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Dev blog: Odyssey summer expansion: Starbase iterations

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chen Gidrine
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2013-04-02 17:40:15 UTC
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
Oreamnos Amric wrote:
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
Here my feedback and some questions.

Normal members viewing the structure only see their own items, in the same way as when someone views the contents of a planetary customs office.

ok intresting. but what about publicly avaliable stuff?

Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars.

Again what about Publicly owned stuff ?

Um, how about you don't put publicly available stuff in a private hanger, genius.

i read that this wont replace the CHA sp those functions will still work as is. wich makes my points moot ;) and alsomakes this change awesome!

I don't know if this was covered earlier but with the fact that is is all unable to be moved by anyone other then it's owner what happens if the tower is attacked and an emergency evac is needed? Anything in the private hangers is just SOL and the best you can do is destroy it all yourself before it gets onto the attackers kill mail? Shocked
Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#142 - 2013-04-02 17:44:11 UTC
LtCol Laurentius wrote:
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
These changes are a good temporary measure to alleiviate some of the worst aspects of dealing with and living out of POS.

But they're not a substitute for a proper POS rework. Sooner or later that will have to be done.

Agreed, but "the perfect is the enemy of the good". CSM7 worked very hard to help CCP squeeze out the most bang-for-buck for the development resources available.

CSM8 will have to keep the pressure on to ensure that as CCP develops its longer-term plans, a revamp of starbases is in the roadmap.

These changes seem primarily focused on the WH usecase (not surprising given the CSM active member composition). I'm not saying they wont affect other POS users in a positive way as well, but the industrialist user might consider these changes pretty underwhelming.

Oh well, here is hoping for some clickfest reduction for Christmas.

I disagree. The access hangars from anywhere within the shields is *huge* for industrialists. I have an alt who does highsec POS stuff (was invention, now T2/T3 production) and that change alone will be very helpful.

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#143 - 2013-04-02 17:45:39 UTC
Kel hound wrote:

heres hoping I won't continue to see 50 goddamn orcas on D-scan every time I log into the home system because of this one.

You should do what I threatened to do in Nova, force all Orca owners to fight it out at the sun, the last 5 Orcas left alive get to stay

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#144 - 2013-04-02 17:46:43 UTC
Does the new Hangar have MAX TOTAL CAPACITY? or is it working 100% like POCO and have no maximum on sum of member hangars?
Oreamnos Amric
Confidently Incompetent
#145 - 2013-04-02 17:48:28 UTC
Two step wrote:

You should do what I threatened to do in Nova, force all Orca owners to fight it out at the sun, the last 5 Orcas left alive get to stay

Please tell me this was fighting it out in the Orcas???
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#146 - 2013-04-02 17:48:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Ronuken
Two step wrote:
LtCol Laurentius wrote:
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
These changes are a good temporary measure to alleiviate some of the worst aspects of dealing with and living out of POS.

But they're not a substitute for a proper POS rework. Sooner or later that will have to be done.

Agreed, but "the perfect is the enemy of the good". CSM7 worked very hard to help CCP squeeze out the most bang-for-buck for the development resources available.

CSM8 will have to keep the pressure on to ensure that as CCP develops its longer-term plans, a revamp of starbases is in the roadmap.

These changes seem primarily focused on the WH usecase (not surprising given the CSM active member composition). I'm not saying they wont affect other POS users in a positive way as well, but the industrialist user might consider these changes pretty underwhelming.

Oh well, here is hoping for some clickfest reduction for Christmas.

I disagree. The access hangars from anywhere within the shields is *huge* for industrialists. I have an alt who does highsec POS stuff (was invention, now T2/T3 production) and that change alone will be very helpful.

This. Most definitely this.

Restocking Arrays is a pain if you have to take a freighter in, and you're unlucky about your exact warp in point.

If I had to pick the 'next' change for POS, it'd probably be completely private hanger arrays. Locked down to a single player (Ideally with a unified inventory in POS ;) )

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Gespenster Kompanie
#147 - 2013-04-02 17:51:34 UTC
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars."

