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WH "Coalitions" Blobs, Blue Lists, and bob.

First post First post
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#81 - 2013-04-09 17:55:03 UTC
Bronya Boga wrote:
Well if I may put in my two cents as someone who is a member of a smaller pvp group playing in W-space. Seeing any evictions is rather sad, considering w-space hold an already small population. (Not to say groups that are evicted can't recover).

Chitsa said that evictions are some thing that happens because of personal reasons, so my question would be why did polarized decide to evict TL? I was told recently that I had the wrong information about it all so would someone fill me in on this grand reason to evict a legit PvP alliance?

Also as for the 'good publicity' which was also mentioned here by Chitsa. this is the stupidest thing you ever said (sorry bro no offence) and anyone who thinks this is good for w-space is lost in their ways and should look towards playing the game as a sov holding entity in Null. Do I, the little guy, need to remind these big C5/C6 corporations what the fun w-space looked like? Do I, the guy who has been playing in wormholes for only the last 9 month need to remind you that w-space was meant for small gangs not blobs?

I joined w-space because I hate blues, because I love small gang PvP and because I didn't want to be just a +1 in a fleet of a 100. W-space was always more civil then other places on New Eden and the fact that someone thinks that they need to bring everyone that wishes to see an explosion to something that, you yourselves, labeled "personal" is a shame on you all!

Null is the place that is reserved for angry revenge and massive fights. The publicity of w-space should not come from drama, it should come from the culture and the community that revolves around this mechanic. I had endless praises as of late from dozens of podcasters, community people and players at the resolve and teamwork w-space showed to get all wormhole 5 on the final election ballot. That is the right kind of publicity.

W-space is where even the small guy can thrive and not destroyed by superior numbers and assets that are our of their financial reach. I guess what I'm trying to say is that next time this kind of eviction happens I personally will will not attend unless my CEO really needs me to do it. And if I get labeled with AHARM as a pacifist so be it because BOB knows the truth.

Please all I say here does not reflect SUSU in any way. It doesn't even reflect DTP views its my own personal.

You have been in the opposing fleet so your post is a bit hypocritical.

Invasions have been the fact of wspace for past 4 years. Right now everyone starts crying how they can not handle them. Well cry me a river (no offence). Eve is a harsh place and evictions happen.

As far as publicity goes - large scale operations are usually are reported on various news outlets and that is a fact.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Max Leadfoot
Tactical Narcotics Team
#82 - 2013-04-09 18:00:13 UTC
Gnaw LF wrote:

Lol, we don't do evictions guys we just get paid for them....
The Iraqi Minister of Information is alive and well Big smile

We do system wipes, not evictions... as was mentioned earlier in thread. We do not care about those systems, and that is why our last four opponents are in those systems right now doing PVE. An eviction, by definition, is an action to force someone to leave the premises.
Max Leadfoot
Tactical Narcotics Team
#83 - 2013-04-09 18:16:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Betalyrae Uno
QT McWhiskers wrote:
Saying you are using an eviction as a conflict driver is a false statement. If you TRULY wanted a conflict driver, you would jump in your caps and your subcaps, warp to a safespot and just sit there. You could even hide your caps and just keep half of your subcaps on grid to sping a trap, whatever. This would work to get people to come and attack you. Especially if you did it during their primetime. (Sitting a fleet out while only 3 of them are online and then proceeding to evict doesnt count.)

No one believes anyone when they say that the eviction was just a method to get a good fight. If this were EVER true, you wouldnt destroy towers. You could simply shoot a poco and use its reinforcement timer as the countdown for the fleet fight. So Im calling out everyone who ever says they are looking for good fights when they destroy a pos. You are a liar.

I guess it is quite easy to sit back and just throw insults around and how these events "cannot be considered conflict drivers". (in your words) What you may not realize is, you are posting in this thread with these statements proving they are actually conflict drivers.

Congratulations! You have managed to prove the opposing point you wished to attack completely on your own without anyone else even responding. If there was such a thing as a forum warrior medal of honor, you would be hard pressed to find someone else more deserving.
Gnaw LF
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2013-04-09 18:20:24 UTC
Max Leadfoot wrote:
Gnaw LF wrote:

Lol, we don't do evictions guys we just get paid for them....
The Iraqi Minister of Information is alive and well Big smile

We do system wipes, not evictions... as was mentioned earlier in thread. We do not care about those systems, and that is why our last four opponents are in those systems right now doing PVE. An eviction, by definition, is an action to force someone to leave the premises.

