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Finish WiS: Kickstarter or Paid Expansion

First post
Hulkageddon Orphanage
#121 - 2013-04-01 11:52:39 UTC
What CCP needs to do is complete their Fearless plan of a FULL monetry cycle for all players INTO and OUT of the game, ie., two way profiteering. If you read Fearless, it can be read as this was a plan. Everybody can make real money as long as CCP make money too.

Can somebody link me the fearless publication so I can highlight where this was stated.
Roisin Connor
Fight Club Outfit
#122 - 2013-04-12 15:25:49 UTC
So CCP it is not just a few people wanting Avatar based gameplay it is the vast majority of players, ex-players and potential new players.

I would love to come to Iceland just to ask each and every dev what their thoughts were on Avatar stuff. I bet they would love to see it happen as well, I mean who would not want to make their game even better.

Please stop listening to these died in the wool fans who only want spaceship development as they are NOT representative of the player base. You can hire more devs to work on Avatar stuff and keep up the painfully slow spaceship game improvements as well.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#123 - 2013-04-12 15:27:16 UTC
Roisin Connor wrote:
So CCP it is not just a few people wanting Avatar based gameplay it is the vast majority of players, ex-players and potential new players.

[citation needed]

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Alekksander Geinesa
Divine Mortals
#124 - 2013-04-12 16:49:03 UTC
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
Let the players who want WiS to be finished (myself included) raise money via Kickstarter so that CCP can hire external developers to finish off WiS. This way the entire playerbase can get the best of both worlds, inhouse dev's working on FiS, external dev's working on WiS.

CCP, may avoid taking this route because they think it might harm their reputation as a company but everyone knows CCP are pretty radical and innovative. Why not let us (who want WiS) help you expand on EVE by letting you hire more dev's especially for WiS.

EDIT (adding this from a later post I made): Also if CCP added to the content that could be worked on and essentially produce WiS as a side-expansion (free for EVE players ofcourse) they could garner much more money from Kickstarter as people who play games like Second Life or Habbo Hotel may donate too. Having these online-socialites in EVE would fill the peasent, servant social classes and would elevate us Capsuleers to the Cybernetic Demons we are. We could pick them up in haulers for their precious ISK and get destroyed by other players killing them permanently, we could hire them to repair our ships and pay them peanuts for their hard work. If CCP added to WiS (as specified) we wouldn't have NPC's in stations but a worker class of players who are limited to living on a space station while we roam the galaxies blowing up suns and jumping lightyears.

My feelings of WiS, are kind of on the fence.

Part of me says, ohh kewl I can walk around and talk with people and the social aspect of it is very nice! Its a good feeling in games like WoW when your entire guild shows up and people are all there dancing or whatever (please no dancing or jumping in eve though please)... on the secound hand though...

What valid game play does this bring to eve out side of the social aspect, which is already very engrained in EvE even if all you get to see is a wallet photo of the pilot on a regular basis.

If WiS brings real game play to eve then yes I would throw all of my money at a kick starter to do it...

Ideas to bring real game play to WiS:

1.) Customizable player housing. This draws people to games like moths to a flame, everyone loves their own chill pad. However, there needs to be a reason to customize your house... can we produce something there? Similar to the way the FF online games let you grow "greens" to do various things with.

2.) Empire building tools - Allow players who want to focus on empire building (and not freaking ships in space) to be able to do so from their station. Can we see how our fleets are moving? Can we issue directive to the FC there? Can we see enemy ships that have been "Spotted" by our scouts... Can we see how our poses/stations/pocos are doing? Allow empire builders to manage their infastructor and "empire" from within a station. I am really surprised that we have such a vastness of technology including the ability to jump light years away via a glorified space flare, and yet we dont have holo maps of ally movement or spotted enemies? SIlly if you ask me.

3.) Allow us to mingle with other people... all these ideas have been presented all ready but the ideas that really shine are things like mini games.

4.) Put emergent game play to the WiS system, but allowing things like explorers to get out of their ships at sites and explore the inside of them. Hack stuff and what not... see the intro video to dust to get a good idea of what I am speaking of.

5.) Allow us to hang with our DUST bunnies... but still this should be in conjunction with the above ideas... aka let them gamble too..

Just give us a freaking reason to get out of our ships other then to wander around a bleak station, and use interfaces that are already much easier to use from the NEO Comm....