What about CEO's? In all honesty CEO's and Directors really need to be able to access the hangers and yank stuff out. Especially with the fact that there is limited space in those arrays.
Tshaowdyne Dvorak
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#148 - 2013-04-02 17:52:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tshaowdyne Dvorak
chen Gidrine wrote:
I don't know if this was covered earlier but with the fact that is is all unable to be moved by anyone other then it's owner what happens if the tower is attacked and an emergency evac is needed? Anything in the private hangers is just SOL and the best you can do is destroy it all yourself before it gets onto the attackers kill mail? Shocked

It was covered. CHAs will continue to exist, so you'll have the option to use them or PHAs at your discretion. If you fear that you won't be able to get on in time to move your own stuff and want directors to be able to do it, put it in a CHA instead.

Also, stuff in POS modules don't show up on killmails now, so why would you expect they'd start to? I'm a software developer with a ton of experience myself, so I feel qualified in saying that by and large developers are lazy creatures. We won't code something we weren't tasked to unless it serves our own laziness (lots of throwaway code snippets or mini projects are produced in order to automate stuff we do manually which would otherwise waste our time). I assume that you just weren't aware that module killmails don't show contents, just the death of the module.

Sinooko wrote:
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars."

What about CEO's? In all honesty CEO's and Directors really need to be able to access the hangers and yank stuff out. Especially with the fact that there is limited space in those arrays.

Fozzie already clarified this: there is NOT limited space in the arrays, the structure can store an infinite amount, limited only by the characters who have access to it. e.g. If Alice, Bob, and Carol are in a corp and all three have filled their allotment of a PHA, the fact that Carol has left the corp and didn't take her crap with her does NOT stop Debbie from joining the corp and also filling her allotment of the PHA. The PHA will work just like a customs office: it can accommodate an infinite number of players, you have access to only your stuff, and every character you use that's in corp will be able to use the structure, but nobody can see or take your stuff and it's lost when the customs office is destroyed.
Lev Ariss
Tax dodgers Society
#149 - 2013-04-02 17:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lev Ariss
Overall a great improvement, for POS Big smile

Security management has always been the main issue of cha's/sma's

Hopefully everything mentioned will be complete in time for the expansion and then a proper major POS revamp in the future :)


The members leaving corp thing that makes their items 'stuck' unless they rejoin corp and remove it may be a pain in the ass but one solution would be to have everyone move to a different hanger and just unanchor the hanger containing 'stuck' items. they'll be lost forever but so be it.

Would it even be an issue? as in affecting hanger overall capacity of 10m3 to 40m3 per member, don't think so really.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#150 - 2013-04-02 17:54:18 UTC
Sinooko wrote:
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars."

What about CEO's? In all honesty CEO's and Directors really need to be able to access the hangers and yank stuff out. Especially with the fact that there is limited space in those arrays.

Limited per user. not limited overall.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Gespenster Kompanie
#151 - 2013-04-02 17:58:22 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Sinooko wrote:
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hangar, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangars."

What about CEO's? In all honesty CEO's and Directors really need to be able to access the hangers and yank stuff out. Especially with the fact that there is limited space in those arrays.

Limited per user. not limited overall.

So this thing can take in anything I want to stuff in it? And the next 20 or so guys? AND THEN STILL HAVE ROOM!? What a whore...
Luc Chastot
#152 - 2013-04-02 17:59:45 UTC
Good work, but don't lose perspective. Complete POS overhaul still needs to happen.

And soon.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Torrelus Toh'Kon
Parallax Shift
#153 - 2013-04-02 18:01:39 UTC
As a first round of updates, the stuff listed in the blog looks like an ideal start. Fozzie, consider yourself approved by the community.

Quick thoughts on the issue of individual hanger space limits. Would the idea be to have a maximum total capacity on the array? I would assume so, in which case I see the following two options -
1) Multiple arrays of varying size, e.g. S/M/L. All arrays would have identical number of hangers, but hanger sizes scale with array size.
2) 'One size fits all' array, or multiple sizes, doesn't matter. Critical factor, POS Operators can specify the number of internal hangers, to whom each is assigned, and the volume allotted (e.g. 5000m3 increments).

