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Trebor Daehdoow for CSM8 - The Proven Performer -

First post
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#481 - 2013-04-01 23:11:43 UTC
rodyas wrote:

Also Mittens wasn't really bad all the time, so even having goons on the CSM might not be so bad. But the CSM I suppose can screw up and that would motivate people to vote as well. I imagine if CCP had allowed mittens to stay on the CSM, more people would be voting. But since he is off, no one cares.

Agreed and agreed.

Also, while I've never met the man, I've found him an interesting and likeable person through what he's written and what people who know him personally have said about him. He shot his foot off last year at Fanfest about the same time I did something similar IRL, sans vodka and Jagermeister, so I have a great deal of empathy.
Tie Fighters Inc
#482 - 2013-04-01 23:12:05 UTC  |  Edited by: rodyas
Tcar wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:

For the purposes of this conversation, it really isn't. The purpose of even mentioning it was to point out that we (at least) were perfectly fine to put all of our eggs in one basket, both for the purposes of a mandate AND because there was really no point in having more than one representative. The new rules changed both of those unique aspects. That's the point.

Except that's not what's going to happen. People aren't going to be motivated or rallied by this. It's just going to be one more reason on the list for anyone outside of a voting bloc not to care about the CSM. The majority of the playerbase barely cares as it is for a variety of reasons, one of which is the perception that nobody outside of a voting bloc will have a voice. Why on Earth would you think a council makeup basically confirming that would help things? I mean I know that Going To Bat For Trebor is pretty much your raison d'etre in this thread, but damn, take a step back and look at the big picture. ****'s ugly if you care about the acceptance of the CSM growing.

Besides, we're also not even running 3 goons, just 2 :v

I'm inclined to disagree. In CSM 6 you guys ran two, Mittens and VR. Last year you folks were more than content to put all eggs in on basket partially because Mittens had gotten so much brand recognition and "goodwill" (in the business sense) for the Monoclegate emergency summit etc. Your internal reasons, I have no effing clue. . . No one, including him, foresaw him getting plastered and spectacularly putting his foot in his mouth. I think Mittens believes he has more influence in EVE with that website (and more income from said website) than as a CSM.

. . . And yes, I am looking at the big picture but perhaps not the same one you are.

Putting on the tinfoil hat in best (fat Fox News Network Talking Head Name Redacted) style, it's certainly in Goonswarm's interest to see the rest of the voting population uninterested in voting and disinclined to care about the CSM vote, to better stack the CSM with Goon candidates and affiliated puppets to push a Goon-centric agenda in the CSM and in the further development of EVE, especially with the CSM gaining unprecedented access in the development cycle in the last year. . because obviouly Goons are a CIA front and there is going to be a Bay of Pigs type operation in Iceland to coincide with EVE Online's 10th anniversary. . as a plot by the Illuminati and Nahtzi's on the moon, to control the worlds supply of Atlantic Cod. Lol

Actually in all seriousness, it likely is in the Goons interest to see the majority of EVE uninterested in voting, but those reason have nothing to do with Atlantic Cod and more to do with dictating the game.

Well the Mittani did write in his "blog" last year, that with CCP reducing the number of candidates that will go to iceland, most likely most null people would have to cut people down to one candidate. Also the Mittani, wanted to reach out to other players then just goons so he could be a captain planet type chairman and have a mandate with the 10k votes. (I usually throw in, he was suppose to have more then just goon votes with his outreach, to make the mandate more plausible.)

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#483 - 2013-04-01 23:17:42 UTC
Tcar wrote:
rodyas wrote:

Also Mittens wasn't really bad all the time, so even having goons on the CSM might not be so bad. But the CSM I suppose can screw up and that would motivate people to vote as well. I imagine if CCP had allowed mittens to stay on the CSM, more people would be voting. But since he is off, no one cares.

Agreed and agreed.

Also, while I've never met the man, I've found him an interesting and likeable person through what he's written and what people who know him personally have said about him. He shot his foot off last year at Fanfest about the same time I did something similar IRL, sans vodka and Jagermeister, so I have a great deal of empathy.

