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Trebor Daehdoow for CSM8 - The Proven Performer -

First post
Frying Doom
#521 - 2013-04-03 08:57:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
rodyas wrote:
Yeah, but I did feel the NDA was pretty harsh this time around.

But that does poke a hole in enforcing the officer duties though. I mean Trebor did post here, but it wasn't for the players in general perhaps, but just for some of them.

I mean I would expect if someone had an office role, to support their own base, but then try to support players in general. So with those expectation would create a lot of drama when an officer supported one player base or play style over another.

Maybe it would be too hard to counter the gaming in the election and just best to have it happen and deal with the results of it.

An NDA does not stop the Devs posting in Tweetfleet and being civil, I hardly think it is an excuse. If CCP are directly working on a feature fair enough.

Now if they are spending 15-20 hours a week, surely the officers have time to post here and respond to people

And lets face it now we have rules governing officers
Thus, CSM Officers are expected to be the most active members of the CSM.

And if they are not, they should be booted out.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#522 - 2013-04-03 09:04:47 UTC
rodyas wrote:
So Two Step was forced to take the shaft, then every time Two Step tried to find respect and understanding on the forums about the issues that were important to him, here comes Trebor telling him what he did was a bad idea and a mistake. There is some black ops ganking for ya.

There's an even darker angle as well: Trebor, who had zero problems at all creating controversy to attempt to aid CCP (removing non-consensual wardecs to potentially increase revenue) balked completely when it came time to create controversy to attempt to aid the playerbase.

Anyone who isn't in the tank for Trebor already needs to give that fact some very serious thought and ask yourself: "Why am I voting for someone who cares about CCP more than he cares about players?"

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Frying Doom
#523 - 2013-04-03 09:11:38 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
rodyas wrote:
So Two Step was forced to take the shaft, then every time Two Step tried to find respect and understanding on the forums about the issues that were important to him, here comes Trebor telling him what he did was a bad idea and a mistake. There is some black ops ganking for ya.

There's an even darker angle as well: Trebor, who had zero problems at all creating controversy to attempt to aid CCP (removing non-consensual wardecs to potentially increase revenue) balked completely when it came time to create controversy to attempt to aid the playerbase.

Anyone who isn't in the tank for Trebor already needs to give that fact some very serious thought and ask yourself: "Why am I voting for someone who cares about CCP more than he cares about players?"

What is the CSM wrote:

The purpose of the CSM is to represent society interests to CCP. This requires active engagement with the player community to master EVE issue awareness, understanding, and evaluation in the context of the “greatest good for the greater player base”.

I also noticed Trebor did not answer that persons question as to what he thinks the CSMs job is.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tie Fighters Inc
#524 - 2013-04-03 09:16:24 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
rodyas wrote:
So Two Step was forced to take the shaft, then every time Two Step tried to find respect and understanding on the forums about the issues that were important to him, here comes Trebor telling him what he did was a bad idea and a mistake. There is some black ops ganking for ya.

There's an even darker angle as well: Trebor, who had zero problems at all creating controversy to attempt to aid CCP (removing non-consensual wardecs to potentially increase revenue) balked completely when it came time to create controversy to attempt to aid the playerbase.

Anyone who isn't in the tank for Trebor already needs to give that fact some very serious thought and ask yourself: "Why am I voting for someone who cares about CCP more than he cares about players?"

That is a pretty big accusation, I wonder what Trebor's defense will be.

Hopefully its different from minimizing us then trying to discredit us after we appear weaker.

(Also Trebor's big selling point is how he is running so he can teach the new CSM people how to deal with CCP and cooperate with them. I like the candidates this year, but if I am riding a turtle around in station this time next year, I will be pissed.)

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#525 - 2013-04-03 09:23:07 UTC
rodyas wrote:
That is a pretty big accusation, I wonder what Trebor's defense will be.

If he acknowledges it at all (I doubt he will, I'm a ~goon~ after all which means randoms probably will just ignore me as a matter of course), it'll be some milquetoast appeal-to-authority "in my experience" bull that doesn't even actually address the problem.

