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CSM8 - CSM Participation Reward Program

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Silas Ehlonite
Goonswarm Federation
#121 - 2013-04-01 08:53:30 UTC
I support this product and/or service

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred here by 21 day trial / Apricot Baby

Concerns/Issues - I have been playing about a month or so and am loving EVE. My main concern would be the tutorial. I have been evangelizing EVE since I finished my first tutorial. I have had friends try the game, only to quit very quickly after being turned off by the tutorials. Everyone seems to acknowledge that the tutorials are broken, and instead of helping new players come into the game -- they actually serve as a barrier to entry that turn otherwise interested gamers (paying customers) away. I would like to see something done to address this issue.

Templar Lieutenant Silas Ehlonite

Public Capsuleer Datasheet

Just another traveler seeking further light.

Ashleigh Adams
Obsidian Squadron
#122 - 2013-04-01 09:57:02 UTC
Endorsed, I only understand about 10% of what goes on in EvE.

the other 90% of the time, I am being assploded or trying to assplode someone else. (sitting around waiting)
Muusika K6lab
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#123 - 2013-04-01 13:54:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Muusika K6lab
I Support this product and/or Service.

Corporation Nomination:Brave Newbies Inc.
I was referred here by: Apricot Baby/21d trial

Issue or Concern: I've been playing eve for a month or so now and I would really like if CCP would work towards advertising this as a space game and put more efforts for new players to get into game by accumulating the popular belief of EvE being a hard big learning curve game. I mean, yes it is, BUT you can have fun straight away you log into the game, not after you get your first Titan in 10years. I think CCP should work with community so when ever we are in reddit/forums new people are excited about the game and want to join in, explain they can ACTUALLY feel the "end-game" after logging in first time basically.

Also I would like to see a feature or a webpage where I could search for every ship module/rig/item in game and see its bonuses and etc, I have not found yet one which would be easy enough to access and scan through. Market is really uncomfortable for that for me, or I just dont know how to use it properly.

I took your survey also, the more i digged into it, the more i liked the idea of having custom ship logos which would represent of which corp is someone from.
Shaman Sanchez
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2013-04-01 14:50:50 UTC
I support this product and/or service

Corporation Nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.
I was referred here by: 21 Day Trial

Issue or Concern: I'll second/third the opinions on ship fitting so far. While the out of game tools/resources are nice, I feel like there was little in game guidance on what was or wasn't a good fit and why.
Kreed Taron
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#125 - 2013-04-01 15:18:36 UTC
I support this product and / or service :3

Corporation Nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.
I was referred here by: 21 Day Trial
Fenn Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2013-04-01 18:09:31 UTC
I support this product and/or service :D

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred by: 21 day trial
Jay Maulertre
Rez Corporation
#127 - 2013-04-01 18:32:37 UTC
I support this product and/or service

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

Jensen Avet
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#128 - 2013-04-01 18:59:26 UTC
I support this product and / or service

Corporation Nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred here by: 21 Day Trial
SherlockOhms Amperes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#129 - 2013-04-01 19:32:15 UTC
I support this product and/or service

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred here by: 21 Day Trial

Concerns/Issues: It's not a big one, but I think the tutorial needs to do a better job at going over important keyboard shortcuts. I know there are so many players that don't learn certain keyboard shortcuts that makes life soo much easier until months into the game. I guess as a larger theme, this could maybe go under the UI being unfriendly to new players, and the tutorial glosses over it too quickly for something that is essential to people not being frustrated too quickly.
Taul Masok
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#130 - 2013-04-01 22:48:33 UTC
Helderan Karaleem wrote:

Issues/Concerns: I feel like a lot of the game requires a third-party service, i.e. skill planners and ship fitting tools. It'd be really helpful to have these services in game, and probably not too difficult.

I support this product and/or service

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred here by: 21 Day Trial
Pax Civitas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#131 - 2013-04-02 00:30:17 UTC
I support this product and/or service.

Corporation Nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred here by: 21 Day Trial.

Concerns/Issues: Can we have an unfucked overview be the default for new players? Pretty please? The number of BNI members attacking their "OMG HE'S A PIRATE" fellow corpies is getting embarrassing.