If I take anything away, the goons on CSM are usually nicer then they are in the game. It would be very nice to put all the goon people on CSM seats, all thousands them, that way the game can finally be a peaceful and happy place.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Frying Doom
#484 - 2013-04-02 00:13:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Csm 6 vs CSm 7

CSM 6 Minutes December 2012 wrote:

Present: CCP Xhagen, CCP Diagoras

During this session CCP detailed three changes to the CSM project (all these changes will also be listed in a devblog that will be forthcoming in the buildup for the Upcoming election). While these proposals are not controversial as such, CCP felt it was necessary to include the CSM in the discussion and do this in cooperation with the council, rathr than forcefully implement them.

The third change proposed was changing the election system from the current form to a single transferable vote (STV) (i.e. any surplus or unused votes are transferred according to the voter's stated preferences should their highest preference not need them or not make it in). The time frame for this change would be the election in 2013 (thus, no changes would be made for the next CSM election).

In short, the CSM said that if STV would be implemented it would be heaven for the power blocks and would basically allow them to dictate every single seat on the CSM. Also, with the current situation the only thing STV would do is potentially get a 'smaller' candidate into one of the lower seats. Furthermore, by making the voting system more complicated (as an STV would do) the risk of driving away voters exists. Continuing, the CSM commented that only with a substantially larger number of voters would the STV system be appropriate.

The topic of political parties came up, where candidates would form lists and then voters would choose a list instead of a single person, and once one person from a list has secured a seat on the council the rest of the votes would go to the next person on the list ect. Again the CSM commented that it would only make organized power blocks more secure in controlling the CSM.

Most of the CSM members agreed that a STV would be manipulated to hell and back and asked whether there was any sytem that was more efficient than the one is present now.

CSM 7 December 2012 wrote:

CSM Whitepaper & Election Systems

Present: CCP Xhagen, CCP Dolan, CCP Veritas

The CSM asked their voting systems consultant, Veritas, for his advice on what system would be best. He replied that he was a big fan of Schulze (see, however it does have a weakness: organized groups would be able to manipulate elections by running multiple candidates ["ballot-stuffing”, not to be confused with ballot-box-stuffing] and voting for them all.

Veritas: Large alliances have an advantage right now; they have more information than regular voters, and can leverage that information. The hope is to find a system where either that information is harder to get, or less valuable to have. However, a lot of the potential solutions rely on some barrier to getting on the ballot.
Trebor: That was the point of my original proposal; by killing the transferability of overvotes, you blunt the information advantage.
Two step: As someone who is not running again, but who has been approached by 6 candidates who want to represent WH space, my big concern is that a new system doesn't result in similar candidates committing mutual suicide.
Veritas: You want to avoid the spoiler effect.
Two step: Yes. So maybe some sort of primary (rather than the current likes system) that gives candidates a chance to say “I'm not going to get elected, so I should drop out and not be a spoiler”. That might even out some of the information advantage. If WH people had split their votes efficiently, we could have had 2 people on CSM7, with me still in the top 7. That said, I don't think there's a lot of value in that;
one of the reasons CSM7 is so effective is that we have people from many different areas of the game.
Veritas: So the question becomes, how can we ensure that happens again?
The discussion turned to other systems where voters get to specify preferences.
Two step: Other systems like STV aren't as vulnerable to stuffing, are they?
Veritas: They do to a similar extent. That's the problem we are facing here, where…
Trebor: …you have a malicious electorate.
Veritas: Well, we have malicious politicians. In normal elections, that's taken care of by having parties. We don't have such a filter, nor do we want one, because that would be gamed to balls as well. So the question becomes: can we develop a system that is resistant to ballot-stuffing, or alternatively, install barriers to getting on the ballot that are fair.
UAxDEATH: What is the biggest problem with the current system? Right now, the goons might run two candidates, but if you say “you can have only one”…
Veritas: …they'll try everything…
UAxDEATH: …because somebody said “no”.
Alek: The problem is that the null-sec alliances, because they're big enough and organized, do act like political parties in a way that nobody else can. Goons have their own primaries, for example. Can FW choose a candidate between the 4 factions?
Hans: Well, I'm here in Iceland.
Two step: It is possible to do. I'm organizing a primary for WH right now. But these people have to campaign twice, and what happens if the top candidate has to drop out?
Hans: Why should we penalize a group for being good at organizing?
Veritas: That's not what I'm saying. The two problems for me are the spoiler effect [where a broad group doesn't get represented because they can't focus on one candidate], because we as a group want them to be represented; and second, under the current voting system, not only do organized blocs vote effectively (within themselves, so their candidate(s) are good), they have extra information that means their votes count for more, so they can run -- and elect -- more candidates than a less-organized group. That's a problem.
Two step: I'm not as concerned about the second one, because there should be a benefit to working.
Veritas: Absolutely. I'm worried about it being overpowered.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#485 - 2013-04-02 00:14:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
CSM 7 December 2012 wrote:
Trebor: They should have an edge, but given that the purpose of the CSM is to provide effective representation and feedback, on average you're going to get less work out of two very similar members than from two people from different areas of the game.
Alek: Let’s debunk that a bit. We've had people like Zastrow and Mrs Trzzbk on CSM 4 and The Mittani and Vile Rat on CSM 6…
Elise: …and White Tree, they ran 3 candidates. And towards the end, when White Tree didn't want to do it any more, he literally said “I'm not showing up, you can take my spot”.
Seleene: And even then, when you had The Mittani and Vile Rat in the same room, well I love Vile Rat, and whenever he had something to say it was worth hearing, but The Mittani was the heavyweight, and an argument could be made that the Goons would have been just as effective with just The Mittani in the room.
Hans: But you just can't control or prevent that.
Trebor: I don't think it's a matter of preventing. It’s about acknowledging that it's good to be big, but that there are some possible negative consequences that we have to be aware of, so maybe there should be some bungee-cords in the system.
Veritas: Right.
Trebor: I will point out that a big factor here is that until now, the CSM has been the haves who get to Iceland, and the have-nots who don't. It was not so bad when it was 9 and 5, but now its 7 and 7, so there's a huge premium in getting on the top 7. But if we change it so that it's mostly determined by how much work you do, then there's [less incentive for election gaming].
At this point, time ran out, and the parties agreed to continue discussing this matter via Email and Skype.