His DNS attack dogs Tcar and Friggz may well pop in with another edition of "I can't believe you don't love Trebor like we do!", though.

rodyas wrote:
(Also Trebor's big selling point is how he is running so he can teach the new CSM people how to deal with CCP and cooperate with them. I like the candidates this year, but if I am riding a turtle around in station this time next year, I will be pissed.)

That's my worry. His "CCP first, players distant second" methods are poison, and should die with CSM 7 instead of being passed on to a new group of represenatives who may well do much better on their own.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#526 - 2013-04-03 09:54:01 UTC
Wescro2 wrote:
What is the CSMs job in your opinion?

Our tasks have expanded considerably over the years:

1) We are a sounding board that CCP people can use to get quick initial feedback about things they are thinking of doing. Over time, the range of things we get consulted about has expanded considerably. With Odyssey, for example, we were involved from the beginning of the planning process.

2) We lobby CCP to devote resources to things the community wants, or to put it another way, we do our best to make sure they properly prioritize community concerns. In the past, this has sometimes been confrontational, although much less so recently because CCP is (a) much more in tune with the players these days and (b) we find out about things earlier, before stuff gets set in stone.

3) We are now a stakeholder on one of CCP's teams, an expansion of (1), and if this experiment goes well I expect more teams will want to use us in this way.

4) As much as possible within the constraints of the NDA, we try to keep the community informed as to how things are going.

IMHO the reason we now have so much better access is because each CSM has built on the work of the previous one and gotten better and better at the job. I expect the workload and responsibilities of CSM8 will be greater still, which is why I want a lot of hard workers on CSM. The goal should be for each CSM to be able to honestly say "We were the best CSM so far". Each of my CSMs (5,6 and 7) can say that.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Frying Doom
#527 - 2013-04-03 11:16:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Wescro2 wrote:
What is the CSMs job in your opinion?

Our tasks have expanded considerably over the years:

1) We are a sounding board that CCP people can use to get quick initial feedback about things they are thinking of doing. Over time, the range of things we get consulted about has expanded considerably. With Odyssey, for example, we were involved from the beginning of the planning process.

2) We lobby CCP to devote resources to things the community wants, or to put it another way, we do our best to make sure they properly prioritize community concerns. In the past, this has sometimes been confrontational, although much less so recently because CCP is (a) much more in tune with the players these days and (b) we find out about things earlier, before stuff gets set in stone.

3) We are now a stakeholder on one of CCP's teams, an expansion of (1), and if this experiment goes well I expect more teams will want to use us in this way.

4) As much as possible within the constraints of the NDA, we try to keep the community informed as to how things are going.

IMHO the reason we now have so much better access is because each CSM has built on the work of the previous one and gotten better and better at the job. I expect the workload and responsibilities of CSM8 will be greater still, which is why I want a lot of hard workers on CSM. The goal should be for each CSM to be able to honestly say "We were the best CSM so far". Each of my CSMs (5,6 and 7) can say that.

Frankly I think it speaks volumes that when asked what CSMs job is we get a task list.

And the fact he doesn't say his job in the CSM is to represent the players. And lobbying for the resources is only a small part of it. As Two Step proved so well when we were all looking at the shaft.

I may hassle Two Step and call him the C5-C6 CSM Member but he did more good for the game as a whole with his actions regarding POS than some of the rest of you achieved in a year.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#528 - 2013-04-03 13:40:20 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
"Why am I voting for someone who cares about CCP more than he cares about players?"

You can do better than that. How about: "Trebor, have you stopped beating your wife?"

Not really going to play 'attack dog' on this one. It's so divorced from reality that there is little reason to refute it. I mean it's like arguing with someone who says the sky is yellow and the moon is made of cheese. You know, why even bother?
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#529 - 2013-04-03 13:44:57 UTC
Friggz wrote:
You can do better than that. How about: "Trebor, have you stopped beating your wife?"

Not really going to play 'attack dog' on this one. It's so divorced from reality that there is little reason to refute it. I mean it's like arguing with someone who says the sky is yellow and the moon is made of cheese. You know, why even bother?