I really like the idea of adding an avatar system to EVE because its well needed. I dont care what anyone says, it is needed for this game to grow. I have to date in almost 9 years have tried to get a lot of people into eve, at least 10 of them have really liked the game, but did not want to just be a "ship" giving them a reason to not be a ship is good...... We want more players, we want our galaxy to grow, and we want new empires to rise and fall. We say ohh the game is growing cause we have 500k subs, but how many of those are truelly new players, and not just some dude mining with his 5 or 6 alts, or doing incursions...

I feel like eve has not "grown" in many years now, sure we see fresh blood every once in a while, but people get tired of looking just like everyone else. As humans we need to be able to relate to our avatars and eve just lacks that. It takes a special kind of person to be able to ignore it as well.

Simply put, eve is finding its self becoming stale... and not to me. Sure I have played a long time and I will always love eve... but the game its self.. feels like its not "getting anywhere". The developers are ignoring a much needed part of making a popular game.

Guys the new expansion is coming, and that covers "ships in space". I for one, however am getting tired of everything being about "ships in space" I know I am playing a space ship game, but with dust coming, and all these other changes. I think our community as a whole needs to reflect on what is really going on here... and that we are now becoming part of a "Virtual universe" un like any other in existence right now and that we are missing out in a lot of possible awesome game play, and for those of you who are into it, new ways to make people QQ....

Hessian Arcturus
#125 - 2013-04-12 19:07:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Hessian Arcturus
CCP should concentrate on adding new space content (new ships, new sites, new systems perhaps) rather than station content so that the barbies can play with looking pretty and run around in a station.

It's internet spaceships, not my little pony goes spacestation...

After Oddesy (which brings in new stuff), I personally think new systems and space should be brought in. Jove or otherwise. That way the game for colonising the new space game begin again. Also, if new space is opened, it will mean that some alliances will be left vunerable while trying to fight other alliances when they try and take it. Interesting.

I dont see why stations need to be brought in for this "majority" (proof that its a majority please and not 2%) of players. New space content!!!

EDIT: If you want to run around in the EVE universe, purchase a PS3 and get DUST 514...

It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself.

Baggo Hammers
#126 - 2013-04-12 19:15:04 UTC
Doll house in space.

If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.

Alekksander Geinesa
Divine Mortals
#127 - 2013-04-12 19:25:25 UTC
Hessian Arcturus wrote:
CCP should concentrate on adding new space content (new ships, new sites, new systems perhaps) rather than station content so that the barbies can play with looking pretty and run around in a station.

It's internet spaceships, not my little pony goes spacestation...

After Oddesy (which brings in new stuff), I personally think new systems and space should be brought in. Jove or otherwise. That way the game for colonising the new space game begin again. Also, if new space is opened, it will mean that some alliances will be left vunerable while trying to fight other alliances when they try and take it. Interesting.

I dont see why stations need to be brought in for this "majority" (proof that its a majority please and not 2%) of players. New space content!!!

EDIT: If you want to run around in the EVE universe, purchase a PS3 and get DUST 514...

The name of the game is "Eve Online"

Which implies the vastness of an entire universe and all things with in it... we do not need new ships, we barely are utilizing all the ones we have as it is..... most alliance keyhole their members into a specific set of ships and that is that... when is the last time you saw the gallente recon being used for more then a sniper pointer?

We do not need more systems, there are plenty and our player base (not subbed accounts), barely know what to do with the ones we have. Most of them just create big alliances and donuts of blue and just derp around teching up.... What would new systems bring to the game that are not already there?

Ships in space is ten years old, and I know you guys are new, but alot of us have been around for all ten of those years, and are tired of ships in space, we are tired of hearing the same dull drums of people who have been playing a couple years and think that they know what this game is about...

It's not about being barbies in space, it is about giving the player base something to relate to then just oyr assets, an attachment that can not be lost.. I am more then my ship.. I am Alekksander... I am a MAN IN SPACE! I want to be able to do that, I want to be able to see and reflect on that.. I am more then my ship, I am my self!

This has been a plan sense EVE started and it was one of the reasons I got into the game way back in the day.. and trained my character (not purchased one like most of you pansies), because I wanted to be able to walk around, to gamble and to add another layer to a sand box that isnt even a sand box... its a freaking fish bowl....

I have dust, and it makes me want to walk around in eve even more!

"It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself."

I feel eve should take a page out of your book and do just that. Explore WiS, see where the limits are and move beyond them.

The community was outraged with WiS not because of WiS but because it was the only expansion in eve history that didn't bring anything meaningful to eve. Most of want to walk around, even if we wont tell other people, but we want reasons to walk around, I dont want to play my little pony barbie bros either, but I wold like to have an avatar in this game.

Further more your graps of null sec politics is comical to say the least.. It will not weaken any alliances, they will form pacts they will take the space together, and then they will just simply co exist.. because no one wants to risk their coalition.