So CSM 6 realized the error of the STV system allowing Null to take over the council and CSM 7 failed to see that having this 2 and 5 will mean little if almost all the council is from the big blocks anyway.

So I think we can safely say CSM 7, Fail.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#486 - 2013-04-02 01:43:00 UTC
rodyas wrote:

If I take anything away, the goons on CSM are usually nicer then they are in the game. It would be very nice to put all the goon people on CSM seats, all thousands them, that way the game can finally be a peaceful and happy place.

For once, I got nothing.
Hatori Agrue
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#487 - 2013-04-02 04:18:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Hatori Agrue
Frying Doom wrote:
Hatori Agrue wrote:

Obvious poetic is obvious.

He is taking you for a ride.

Am I Poetic Stanziel this year?

Tell you its hard to keep up first Issler, then a goon alt and now poetic.Lol

But at least I know why Trevor gets elected. CCP really should start allowing voting in crayon, Trebors numbers will go even higher.

Edit sorry I forgot racist sympathizer as well

My apologies,

After my faux pas of implying that Frying Doom was a Poetic alt, I wanted to avoid any more false assumptions in the future so I researched the name Poetic Stanziel to prevent another awkward situation. A link to Eve WIKI appeared at the top of my search results, quoted here verbatim:

"Poetic Stanziel, Colloquial term: Acute Butt Devastation (ABD).
A mental condition, that induces a person into a perpetual state of apoplectic rage.

Symptoms include: Forcibly ejecting spittle on computer monitors, mild to moderate froth emanating from the mouth and in most cases of Poetic Stanziel, a visibly throbbing vein on the forehead area.

Remedy: Poon-Tang, dispensed at least twice a week."

Frying Doom is not Poetic Stanziel, he only suffers from it.

Your space pal,

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#488 - 2013-04-02 10:52:47 UTC
Hatori Agrue wrote:

Remedy: Poon-Tang, dispensed at least twice a week."

Frying Doom is not Poetic Stanziel, he only suffers from it.


Judging by some of the time date stamps on the forums, FD may be making his Poetic Stanziel Syndrome (hereafter referred to as PSS) worse. I hear it's tough convince the keepers of said substance to dispense said cure while you are posting on internet spaceship forums.

Also, speaking from personal experience, dispensers of Poon-Tang™ tend you to want "spend some time" with them, to "pay attention" to them, or "talk" with them. Time spent playing EVE may in fact inversely effect you ability to receive Poon-Tang™ (generic name nookie) Side effects can include: floral print sheets, involuntary watching of chick flicks, decreased disposable cash and in some cases, children.