I guess it would be hard to address a thing like "why was the guy so unafraid to start controversy with players for CCP's benefit be so reluctant to do the opposite". Well, hard to address without turning to Trebor and saying "hey, yeah, what WAS the deal with that?".

Bottom line is, he was perfectly willing to risk angering large parts of the playerbase for CCP's benefit and unwilling to risk angering CCP for the players' benefit. That's about as close to 1+1=2 as you can get.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Frying Doom
#530 - 2013-04-03 13:56:13 UTC
Friggz wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:
"Why am I voting for someone who cares about CCP more than he cares about players?"

You can do better than that. How about: "Trebor, have you stopped beating your wife?"

Not really going to play 'attack dog' on this one. It's so divorced from reality that there is little reason to refute it. I mean it's like arguing with someone who says the sky is yellow and the moon is made of cheese. You know, why even bother?

You have already admitted you have no idea about this
Friggz wrote:
The important key here is that the company and the union's goals are mutually exclusive and in opposition to each other.

That is not the case with the CSM. Both the CSM and CCP have a vested interest in CCP released the best possible product. They are two entities working together for the same goal, not two different entities working against each other to reach a compromise on two mutually exclusive goals.

As it is CCPs Job to get the highest profit at the lowest possible cost over both long and short term.
It however is our CSM (Union) job, to get us the best game we can out of CCP, pleasing the largest number of players that is possible (our benefits and work conditions).

As I pointed out, in the other thread, if CCP was working together for the same goal, Incarna would never have happened and the Nex store would not exist.

The CSM is the voice of the players to lobby, persuade and sometime fight CCP for what the players want.

so in ending I would just like to add
Snow Axe wrote:
"Why am I voting for someone who cares about CCP more than he cares about players?"

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

None ofthe Above
#531 - 2013-04-03 14:06:52 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Zink Spanner wrote:
14. To Be Determined. I am really undecided about who to put in my final slot, and I want to sleep on it. Think you know who it should be? If so, post in my EVE-O thread and tell me why.

Malcanis - Why? Just listen

Confirming he should recommend me twice! Cool

Why not? I recommend you and Trebor every time I post. Blink

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#532 - 2013-04-03 14:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Friggz
Frying Doom wrote:

As it is CCPs Job to get the highest profit at the lowest possible cost over both long and short term.
It however is our CSM (Union) job, to get us the best game we can out of CCP, pleasing the largest number of players that is possible (our benefits and work conditions).

As I pointed out, in the other thread, if CCP was working together for the same goal, Incarna would never have happened and the Nex store would not exist.

Your reasoning is only credible if you assume the initial position that it is impossible for CCP to make more money simply by making the game better. You seem to be under the impression that the worse CCP makes the game, the more money they'll make. I feel the reverse is true.

"Why should we vote for someone who cares more about CCP than the players?" is fallacy that assumes it's own initial position, a.k.a: :"Begging The Question." In order to answer it one must concede the point that Trebor cares more about CCP than the players. This is not true thus the question is meaningless. Just throw it on the pile of illogical hyperbolic arguments made against Trebor. It deserves no more attention than any of the others.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#533 - 2013-04-03 14:22:46 UTC
Friggz wrote:
You seem to be under the impression that the worse CCP makes the game, the more money they'll make. I feel the reverse is true...

I agree. There seems to be a popular fallacy that CCP are under constant pressure to "WoWify" EVE in order to make more money (when I say it's a popular fallacy, I mean it's popular with a certain subset of the playerbase) but never yet has anyone been able to point to an example of this working, still less how it could be expected to work specifically for EVE. And there are also examples of it failing badly. (Star Wars NGE)

Despite the utter lack of evidence for it, and the large amount of evidence against it, the fallacy persists, along with the assumption that CCP are stupid enough to believe it too.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#534 - 2013-04-03 14:38:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Friggz
Malcanis wrote:

Despite the utter lack of evidence for it, and the large amount of evidence against it, the fallacy persists, along with the assumption that CCP are stupid enough to believe it too.

A lot of people point to Incarna as an example that CCP would indeed be that stupid. Incarna was certainly a mistake but it was not an attempt to "Wowify" the game. It didn't change the fundamental gameplay, it was just a waste of resources on a silly cash grab. They tried to make more money without making the game any better and found out it doesn't work.

