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[Odyssey] Ship Resistance Bonuses

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Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#361 - 2013-04-13 15:21:16 UTC
Rep amount ships, 7.5% changed to 10% per level.

Put the overloading rig in like was intended for the armor tanking update.

Problem fixed, no need to nerf resist bonused ships.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#362 - 2013-04-13 15:37:20 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Rep amount ships, 7.5% changed to 10% per level.

Put the overloading rig in like was intended for the armor tanking update.

Problem fixed, no need to nerf resist bonused ships.

That is the quick and dirty solution they wanted to try but abandoned as rep bonused ships would be demi-gods on the small scale while still being relegated to the shadows on the large scale.
Look at the math in the armour tanking thread, the Incursus would active tank solo as if it had a logistics frig permanently attached to it .. almost same for the Brutix/Myrmidon and with blue pill shields the Minmatar rep bonus + ASB just went through the roof.

They did their due diligence, discarded the quick and easy way out and have now opted for the much more controversial and work intensive option. Hop on the sparsely populated 'Compensation NOW' wagon, lots of room left .. expect departure first thing next week Big smile
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#363 - 2013-04-13 15:51:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaju Enki
I like the changes, but CCP need to do a rebalance pass on some of the ships.

The Tears Must Flow

Cabooze Skadoosh
Wilde Jagd
#364 - 2013-04-13 16:06:37 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Rep amount ships, 7.5% changed to 10% per level.

Put the overloading rig in like was intended for the armor tanking update.

Problem fixed, no need to nerf resist bonused ships.

So the problem is rep amount bonused armor boats being worse at active tanking than resist bonused armor boats? Not that resist bonus is too good in blob warfare? I'm confused. Shouldn't we classify the reason for the proposed nerf before we do anything.

Some people said prophecy is better at active tanking than the gallente active tanking BCs but that's only because it gets one more lowslot than the two. But in the contrary it gets 100 less dps in such fit to balance it out. Even if utilizing the excess lowslot for damage modifier it gets slightly worse tank but still can't beat the two gallente ships in dps.

I think the problem is people wanting to homogenize the ships because they can't be arsed to train other ships more suitable for the roles they want to do.

Keep them intact I say!
Askulf Joringer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#365 - 2013-04-13 16:23:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Askulf Joringer
Cabooze Skadoosh wrote:

Some people said prophecy is better at active tanking than the gallente active tanking BCs but that's only because it gets one more lowslot than the two. But in the contrary it gets 100 less dps in such fit to balance it out. Even if utilizing the excess lowslot for damage modifier it gets slightly worse tank but still can't beat the two gallente ships in dps.

It actually has to do with the fact that the additional hp granted by the resistance bonus compared to the rep bonus takes many many many minutes to "break even" with for a rep bonus ship. The duration to break even is honestly longer than you have cap charges. Combine that with the additional low and bam, you have a proph that does comparable drone damage even with 1 less drone, active tanks arguably better, and has the option of being significantly more fleet viable than the myrmidon.

All in all Proph > myrm in all but a very few specific cases.

Buffing the rep amount bonus to 10% per level is not the right solution as it only fixes active tanking on ships with said rep bonus. The proper solution is the nerf the resistance bonus as is being done to increase the gap in active tank while also buffing armor reppers (medium and large) by a modest amount in both cap consumption and hp repped. The amount of "buff" should be no more than 7.5% to 10%, anything else would be a bit over the top.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#366 - 2013-04-13 16:26:14 UTC
Cabooze Skadoosh wrote:
So the problem is rep amount bonused armor boats being worse at active tanking than resist bonused armor boats? Not that resist bonus is too good in blob warfare? I'm confused. Shouldn't we classify the reason for the proposed nerf before we do anything....

No, you got it backwards (or sideways if such a thing exists P). Problem is: Ships with the rep bonus are geared towards the small scale while resist bonus is geared towards the large scale (buffer+logi) .. rep bonus gets no benefit on the large scale while resists can go toe-to-toe with it on the small scale, high resists essentially act as a double bonus.