Oh quit this PR bs, the most amusing part of the entire TL invasion is that the aggressors are now in full on spin mode trying to justify their actions. I love it, we learn such new phrases as "system wipes", "conflict drivers" and my most favorite, compliments to Bane, "don't want one group of players to dictate how they play the game". I mean for crying out loud, its the same old usual suspects that have been doing these invasions and evictions, alliance names might change and corps get shifted but you have been at it for a couple of years and its not like anyone has the numbers or the interest in stopping you. Just quit this spin machine, man up and say "Yeah, we beat them down and we will do something like this again". FFS.
Max Leadfoot
Tactical Narcotics Team
#85 - 2013-04-09 18:38:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Betalyrae Uno
I would only counter that we have no reason to distort anything, and we are not the originators of these posts. From our perspective it is not the aggressors that are posting all kinds of spin here on the forums. This is clearly an attempt by the parties that came up short to explain away massive losses and some outrageously poor strategic decisions.

We had no plans to do it again, but with all this crying some of these folks are certainly making a case for us to consider it.

Oh, btw... this was actually our last contract this week: (right after we left Loveshack)

"Hey dudes,

must admit, your job clearing our wormhole was just impressive
and you got my respects.

Was an honour to be destroyed by you guys."

This is the TRUE PVPers' response to defeat. Not locked forum threads, not a Dr. Phil episode, not insults and accusations. Learn from them.
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#86 - 2013-04-09 18:47:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Gaines
Max Leadfoot wrote:

I would only counter that we have no reason to distort anything, and we are not the originators of these posts. From our perspective it is not the aggressors that are posting all kinds of spin here on the forums. This is clearly an attempt by the parties that came up short to explain away massive losses and some outrageously poor strategic decisions.

We had no plans to do it again, but with all this crying some of these folks are certainly making a case for us to consider it.

Can't we all just get along and pet kittens?

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Indo Nira
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2013-04-09 18:52:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Indo Nira
Gnaw LF wrote:

I mean for crying out loud, its the same old usual suspects that have been doing these invasions and evictions, alliance names might change and corps get shifted but you have been at it for a couple of years and its not like anyone has the numbers or the interest in stopping you. Just quit this spin machine, man up and say "Yeah, we beat them down and we will do something like this again". FFS.

isn't it the same people posting bulllshit and starting butthurt threads about what other people did for the past couple of weeks? :D like you.

man up and say: I don't like the way you play the game and i'm butthurt that you don't play the game the same way i do.
Verge of Collapse
#88 - 2013-04-09 19:07:59 UTC
This thread is not going places.

However the simple truth of the matter is that as time goes on, every entity in EVE becomes more and more risk-averse.
If anyone actually wanted to play this game for the goodfights they'd be doing honorable 1v1 duels in hisec . Instead we have a situation where winning is the primary goal. And if that means dunking someone with ten times their numbers then so be it.

I don't get why people keep on insisting that they came to w-space to escape the blobs.
The blob will find you no matter where you go.
You can't escape the blob. Don't even try.
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#89 - 2013-04-09 19:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Gaines

  • The Private Hangars have a usable version completed, with the key functionality working. Work is remaining on peripheral issues so the structure is not yet in a shippable state but a lot of progress has been made.
  • Taking your feedback so far into account, the Private Hangar currently has a storage size of 50,000 m3 per character, slightly larger than had been discussed before. We are interested in your opinions about that change.

  • Repackaging modules in Starbase arrays is done and shippable.

  • Accessing modules everywhere in the shield is done and working for inventory look, give and take actions.

  • The CSMA anchoring change is completed and the structure has been renamed to "Extra Large Ship Maintenance Array" for clarity.

As usual your feedback is welcomed.

guys, look....stuff is being done!

