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Crime & Punishment

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Crime Charged with Misappropriating Billions in"Merc" Contracts.

First post
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#81 - 2011-10-31 01:25:03 UTC
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Sit back and relax bro its ok i promise one day youll get outa your moms house and stop trying so hard on the net to be a serious troll

And if this is the same level of 'argument' you have been using to try and get back into the merc is little wonder that you are not back yet.

Your incorrect.
Red Phoenix Rising
#82 - 2011-10-31 01:54:58 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

Your incorrect.

You are, or you're

Just saying......
This space for rent..
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#83 - 2011-10-31 02:00:30 UTC
Troll Bridgington
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#84 - 2011-10-31 03:09:51 UTC
Quack Quack, I'm a moose.
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#85 - 2011-10-31 04:09:37 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Sit back and relax bro its ok i promise one day youll get outa your moms house and stop trying so hard on the net to be a serious troll

And if this is the same level of 'argument' you have been using to try and get back into the merc is little wonder that you are not back yet.

Your incorrect.

Oh, then enlighten us? We've seen you do nothing but posture and whinge and beg for isk. And maybe shoot some ships in game with fits on them almost exactly what you were screaming about.

I don't see adopt going out of business...and I don't see you getting any more business. At this point no matter what your killboard says.. You are losing. Anyone doing a modicum of research to find a merc corp will find this thread and probably decide you are too much trouble. Is that *really* what you want to portray to the paying customers?

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2011-10-31 05:35:20 UTC
Adopt will fold to us.
Well work on the other after.
All our clients are happy with our services.
Thanks for caring.
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#87 - 2011-10-31 07:50:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Zedrik Cayne
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Adopt will fold to us.
Well work on the other after.
All our clients are happy with our services.
Thanks for caring.

Of course I care. I don't often post about things I don't care about. Thank you Captain Obvious.

Your 'grief' is weak. Your 'kill' is strong..and your 'merc' at the moment is on life support because of lack of access to clients because of bad choices in not defining 'access' to your services.

Noir. for example, you talk to Alek and nobody else for a contract. Adopt, you talk to The Pitboss.

You guys, apparently you talked to anyone who said they were a representative. And wow, look! You got screwed by one of your number who scammed however much in the merc contracts channel and they booted you. That sucks.

So what are you doing? Asking for donations to keep the dec with Adopt up. Then saying you don't need the isk. Claiming that folks are being bilked out of their isk by hiring adopt. When the whole adopt schtick is 'You pay us the cost of a wardec, and we'll shoot at your guys as they come by.' And you are complaining that they are not a real merc corp or that they are not doing what they say they are doing for the isk people hand over to them?

What you are trying to accomplish by your words and actions are...contradictory and spastic.

Fix your 'merc'. Mend some fences. Or keep up the rediculous popcorn chewing actions. This here is good advice gold. I'm not sure which way I *want* you to jump. You guys are unfortunately the most interesting thing that has happened to C&P in a while.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Sivor Detmen
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#88 - 2011-10-31 16:29:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Sivor Detmen
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Adopt will fold to us.
Well work on the other after.
All our clients are happy with our services.
Thanks for caring.

You guys are only making fools of yourselves right now. Instead of doing things properly, by talking to people, doing some merc jobs outside the merc channel and then calmly to try to get into the MERC channel again. No, you decided to be blunt and to threaten people, to try to coerce channel mods with wars, war deced people blue to you, smack talk everywhere, beg for isk, etc...

You claim you war deced 0rphanage by not getting any help. Dude I never saw 1 God squad member in our fleets against eve university and we made several ops. Including a damn long POS bash. Excuses like we don't like to lose ships were given more than once.

So what have you achieved so far? Nothing... in fact it was worst than nothing. Now you are seen as totally unreliable and as fools, even by your former associates.

You have very good pvpers but like Zedrik said before, you really need to learn the basics of diplomacy.

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#89 - 2011-10-31 16:52:32 UTC
Sivor Detmen wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Adopt will fold to us.
Well work on the other after.
All our clients are happy with our services.
Thanks for caring.

