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WH "Coalitions" Blobs, Blue Lists, and bob.

First post First post
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#101 - 2013-04-10 02:00:09 UTC
Lenier Chenal wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
The current state of WH invasions/evictions is much like nullsec: both sides escalate until the one with more/luckier friends just wins on numbers.
WH space used to be about small scale PVP with 25-30man fleets being about the peak for most groups.
At those numbers tactics and skill still play a huge role where at 150+ man fleets where 10%+ of that is blap dreads, they really don't.

Personally I miss what WH fleets used to look like but i also know that It is extremely unlikely to ever change back.

Move out of a c5/c6 then.

/me facepalm

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Castor Troyy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#102 - 2013-04-10 04:28:07 UTC
Wow this thread is way off topic...

I think everyone that started to inhabit a wh knew that there was risk involved...risk of eviction...invasion...risks of sleepers...spais...risks on conflict drivers and ultimately risks of total annihilation....

I think is kind of silly when you have folks spouting all these righteous vows that evicting anyone is wrong...and how wrong it is for Polarized. to evict TL. It looks like TL has moved past this...they are joking on these forums..but u seem to still be angry. Get over it man!

FACT: We invaded.
FACT: We shot stuff
FACT: TL still lives there and is back in business...
FACT: Invasion fleet has left...taken down towers...and left
QUESTION: Who did we "evict"

As far as it appears to me Vincent and DJ and TL have put this behind them...sure they will be cussing us for having to do more PVE for the next couple of weeks than they would want to... and maybe they are planning retaliation....this is part of the game...there is more than one way to play it...this is what they meant when they use the word "conflict drivers" I don't hate TL...this is a game use a figure of speech..."we stirred the pot" it entertained us for the weekend...and we play this game for entertainment...don't take it so personal

Why don't we get back on topic...

Blobs bad small fights good...Bob has given his say we all
Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#103 - 2013-04-10 05:36:49 UTC
To be super technical, we never did perform an eviction. They still had ships logged off in that wormhole, meaning they were still residing there...TAKE THAT GNAW

No trolling please

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#104 - 2013-04-10 06:30:09 UTC
When they're out for lunch.

The Falcon shall unleash the punch.
Robert Fish
Verge of Collapse
#105 - 2013-04-10 06:45:55 UTC
I remember my first eviction for Aquila, we rocked up in our RR BS's to claim a C5 > C3 wolf rayet, we didn't need no blue lists or mercs then.
But soon after half the corp ****** off to a new hole cos they were too l33t for us with their fancy T3's and co-ops cloaks.
/me not bitter
Dorn Val
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#106 - 2013-04-10 06:59:36 UTC
Dorn Val opens the door and takes a step back, the smell of butt hurt and tears almost overwhelming him. He's tempted to just close the door and leave, but the temptation to point out the irony in the OP's post is just too much...

QT McWhiskers wrote:
Before I start, I want to make it 100 percent clear. I am in no way speaking for Hard Knocks or any other corp or alliance that took part in the defense of TLost or my home system in December. I am here as a simple wormholer wanting the opinions of other WHers, or K-space dwellers, on the recent events in W-Space....

Translation: Superior numbers were successful in defending a system, so let's not talk about it...

QT McWhiskers wrote:
As you all know there has been a lot of teaming up recently in W-space on one side of some dispute or the other...

Translation: Superior numbers were successfully used to attack a system and the defenders lost. Polarized and company should feel bad for "bringing the blob".

I think the time has long since passed to get over whatever it is you all are feeling and move on. No one was "evicted" -TL is free to set towers up in their system (and it's my understanding that they already have ). Still plenty of PVP in W space. Your static(s) still respawn every time they collapse, even though TL lost the fight...

Sandbox: An enclosed area filled with sand for children engaged in open-ended, unstructured, imaginative play. Also a place for cats to urinate and defecate...

Godfrey Silvarna
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#107 - 2013-04-10 07:51:40 UTC
Wait what, are people here claiming that it is an eviction only if you set up a permanent 24/7 watch in the system? Now THAT is splitting hairs big time.

Invasion/evictions or whatever you want to call it, shooting the structures is the main event and the action that makes things happen regardless of how thoroughly you finish cleaning up the remainders. Splitting hairs over semantics is just pointless.

I get a feeling you guys might just be trolling Gnaw... naaah. I must be wrong.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2013-04-10 08:38:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Personally, i feel that my argument is based in fact while Gnaws argument is based on opinion. Look up the word eviction in the dictionary if you do not understand what it means.

Gnaw is upset because he believes that kicking PVP corps out of wormhole space is bad. He is entitled to that opinion but the fact is, TL were not evicted, they simply lost assets. At the last count TL has already reestablished themselves in the same wormhole we attacked them in.

