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Dev blog: Odyssey summer expansion: Starbase iterations

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Merciless Reckoning
#461 - 2013-04-07 02:23:03 UTC
Tonto Auri wrote:
Lolmer wrote: didn't read the DevBlog at all, did you? Repackaging items in the POS. Oh look at that, something that is very helpful, at least to those of us in the wormhole, but also to others to a lesser extent. Your argument has already been invalidated just by one of the many changes they are doing.

That's the ONLY change, that is actually making the life in a POS better. People already pointed to multiple issues that were LEFT OUT of the scope of the blog, including ACTUAL BUGS, rather than missing features.
Pointing to a single feature and proclaiming that it's worth all the bugs unfixed is just stupid.

Okay, you want to keep going with this? Did you read the Dev Blog? Here's another item from there that helps everyone: Moving items between ships/hangars/etc. inside the forcefield without being within 2500m. How about another: Refitting Tech 3 Strategic Cruisers. Oh my, two improvements! And here you only required one, I gave you one, then you said sure, but how about another? I shall one-up you, sir, and give you two for your one. :) Do you wish to continue this game?

Your argument: Debunked yet again.

Sure, there are still bugs, no one is arguing against that, nor are we arguing against having a POS revamp. What we are saying is that we appreciate that there is work being done for the short-term while they continue to design and figure out the long-term fixes.
Frying Doom
#462 - 2013-04-07 08:51:29 UTC
Even though the work is small

To be fair they really didn't start doing anything till half way through January.

I will happily take anything over the nothing it has rotted with for years.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#463 - 2013-04-07 10:42:30 UTC
While a complete re-work of the PoS operations facet has been long in coming it bothers me that CCP are again trying to tinker with the original code rather than work a full system from scratch as we have seen from past iterations that this only leads to problems as they never really fully test them in situ, we saw the mess that there new 'Tree' system brought for PoS operators and the time it took to sort that one out into the workable brew of work around's it is today.

The ability to name silos and other items was a good thing, but they still did not allow you to sort and group the inventory listing, it still remains a randomized mess.

Operating the tower from anywhere inside the force-field sounds like a good idea when first mooted but is it not the case that CCP indicated that they wished to remove them in past dev blogs, has this idea now been scrapped.

And how does this revamp map into that of modular PoS constructs once indicated, it would appear that CCP is dipping into old code in an attempt to make something out of it that is never really going to work properly and be even more difficult to change in the future.

Having said that my main concern would be that of personal hangar space, this presents a serious problem to Corp operations should they wish to remove the tower at a later date, all items being lost once the construct was dismantled, bit of a nightmare in the making there, will the storage repackage with items inside or will it remain stuck and prevent the tower being un-achored, worst case, hoards of orphaned storage hangars at moons preventing anchoring of new towers unless you rock up with a fleet and blow up the remains of the old ones, stretching things I know but you can see the obvious problems it might trawl up later unless thought through.

Best of luck with this one but we have already shelved long term PoS plans until we see what sort of a monster this one throws at us.
Athena Maldoran
#464 - 2013-04-07 11:02:58 UTC
Lolmer wrote:
Tonto Auri wrote:
Lolmer wrote: didn't read the DevBlog at all, did you? Repackaging items in the POS. Oh look at that, something that is very helpful, at least to those of us in the wormhole, but also to others to a lesser extent. Your argument has already been invalidated just by one of the many changes they are doing.

That's the ONLY change, that is actually making the life in a POS better. People already pointed to multiple issues that were LEFT OUT of the scope of the blog, including ACTUAL BUGS, rather than missing features.
Pointing to a single feature and proclaiming that it's worth all the bugs unfixed is just stupid.

Okay, you want to keep going with this? Did you read the Dev Blog? Here's another item from there that helps everyone: Moving items between ships/hangars/etc. inside the forcefield without being within 2500m. How about another: Refitting Tech 3 Strategic Cruisers. Oh my, two improvements! And here you only required one, I gave you one, then you said sure, but how about another? I shall one-up you, sir, and give you two for your one. :) Do you wish to continue this game?

Your argument: Debunked yet again.

Sure, there are still bugs, no one is arguing against that, nor are we arguing against having a POS revamp. What we are saying is that we appreciate that there is work being done for the short-term while they continue to design and figure out the long-term fixes.