Yes I agree we need more space content, and they should not stop pushing out space content..... but there is an entire universe here that you are just simply ignoring because you want to be a whiney baby.

Why don't you learn to use the ships that are in eve already, and learn to fly all of them.. and you will find that there is not much room to have "new ship types"...... seriously... you can only go so far... unless you start making specialized ships for all of the mini profession... ohh wait there already is... theres a metric crap ton of combat vessels, of which only about 5% are utilized....

If anything CCP STOP bringing out new ships and do exactly what you are doing in the new expansion and fix the ones you already have...
Daimon Kaiera
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#128 - 2013-04-12 19:25:27 UTC
To be 100% completely honest, I would rather have more customisation options in the forms of clothes, looks, make-up etc. than WiS.

But then again I am a carebear who afk mines and has nothing else to do but stare at his avatar all day.

.... . .-.. .--. / .. / .... .- ...- . / ..-. .- .-.. .-.. . -. / .- -. -.. / .. / -.-. .- -. -. --- - / --. . - / ..- .--. / ... - --- .--. - .... .. ... / ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . / .. -.. . .- / .. ... / -. --- - / ... - --- .-.. . -. / ... - --- .--.

Hessian Arcturus
#129 - 2013-04-12 19:47:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Hessian Arcturus
Alekksander Geinesa wrote:
Hessian Arcturus wrote:
CCP should concentrate on adding new space content (new ships, new sites, new systems perhaps) rather than station content so that the barbies can play with looking pretty and run around in a station.

It's internet spaceships, not my little pony goes spacestation...

After Oddesy (which brings in new stuff), I personally think new systems and space should be brought in. Jove or otherwise. That way the game for colonising the new space game begin again. Also, if new space is opened, it will mean that some alliances will be left vunerable while trying to fight other alliances when they try and take it. Interesting.

I dont see why stations need to be brought in for this "majority" (proof that its a majority please and not 2%) of players. New space content!!!

EDIT: If you want to run around in the EVE universe, purchase a PS3 and get DUST 514...

The name of the game is "Eve Online"

Which implies the vastness of an entire universe and all things with in it... we do not need new ships, we barely are utilizing all the ones we have as it is..... most alliance keyhole their members into a specific set of ships and that is that... when is the last time you saw the gallente recon being used for more then a sniper pointer?

We do not need more systems, there are plenty and our player base (not subbed accounts), barely know what to do with the ones we have. Most of them just create big alliances and donuts of blue and just derp around teching up.... What would new systems bring to the game that are not already there?

Ships in space is ten years old, and I know you guys are new, but alot of us have been around for all ten of those years, and are tired of ships in space, we are tired of hearing the same dull drums of people who have been playing a couple years and think that they know what this game is about...

It's not about being barbies in space, it is about giving the player base something to relate to then just oyr assets, an attachment that can not be lost.. I am more then my ship.. I am Alekksander... I am a MAN IN SPACE! I want to be able to do that, I want to be able to see and reflect on that.. I am more then my ship, I am my self!

This has been a plan sense EVE started and it was one of the reasons I got into the game way back in the day.. and trained my character (not purchased one like most of you pansies), because I wanted to be able to walk around, to gamble and to add another layer to a sand box that isnt even a sand box... its a freaking fish bowl....

I have dust, and it makes me want to walk around in eve even more!

"It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself."

I feel eve should take a page out of your book and do just that. Explore WiS, see where the limits are and move beyond them.

The community was outraged with WiS not because of WiS but because it was the only expansion in eve history that didn't bring anything meaningful to eve. Most of want to walk around, even if we wont tell other people, but we want reasons to walk around, I dont want to play my little pony barbie bros either, but I wold like to have an avatar in this game.

Further more your graps of null sec politics is comical to say the least.. It will not weaken any alliances, they will form pacts they will take the space together, and then they will just simply co exist.. because no one wants to risk their coalition.

Yes I agree we need more space content, and they should not stop pushing out space content..... but there is an entire universe here that you are just simply ignoring because you want to be a whiney baby.

Why don't you learn to use the ships that are in eve already, and learn to fly all of them.. and you will find that there is not much room to have "new ship types"...... seriously... you can only go so far... unless you start making specialized ships for all of the mini profession... ohh wait there already is... theres a metric crap ton of combat vessels, of which only about 5% are utilized....

If anything CCP STOP bringing out new ships and do exactly what you are doing in the new expansion and fix the ones you already have...

You're argument is a good one... And I'm all for civilized debates!