WoW has been out for 8 years and has been successful pretty much from the start. If CCP wanted to turn the game into a theme park MMO they've had 8 years to do it and still haven't. The idea that they'll suddenly decide to do it now is mostly fear mongering. Not everyone is swayed by a logical argument and a lie repeated that voting in Trebor will destroy the game can be effective if you just keep screaming it enough.

Fortunately, EvE players are better than most at spotting the spam of obvious scammers.
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#535 - 2013-04-03 14:39:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Snow Axe
Friggz wrote:
"Why should we vote for someone who cares more about CCP than the players?" is fallacy that assumes it's own initial position, a.k.a: :"Begging The Question." In order to answer it one must concede the point that Trebor cares more about CCP than the players. This is not true thus the question is meaningless. Just throw it on the pile of illogical hyperbolic arguments made against Trebor. It deserves no more attention than any of the others.

That's the funny thing, this isn't hyperbole, this is something he admitted to yesterday. I'll explain this in some depth for the benefit of others that may read (and you, just in case you aren't just being intentionally obtuse to back ~your guy~).

Trebor's had no problems going to bat for CCP. He went so far in this that he actually argued for some pretty drastic changes to the game (the removal of non-consensual wardecs) in the name of CCP improving their bottom line. Going to bat for CCP isn't a problem on its own, though doing in the name of their bottom line is a touch gross.

Where this really starts to get ugly is him admitting that he was against Two Step's threadnought.

CCP's wishes to back-burner future POS work became quite clear with the publishing of the Winter Summit minutes. We've all read the choice quotes by now. This was basically backing the CSM into a corner - everyone and their dog knows that large portions of the game have been clamoring for POS love for a while now, and here's CCP being rather dismissive of that, in spite of whatever work may have been done before the Summit to convince them otherwise. You've exhausted your official behind-the-scenes options and CCP still isn't listening, and yet the issue is too important to let go - that's threadnought time if there ever has been. Two Step certainly thought so, and Trebor's own blog post on the subject says that Two Step had to go rogue to do it as the CSM did not have his back on this. Trebor said himself* that he didn't support the idea either, claiming that he was "reasonably confident that we were going to get some love for POSes already" (this despite the aformentioned dismissive language in the Summit, and Two Step and presumably others' interpretation of those very same words).

That's clear as day. When the chips were down and it was time to show the players that you care about the actual game, Trebor balked, and balked for very spurious reasons (he's probably the only person on the planet who read those summit minutes and came away feeling POSITIVE about CCP's willingness to give POS some love any time this decade). Drawing the conclusion that CCP is more important to him than the players who allowed him to even share a table with CCP by voting him in is not an unreasonable conclusion. Disagree all you like, that's fine, but don't try to paint the conclusion as invalid.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

None ofthe Above
#536 - 2013-04-03 14:43:02 UTC  |  Edited by: None ofthe Above
Snow Axe wrote:
Friggz wrote:
You can do better than that. How about: "Trebor, have you stopped beating your wife?"

Not really going to play 'attack dog' on this one. It's so divorced from reality that there is little reason to refute it. I mean it's like arguing with someone who says the sky is yellow and the moon is made of cheese. You know, why even bother?

I guess it would be hard to address a thing like "why was the guy so unafraid to start controversy with players for CCP's benefit be so reluctant to do the opposite". Well, hard to address without turning to Trebor and saying "hey, yeah, what WAS the deal with that?".

Bottom line is, he was perfectly willing to risk angering large parts of the playerbase for CCP's benefit and unwilling to risk angering CCP for the players' benefit. That's about as close to 1+1=2 as you can get.

There is a valid point in here and the last page or two.

I still very much want Trebor on the CSM8 because:

- He is someone is around that can provide the historical perspective of earlier CSMs on NDA'ed matters in the moment during meetings and communications
- He has a track record of actually showing up and doing the work, which isn't guaranteed with these other new hopefuls
- He is skilled at making others refine their arguments and make them better champions of their ideas
- His business as a science, no sacred cows, perspective is an asset being in the mix of ideas discussed
- He can help CSM8 continue to improve the relationship with CCP, and prevent it from backsliding.