Soooo, doing 4-5 small things to the pos system. Not really changing anything, not really fixing any of the major bugs. Not doing ANYTHING to the fu*ked up permission system. Yes this really makes the whole thing worthy as expansion material. We'll just forget the ideas of the community. What have been said about pos's from ccp at various fanfests. Let's not forget that ccp knows very well they have fu*ked up on this one. Just read the disclaimer ^^ Lol

"Due to old code, we wont be delivering as we promised"
Gallente Federation
#465 - 2013-04-07 16:07:55 UTC
So what gets me, is that CCP says it's difficult to change the outdated POS code. I understand the difficulty of changing operational code, and adding functionality without breaking what it still needs to do.

So my thought is.. why bother.. Add a new set of code for new POS's, and just like when they changed the fuel, allow the two types of POS to co-exist for a short period to allow people to transition. "But what about all my old pos mods" I hear you say, well that's easy too. CCP provides a supply of seeded, free, "conversion" blueprints. You haul your control tower, corp hangar, sentry gun, whatever it is, to a manufacturing facility, run it through the conversion BP, and what comes out of the other end is the new equivalent of whatever the module is (this may take a combination of mods, depending on the new feature, but would be easier than building the new mod from scratch, and would not lose your original investment).. Then on D-Day (when they switch off the old code), any unconverted mods would still be in game and could be unanchored, but would not be operational until converted. All POS blueprints would automatically be converted at the same time (like they did with probes).

Since POS's affect everyone in game, whether it's because you fly a T2 ship which is manufactured from Moon goo, or you need somewhere to hide when you siege your rorqual, I believe POS's are one of the critical game mechanics, and their overhaul is way overdue.

Just me 2c worth...

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#466 - 2013-04-08 05:01:47 UTC
Since POS's affect everyone in game, whether it's because you fly a T2 ship which is manufactured from Moon goo, or you need somewhere to hide when you siege your rorqual, I believe POS's are one of the critical game mechanics, and their overhaul is way overdue.

Which would explain why:

1: It's taking a while to rework, as it touches on so many critical aspects of the game and is therefore very complicated.
2: The rework is being planned carefully, and will require a total rewrite of the system.
3: They are fixing what they can now to make life easier until the large project is done.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Infinite Force
#467 - 2013-04-08 05:29:38 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Since POS's affect everyone in game, whether it's because you fly a T2 ship which is manufactured from Moon goo, or you need somewhere to hide when you siege your rorqual, I believe POS's are one of the critical game mechanics, and their overhaul is way overdue.

Which would explain why:

1: It's taking a while to rework, as it touches on so many critical aspects of the game and is therefore very complicated.
2: The rework is being planned carefully, and will require a total rewrite of the system.
3: They are fixing what they can now to make life easier until the large project is done.

^^ This.

It wouldn't suprise me at all to know that these "seemingly" small changes are simply CCP's way of digging into the old code to really start to figure out how it works while not breaking anything "big" and giving us a carrot at the same time.

I'm looking forward to these updates -- even if it's small ... it's better than we've had for a looooong time with POSs.

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#468 - 2013-04-08 06:01:29 UTC
Infinite Force wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Since POS's affect everyone in game, whether it's because you fly a T2 ship which is manufactured from Moon goo, or you need somewhere to hide when you siege your rorqual, I believe POS's are one of the critical game mechanics, and their overhaul is way overdue.

Which would explain why:

1: It's taking a while to rework, as it touches on so many critical aspects of the game and is therefore very complicated.
2: The rework is being planned carefully, and will require a total rewrite of the system.
3: They are fixing what they can now to make life easier until the large project is done.

^^ This.

It wouldn't suprise me at all to know that these "seemingly" small changes are simply CCP's way of digging into the old code to really start to figure out how it works while not breaking anything "big" and giving us a carrot at the same time.

I'm looking forward to these updates -- even if it's small ... it's better than we've had for a looooong time with POSs.

I think its a very probable fact. I was listening to Seleene on EVE-U the other night, and NDA aside it sounds like a lot is in the air and some HUGE changes are coming. Not the type with the shinies, but the type that really matters

Especially exciting is that they all CSm and CCP devs alike seem to keep mentioning economy in relation to mixing things up and incentives to pvp.. Having been singing THAT song a LONG time I think now might be the hour they go ahead and actually do it..