If we truly wanted to evict them i would again that our leadership could have just turned TL system into a temporary expo system until the last of TL's caps came out of hiding.

... But of course someone is going to tel me that i'm wrong and we did evict TL from wormhole space and no conflict was created as a result of our actions. What?
CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#109 - 2013-04-10 10:05:38 UTC
I have removed some trolling and off-topic posts from this thread.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#110 - 2013-04-10 10:09:49 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
... But of course someone is going to tel me that i'm wrong and we did evict TL from wormhole space and no conflict was created as a result of our actions. What?
I wouldnt say no conflict was created, but I tend to believe that if those 300 or so ppl who participated in it on both sides spent those 3-4 days doing their "business as usual" (ie roaming for kills, slugging it out on holes when they meet or roll into each other) more fights would occur and more fun would be had by all parties.

Also argument about doing this as a sort of PR for w-space doesnt really hold water. Only a miniscule fraction of eviction ops result in glorious battles which get reported and non-eviction random battles get reported about as much. And advertising the fact that your w-space home can at any time be invaded (allegedly for no apparent reason) by several hundred people (aka blob) giving you no chance to defend yourself isnt gonna atract new people to wspace, is it....
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2013-04-10 10:32:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Axloth Okiah wrote:

Also argument about doing this as a sort of PR for w-space doesnt really hold water. Only a miniscule fraction of eviction ops result in glorious battles which get reported and non-eviction random battles get reported about as much. And advertising the fact that your w-space home can at any time be invaded (allegedly for no apparent reason) by several hundred people (aka blob) giving you no chance to defend yourself isnt gonna atract new people to wspace, is it....

That is a completely legitimate view and for the most part, i agree that this news may do little to encourage new people to move into wormhole space but on the other hand, we don't know that for sure... I guess i was arguing for the principle that any publicity is good publicity.

I think there is a bigger question here: If CCP leave it to us to advertise and attract new people to wormhole space, how can this be done without grabbing media attention through evictions/invasions, corp thefts and blueing up to fight null sec entities?
Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#112 - 2013-04-10 11:15:48 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
That is a completely legitimate view and for the most part, i agree that this news may do little to encourage new people to move into wormhole space but on the other hand, we don't know that for sure... I guess i was arguing for the principle that any publicity is good publicity.

I think there is a bigger question here: If CCP leave it to us to advertise and attract new people to wormhole space, how can this be done without grabbing media attention through evictions/invasions, corp thefts and blueing up to fight null sec entities?
Im not sure if this is the right thread to discuss this in... but imho the best PR for wh dwellers is:
- murdering nullbears while outnumbered (ie. what VoC does best)
- mythical good fights, 10-30 men slugfests on connections with no drama and lasting "frenemyship" (is that a word?). Our recent gentlemanly brawl with NoHo springs to mind.

Odyssey might also help out by making wh space more "habitable" by UI changes and fixing roles and POSes, so that new corps can actually recruit people without having all their **** stolen every two months.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2013-04-10 12:22:06 UTC
Axloth Okiah wrote:

Odyssey might also help out by making wh space more "habitable" by UI changes and fixing roles and POSes, so that new corps can actually recruit people without having all their **** stolen every two months.

Hopefully, then every wormhole corp will be able to bring a blob to a fight Big smile
Antagonistic Tendencies
#114 - 2013-04-10 12:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Don't think this thread is really achieving much, blobs aren't fun but if you rolled the dice a few times on what happened with TL there would probably be as many times that KILL/SSC managed to roll in with enough support to retake control of the system as there are instances where it played out like it did.

Ultimately very few people will try and bait a fight or even go for a full eviction without sufficent forces to win against what they think the enemy can bring - the numbers brought against TL are likely to be very different to the numbers brought against < insert random 15 man corp >.
Incindir Mauser
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#115 - 2013-04-10 12:40:19 UTC
Axloth Okiah wrote:
I'm not sure if this is the right thread to discuss this in... but imho the best PR for wh dwellers is:
- murdering nullbears while outnumbered (ie. what VoC does best)
- mythical good fights, 10-30 men slugfests on connections with no drama and lasting "frenemyship" (is that a word?). Our recent gentlemanly brawl with NoHo springs to mind.

Odyssey might also help out by making wh space more "habitable" by UI changes and fixing roles and POSes, so that new corps can actually recruit people without having all their **** stolen every two months.

That's what brought me to W-space in the first place.

Small and medium gang "warfare", without all the sperglord shiptoaster instigation in local that low and null is rife with. Unfortunately it's becoming more of a trend for people in W-space to troll local to get a fight by being insulting. Or hurling racial epithets after getting thier stuff shot. I fear the worst of null sec locker-room mentality has been gaining traction in W-space culture.