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Gnaw LF
Amarr Empire
#90 - 2013-04-09 19:38:03 UTC
Indo Nira wrote:
Gnaw LF wrote:

I mean for crying out loud, its the same old usual suspects that have been doing these invasions and evictions, alliance names might change and corps get shifted but you have been at it for a couple of years and its not like anyone has the numbers or the interest in stopping you. Just quit this spin machine, man up and say "Yeah, we beat them down and we will do something like this again". FFS.

isn't it the same people posting bulllshit and starting butthurt threads about what other people did for the past couple of weeks? :D like you.

man up and say: I don't like the way you play the game and i'm butthurt that you don't play the game the same way i do.

Nah, I am simply calling it like it is. Notice the lack of catchphrases such as "system wipes" and "conflict drivers". Oh man, those are still cracking me up.

As for manning up and saying something, here goes: I will never invade any entity, unless they come from null, and I will always assist in defense of those who have lend a helping hand in defense of Banana.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2013-04-09 20:01:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Gnaw LF wrote:
Notice the lack of catchphrases such as "system wipes" and "conflict drivers". Oh man, those are still cracking me up.

Then what would you call it? I think system wipe is a pretty apt description for wiping out all structures in a system...

Gnaw LF wrote:

... and I will always assist in defense of those who have lend a helping hand in defense of Banana.

Sounds like you are being driven towards conflict in that example... now what should we can that i wonder? Roll
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#92 - 2013-04-09 20:47:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Chitsa Jason
Gnaw LF wrote:
Indo Nira wrote:
Gnaw LF wrote:

I mean for crying out loud, its the same old usual suspects that have been doing these invasions and evictions, alliance names might change and corps get shifted but you have been at it for a couple of years and its not like anyone has the numbers or the interest in stopping you. Just quit this spin machine, man up and say "Yeah, we beat them down and we will do something like this again". FFS.

isn't it the same people posting bulllshit and starting butthurt threads about what other people did for the past couple of weeks? :D like you.

man up and say: I don't like the way you play the game and i'm butthurt that you don't play the game the same way i do.

Nah, I am simply calling it like it is. Notice the lack of catchphrases such as "system wipes" and "conflict drivers". Oh man, those are still cracking me up.

As for manning up and saying something, here goes: I will never invade any entity, unless they come from null, and I will always assist in defense of those who have lend a helping hand in defense of Banana.

Does that mean you will help my corp in case of invasion as I was helping banana defence in my carrier and my legion?

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Verge of Collapse
#93 - 2013-04-09 21:00:50 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Gnaw LF wrote:
Indo Nira wrote:
Gnaw LF wrote:

I mean for crying out loud, its the same old usual suspects that have been doing these invasions and evictions, alliance names might change and corps get shifted but you have been at it for a couple of years and its not like anyone has the numbers or the interest in stopping you. Just quit this spin machine, man up and say "Yeah, we beat them down and we will do something like this again". FFS.

isn't it the same people posting bulllshit and starting butthurt threads about what other people did for the past couple of weeks? :D like you.

man up and say: I don't like the way you play the game and i'm butthurt that you don't play the game the same way i do.

Nah, I am simply calling it like it is. Notice the lack of catchphrases such as "system wipes" and "conflict drivers". Oh man, those are still cracking me up.

As for manning up and saying something, here goes: I will never invade any entity, unless they come from null, and I will always assist in defense of those who have lend a helping hand in defense of Banana.

Does that mean you will help my corp in case of invasion as I was helping banana defence in my carrier and my legion?

Incindir Mauser
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#94 - 2013-04-09 21:20:23 UTC
Gnaw LF wrote:
Nah, I am simply calling it like it is. Notice the lack of catchphrases such as "system wipes" and "conflict drivers". Oh man, those are still cracking me up.

As for manning up and saying something, here goes: I will never invade any entity, unless they come from null, and I will always assist in defense of those who have lend a helping hand in defense of Banana.

Long live The Banana Hammock!

Banana Hammock. First among W-space Bananas. Attractor of W-space Gorillas. May your stuffs remain un-messed with. May your POCOs remain organized.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#95 - 2013-04-09 21:25:15 UTC
QT McWhiskers wrote:

Then there is bob. What does he think about our form ups. Is he angry that we form up to fight a stronger enemy thus diluting our victory? Does he then smile as the other side team up to slay the mighty beast? Or is he simply happy that the blood of the WHer is spilt? Does he choke on the blood easily poured from an open wound? Or does he simply drink it all up and savor in the taste? SSC might be able to answer this one the best. Father Herrbert I look to you for guidance in these matters. (Sorry bert, couldnt resist)

Fellow Holemonkeys and Galacticbrainiacs.