There is of course the RMT version of nookie, which may be against your local EULA. RMT trade for Poon-Tang™ has been linked to viruses and in some cases fines and bans by server admins. There are rumored to be bootleg copies of it, often found in Thailand, made from recycled components.

I can speak with personal authority that Trebor neither condones nor engages in the RMT trade of Poon-Tang™ nor has he ever used bootleg Asian copies. This is despite or perhaps because of an entire career spent viewing and importing Japanese Animation.

None ofthe Above
#489 - 2013-04-02 20:01:41 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:

So CSM 6 realized the error of the STV system allowing Null to take over the council and CSM 7 failed to see that having this 2 and 5 will mean little if almost all the council is from the big blocks anyway.

So I think we can safely say CSM 7, Fail.

Announcing the results before performing the experiment, we can safely say is a failure to use the scientific method.

As for Null taking over, there are forces heading us in that direction anyway.

Null usually has an advantage due to the nullblocs having a superior get out the vote and coordinated voting strategies.

As pointed out by Mynnna, making the CSM Chair be voted on by the council incentivizes blocs to try to pack the council.

STV has a number of effects. Removing the spoiler effect allowing several people of the same "stripe" to run without fear of knocking each other out of the race. And it also enables near perfect strategic voting with minimal effort (as Mynna also noted, it doesn't eliminate it, more just gives it to anyone).

The latter is actually an equalizer for the less organized blocks, including high seccers. They don't have to do complicated intensive exit polling and broadcasts to arrange shifts in voting based on current totals. This near eliminates this advantage, boiling the real race down to "get out the vote".

As it's always been: Higher voter participation is the big issue here. I've been ambivalent about STV this time around because its not the big issue, for or against anyone. Am pleased to see the spoiler effect solved, but primarily to fix the problem of disproportionate representation, we need higher voter participation. This is true in either FPTP or STV.

Frying, stop beating on candidates and start beating the bushes to let people know what they have to do and you will become part of the solution. Otherwise you remain part of the very problem you go on incessantly about.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#490 - 2013-04-02 20:04:27 UTC
Now that the POS devblog is out, I am free to discuss how CSM7 worked on this issue -- The Politics of POSsibility.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

State War Academy
Caldari State
#491 - 2013-04-02 20:21:48 UTC
None ofthe Above wrote:

Frying, stop beating on candidates and start beating the bushes to let people know what they have to do and you will become part of the solution. Otherwise you remain part of the very problem you go on incessantly about.

He's been told this before, but GOTV efforts take so much more work than just whining, so he's never seemed to go for it.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

None ofthe Above
#492 - 2013-04-02 20:25:31 UTC  |  Edited by: None ofthe Above
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Now that the POS devblog is out, I am free to discuss how CSM7 worked on this issue -- The Politics of POSsibility.


Am pleased to see the improvements announced. Many of them would be in the "little things" category, but I am sure those are the type of little things that will make life much easier for many people.

I am curious, Trebor what effect do you think the Two step thread had? Did it sway CCP and make them realize they needed to do something there? From the outside, I would guess that to be the case, but an insiders view would be useful.

A common theme in Xander's interviews marked the Two step thread as CSM7's greatest accomplishment, which Xander rightly pointed out as ironic since it was essentially a rogue action, not the act of the CSM itself.

It is clear in addition that the whole CSM was behind POS improvements and I do agree that it is something for you all to proud of that this is happening in Odyssey and presumably beyond.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

None ofthe Above
#493 - 2013-04-02 20:28:12 UTC  |  Edited by: None ofthe Above
mynnna wrote:
None ofthe Above wrote:

Frying, stop beating on candidates and start beating the bushes to let people know what they have to do and you will become part of the solution. Otherwise you remain part of the very problem you go on incessantly about.

He's been told this before, but GOTV efforts take so much more work than just whining, so he's never seemed to go for it.

Yes well, he's been told such before by me even. I am given to understand that repetition is key to learning, so thought I'd try saying it again.

PS - At least he's no longer telling people not to vote. That's a sign that he's capable of improvement.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Frying Doom
#494 - 2013-04-02 21:57:10 UTC
mynnna wrote:
None ofthe Above wrote:

Frying, stop beating on candidates and start beating the bushes to let people know what they have to do and you will become part of the solution. Otherwise you remain part of the very problem you go on incessantly about.

He's been told this before, but GOTV efforts take so much more work than just whining, so he's never seemed to go for it.

