason this rubs me the wrong way is that this is very literally throwing the baby out with the bath water. You want to nerf a few of the ships on that list that are conceivably OP. So you nerf 45 ships to get to those few.

Why not just nerf the base resists of the damn Abbadon then? Why make this enormous sweeping broad brush change and potentially destroy a significant portion of the Caldari and Amarr ship lineup? Because you cannot in all seriousness tell me that you intend to rebalance all of those ships against the resist bonus they lost, and that most of them seriously needed to be even semi competitive.

If you do intend to make this right, by all means let us know. But this silence on Rise's part just lets the resentment and the alarm build at, pun intended, an alarming rate.

Yeah, it's kind of familiar.

Years ago people were complaining about blasters and this and that, so ccp buffed the buffer on every ship in the game by 50%. Like you know, so everything would last longer. Because nobody is going to bring extra people to melt you down ever.

So now we have frigates, destroyers, AFs, and cruisers doing more damage than ever, battlecruisers with battleship guns/dps, with cheap hero RR all over.....and now it's....

OMG active tank isn't good enough anymore! It must be because of these resist bonus ships! Nerf the scapegoat, I mean, resist bonus ships!

Solo pvp is hard enough as it is. I really cannot understand the thought process behind penalizing so many ships instead of buffing the few active bonused ships that need it. Nerfing the viable resist bonus ships does nothing for the viability of the other ships, they're still gonna die to the aforementioned nasty things anyway.

And how on earth does someone think that less buffer is a bad thing for alpha fleets?
Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#586 - 2013-04-16 12:06:27 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Converting the resist bonuses to HP buffer bonuses would be much easier to balance as it affects a smaller set of mechanics, but that also removes what I think are a very iconic set of bonuses.

When I look at all the negative comments about reducing the resistance by 1%, then I would suggest that you really go the easy way. With a 7,5% Bonus to HP, every Ship with a Resistance-Bonus would still have the same EHP, so everyone who is complaining about lossing EHP should be happy, because you can still survive alpha-strikes like bevor, only repairs arenĀ“t as effektive as bevore, but nobody seems to care about this.
Or even better, make a 10% bonus out of it like some old Ships had. Then these Ships would even have more EHP, so nobody can complain.

Sorry for my bad english
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#587 - 2013-04-16 12:10:33 UTC
Danny John-Peter wrote:
SaberSeven wrote:

At the rate of removing tanky from this game we'll be back to speed wars in no time. Also, I realize its the wrong thread but before you nerf their tank why not make Caldari worth shooting, let alone flying.

So much ****** ITT.

Also, most of the recent changes suggest that CCP prefers the Meta of everybody Manmode Prom style (TE nerf, Geddon Changes etc) and sit at 5k.

A slight reduction in tanking on these boats doesnt actually hurt them that much, once you add links and mods to standard fleet fits on the Rokh/Baddon they lose around 1% resists across the board, thats hardly killing them.

Only 1% eh? That totally doesn't sound like much. I mean, except if it went from being 99% to 98%......that's only 1%....

That's about 13-14k ehp lost on a baddon such as you described. That's more ehp than you get from a 5% armor hardwiring.
Askulf Joringer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#588 - 2013-04-16 12:14:35 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
That's true! High resistances are better than lot of Hitpoints!
You will quickly understand the effect of these change when a two undred ships fleet will alpha something. If beforr you had the hope to survive enough time to get reps, this time is over.

There is a small number of alliances capable to create such fleet, their domination sould be reinforced by this change.

Good Job CCP.

I ask myself something, why should we come with logi as they will have nothing to repair? We should perharps come with only more BS to have a better alpha.

Dude, you need to actually run the numbers instead of just jumping on the bandwagon of cry babies that infest the **** out of this thread. The nerf is not nearly as significant as you are making it out to be. It's a 6.6ish% difference in your primary tanks ehp...

Cry babies, everywhere. This is one of the worst eve-o threads of all time.
Crescent Nova
#589 - 2013-04-16 12:27:40 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you feel strongly about this change, either liking or disliking it, you should vote for CSM 8 and tell your representatives how you feel.