I'm new yes (I I'm proud to say I didnt buy my character, I only have 1.5 mill SP haha) and one of the main thing that drew me to this game was the fact that I didnt have to run around on foot all the time. If they're going to implement WiS then there needs to be game content also with it. But most of the arguments for WiS (Not yours, your argument seems to actually be one of the ones that wants game content in the idea also) is so that people cant go to bars, and sit around in a cantina all day or edit their characters so they look pretty etc.

Note thats not me saying you arguing for that, your argument was valid, but the majority of what I've seen just want a pointless gimmik so they can afk in a bar rather than afk in a hanger or CQ's...

How far will CCP have to go to do the WiS? Will it stop at a bar and a few rooms (Which in my view is pointless) or will it be masses of floors, elevators, rooms upon rooms and windows to see out of the station with in game content such as missions picked up from the places? Fighting arenas where you can box with other players? You have to think how much of a strain that would be on the server, the graphics and the time it would take to change the codeing of the game. The sheer amount of programming that would need to be changed, hell it might even mean changing the basecode of the client itself or adding a new server (costly) to pick up the slack.
I keep seeing these walking in stations posts but no one seems to elaborate what they really want other than "we want to walk".

EDIT: Dear god my spelling was shocking!!!

It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself.

Alekksander Geinesa
Divine Mortals
#130 - 2013-04-12 20:04:29 UTC

All I want out of eve is meaningful gameplay I dont care if its mounts, stations, ships, or whatever... MEANINGFUL reasons for me to push the buttons... or ill just go play WoW
Hessian Arcturus
#131 - 2013-04-12 20:11:58 UTC
Alekksander Geinesa wrote:

All I want out of eve is meaningful gameplay I dont care if its mounts, stations, ships, or whatever... MEANINGFUL reasons for me to push the buttons... or ill just go play WoW

Mounts Shocked oooh moterbikes in station haha no, I know what you mean... But I was talking with a mate the other day about WiS, would it really add new content, or would it just simply be something to do for a week before you've already done it all again? Which would be incrediably saddening for a lot of people...

It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself.

The Chronophage
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2013-04-12 20:14:17 UTC
heck just give us DUST in stations.
Alekksander Geinesa
Divine Mortals
#133 - 2013-04-12 20:14:24 UTC
Hessian Arcturus wrote:
Alekksander Geinesa wrote:

All I want out of eve is meaningful gameplay I dont care if its mounts, stations, ships, or whatever... MEANINGFUL reasons for me to push the buttons... or ill just go play WoW

Mounts Shocked oooh moterbikes in station haha no, I know what you mean... But I was talking with a mate the other day about WiS, would it really add new content, or would it just simply be something to do for a week before you've already done it all again? Which would be incrediably saddening for a lot of people...

Well, I think that is what makes most people scared of WiS, is that they feel like they will asorb all of the content of it rather rapidly. I tend to agree with this argument on a regular basis, however that is not our job.... CCP has never let us down.. most of the time the content eve produces takes to long to understand let alone get through
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#134 - 2013-04-12 20:50:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Daimon Kaiera wrote:
To be 100% completely honest, I would rather have more customisation options in the forms of clothes, looks, make-up etc. than WiS.

But then again I am a carebear who afk mines and has nothing else to do but stare at his avatar all day.

That would be quite a sign of good will, but CCP already defused the issue in 2012 and they don't need to deal with the potential wrath of unorganized and mostly unsubbed avatar lovers. Lol

Sleeve tattoos? Never seen again. Unreleased NEx items? Some released to gather dust at FW LP stores, most still unreleased. Catsuits? Errr... were they even real? Racial blending? SAY WHAT?

CCP's abandoment of avatars is complete. They even managed to break them with the new and fuglier skin tones (GIVE US OUR RED SKIN BACK YOU DASTARDLY RACISTS!) -huh, sorry for the intermission Shocked- and some old issues like squint eyes have never been commented since Incursion. Avatars are out of the ball even for iteration. Sad
Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2013-04-12 21:02:09 UTC
Alekksander Geinesa wrote:

All I want out of eve is meaningful gameplay I dont care if its mounts, stations, ships, or whatever... MEANINGFUL reasons for me to push the buttons... or ill just go play WoW

There was talk of using WiS to smuggle boosters in and around highsec. Not sure how they were going to implement it though.

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

Khira Kitamatsu
#136 - 2013-04-12 21:18:49 UTC
I'm just waiting for games like Star Citizen and ELITE: Dangerous to be released. Let EVE be all about ships. I'll have awesome ships and avatar play in these other games.

Ponies!  We need more ponies!