Eve University podcasts

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#469 - 2013-04-08 15:59:17 UTC
I've been playing this game for 3+ years now and I'm STILL not used to this. I played WoW for a long time and it seemed like in that game (as in so many others) everytime they'd come out and say "we're changing so and so" the general response was usually "OMG WTF? THIS IS BULL***T THEY'RE NERFING US AGAIN!!

Much more often than not though in EVE, as is the case with this devblog I just kind of read each item and go "oh sweet!!!"

I live in WH's so I've had some frustrations with POS's and it's nice seeing some items that I've specifically been annoyed with being addressed in here. It sucks when you're trying to quickly switch ships to go jump into a PvP engagement and you have to slowboat over to your damn hangar so you can get the ship you want. Wait what? I don't have to do that anymore? Nice!

Then its a pain in the ass trying to set up guns and ECM mods on your POS because you have to zoom out really far (unless you're a dumbass and actually fly outside the shields to install the things..."hi look at me, I'm a defenseless hauler come shoot my ass!) and that green box gets so teeny tiny that it becomes impossible to do anything with it. What's that? You're making the little boxes scale up when you zoom out??? Awesome!

And then of course there are the POS's that have 15 SMA's because of all the guys who own half a dozen capital ships a piece and need a hangar for each one. Hold're saying we can have CSMA's in our POS's now? Haawww dilly!!!

I could go on, but you get the point ;) Well done CCP!
Minerus Maximus
#470 - 2013-04-08 16:04:07 UTC
Previously I apologize for the google translation

Ships and containers cannot be repackaged since that could be used to overflow the array.

I strongly disagree with the fact that the ship repackaging overflow the ship assembly array. Remember that in advanced ship assembly array for construction T2 ships are used repackaged T1 ships as the incoming component. In W-space this leads to the necessity of the production of T1 ships on the same POS as the T2 that is very inconvenient and not always possible. If you don't want to allow ship assembly arrays to repackaging ships - go ahead. But advanced ship assembly arrays must have ability to repackaging ships.
Infinite Force
#471 - 2013-04-08 16:14:37 UTC
Minerus Maximus wrote:
Previously I apologize for the google translation

Ships and containers cannot be repackaged since that could be used to overflow the array.

I strongly disagree with the fact that the ship repackaging overflow the ship assembly array. Remember that in advanced ship assembly array for construction T2 ships are used repackaged T1 ships as the incoming component. In W-space this leads to the necessity of the production of T1 ships on the same POS as the T2 that is very inconvenient and not always possible. If you don't want to allow ship assembly arrays to repackaging ships - go ahead. But advanced ship assembly arrays must have ability to repackaging ships.

What is being referred to is this:

I have a container with 500 items in it. My hangar array already has 700 items in it. Knowing that I have a 1000 item limit, if I'm allowed to repackage the container, all of the items will end up in the hangar, which now is at 1200 items, thus, overflowing the array.

The same goes for ships. Repackage a ship, where do the modules go? Into your local hangar.

A proper implementation of this should be:
a) Do I have enough room in the hangar / array for the items & modules in the ship / container?

If yes:
b) Repackage container / ship, modules & items to into the hangar

if no:
c) Do not allow the container / ship to be repackaged.

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#472 - 2013-04-09 02:29:41 UTC
Sorry if this is already answered (I didn't read the entire forum thread, been AFG for a week) but I wanted to put in 2 cents on the size of the Personal HAs. In wormholes, many people use the CHA to store PI goods that are moving between planets or surplus to balance across manufacturing chains. This takes up a fairly significant amount of space.

Currently I'm taking up just a bit over 55,000 m3 in my CHA. This includes an array of containers designed to either optimally fit a Mammoth or a Prowler, along with 20,000-30,000 count of four "Basic Commodities". It would be nice to get at least 60,000 m3 of space.

Author of Interstellar Privateer Shattered Planets, Wormholes and Game Commentary

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#473 - 2013-04-09 09:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars."

"If a member leaves the corp, his or her items are left in the structure but cannot be accessed unless the player rejoins."

I hate to talk negatively about CCP developers but this just seems like either laziness or incompetence.

Corp theft is a legitimate part of eve gameplay and this change effectively removes it... Unless, the number of players per personal hanger is limited and the fitting requirements are so high that the use of only one or two of this structures is feasible, effectively forcing multi-user pos' to use a corp hanger... but then we are back to square one.

