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WH "Coalitions" Blobs, Blue Lists, and bob.

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Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#61 - 2013-04-09 06:44:26 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Bane started it.

Not this! lol

No trolling please

Bamsey Amraa
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#62 - 2013-04-09 07:10:34 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:
It's always worked along the lines of the following;

If you lose. You were blobbed.

If you win. It was a "good fight".

A few days later you wipe the blood off, shake hands and kick someone else's teeth in, eat some pretzels and drink some beer, then go back to shooting each other in the face.

I can't emphasize this enough. How you treat other people, even your bitterest rivals, matters in W-space. It's a smallish community. Create too much bad blood and it doesn't matter how hardcore you are at PvP. How many are in your corp. Or what your "reputation" is. Someone, more rather, groups of someones is going to push your sandcastle over and bring along scores of other people that you've irritated because you've been an annoying pudknocker.

Feel the urge to sperg in local? Don't. People have LONG memories in W-space. Old age and treachery will always win out over youth and wit.

Plain and simple. There's no over-riding "moral code" in W-space other than "Not purple, shoot it. And treat others with a modicum of respect in Local."

Everything else is fair game.


My corp has evicted 3 times already (last time from Rooks&Kings...really good fun) and we are still in WH. Yes we lost some members, anyway most of them are useless carebeers ( its mean more isk for me ) :) but others more pvp oriented stay with us and brings more pvp friends.... and i must say we are stronger after those evictions.....
Aidamina Omen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#63 - 2013-04-09 07:18:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Aidamina Omen
Guys, from a pacifists point of view all this talk about evictions is very troubling, can't we all be friends, hold hands and slurp some gas?
Overload This
#64 - 2013-04-09 07:32:31 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:
It's always worked along the lines of the following;

If you lose. You were blobbed.

If you win. It was a "good fight".

A few days later you wipe the blood off, shake hands and kick someone else's teeth in, eat some pretzels and drink some beer, then go back to shooting each other in the face.

I can't emphasize this enough. How you treat other people, even your bitterest rivals, matters in W-space. It's a smallish community. Create too much bad blood and it doesn't matter how hardcore you are at PvP. How many are in your corp. Or what your "reputation" is. Someone, more rather, groups of someones is going to push your sandcastle over and bring along scores of other people that you've irritated because you've been an annoying pudknocker.

Feel the urge to sperg in local? Don't. People have LONG memories in W-space. Old age and treachery will always win out over youth and wit.

Plain and simple. There's no over-riding "moral code" in W-space other than "Not purple, shoot it. And treat others with a modicum of respect in Local."

Everything else is fair game.

"If you lose. You were blobbed." Noooope P Referring to the countless great fights with Exhalized, TLC (fking pantheon), AHARM, DSI ... You win some and you lose some, even if we lose we have a great time, because regardless who wins we can team up in nullsec 10 minutes after the fight and shoot our common enemy Smile

Else I agree, qft and all of that. Well put.
Overload This
#65 - 2013-04-09 07:35:11 UTC
Max Leadfoot
Tactical Narcotics Team
#66 - 2013-04-09 10:33:47 UTC
Xtrah wrote:

This is where the big fleets belong, yes?

In the link above, we ended up breaking about even although outnumbered at least 5:1. Did we complain about being blobbed? Absolutely not. It was great fun, and we'd do it again in a heartbeat.

As anywhere in eve, failures in leadership so often look to explain away issues by pointing a finger at a variety of common excuses. The truth is, if you are outnumbered and destroyed you have made strategic and tactical errors approaching the engagement. Fighting overwhelming numbers is not an assured loss, and the same could be said with that flipped in reverse.

Bronya Boga
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#67 - 2013-04-09 10:38:13 UTC
CeNSeR wrote:
As I heard it the dreads were in a wormhole.

If your ceo wants to batphone every Tom,**** and Harry everytime he comes across a situation you guy's cannot handle then you may aswell just join them and it may be easier to fleet up next

Once=/= all the time.
We get plenty of fights that may or may not be winning fights thank you very much.
Interbus Universal
#68 - 2013-04-09 10:44:45 UTC
As someone who has moved all his personal stuff twice into new wormholes in the last 4 months (if only because of corp switch, not evictions), I wish it were simpler. If we could move our ships in bulk, setting up again after an eviction would not be such a terrible prospect.

The ability to repackage ships in a POS would go a long way. A specialized ship-hauling ship would be another good thing. Something with a bay that can only hold packaged ships but a lot of them.

Today many wh groups are extremely entrenched in their home. They are hard to evict, but if it were done, it would also be extremely tiresome for them to ever restore what they had. So they are very fearful of being evicted and always escalate to the max when threatened with eviction.