The 1% decrease leaves the majority of the benefit on the large scale while at the same time affording rep bonus the intended clear advantage on the small scale .. without making them into god-mobiles. We only need to get the status quo reaffirmed by revisiting the ships hardest hit by the decrease and giving them a little somethin' somethin'

Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#367 - 2013-04-13 16:34:21 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Cabooze Skadoosh wrote:
So the problem is rep amount bonused armor boats being worse at active tanking than resist bonused armor boats? Not that resist bonus is too good in blob warfare? I'm confused. Shouldn't we classify the reason for the proposed nerf before we do anything....

No, you got it backwards (or sideways if such a thing exists P). Problem is: Ships with the rep bonus are geared towards the small scale while resist bonus is geared towards the large scale (buffer+logi) .. rep bonus gets no benefit on the large scale while resists can go toe-to-toe with it on the small scale, high resists essentially act as a double bonus.

The 1% decrease leaves the majority of the benefit on the large scale while at the same time affording rep bonus the intended clear advantage on the small scale .. without making them into god-mobiles. We only need to get the status quo reaffirmed by revisiting the ships hardest hit by the decrease and giving them a little somethin' somethin'

yeah resist bonus is good in small scale too ,but these resist bonused ships usually arent good at small scale compared to other bonused ship in the same size/role
so why are they getting an allround nerf? this nerf push them back even more at small scale,
if ccp goes throu with this they should start the rebalancing from the start with t1 frigs
Forlorn Wongraven
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#368 - 2013-04-13 16:35:30 UTC
For long time veterans the change will not change much, a FC has to put in one or two more logis in a 100 man fleet (with the idea of "skill all the things to 5" done). Newer players/ newbie friendly corps/alliances will suffer from it a lot since they have to put 10 more dudes in logis which decreases their DPS and their chance to win a fight vs another fleet comp, being way more vulnerable. Sometimes it is worth having still a pure lvl4 char in EFT and not to put a fully skilled set of T3s in FC/WC to check out those numbers, it is an eye opener.

If CCP Fozzie has more data available and he thinks that changing the resist bonus will help to change the meta of fleet composition please go ahead, but also do the other things that need to change.

Winner ATXI , 3rd place ATXII, winner ATXIII, 2nd ATXIV - follow me on twitter: @ForlornW

#369 - 2013-04-13 16:45:39 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Rep amount ships, 7.5% changed to 10% per level.

Put the overloading rig in like was intended for the armor tanking update.

Problem fixed, no need to nerf resist bonused ships.

new problem introduced: making most PvE content even more trivial than it is now.

Think first, post second.
Cabooze Skadoosh
Wilde Jagd
#370 - 2013-04-13 16:52:14 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Cabooze Skadoosh wrote:
So the problem is rep amount bonused armor boats being worse at active tanking than resist bonused armor boats? Not that resist bonus is too good in blob warfare? I'm confused. Shouldn't we classify the reason for the proposed nerf before we do anything....

No, you got it backwards (or sideways if such a thing exists P). Problem is: Ships with the rep bonus are geared towards the small scale while resist bonus is geared towards the large scale (buffer+logi) .. rep bonus gets no benefit on the large scale while resists can go toe-to-toe with it on the small scale, high resists essentially act as a double bonus.

The 1% decrease leaves the majority of the benefit on the large scale while at the same time affording rep bonus the intended clear advantage on the small scale .. without making them into god-mobiles. We only need to get the status quo reaffirmed by revisiting the ships hardest hit by the decrease and giving them a little somethin' somethin'

Don't hit the ships hardest hit and you don't even need to give them somethin' somethin'. Keep specialized ships specialized. Don't try to fit them into nullsecs endless sov grind. What are these few specific cases that myrmidon is better than prophecy? (Askulf's post). If it's 1v1 then isn't it better as an active tanking setup than the prophecy.

And what comes to shield active tanking with resist bonused ships, they suck without Ancillary booster before it's nerf. Only thing making it viable is Crystal implant set.
Olerie Viliana
Spaceforce Junkies
Atomic Fusion Industries
#371 - 2013-04-13 17:15:41 UTC

"I'm okay with toning down things that are too powerful.