Or you could go get flying around and encourage high sec to vote for you. I haven't seen you on any of my alts trying to get people to vote.

As I said before CCP have said they are doing it this year and tbh I couldn't be stuffed trying to get people to understand how an STV system works.

Oh and that my community in EvE already has a high percentage of voters.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#495 - 2013-04-02 22:32:32 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:

Or you could go get flying around and encourage high sec to vote for you. I haven't seen you on any of my alts trying to get people to vote.

Why should I? My constituents will be adequately turned out, and we'll be rewarded more or less proportionally for that turnout. On the other hand, you're the one who seems to think that the due reward they receive for that turnout is so large as to constitute a war crime. The obvious way to make that voice smaller is to get other constituencies to turn out. If you're not willing to do that, than both I and None ofthe Above are apparently correct - you'd much rather whine about the problem than put in any effort trying to fix it.

Frying Doom wrote:
As I said before CCP have said they are doing it this year and tbh I couldn't be stuffed trying to get people to understand how an STV system works.

Fortunately, I have done that for you.

Frying Doom wrote:
Oh and that my community in EvE already has a high percentage of voters.

Good for it. Imagine how much closer you'd be to solving your perceived problem if you were to spread that zeal to vote to others.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Frying Doom
#496 - 2013-04-02 23:19:57 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

Or you could go get flying around and encourage high sec to vote for you. I haven't seen you on any of my alts trying to get people to vote.

Why should I? My constituents will be adequately turned out, and we'll be rewarded more or less proportionally for that turnout. On the other hand, you're the one who seems to think that the due reward they receive for that turnout is so large as to constitute a war crime. The obvious way to make that voice smaller is to get other constituencies to turn out. If you're not willing to do that, than both I and None ofthe Above are apparently correct - you'd much rather whine about the problem than put in any effort trying to fix it.

Frying Doom wrote:
As I said before CCP have said they are doing it this year and tbh I couldn't be stuffed trying to get people to understand how an STV system works.

Fortunately, I have done that for you.

Frying Doom wrote:
Oh and that my community in EvE already has a high percentage of voters.

Good for it. Imagine how much closer you'd be to solving your perceived problem if you were to spread that zeal to vote to others.

Ok yes I thank you for the wonderful explanation on STV.

But to be honest as you said "My constituents will be adequately turned out", while I don't have a constituent, I do have a community I belong to and their turn out will be great.

And frankly last year was an up hill climb that I have no plans on doing this year with a harder system to explain, even with your explanation.

So if you want to go and get hi-sec folks to vote be my guest, I spent weeks doing it last year on 4 accounts simultaneously, but this year the ball is in CCPs court.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

None ofthe Above
#497 - 2013-04-03 00:15:30 UTC  |  Edited by: None ofthe Above
Frying Doom wrote:

Ok yes I thank you for the wonderful explanation on STV.

But to be honest as you said "My constituents will be adequately turned out", while I don't have a constituent, I do have a community I belong to and their turn out will be great.

And frankly last year was an up hill climb that I have no plans on doing this year with a harder system to explain, even with your explanation.

So if you want to go and get hi-sec folks to vote be my guest, I spent weeks doing it last year on 4 accounts simultaneously, but this year the ball is in CCPs court.

D'oh! Way to consistently miss the point. It is not his problem to solve.

You are complaining about the problem, but pretty much completely unwilling to do your part to fix.

While yes CCP can do more to affect voter awareness, and I am looking forward to the things Dolan's been hinting at, its up to us the voters. If you feel under represented, get you and your ilk out there to vote. But you'd rather whinge about "warcrimes", sellouts and whether or not Trebor updated a specific item on a website.

PS - To explain the new voting system, its simple:

Rank up to 14 candidates in order of preference.

Don't worry about votes for more than one candidate interfering with the others, CCP has taken care to make sure voting with more than one candidate does not hurt your higher preferences.

If you want more detail see Mynnna's article or the source code itself, but that's all the average voter needs to know.

Tada! Not that damn hard.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#498 - 2013-04-03 00:16:49 UTC
None ofthe Above wrote:
I am curious, Trebor what effect do you think the Two step thread had? Did it sway CCP and make them realize they needed to do something there? From the outside, I would guess that to be the case, but an insiders view would be useful.