The second quote is just dumb and further highlights the need for directors and CEO's to have access to personal hangers.

In short; do a proper job.
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#474 - 2013-04-09 09:52:07 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars."

"If a member leaves the corp, his or her items are left in the structure but cannot be accessed unless the player rejoins."

I hate to talk negatively about CCP developers but this just seems like either laziness or incompetence.

Corp theft is a legitimate part of eve gameplay and this change effectively removes it... Unless the number of players per personal hanger is limited and the fitting requirements are so high that only one or two of this structures are feasible, effectively forcing multi-user pos' to use a corp hanger... but then we are back to square one.

The second quote is just dumb and further highlights the need for directors and CEO's to have access to personal hangers.

In short; do a proper job.

The state of the game as it stands now is totally unrealistic and bended unfairly.

An employee can access the Boss' safe, if the Boss is stupid enough to mess up, but the Boss is unable to see what is in the employees locker, or empty it upon firing him.

Why is corp theft defended by devs, but the reverse is not allowed?

This is basically why I believe a 2 division system is needed for players. One that is truly personal, and one that can have access states depending on rights. When joining a corp those rights settings are shared between player and CEO. Also CEo should not be able to view in the truly private division hangar, only the corp/public one.

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#475 - 2013-04-09 13:04:01 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
Update on our current progress:

  • The Private Hangars have a usable version completed, with the key functionality working. Work is remaining on peripheral issues so the structure is not yet in a shippable state but a lot of progress has been made.
  • Taking your feedback so far into account, the Private Hangar currently has a storage size of 50,000 m3 per character, slightly larger than had been discussed before. We are interested in your opinions about that change.

  • Repackaging modules in Starbase arrays is done and shippable.

  • Accessing modules everywhere in the shield is done and working for inventory look, give and take actions.

  • The CSMA anchoring change is completed and the structure has been renamed to "Extra Large Ship Maintenance Array" for clarity.

  • As usual your feedback is welcomed.

    Game Designer | Team Five-0

    Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
    Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

    GeeShizzle MacCloud
    #476 - 2013-04-09 13:16:35 UTC
    "usable version"... meaning it works to the extent you can change t3 subsystems on it already? or is this still a technical hurdle to be overcome?
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #477 - 2013-04-09 13:17:21 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    Update on our current progress:

  • The Private Hangars have a usable version completed, with the key functionality working. Work is remaining on peripheral issues so the structure is not yet in a shippable state but a lot of progress has been made.
  • Taking your feedback so far into account, the Private Hangar currently has a storage size of 50,000 m3 per character, slightly larger than had been discussed before. We are interested in your opinions about that change.

  • Repackaging modules in Starbase arrays is done and shippable.

  • Accessing modules everywhere in the shield is done and working for inventory look, give and take actions.

  • The CSMA anchoring change is completed and the structure has been renamed to "Extra Large Ship Maintenance Array" for clarity.

  • As usual your feedback is welcomed.

    Awesome, thanks for the update!

    Is there any chance of a rebalance of manufactering plants on a pos? - It does not make much sense to have a 1.1 multiplier on making tech 2 stuff, ect.

    CCP Fozzie
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #478 - 2013-04-09 13:21:25 UTC
    GeeShizzle MacCloud wrote:
    "usable version"... meaning it works to the extent you can change t3 subsystems on it already? or is this still a technical hurdle to be overcome?

    T3 subsystem swap is a separate story that has not been completed yet.

    Game Designer | Team Five-0

    Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
    Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

    Beaver Retriever
    Reality Sequence
    #479 - 2013-04-09 13:25:04 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • The CSMA anchoring change is completed and the structure has been renamed to "Extra Large Ship Maintenance Array" for clarity.

  • As usual your feedback is welcomed.

    Feedback: this structure should be named 'Super-Duper-Large Ship Maintenance Array' instead.
    GeeShizzle MacCloud
    #480 - 2013-04-09 13:26:06 UTC
    err 2 quick questions about the change to pos mod handling...

    do you have to be inside the shield to do so or @ 0m to the shields (but can still be outside) ?

    if you're unable to go in due to the pos having a private pw can u still access and use the mods? (anchor / unanchor / etc..)