As someone else said here, you need at least 20 pvp ships in your home to be able to respond to various challenges (wh brawl, nullsec roam, cap fight, pulsar fights etc). If there was a way to move that kind of equipment in one or two trips per character, corps could operate much leaner and be more mobile.

The same goes for POSes... modules take too much cargospace, especially ewar mods.

...and in return, we could get rid of self-destructing in wormholes altogether, except for pods Twisted


Max Leadfoot
Tactical Narcotics Team
#69 - 2013-04-09 11:31:56 UTC
Bronya Boga wrote:
Well if I may put in my two cents as someone who is a member of a smaller pvp group playing in W-space. Seeing any evictions is rather sad, considering w-space hold an already small population. (Not to say groups that are evicted can't recover).

Polarized. does not do evictions. We've cleared three systems the past month, two planned on contract and one ad-hoc given the situation. We do not settle in these systems to prevent the opposition from setting up again. Generally our opponents just log in the expensive stuff after we leave and get back to business. No locked forum posts, threats, prank calls, or nasty evemails. Just some jokes back and forth and kind words over fights exchanged by both parties. That is the norm.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2013-04-09 11:53:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Bronya Boga wrote:

Also as for the 'good publicity' which was also mentioned here by Chitsa. this is the stupidest thing you ever said (sorry bro no offence) and anyone who thinks this is good for w-space is lost in their ways and should look towards playing the game as a sov holding entity in Null. Do I, the little guy, need to remind these big C5/C6 corporations what the fun w-space looked like? Do I, the guy who has been playing in wormholes for only the last 9 month need to remind you that w-space was meant for small gangs not blobs?

I joined w-space because I hate blues, because I love small gang PvP and because I didn't want to be just a +1 in a fleet of a 100. W-space was always more civil then other places on New Eden and the fact that someone thinks that they need to bring everyone that wishes to see an explosion to something that, you yourselves, labeled "personal" is a shame on you all!

As someone has already pointed out the hypocrisy of your statement, i'm not going to comment on that but i would like to share my opinion on the publicity thing...

The so called blobbing tactic use during the TL invasion (not eviction) may not be appealing to everyone but, in my opinion, the more player activities in wormhole make the news - the more people on the outside will become interested in wormhole space.

I think you are half right when you say wormholes where "meant" to be for small gang warfare. I think wormholes were designed to "encourage" small gang warfare but the good thing about eve is that it allows us to be flexible in what and how we do things.

Lets not forget, invasions of this scale are no easy feat. They take weeks/months to plan and prepare for and take hundreds, if not thousands, of man hours to implement. To suggest that all we should be doing in W-space is meeting a hostile fleet at the sun and saying "gg guys, we must do this again sometime" is a little ridiculous imo.

p.s. thanks for the shout out last week. Blink
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#71 - 2013-04-09 12:01:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Gaines
Nurza Tzestu wrote:
TLost would rather log off all their cap pilots then fight with them. They're that 'pvp' group who smacks in local about attackers not wanting to fight them on 'equal terms' then proceeding to SD ships in pos shields then log of with what they've got left rather then put up even a struggle.

Confirming, Transmission Lost does not PvP.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Pulling The Plug
#72 - 2013-04-09 12:12:07 UTC
Xtrah wrote:

This is where the big fleets belong, yes?

If anyone wants to talk about Blobs... head to VFK-IV that was pretty insane.

Btw - great video whoever edited... good stuff!
Lenier Chenal
Offensive Upholder
#73 - 2013-04-09 13:27:06 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
The current state of WH invasions/evictions is much like nullsec: both sides escalate until the one with more/luckier friends just wins on numbers.
WH space used to be about small scale PVP with 25-30man fleets being about the peak for most groups.
At those numbers tactics and skill still play a huge role where at 150+ man fleets where 10%+ of that is blap dreads, they really don't.

Personally I miss what WH fleets used to look like but i also know that It is extremely unlikely to ever change back.

Move out of a c5/c6 then.
Planisphere Salvage
#74 - 2013-04-09 14:04:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Domoso
John Q here:

The overriding factor to a successful invasion is initiative. Given the island like existence of w-space inhabitants it is always easier for an invader to do so with a fleet sufficiently large enough to gain complete control over a system before the defenders have the time to react. Since the invader, sufficiently connected, can always produce overwhelming fleets the invasion's chance of success is very high barring catastrophic FC/fleet failscade.

It's not possible for a single system to house sufficient numbers to defend against such fleets. There is still the option of the batphone. However, given that by the time the batphone is typically used the system is most likely locked down with hole control being maintained by the invaders. The time it takes for reinforcements to power roll for a successful route, if ever, typically means the fight is already over.