At the time, I thought one of those 55/45 edge decisions. I was reasonably confident that we were going to get some love for POSes already, so for me the risks edged the rewards -- I felt we wait should a little bit (a week or 10 days) and get more information. But I understood Two step's position that he basically couldn't forgive himself if he didn't speak out and we didn't get POSes into Odyssey -- you may recall I felt pretty passionate about other issue last year. Twisted

In hindsight, the thread turned out pretty well and basically confirmed what we'd been telling CCP, so it probably helped. But that said, I think Two step made a mistake by posting when he did. If he'd been more patient, he probably could have forged a consensus, and we could have crafted an even better opening post to frame the issue.

But like I said, it was 55/45. I'm sure it was the toughest decision he made on CSM all year.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

None ofthe Above
#499 - 2013-04-03 00:37:49 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
None ofthe Above wrote:
I am curious, Trebor what effect do you think the Two step thread had? Did it sway CCP and make them realize they needed to do something there? From the outside, I would guess that to be the case, but an insiders view would be useful.

At the time, I thought one of those 55/45 edge decisions. I was reasonably confident that we were going to get some love for POSes already, so for me the risks edged the rewards -- I felt we wait should a little bit (a week or 10 days) and get more information. But I understood Two step's position that he basically couldn't forgive himself if he didn't speak out and we didn't get POSes into Odyssey -- you may recall I felt pretty passionate about other issue last year. Twisted

In hindsight, the thread turned out pretty well and basically confirmed what we'd been telling CCP, so it probably helped. But that said, I think Two step made a mistake by posting when he did. If he'd been more patient, he probably could have forged a consensus, and we could have crafted an even better opening post to frame the issue.

But like I said, it was 55/45. I'm sure it was the toughest decision he made on CSM all year.

That strikes me as a candid and honest answer, thank you.

I've been following the arguments about activist CSM vs improving communication with CCP. I think CSM7 did a fairly good job on the balancing act. I was critical at least a few points, but found out later that CSM was fighting the fight, just wasn't saying so (at least partially due to NDA).

In this case though, it probably doesn't surprise you that many, including myself, think Two step did the right thing at the right time. He's a big goram hero if you ask me.

Things could have gotten pretty ugly if that thread hadn't been there to channel the frustration into something constructive. CSM7 and CCP owe him a big thank you, IMHO.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Frying Doom
#500 - 2013-04-03 00:38:06 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
None ofthe Above wrote:
I am curious, Trebor what effect do you think the Two step thread had? Did it sway CCP and make them realize they needed to do something there? From the outside, I would guess that to be the case, but an insiders view would be useful.

At the time, I thought one of those 55/45 edge decisions. I was reasonably confident that we were going to get some love for POSes already, so for me the risks edged the rewards -- I felt we wait should a little bit (a week or 10 days) and get more information. But I understood Two step's position that he basically couldn't forgive himself if he didn't speak out and we didn't get POSes into Odyssey -- you may recall I felt pretty passionate about other issue last year. Twisted

In hindsight, the thread turned out pretty well and basically confirmed what we'd been telling CCP, so it probably helped. But that said, I think Two step made a mistake by posting when he did. If he'd been more patient, he probably could have forged a consensus, and we could have crafted an even better opening post to frame the issue.

But like I said, it was 55/45. I'm sure it was the toughest decision he made on CSM all year.

Seleene wrote:
There is no way that Two Step could be under the impression that CCP was 'shelving' POSs. Zero. Communication between CCP and the CSM is at an all time high.

Two Step wrote:

It wasn't in the minutes, but I spent a lot of time talking to Unifex about this at night. Needless to say, I disagreed with CCP's decision to not move ahead with work on the POS system. I also disagree that only a small group of people would feel the effects of a new POS system. From wormhole residents to Tech 2 producers to nullsec residents, a lot of people interact with POSes. Also, a redesigned POS system would both attract players that were frustrated to the point of giving up with the old POS system as well as new players who cannot use the current POS system because of limitations with roles.

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
What happened to Modular POSes? What is coming this summer for those of us out in 0.0? What about Industry? But CCP, you PROMISED! All of this and more will be pouring out of the community in the days ahead, just as the CSM warned CCP that you would at our recent summit. And these questions should be raised.

So on the basis that the chairman seemed not to be paying attention, as well as what the response of the community would have been if Two Step had not came out straight after the release of the minutes, with a calming influence and a course of action.

I think his timing was dead on.

If he had waited a little bit (a week or 10 days), there would have been blood in the water.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!