You guys are only making fools of yourselves right now. Instead of doing things properly, by talking to people, doing some merc jobs outside the merc channel and then calmly to try to get into the MERC channel again. No, you decided to be blunt and to threaten people, to try to coerce channel mods with wars, war deced people blue to you, smack talk everywhere, beg for isk, etc...

You claim you war deced 0rphanage by not getting any help. Dude I never saw 1 God squad member in our fleets against eve university and we made several ops. Including a damn long POS bash. Excuses like we don't like to lose ships were given more than once.

So what have you achieved so far? Nothing... in fact it was worst than nothing. Now you are seen as totally unreliable and as fools, even by your former associates.

You have very good pvpers but like Zedrik said before, you really need to learn the basics of diplomacy.


We tried for months to resolve this issue with the merc channel months/
we went on ops with you guys we even got ready for a pos bash adopt said it was cancelled
maybe you shoulda contacted us to get the help and not rely on them .Why are you commenting arent you guys closed up atm
we are good pvpers and what we do is up to us at the end of the day we tried know where gonna put our own skills to use take out adopt its that simple

im glad that this was one of the best things to happen to c&p

btw no one likes princess nor i and kai isnt on enough to take contracts all the time and no one would talk to enzee about all these issue at hand when trying to work all this out.
so please dont tell us we didnt try we did.
Sivor Detmen
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#90 - 2011-10-31 18:19:22 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

We tried for months to resolve this issue with the merc channel months/
we went on ops with you guys we even got ready for a pos bash adopt said it was cancelled
maybe you shoulda contacted us to get the help and not rely on them .Why are you commenting arent you guys closed up atm
we are good pvpers and what we do is up to us at the end of the day we tried know where gonna put our own skills to use take out adopt its that simple

im glad that this was one of the best things to happen to c&p

btw no one likes princess nor i and kai isnt on enough to take contracts all the time and no one would talk to enzee about all these issue at hand when trying to work all this out.
so please dont tell us we didnt try we did.

No the DEVILs aren't closed, they are under new management now. I'm commeting because of the DEVIL's relations with you guys and the 0rphanage.

You were kicked from the channel not so long ago, so you haven't been trying for months. Really trying i mean, not trying with threats, because that took you nowhere and continues to take you nowhere.

We had 2 ops with you guys showing in force, and 2 other where your help was requested and no one came with the excuses I mentioned earlier. Actually in one of them your guys bailed right before the action started.
Ad0pt is Ad0pt so getting them organized for fleets takes time and not all of them will join. They don't fly that way anyway. So complaining about this was pointless.

But they did showed up for the Eve uni ops knowing there would be losses (despite joining in T1 stuff Roll) and maybe if you joined on those ops without the mentioned excuses,

your KB against them would look some like this

instead of this

but anyway moving on...

Since you are good pvpers its a damn shame to see you out from the merc channel because of what happened. But, if at the start of this you had no choice, as time goes on the blame for being out gets more you than on Bao's doings.

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#91 - 2011-10-31 19:11:16 UTC
Sivor Detmen wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

We tried for months to resolve this issue with the merc channel months/
we went on ops with you guys we even got ready for a pos bash adopt said it was cancelled
maybe you shoulda contacted us to get the help and not rely on them .Why are you commenting arent you guys closed up atm
we are good pvpers and what we do is up to us at the end of the day we tried know where gonna put our own skills to use take out adopt its that simple

im glad that this was one of the best things to happen to c&p

btw no one likes princess nor i and kai isnt on enough to take contracts all the time and no one would talk to enzee about all these issue at hand when trying to work all this out.
so please dont tell us we didnt try we did.

No the DEVILs aren't closed, they are under new management now. I'm commeting because of the DEVIL's relations with you guys and the 0rphanage.

You were kicked from the channel not so long ago, so you haven't been trying for months. Really trying i mean, not trying with threats, because that took you nowhere and continues to take you nowhere.

We had 2 ops with you guys showing in force, and 2 other where your help was requested and no one came with the excuses I mentioned earlier. Actually in one of them your guys bailed right before the action started.
Ad0pt is Ad0pt so getting them organized for fleets takes time and not all of them will join. They don't fly that way anyway. So complaining about this was pointless.