Why, when we can tell you directly? I mean this is the 21st century, technology lets us communicate way better. Why resort to that broken system where I tell someone who already has their own agenda how I feel, so that they can ignore me? That might work for government but even the strongest supporters of democracy admit that it's not a perfect system. If CCP wants to listen to the players, well, HERE WE ARE.

agreed, talking or trying to talk to a bunch of monkies who don't really care about what others want and just whats best for them and their alliance are a waste of time and have been since the very first introduction of CSM.

Van Mathias wrote:
Note that nerfing the effect of the module may not make sense, splitting the mod into 3 sizes and changing the base cycle cost for each size certainly does. Invulns are way too cheap cap wise for what you get at this point on the large subcap end of ships.

As for math, check this out:

3x Invuln Rokh before CCP changes: Base * .75 * .7 * .739 * .829 = Base * .32163127 or ~.323
3x Invuln Rokh after CCP changes: Base * .8 * .7 *.739 * .829 = Base * .34307336 0r ~.343

who in there right mind would run a triple invuln tank for rokh in fleet engagements?

that would be one of the most poor setups I've ever seen tbh and that player should be ridiculed for his or her setup

The Sinister wrote:
Dude I really think you should NOT take that 1% away from Mackinaw and Hulks for 2 huge reasons:

1. Mining Barges are not used for PVP

2. Destroyers already suicide gank Mining Barges as it is.


finally someone said it in the entire thread, I wouldn't mind seeing some changes made to the exhumers and normal barges but didn't expect to see a -1% resistance nerf done to it especially since its not a ship that could be effectively used for pvp/pve. I doubt it'd even matter tbh especially as said a few times In this thread "if they want you ganked then you will be"
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#590 - 2013-04-16 13:04:30 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
One thing to take into consideration though is that in the consideration of DPS vs. alpha, the DPS side won't be helped by high EHP or resists and highly effective RR. Defensively there is probably very little that can be done to force DPS to become prevalent.

Very good point and indirectly points up my concerns that this nerf is not something that does anything to make alpha fleets any less prevalent as well.
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#591 - 2013-04-16 13:10:59 UTC
To carry over a point that came up on the laser thread that also relates here...
Avald Midular wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
marVLs wrote:
Too smalAttention

Give it:
- 20% for pulses
- 25% for beam
- 15% beam PG

And for the entire laser spectrum, not just large. I said it in an earlier thread, shortly before this "buff" was announced. (btw, it's not really a buff, it's a slight lessening of the drastic nerf the Amarr BS line is taking)

The only thing good about lasers is Scorch. If you actually look at it in proper comparison to the other weapons systems it is a joke. Because with lasers, you aren't comparing pulses to rockets/autocannons/blasters. You are comparing those three things to Scorch.

Give us a reason to fit these damn cap sucking guns or make them suck less cap. Because a non sustainable weapon system is both totally unrealistic, and a very anti fun mechanic, especially when we get no concrete benefit for fitting cap sucking guns. And either way, give us better crystals!

This cannnot be said enough. Giving Amarr the same cap recharge as every other race and only slightly (~5%) more total cap almost begs the player to use nothing but Scorch. This ignores the fact that Tach's can't physically be fit on any of the BS's without a PG module even with the new changes (this makes Amarr the only race to have this problem). Amarr has higher PG weapon fits AND is still expected to armor tank with the negative value of PG leftover after guns but still receives the same PG as every other race, great design choice CCP.

You can say "well lets see what happens when these changes hit SISI" but that isn't really necessary. Fitting anything but Scorch on a BS is idiotic given the current numbers and still requires a cap booster, SISI won't change that.

Indeed, and I was actually playing around in Pyfa with my old L4 running Abaddon fit to see what this change would do to it's pulse fit... congratulations, I can remove 1 CCC rig, still using 3 mid slots for cap rechargers (and that would be 4 mid slots filled with cap rechargers if I wasn't useing 2 5% cap implants with the fit). which means that it does need the hull resists to stay at 5% in order to keep it's tank on par with the other races, since they can fit and rig their ships for tank. (yes, posting this on the resist thread as well).
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#592 - 2013-04-16 13:20:50 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Now that I've edited it to be less of a rant and more of a valid concern, this should most definately be addressed, especially the underlined portion.