I'm not okay with toning down things that are relatively awful (Sacrilege).

These big system-wide changes are apparently supposed to reflect some kind of CCP philosophy on resist bonuses. While it might be a noble philosophy, what's really happening is that some ships will be fine (they can deal with being toned down), some ships will just have to suck up a random nerf despite not being OP (Worm, Eagle, Drake, Ferox, Nighthawk, Rattlesnake, Malediction, Maller, Prophecy are big examples that jump out), and other ships will be completely boned because they're already pretty bad (Onyx, Sacrilege).

This does not even out the play field.

What they've done is identify a few citizens who are too tall (T3s, Chimera, Archon, Abaddon, arguably Broadsword) and decided to cut the legs off everyone in the same town up to the knees. "

The devs should consider reading the last 20 or so pages in that thread, they would quickly realize how deeply team liquid understands their game. If you really have time, just start reading that thread from newest back to oldest. You might actually learn how eve works in the process. It is probably the most insightful place on the internet when it comes to discussing these changes publicly and all of the others announced in the last month, and how to actually fit ships. Although, many of them are huge trolls and the thread is full of "inside jokes". You will have to be careful to sort out some of the more colorful explanations of things, and some of the stuff that is just them being silly.

Honestly there are a lot of things they point out that are undeniable and well explained. You are buffing some of the most overpowered ships in the game, nerfing some of the most underpowered, and making some ships completely useless for the few existing roles they still actually get used for. They are perhaps some of CCP's harshest critics, but the truth in much of what they say is undeniable.
Cabooze Skadoosh
Wilde Jagd
#372 - 2013-04-13 17:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Cabooze Skadoosh
Olerie Viliana wrote:

What they've done is identify a few citizens who are too tall (T3s, Chimera, Archon, Abaddon, arguably Broadsword) and decided to cut the legs off everyone in the same town up to the knees. "

I agree with you. In the case of T3's this change won't affect proteus because hardly anyone uses the resist subsystem because it's directed as an RR subsystem and augmented plating gives more ehp. T3's in general are expensive and should give bang for the buck. T2 fitted they are just silly loss mails in the combat log except some XLASB nano loki flown right.
Pure Victory
#373 - 2013-04-13 18:20:03 UTC
Here are my concerns:

1) Loki. It doesn't have an armor/shield amount subsystem, so the resistance is its only tank bonus worth using. Couple that with the slot layout and their average usage, and I'm worried that this will significantly hurt the Loki's tank/ehp. Maybe leave t3's out of this one? The armor/shield hp bonus overpowers the resistance bonus in more pvp situations than I'd care to admit.

2) I think the 5% bonus is best left as is on frigates and cruisers. I'd be sad but OK to see it go on BC and battleships.

3) the archon: Here's a doozey. It's the iconic brick tank carrier. Is it so popular and good because of the resistance, or because all the others have their pg/cpu issues?

4a) Fozzie, you said you aren't happy with the Alpha doctrine. Well, this actually makes the alpha problem slightly worse. Perhaps that problem is with artillery?

4b) You've also said you want to make self-reps more effective. This hurts it on unbonused ships (well duh), but perhaps the 7.5% bonus needs to be upped to 8%? 8.5%?

Amarr has been very fortunate until this monthWhat?. We've received very few nerfs, direct or indirect. With the loss of the Geddon as the total gank machine, the loss of our 8th low slot on several ships to other races that don't typically have it, and a slight hit to our resists bonus (perhaps the second iconic bonus alongside the laser cap use reduction), this hurts. (I've commented on the geddon change; I'm still undecided on it)

And yet I still find myself OK with this change other than the above points, which are *fairly* small things imo.

Blanketing this to so many ships is perhaps not the right way to go. Some ships do need to be toned down (borrowing from Olerie Viliana), but this also hurts many ships that weren't in the best of shape as well. Maybe we can't see how they're being worked on until ya'll hit tech 2 with the balance bat.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#374 - 2013-04-13 18:29:16 UTC
Leskit wrote:

3) the archon: Here's a doozey. It's the iconic brick tank carrier. Is it so popular and good because of the resistance, or because all the others have their pg/cpu issues?