On the surface the first option would seem simpler, BUT surely any given array will NOT have an unlimited capacity (therefore inline with current array instead of NPC station hanger). This being the case there will be a need for a finite number of hangers in an array, and therefore there will in either above case, be a need to somehow assign hanger slots to corp members. If this is true, then I fully recommend the second of the options suggested above.

Wish I could be at CCP doing this with you guys. The whole concept of POS rebuild and modularization has had my brain throwing around software designs for months. Cool
Tshaowdyne Dvorak
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#154 - 2013-04-02 18:10:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Tshaowdyne Dvorak
Torrelus Toh'Kon wrote:
On the surface the first option would seem simpler, BUT surely any given array will NOT have an unlimited capacity (therefore inline with current array instead of NPC station hanger).

Incorrect. They will have infinite capacity as far as the module is concerned. The limits to capacity are on the characters.

Nobody is shocked that customs offices can store an infinite amount of crap in 35,000 m^3 allotments per character that no other player in the game has access to. The new PHA will be no different, except the amount that can be stored per character will probably be smaller.

It is done this way because it allows the array to remain for personal access only, without worrying that orphaned assets are cutting into other people's available storage space and without the need to give anyone access to it except the character to whom the assets belong. If orphaned assets were to take up the module's available m^3, I'd be the first in line requesting that directors had access to them because it's inevitable that the space would get chewed up by people who aren't playing Eve anymore or who have left the corp.
Oreamnos Amric
Confidently Incompetent
#155 - 2013-04-02 18:13:10 UTC
Torrelus Toh'Kon wrote:

Quick thoughts on the issue of individual hanger space limits. Would the idea be to have a maximum total capacity on the array? I would assume so

For the love of all things shiny, we've been told the storage space will be infinite. This has been reiterated by lots of people. Infinite space is infinite so there is no maximum.
Alice Katsuko
Caldari State
#156 - 2013-04-02 18:14:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Alice Katsuko
Georgiy Giggle wrote:
''If the structure is unanchored, all contents are destroyed.''
- Really? Kidding? What about accidents? To lose all stuff only cuz you can't create something smarter?

"The exact per-character volume is undecided but we are currently considering a range from 10,000m3 to 40,000m3."
- bullshit! 40k m3 is ONE (JUST ONE) full cargohold of mining barge. What will he do mine more?

If you unanchor any structure in a POS, its contents are destroyed. I feel sorry for the people living in your POS, if you didn't know that. You'd have to be pretty stupid to unanchor a module accidentally, since the game asks for confirmation before allowing you to do so.

No competent miner uses the current corp hangar for storage. They use the XL ship array.
Atomic Option
NO Tax FAT Stacks
#157 - 2013-04-02 18:14:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Atomic Option
I'm literally dancing at my computer to CCP RubberBand's youtube link after reading this! SOOO HAPPYBig smile

Also, thanks for the clarification that it's CSMAs and not CSAAs--For a second I was excited about fighting sleepers and invaders with a Nyx (that would have brought up SO many questions. Supercap escalations!?) But yeah, regular CSMAs are great!

The increased incentive to bash WH POSes is a bit scary for small WH corps, but that's life.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#158 - 2013-04-02 18:19:01 UTC
POS are not Player Owned STATIONs like stated in the devblog. They used to be player owned structures and I believe they are now player owned starbases.
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#159 - 2013-04-02 18:20:41 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

Letting directors and/or CEOs access the member's sections of the PHA is not going to be within our scope for the first iteration due to technical limitations, and I am honestly not sold on ever adding it.

that being said until you do add it I will not be allowing these "PHAs" in my wormhole. This will create more problems than it does solves. I suspect I stand with almost every large WH corp in saying that this needs to be looked at.

with that one exception I love everything else in this blog.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

Berluth Luthian
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#160 - 2013-04-02 18:22:12 UTC
So, is it me or does this mean that CSAAs will be more prevelant in lowsec, which means nullsec alliances will have to care about this space and figure out how to attack it and defend it well?