Lol, you cut one sentence? Difference of opinion I suppose, because the way I see it, we have a decided lack of information about what the real intent is behind this. From previous information and posts on other threads, seemingly this started with the Abbadon. I see little reason why it doesn't have to end there.

"Abbadon: Resists lowered to 4% per level, to bring it's EHP more in line with the tier-less battleship design"

... is all that would have to be written.

But, as you and I have both pointed out, surely the knowledge that they would imminently destroy the viability of literally more than two dozen ships (and thereby merit their largest-scale rebalancing to date) has not escaped them. Surely they understand that the task of rebalancing dozens of ships across damn near the entire spectrum of the ship classes because of this revamp is daunting, to say the least?

My question is, what now? Because the community is far from short of being a source of helpful balancing advice, as this forum itself attests.

[Edit: And another thought here. I am honestly wondering whether I expect an answer on this or not. In my mind it's definitely a possibility that they have realized they wrote themselves into a corner here, and there is no easy way out of it.

Sorry, didn't realize at the time that I was rather insulting with that, I try to avoid that :(. Beautifully and well thought out post here, btw.

As for your Edit comment, I have no doubt that at some time they will comment on this thread, they are just taking some time to discuss this among themselves first to see what they will do (if anything) first.
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#593 - 2013-04-16 13:57:37 UTC
Debir Achen wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Defensively there is probably very little that can be done to force DPS to become prevalent.
There are some mechanisms, but they are tricky to get correct.

Firstly, we need to decide what issue exactly we're trying to improve. Alpha-fleet doctrine is a sensible response to environments where repair is prevalent - killing a target before it can be repaired can massively reduce the total damage required to kill it. In that sense, the resistance nerf pushes things slightly in favour of DPS: resistance is the only target-based statistic that affects RR effectiveness, and reducing resistances from 25% to 20% reduces inbound rr by 6.25%.

Without repair, the contest is how quickly the attacker can burn through the defender's hit points. RR adds a second contest - whether the attacker can overcome the defender's repair, with the surplus from this going to the first contest. Alpha provides a way of winning the first contest before the second can get started.

One way to force the battle into the second contest is to remove alpha entirely. All damage (and repair) is applied evenly over time. Weapons stream rather than pulse. But you have now removed any direct mechanism to avoid the straight DPS vs repair fight, which will lead to risk-averse FCs stacking their fleet with even more remote repair.

Another option is to totally remove repair. Good alpha still has some advantages, but the value of your damage no longer degrades over time.

Finally, you can limit inbound damage and/or repair. This is technically simple, but good luck figuring how to do it without pushing the meta towards fewer, very powerful ships (or, if you cap contribution-per-ship rather than number-of-ships, away from it).

Van Mathias wrote:
I'm still secretly hoping they adopt the suggestion to reduce the bonus by 5%, but increase all BS base resists by 10%. Balance inside of the BS class, while distinguishing them from smaller ships
That would have exactly the opposite affect that they are trying to achieve. You don't discourage alpha doctrine by strengthening the doctrine that it counters!

Right, but nerfing the resist bonuses also strengthen's Alpha fleets, thus simply making them all that more viable as well. Sure, I understand that this nerf makes other fleet doctrines a bit more viable, I am simply pointing out that that in no way does anything to discourage the alpha fleet doctrine that CCP is so set against.
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#594 - 2013-04-16 14:08:52 UTC
Van Mathias wrote:
It also favors resist bonused ships as their native bonuses help reduce their resist holes.

Actually, not really. To use the Abaddon and the new resist nerf levels at BS V, before the hull bonus it's 50/20/25/35, after the hull bonus it's 60/24/30/42. As you can see, the highest resist recieves the most benefit, so that essentially this widens that resist hole gap. Yes, it overall improves the resists, duh, just pointing out that it doesn't help to fix the 'hole' in it.
Jessica Danikov
Network Danikov
#595 - 2013-04-16 14:46:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessica Danikov
Pelea Ming wrote:
Van Mathias wrote:
It also favors resist bonused ships as their native bonuses help reduce their resist holes.

Actually, not really. To use the Abaddon and the new resist nerf levels at BS V, before the hull bonus it's 50/20/25/35, after the hull bonus it's 60/24/30/42. As you can see, the highest resist recieves the most benefit, so that essentially this widens that resist hole gap. Yes, it overall improves the resists, duh, just pointing out that it doesn't help to fix the 'hole' in it.