But on the other hand there are some bones of contention that have been brought up that I think are valid.

When Seleene was unable to fulfill his duties Trebor should have stepped up, being Vice Chair. I don't really get the sense that he did. That period CSM seemed to nearly go catatonic. I am not sure he takes the Chairmanship seriously and I think that's part of the problem. Perhaps he shouldn't go for the position this year.

Later it seemed that during that period they were active with CCP just not with the playerbase. This was a failing but at least not a total failure. Not all on Trebor of course, but he bears some of that responsibility.

CSM as a stakeholder got derailed somewhere around this time. I know Unifex has copped to this but I think CSM7 shares in the responsibility. I know as a RL boss myself, when two people lose communication and tasks don't get done, that even though one guy cops to I never did that next step: My next question is to the other guy. Why didn't you follow up and find out why this didn't happen?

And again, I do think Two step did the right thing. And it was the rest of the CSM that was in the wrong for giving him a hard time about it.

I don't expect CSMs to be perfect, but I would hope with hindsight and introspection they can figure out when they were in the wrong and pledge to do better. Those who can't learn from history are doomed to repeat it and all.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#537 - 2013-04-03 14:46:32 UTC
I don't know what color the sky is in your world, but here in reality, here's what Trebor actually said about it:

At the time, I thought one of those 55/45 edge decisions. I was reasonably confident that we were going to get some love for POSes already, so for me the risks edged the rewards -- I felt we wait should a little bit (a week or 10 days) and get more information. But I understood Two step's position that he basically couldn't forgive himself if he didn't speak out and we didn't get POSes into Odyssey -- you may recall I felt pretty passionate about other issue last year.

In hindsight, the thread turned out pretty well and basically confirmed what we'd been telling CCP, so it probably helped. But that said, I think Two step made a mistake by posting when he did. If he'd been more patient, he probably could have forged a consensus, and we could have crafted an even better opening post to frame the issue.

But like I said, it was 55/45. I'm sure it was the toughest decision he made on CSM all year.

Trebor was in favor of going to bat against CCP. He simply disagreed on best course of action to do that. He wanted to be able to go to CCP and say "We did this research, this is what we found, this is why we need the POS changes." Two Step felt it better to strike while the iron was hot, so to speak. The difference was strategy, not agenda.

In other words you are either mistaken or intentionally attempting to deceive. I'll leave it up to the peanut gallery to take their pick on that one, but I know which one I'd go with if I were a betting man.
Frying Doom
#538 - 2013-04-03 14:47:32 UTC
Friggz wrote:

Your reasoning is only credible if you assume the initial position that it is impossible for CCP to make more money simply by making the game better. You seem to be under the impression that the worse CCP makes the game, the more money they'll make. I feel the reverse is true..

Better for who? And worse for who?

And that is the question, better for the current players or new players that they hope to get?

Areas such as industry, Null sec, POSs and more have been left to the side in the effort to gain more subscriptions. Can I blame them for that, no they are a business and growing their playerbase and subsequently their profits are what they are here for.

But the CSM while it to is there to help new players enter the game it is also there for the players already in the game, those people in Null sec, the Industrialists, the miners, the pvpers ect..

I mean whats next non-consensual war decs, just to keep players from unsubbing while at the same time making Hi-sec safer for those who want to play EvE, without really playing EvE.

It is a member of the CSMs job to speak for the players that are currently in the game and for future players.

To speak out and lobby or fight CCP to fix, the sucking chest wounds this game has, to the detriment if necessary of CCPs bottom line.

Would CCP like to have used the minor POS dev time they have assigned on a feature more appealing to new players, quite probably. Two Steps actions are exactly what we need on the CSM, where members stand up to something so crappy and say "Enough", not oh lets wait some more until the players are foaming at the mouth for blood.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#539 - 2013-04-03 14:59:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Snow Axe
Friggz wrote:
Trebor was in favor of going to bat against CCP. He simply disagreed on best course of action to do that. He wanted to be able to go to CCP and say "We did this research, this is what we found, this is why we need the POS changes." Two Step felt it better to strike while the iron was hot, so to speak. The difference was strategy, not agenda.