But they did showed up for the Eve uni ops knowing there would be losses (despite joining in T1 stuff Roll) and maybe if you joined on those ops without the mentioned excuses,

your KB against them would look some like this

instead of this

but anyway moving on...

Since you are good pvpers its a damn shame to see you out from the merc channel because of what happened. But, if at the start of this you had no choice, as time goes on the blame for being out gets more you than on Bao's doings.


Glad to see you guys arent folding like we had heard

2 outa 4 isnt bad hey sometimes we have lives were 30 man corp most of us have lives cant always expect us to drop things in rl to come for a game

Bao made a thread on 2011.09.25 04:14
he was kicked from the corp 2011.08.06 03:02.
and scammed for almost a month from listed date

so yes its been months please tell me agian i am wrong
i keep showing proof to everything that is said yet people still try tell me i am wrong what gives.

Were the best so people dont want the best in there channel that is the end result
2nd weird things have been happening in gameto alot of us wonder what but hurt gm is running around in adopt.

hugs kisses
im out
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#92 - 2011-10-31 23:09:29 UTC
The PitBoss
Interstellar Brotherhood of Gravediggers
#93 - 2011-10-31 23:29:27 UTC

Ok folks,

Stop by chat:


If you need to contract out a merc corp/alliance ... The MOST reliable place in-game for acquiring merc assistance ...

Anyone who isn't listed in the MOTD of the chat most likely is scamming you -or- isn't reliable

#94 - 2011-10-31 23:47:18 UTC  |  Edited by: seany1212
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

Ad0pt masquerades as a Mercenary Alliance Charging Billions for Contracts each Month. Executing these contracts on the Jita 4-4 Undock, despite the active systems of targets ("We can catch the ones that might need to get something from this here hub"), while sitting in Ships unworthy for PvP built to Alpha warping or docking victims using their RSebo Alts.

They may Kill thousands but it is Thousands unprepared for PvP often still in warp (YES!!! STILL IN WARP) usually in garbage shuttles, pods and frigates.

If Fleets come prepared for battle they dock and hide,
ENTER THE GOD SQUAD (Rebirth.)..........

THE GOD SQUAD has committed to docking and minimizing any and all "mercenary" activities of Ad0pt primarily on Jita 4-4, but ultimately THROUGHOUT EvE. The God Squad will Camp the undock themselves with Competant and Skilled Pilots flying Properly Fit PvP Ships. To join the cause to Rid EvE of this Nuissance known as Ad0pt join (in-game) Rebirth Pub or Rebirth Recruitment.
To Hire THE GOD SQUAD for the On-going Ad0pt Dec or any other Corporation or Alliance seen to be a nuissance or threat to you, Join (in-game) Get Grief.

We Have taken this opportunity to Also fix your Banner .
How do you spend your 15 dollars a month. Orphans are recruiting.

God squad were and more than likely still are a bucket of fail, during the brief time i was in Ad0pt we took on a target which had wardec'd God Squad as they both were unsteady blues to one another. The war targets Gop Stop, who put up some damn good fights by the way, were not tied to a single location and so picked off many God Squad and Ad0pt members who were stupid enough to sit outside undocks ganking undocking wartargets.

So the small Ad0pt roam i took part in on one day rolled into amarr, station camping ground for God Squad and on the undock was a wartarget maelstrom of which the 3 God Squad members in amarr stayed docked for even when we're screaming in blue intel channels to undock. Said wartarget sits on the undock for the best part of an hour in which our small 3 man roaming group (consisting of 2 frigates and a bs) takes some shots but its obvious due to lack of dps will break tank before he deagresses and docking up, finally he warps off, and then a God Squad member undocks in his vindi and proceeds to smack talk the wartarget... We facepalmed.

God Squad are the amarr version of Ad0pts jita campers, and neither side need help over this squable Roll
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#95 - 2011-11-01 01:12:00 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

We tried for months to resolve this issue with the merc channel months/
we went on ops with you guys we even got ready for a pos bash adopt said it was cancelled
maybe you shoulda contacted us to get the help and not rely on them .Why are you commenting arent you guys closed up atm
we are good pvpers and what we do is up to us at the end of the day we tried know where gonna put our own skills to use take out adopt its that simple

im glad that this was one of the best things to happen to c&p

btw no one likes princess nor i and kai isnt on enough to take contracts all the time and no one would talk to enzee about all these issue at hand when trying to work all this out.
so please dont tell us we didnt try we did.