This is a weakness in w-space habitation. The best strategy, if one is to live in w-space maintaining hundreds of billions in assets therein, is to always be the invader with overwhelmingly large that as this is your sole existence, to invade other inhabitants thereby pre-emptively eliminating potential threats before they eliminate you. Otherwise, it's merely time before a 200 man fleet shows up on your doorstep of which you cannot defend against.
#75 - 2013-04-09 14:55:29 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Incindir Mauser wrote:
It's always worked along the lines of the following;

If you lose. You were blobbed.

If you win. It was a "good fight".

A few days later you wipe the blood off, shake hands and kick someone else's teeth in, eat some pretzels and drink some beer, then go back to shooting each other in the face.

I can't emphasize this enough. How you treat other people, even your bitterest rivals, matters in W-space. It's a smallish community. Create too much bad blood and it doesn't matter how hardcore you are at PvP. How many are in your corp. Or what your "reputation" is. Someone, more rather, groups of someones is going to push your sandcastle over and bring along scores of other people that you've irritated because you've been an annoying pudknocker.

Feel the urge to sperg in local? Don't. People have LONG memories in W-space. Old age and treachery will always win out over youth and wit.

Plain and simple. There's no over-riding "moral code" in W-space other than "Not purple, shoot it. And treat others with a modicum of respect in Local."

Everything else is fair game.


... is why evictions happen.
Gnaw LF
Amarr Empire
#76 - 2013-04-09 15:44:57 UTC
Domoso wrote:

This is a weakness in w-space habitation. The best strategy, if one is to live in w-space maintaining hundreds of billions in assets therein, is to always be the invader with overwhelmingly large that as this is your sole existence, to invade other inhabitants thereby pre-emptively eliminating potential threats before they eliminate you. Otherwise, it's merely time before a 200 man fleet shows up on your doorstep of which you cannot defend against.

Except of course the fact that there are a few sizable entities in w-space who have resided there for the past few years and have not invaded anyone and did not get evicted.
Bronya Boga
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2013-04-09 16:53:28 UTC
Max Leadfoot wrote:
Bronya Boga wrote:
Well if I may put in my two cents as someone who is a member of a smaller pvp group playing in W-space. Seeing any evictions is rather sad, considering w-space hold an already small population. (Not to say groups that are evicted can't recover).

Polarized. does not do evictions. We've cleared three systems the past month, two planned on contract and one ad-hoc given the situation. We do not settle in these systems to prevent the opposition from setting up again. Generally our opponents just log in the expensive stuff after we leave and get back to business. No locked forum posts, threats, prank calls, or nasty evemails. Just some jokes back and forth and kind words over fights exchanged by both parties. That is the norm.

Did I say anything about polarized? This isn't a TL thread just a example to drive the conversation. You're talking this way too personally Max.

P.S. Rek thanks for participating
Gnaw LF
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2013-04-09 17:10:40 UTC
Max Leadfoot wrote:
Bronya Boga wrote:
Well if I may put in my two cents as someone who is a member of a smaller pvp group playing in W-space. Seeing any evictions is rather sad, considering w-space hold an already small population. (Not to say groups that are evicted can't recover).

Polarized. does not do evictions. We've cleared three systems the past month, two planned on contract and one ad-hoc given the situation. We do not settle in these systems to prevent the opposition from setting up again. Generally our opponents just log in the expensive stuff after we leave and get back to business. No locked forum posts, threats, prank calls, or nasty evemails. Just some jokes back and forth and kind words over fights exchanged by both parties. That is the norm.

Lol, we don't do evictions guys we just get paid for them....

The Iraqi Minister of Information is alive and well Big smile
Max Leadfoot
Tactical Narcotics Team
#79 - 2013-04-09 17:42:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Betalyrae Uno
Bronya Boga wrote:

Did I say anything about polarized? This isn't a TL thread just a example to drive the conversation. You're talking this way too personally Max.

P.S. Rek thanks for participating

I had responded generally, but you did actually mention us so I responded. I have no idea what you are talking about on the personal side, and I would suggest that maybe only you are thinking along those lines.
QT McWhiskers
Atrax Hollow
#80 - 2013-04-09 17:45:24 UTC
I generally dislike evictions. Saying you are using an eviction as a conflict driver is a false statement. If you TRULY wanted a conflict driver, you would jump in your caps and your subcaps, warp to a safespot and just sit there. You could even hide your caps and just keep half of your subcaps on grid to sping a trap, whatever. This would work to get people to come and attack you. Especially if you did it during their primetime. (Sitting a fleet out while only 3 of them are online and then proceeding to evict doesnt count.)

No one believes anyone when they say that the eviction was just a method to get a good fight. If this were EVER true, you wouldnt destroy towers. You could simply shoot a poco and use its reinforcement timer as the countdown for the fleet fight. So Im calling out everyone who ever says they are looking for good fights when they destroy a pos. You are a liar.