This is revisionist history at its worst, and if taken seriously is actually an indictment of the CSM's performance leading up to the Winter Summit.

I'm sure the CSM had done work trying to sell CCP on the idea that POSes badly needed love, modular or otherwise, so much to the point where I'd feel comfortable calling it a "sky is blue" issue. CCP knows it. CSM knows it. Players know it. However, the attitudes during the Summit quite clearly showed that, despite knowing this, CCP still didn't feel it was worth working on any time soon.

You can go two ways with this:

1. CSM had done all they can, and CCP still wasn't buying what they were selling. This is either time to let the issue go, or time for a threadnought, depending on how important it is.

2. CSM had failed in their task to convince CCP that POS love was important to enough players to warrant immediate work. This suggests that CCP was willing if the CSM had made a good case, but they hadn't.

Truthfully, I'd lean far more to #1, as it's CCP in a nutshell.

If Trebor's assumption that going back to the "same old" of proposals and meetings would have worked, it leans far more towards #2, as it suggests that CCP *can* be sold on the idea, but that the CSM just hadn't done it yet. For a council of Eve Online players in 2012 to not adequately push the idea to CCP that POS love was a critical issue is so ludicrous that IF IT WERE TRUE, it'd put CSM 7 down around the first 3 or 4 CSM's on the "completely worthless" scale. Two Step going the threadnought route also suggests that he pretty massively disagreed with the idea that CCP could be convinced by traditional means (and guess what? He was right!).

At the end of the day, he and anyone who didn't back that threadnought ****** up, big time. He's certainly not the only one who did, but given how it's only him and Greene Lee who are even running again, he gets to be the focus of it.

(Also congrats on your totally-not-going-to-be-the-attack-dog posts :v )

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#540 - 2013-04-03 15:10:43 UTC
I think it's a bit too premature to judge the current CSM and make a claims you do when we don't know what is in Odyssey yet. Will you change your stance if we find out there are significant improvements to industry and null in it? I mean, the POS changes clearly aren't aimed at new players.

Frying Doom wrote:

And that is the question, better for the current players or new players that they hope to get?

Again, I don't feel this is a 'one or the other' choice. I think improving the game overall is going to help bring new players in, too. Anyone who runs a corp knows that you lose players now and then to real life or they just lose interest and move on. New blood is vital to any corp and it's vital to EvE Online, too. If you don't balance the needs of new players with the needs of old ones, you die.

Snow Axe wrote:

I'm sure the CSM had done work trying to sell CCP on the idea that POSes badly needed love, modular or otherwise, so much to the point where I'd feel comfortable calling it a "sky is blue" issue. CCP knows it. CSM knows it. Players know it. However, the attitudes during the Summit quite clearly showed that, despite knowing this, CCP still didn't feel it was worth working on any time soon.

The CSM believed CCP was going to address the POS issues. They didn't try to convince CCP of things they already expected CCP to do. Once CCP changed their mind, then CSM acted and changed it back. They didn't act before that because the thing that prompted the action had not occurred yet. They actually can't respond to a change in CCP's policy until that change actually happens.

The disagreement between Two Step's and Trebor's plan is very simple. Two Step wanted to stand up and shout "We need POS Changes, Whos with me!?" Trebor wanted to go through the crowd, ask "Whos with me?" THEN change up and shout "We need POS Changes and here is a concise list of who agrees and why."

Now if you want to make the argument that his tactic would have been less effective than Two Step's, you can make that argument. I don't agree and we'll never know who was right.

What you can't say is that Trebor wasn't willing to fight for the players, or that he sided with CCP, because that's blatantly untrue. Trebor never said he was against the threadnought. He just wanted to launch it already having the data right from the get go. His goal was the same as Two Step's. They just had differing opinions of how best to achieve it.

Also, I only said I wasn't going to go attack dog mode on your silly circular argument question. I'm more than happy to continue our discussion on things as long as you make it interesting for me. Unfortunately I have to be off to work now, but I'll be back tonight.