Both wrong. Resist bonuses have the same effect on all resists, even though the numbers may change by different amounts. Resist holes will see the biggest numerical change, but the effective change will be identical, %age wise. In real, EHP terms, the lowest resists get the most benefit, but only because they're a %age of a bigger number.

The two biggest issues in getting high resists are stacking penalties and the base resist. Both the damage control and the resistance bonuses duck the stacking penalties, making them that bit more effective, so it really is a rather powerful bonus.
Van Mathias
Dead Space Continuum
#596 - 2013-04-16 15:56:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Van Mathias
You are ignoring that I have suggested applying resists to the remote reps, making them less effective as resistance climbs. I fail to see how making 1 point of RR = 1 point of damage in all cases hurts alpha. This helps alpha by making ships with higher resists harder to rep. So resists would come with at least 1 tradeoff instead of having 3+ independent benefits with no downside whatsoever. The fact that it is good in so many ways is what is making it broken. This isn't just a 1 point plan like the proposed resist bonus change, it's more comprehensive.

Also, the DC benefit is always calculated in last, so while it doesn't get a stacking penalty in the normal sense, its going to have the least effect of any resist bonus unless it is alone in providing such a bonus.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#597 - 2013-04-16 17:21:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Van Mathias wrote:
You are ignoring that I have suggested applying resists to the remote reps, making them less effective as resistance climbs. I fail to see how making 1 point of RR = 1 point of damage in all cases hurts alpha. This helps alpha by making ships with higher resists harder to rep. So resists would come with at least 1 tradeoff instead of having 3+ independent benefits with no downside whatsoever. The fact that it is good in so many ways is what is making it broken. This isn't just a 1 point plan like the proposed resist bonus change, it's more comprehensive.
Your plan is not as comprehensive. It leaves the buffer and local tank aspects of the bonus totally intact while rewriting RR. Much more work for an incomplete solution.

Van Mathias wrote:
Also, the DC benefit is always calculated in last, so while it doesn't get a stacking penalty in the normal sense, its going to have the least effect of any resist bonus unless it is alone in providing such a bonus.
For situations where there is no stacking penalty the order of application for resists doesn't matter as the resulting resists will be the same. Thus a DCU will always have the same effect regardless of what order considered.

Pelea Ming wrote:

Actually, not really. To use the Abaddon and the new resist nerf levels at BS V, before the hull bonus it's 50/20/25/35, after the hull bonus it's 60/24/30/42. As you can see, the highest resist recieves the most benefit, so that essentially this widens that resist hole gap. Yes, it overall improves the resists, duh, just pointing out that it doesn't help to fix the 'hole' in it.
Unless my math is off, this is wrong. They work like other forms of resist by blocking 5% of the unblocked damage. Resist holes have the greatest unblocked damage and as such receive the greatest benefit in actual percentage points from the bonus.

Edit: See the following from a Rattlesnake @ BS lvl 4
Resists: 20/36/52/60
Base: 0/20/40/50
Difference: 20/16/12/10
Van Mathias
Dead Space Continuum
#598 - 2013-04-16 18:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Van Mathias
There is exactly one situation where there is no stacking penalty: Hull Bonus + DC + Exactly 1 Invuln, which is not exactly a broken fit in an of itself even at current resist levels. We haven't even filled holes for an omni tank, which will involve a stacking penalty with the invuln. Note I am not considering the passive omni invuln, because it gimps slot layouts too badly, and is limited to certain incursion fits.
Jessica Danikov
Network Danikov
#599 - 2013-04-16 19:16:18 UTC
Van Mathias wrote:
Also, the DC benefit is always calculated in last, so while it doesn't get a stacking penalty in the normal sense, its going to have the least effect of any resist bonus unless it is alone in providing such a bonus.

If you think the order resists are applied in matters, you don't even remotely understand the math. It's mere multiplication, the order of the elements do not matter.
Van Mathias
Dead Space Continuum
#600 - 2013-04-16 19:34:14 UTC
Hmm, I guess your right, I was using inverse division and forgot my equivalencies. Shocked