(Also, as a newbie I didn't even understand some of the options in your ship survey...)
East Lokit
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#132 - 2013-04-02 04:46:39 UTC  |  Edited by: East Lokit
Took it!! Holy cow custom paint jobs look Amazing!!

I can't wait to zip around in skinned frigs!!

Plus the skill books are a god send to anyone short on ISK!

My concern: is there a way to fix FW? I'm all for the current system but its too much farming for ISK and not fighting. WHat are your plans to fix this?

Corp: Fweddit

60 ish days old :)
Moss Stormraider
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#133 - 2013-04-02 15:02:08 UTC
I support this, heck, I support anything that gives more information to new players. Attention

I just stepped out of BNI to get some jump-clones via Estele Arador and try a few things while I was waiting out the timers. Not sure if my recent "jumping companies" counts against me or not. I will return shortly to BNI.

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.


CSM intrigues me, but the sheer volume of put-down I reading from postings, say the recent Goons' View [Forgot About Dre] on The Mittani, makes me wonder what is really expected.

I spent a significant portion of my Easter visit with friends chatting about my experience in EVE and I kept noticing how cautious I was about recommending it. I keep emphasizing an FPS players point of view to "dying and respawning", but with the cost of "getting the gear again". It doesn't seem to be a major turnoff to my audience, but it does make them go "hmmm".
Kat dam'Yah
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2013-04-02 17:00:28 UTC
I very much support this product &/or service (campaign?)

Corporation nomination; Brave Newbies Inc.

Referred by; 21 Day Trial

This 'game within a game, within a game' we play can seem pretty daunting at times & any route markers on the 'learning cliff', or ways to maximise the fun/hour ratio would be greatly appreciated! Smile
Apricot Baby
#135 - 2013-04-02 21:53:40 UTC
All isk rewards paid. I will be going through the survey list and matching up who did what. If anyone would like to help splitting skill book stacks I would love some company!

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Le Petite More
#136 - 2013-04-03 01:01:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Le Petite More
I Support this project

Corporation Nomination: Brave Newbies Org
I was referred here by: Muusika K6lab

Issue or Concern: Making isk is hard in lowsec compared to highsec and it seems like they are making highsec easier and easier.
Irina Asanari
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#137 - 2013-04-03 15:48:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Irina Asanari
I support this project. I've been trying to find more information on CSM, listened to some of the Crossing Zebras interviews, but I still find it difficult to find non large-bloc candidates that I feel will actually represent me at CSM. I'll be using more of the resources in this thread to try to educate myself.

As for the ship skins survey, I don't think this is a good idea or use of CCP developer resources. I expect it will either slow down processing dealing with custom ship skins, or will end up being a vanity item, which the players fought against last year for various reasons. There are more important things with the UI and core game mechanics that need fixing, in my opinion.

Corporation Nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.
Vitor Alrand
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2013-04-03 21:50:08 UTC
I support this product and/or service :D

Corporation nomination: Brave Newbies Inc.

I was referred by: 21 day trial

Concerns: There is little/no in-game guidance in relation to ship-fitting or any way to try a fit before you buy.
EFT etc are nice but if a 3rd party can do it why isn't part of the in-game UI?

Altrius Maartel
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2013-04-04 21:47:02 UTC
I support this product and/or service.

Corporation Nomination: N/A

I'm flying solo at the moment as I don't feel ready for anything just yet.

Referred by: N/A

Came across this thread by accident when perusing the forums.


1. The New Player Experience still just dumps you rather abruptly into eve without giving any real hints about what or where to go if your interested in x, y or z.

2. High-sec just feels all the same.

Concern: Finding the right corporation is going to be hard work, even with the corporation recruitment system in-game.

PS a great fan of your work on showing ships in alternate colour schemes, really like the concept of customisable ship colours.

Apricot Baby
#140 - 2013-04-05 05:31:40 UTC
A much large delay in getting skill books out due to a change in RL work expectations. I've had some offers to help split the skill books to speed this up, and if anyone else would like to help please do so! :)


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