So I stand corrected about the timeframe. That doesn't mean that your diplomatic skills were up to par with the task at hand.

And don't flatter yourselves. You are currently the most interesting thing going. Not anywhere near the 'best thing'

And there are reasons nobody likes you. Probably having to do with the lack of people skills and diplomacy you are showing.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#96 - 2011-11-01 01:26:41 UTC
The PitBoss wrote:

Ok folks,

Stop by chat:


If you need to contract out a merc corp/alliance ... The MOST reliable place in-game for acquiring merc assistance ...

Anyone who isn't listed in the MOTD of the chat most likely is scamming you -or- isn't reliable

Yea people especially adopt are docked atm shouldnt even bother asking them for merc work but try the others im sure there all desperate for merc jobs also least some of them can undock
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#97 - 2011-11-01 01:30:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Soraya Nilaighan
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

We tried for months to resolve this issue with the merc channel months/
we went on ops with you guys we even got ready for a pos bash adopt said it was cancelled
maybe you shoulda contacted us to get the help and not rely on them .Why are you commenting arent you guys closed up atm
we are good pvpers and what we do is up to us at the end of the day we tried know where gonna put our own skills to use take out adopt its that simple

im glad that this was one of the best things to happen to c&p

btw no one likes princess nor i and kai isnt on enough to take contracts all the time and no one would talk to enzee about all these issue at hand when trying to work all this out.
so please dont tell us we didnt try we did.

So I stand corrected about the timeframe. That doesn't mean that your diplomatic skills were up to par with the task at hand.

And don't flatter yourselves. You are currently the most interesting thing going. Not anywhere near the 'best thing'

And there are reasons nobody likes you. Probably having to do with the lack of people skills and diplomacy you are showing.

if your wrong once you bound to be wrong agian.
like i said ive shown all proof to anything others have said you being one of them.
Stating facts is what ive done in this channel and the trolls and haters have posted and reposted and im still here showing the proof.

pitboss advertising in our forum post is the best thing for us . gonna go all eagle no face on yo ass pitboss. while u stay docked up or move to rens funny. We move out you guys try to move in rofl.
proves were reliable and not scamming.
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#98 - 2011-11-01 02:23:00 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
if your wrong once you bound to be wrong agian.
like i said ive shown all proof to anything others have said you being one of them.
Stating facts is what ive done in this channel and the trolls and haters have posted and reposted and im still here showing the proof.

pitboss advertising in our forum post is the best thing for us . gonna go all eagle no face on yo ass pitboss. while u stay docked up or move to rens funny. We move out you guys try to move in rofl.
proves were reliable and not scamming.

Slow down. You've shown nothing for 'proof'. A killboard does not 'prove' you have been negotiating. And I'm sorry, but your word is not good enough on that.

There is remarkably little proof in this thread. But that's okay, the popcorn machines are going non-stop.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#99 - 2011-11-01 02:30:34 UTC
Zedrik Cayne wrote:
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
if your wrong once you bound to be wrong agian.
like i said ive shown all proof to anything others have said you being one of them.
Stating facts is what ive done in this channel and the trolls and haters have posted and reposted and im still here showing the proof.

pitboss advertising in our forum post is the best thing for us . gonna go all eagle no face on yo ass pitboss. while u stay docked up or move to rens funny. We move out you guys try to move in rofl.
proves were reliable and not scamming.

Slow down. You've shown nothing for 'proof'. A killboard does not 'prove' you have been negotiating. And I'm sorry, but your word is not good enough on that.

There is remarkably little proof in this thread. But that's okay, the popcorn machines are going non-stop.

Who are you to ask for proof. your just alitle flaming emoer on the forums nothing else.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#100 - 2011-11-01 02:45:10 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

Hypocritical Non-Witty Response

Is your argument going to change; yet again, on page 6?