The Bob is not pleased nor is he displeased, with the actions that happened regarding the TL Siege. He is pleased to see this lively discussion about the development of his kingdom. He feels the love through personal sacrifices. And keep in mind where there is ashes there will be fertile ground. The fact of the matter is sometimes it requires scorched earth to unite people. Sometimes it requires peace to start war.

The way of Bob is pathed with Trolls, Guns and Wrecks. So saying a Siege is unfair or numbers are unbalanced is a matter of perspective. He gave us guidelines, one may interpretate to not evict PvP. But it is also a great sacrifice and remember Bob fortunes those who sacrifice the most if they get up again and dust of their shoulders.

But asking for which side Bob would take seems like asking for a Holy War. Bob doesn't take sides. He who is so devious, takes loot and Kill mails. Some may say the sacrifice in Loveshack was a good one, some say it was too much and now we have to make an even bigger one. But most of you are doomed to see the real picture. Bob loves all the sacrifices.

If it's the Venture you caught harvesting C540 or the Battleship that tried to crash a hole, the JF that wanted to exploit a good direct Known space connection or the Carrier triaging to help his friends beat the sleeper. They all mean the same to him. His love is not measured by Isk destroyed. It's the effort of pilots, the sweat of teamwork and the countless screams of Scanners throughout his Systems.

praised be bob

Community-Challenge: Make Jack Miton sing a Duett with me. Jibbychiggawooooow - CSM 9 Corbexx

Gnaw LF
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2013-04-09 21:30:09 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:

Does that mean you will help my corp in case of invasion as I was helping banana defence in my carrier and my legion?

Begrudgingly, but yeah, I will.
Gnaw LF
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2013-04-09 21:31:34 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:

Then what would you call it? I think system wipe is a pretty apt description for wiping out all structures in a system...

Sounds like you are being driven towards conflict in that example... now what should we can that i wonder? Roll

I would call the first one eviction, the second I would call paying your debts.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2013-04-09 21:43:47 UTC
c6's have been wrecked by the circle jerking everyone is frends stuff. maybe its human nature but its still anoying.

Incindir Mauser
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#99 - 2013-04-09 22:27:49 UTC
HerrBert wrote:
Fellow Holemonkeys and Galacticbrainiacs.

The Bob is not pleased nor is he displeased, with the actions that happened regarding the TL Siege. He is pleased to see this lively discussion about the development of his kingdom. He feels the love through personal sacrifices. And keep in mind where there is ashes there will be fertile ground. The fact of the matter is sometimes it requires scorched earth to unite people. Sometimes it requires peace to start war.

The way of Bob is pathed with Trolls, Guns and Wrecks. So saying a Siege is unfair or numbers are unbalanced is a matter of perspective. He gave us guidelines, one may interpretate to not evict PvP. But it is also a great sacrifice and remember Bob fortunes those who sacrifice the most if they get up again and dust of their shoulders.

But asking for which side Bob would take seems like asking for a Holy War. Bob doesn't take sides. He who is so devious, takes loot and Kill mails. Some may say the sacrifice in Loveshack was a good one, some say it was too much and now we have to make an even bigger one. But most of you are doomed to see the real picture. Bob loves all the sacrifices.

If it's the Venture you caught harvesting C540 or the Battleship that tried to crash a hole, the JF that wanted to exploit a good direct Known space connection or the Carrier triaging to help his friends beat the sleeper. They all mean the same to him. His love is not measured by Isk destroyed. It's the effort of pilots, the sweat of teamwork and the countless screams of Scanners throughout his Systems.

praised be bob

Wise words indeed Father Brother HerrBert.

Peace be upon His Melted Nanoribbons.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#100 - 2013-04-09 23:23:45 UTC
Its no secret that Bane is mad at TL. Bane got beat from the Transmission Lost Alliance because the majority voted against him according to the mittani.

And it seems to me that its a personal grudge of former Narwhals members(Hathrul, Max Leadfoot, and Chitsa) against the guys in LOST(Djswitch and co).

Anyone with a brain can clearly see it was never for "good fights" nor "evictions" its mostly a childish personal feud going on with these faggots.

Inb4 butthurt denials.