And it's been a while since the collective forces of W-space have decended upon null sec interlopers into the Kingdom of Bob.

For Bob's sake I ran across a C5 that had a Goon farming op in it! They PoSed up at the first sign of potential hostility of course. RR Tengus and Dreads for escalations. Five, yes five, Noctis salvaging. Why there hasn't been a collective push to truly evict these Sov-holding heathens from our space, is beyond me.

I predict that the upcoming patches, teiricide and Odyssey may be a big game changer in W-space. Anything that deals directly with exploration will ultimately change the way we play the game.

It's also pretty clear that the dust really hasn't settled from the Battle of Loveshack.

It makes me more than a little sad to see TL get "structure wiped" or evicted or whatever you want to call it now. When I personally feel that there are better candidates for such things. Eg, Nullsec interlopers. I don't think that it really had to come to that conclusion, but this is W-space and sometimes this **** happens. It's just a reality.

I would like to see everyone just take a step back, breathe a little, and relax. TL isn't gone from W-space. They're obviously rebuilding. They haven't given up, vacated, and went back to Kay Spayce.
#116 - 2013-04-10 13:10:34 UTC
Eviction, invasion, system wipe, burning the place to the ground. Call it what you want, but there is a difference between kicking an entity out of W-space and exploding everything you can catch, structures included.

The former is usually performed when Nullbear ISK farms are discovered; no further reasoning is usually required. This should be done more often, IMO, as well as more shooting Nullbears in W-space instead of in Null.

The latter happened to TL, for whatever reasons the aggressors had. If someone wants to spend the time and energy to do this, who am I to say they're playing the game wrong as long as they let the W-space entities rebuild. It would be more significant in C1-C4 anyway, since ISK flows like water in C5/C6.

Life in W-space moves on. Everyone in this thread should as well.
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#117 - 2013-04-10 13:29:44 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:

For Bob's sake I ran across a C5 that had a Goon farming op in it! They PoSed up at the first sign of potential hostility of course. RR Tengus and Dreads for escalations. Five, yes five, Noctis salvaging. Why there hasn't been a collective push to truly evict these Sov-holding heathens from our space, is beyond me.

Why is this allowed to happen? Allowing these farming entities to continue will hurt our income. The income makes it easier to have our glorious fights.

It's one thing to sell to null people. That's why we get the resources and drop them in k-space. Want to see what happens when we let it? Look at OTEC and the Tech market.

You all think a fleet of 135 is bad? Wait until these nullsec coalitions get the mechanics down. They could fit hundreds in a J-system within hours, since they could titan bridge fleets every time they rolled a LS.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Castor Troyy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#118 - 2013-04-10 13:39:21 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Incindir Mauser wrote:

For Bob's sake I ran across a C5 that had a Goon farming op in it! They PoSed up at the first sign of potential hostility of course. RR Tengus and Dreads for escalations. Five, yes five, Noctis salvaging. Why there hasn't been a collective push to truly evict these Sov-holding heathens from our space, is beyond me.

Why is this allowed to happen? Allowing these farming entities to continue will hurt our income. The income makes it easier to have our glorious fights.

It's one thing to sell to null people. That's why we get the resources and drop them in k-space. Want to see what happens when we let it? Look at OTEC and the Tech market.

You all think a fleet of 135 is bad? Wait until these nullsec coalitions get the mechanics down. They could fit hundreds in a J-system within hours, since they could titan bridge fleets every time they rolled a LS.

I think the prophet is saying here should be where we put our differences aside and purge them from wh I think Vince, you and Incindir are on the same page.

Go Team Purple!
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#119 - 2013-04-10 15:11:07 UTC
These huge blobs were always inevitable... we all knew this would happen, more and more people have been drawn into wormhole space, specifically upper class wormholes in the past year. It is only human nature to team up with others to defend a common belief, no one can stop that. Wormhole space is at a crossroads, do the leaders of w-space want to allow their corporations/alliances/coalitions to evict people who give goodfites and leave only groups who use 15 guards, multiple webbing lokis, and a few blap dreads? The day that all the groups who are not capable of fielding these numbers are evicted, is the day that wormhole space, or classical wormhole space will die.

There is still multiple ways of preventing this from happening, there needs to be less evictions and less log on traps and more good fair fights.

Just my opinion.

Bronya Boga
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#120 - 2013-04-10 15:17:33 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:

For Bob's sake I ran across a C5 that had a Goon farming op in it! They PoSed up at the first sign of potential hostility of course. RR Tengus and Dreads for escalations. Five, yes five, Noctis salvaging. Why there hasn't been a collective push to truly evict these Sov-holding heathens from our space, is beyond me.

We saw Red alliance the other day :/