Will have to check but theres a chance its going to put a significant nerf onto one of the popular triage fittings for the archon (or make it much more expensive to get the same results). I can also see another potential issue with this change and the archon but gonna wait to see how things pan out before elaborating.
So you want to be a Hero
#375 - 2013-04-13 19:24:10 UTC

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Silver Octopus
Infernal Octopus
#376 - 2013-04-13 19:43:46 UTC
High resistance on ships is the only thing keeping alive smaller fleets against blobs, they are able to win/fight if they have good logistics and tactics. Lowering resistance makes it harder = favours blobs and already overpowered alfastrike.
I do not like it at all, never mind the mathematics, it has nothing to do with it. Ships die too quickly like for my taste, bettleship popping in couple seconds are not cool at all.

Second issue is killing amarr ships, nerfing them badly and boosting gallente and already overpowered hated minmatar.

Do not like it at all.
Silver Octopus
Infernal Octopus
#377 - 2013-04-13 20:01:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Meduza13
And my vision is our dear developers are trying to make this game so noob friendly, that soon 10 noobs in caracals will be taking on capital ships. Triage archon is already pretty crap, can be killed in no time by couple dreadnoughts, making it even weaker is just wrong.

People crying about logistics being overpowered should really think what they doing. If you dont have setup of your fleet good enough to break triage carrier or other logistics - just dont fight them. Im not going to cry to make something weaker if I cannot kill it. Simple.
Ventures Bar
#378 - 2013-04-13 20:02:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Syzygium
I believe there is a difference between math and reality. You cannot just compare the numbers for some active tanking setup (which is btw. not the main form of tanking in this game).

To be honest, most ships with a resistance bonus are quite okay, but not overly powerful within their leage.

Zealot is by far more used than Sacrilege. Because Speed and Damageprojection is a greater advantage than resistance.
Abaddon is strong with LOTS of support. Do 1on1 vs. a cheap Typhoon and you simply lose. Also in Fleets, more and more people use NavyGeddon and NavyApoc - both without resist bonus and still better.

Vengeance or Punisher is a brick but can hardly catch anything. Retribution the same. How many of the very successfull frig-pilots use them? Not the most. Most people fly other frigs without resist boni, because other values are WAY more important in PvP.

Archon is the best carrier, but not because of its resist bonus, but because of the capacitor amount and the ability to feed armor and cap. Also very good to fit, unlike chimera. The resist bonus plays an absolute minor role in its domination.

Prophecy: had its resist bonus for years and was the by far worst battlecruiser. So much for the numbers.

Drake: was dominant because of the massive HM-imbalance. Shortrange every drake is simply eaten alive by a Brutix, Harbinger or Hurricane. The Resistbonus was nice but far from being the base of its strength.

You can look at almost every single ship with a resistance bonus and you will come to the same conclusion:
- the resistance bonus is not the reason why they are good
- they even suck with resistance bonus

Fact is, most of the ships with a resistance bonus lack agility, speed or damageprojection or any combination of these. They NEED the "stronger" tanking bonus in order to survive long enough to even compete with the other ships. You mathematics on paper has nothing to do how these ships perform in reality.
Love dan Murcatto
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#379 - 2013-04-13 20:03:13 UTC
I see the reasoning behind lowering the resists, atleast in regular T1 hulls, but should this be done to faction, T2 and capital ships aswell? It seems only natural to me that the likes of rattlesnake, vulture or chimera should have better resists than a drake or rokh for example. If it turned out that the 5% resist bonus is still too big on these more expensive ships it always could be lowered down later. I don't see the need to change every +5% resists to +4%, you could leave some of them to +5%, now couldn't you?

Fozzie, I'd love to hear the reason why its not done like this (if you got the time to explain it to us), pretty please?
Johnson Oramara
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#380 - 2013-04-13 20:05:37 UTC
While i understand that CCP is afraid of the power creep there is a limit to that too when you hit the other opposite: overbalancing.

Here are some interesting thoughts of the overbalancing in two games:

While we are far from the situations on the games mentioned on the blog we have been lately steadily progressing to that way.