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Dev blog: Odyssey summer expansion: Starbase iterations

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Georgiy Giggle
Apocalypse Now.
#41 - 2013-04-02 15:24:33 UTC
Pesonal hangars idea is awesome, but

''Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hanger, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangers.''
- bullshit! Why is is fail: I'm a CEO or DIRECTOR, I have some pilots living in my pos, they have own hangars. But, pilot got rid of eve and left some stuff in his hangar. I can't take it. But I want to REMOVE \ OFFLINE \ UNANCHOR a hangar or whole POS. What should I do? Shoot own structures? Seems not so smart!


''If the structure is unanchored, all contents are destroyed.''
- Really? Kidding? What about accidents? To lose all stuff only cuz you can't create something smarter?

"The exact per-character volume is undecided but we are currently considering a range from 10,000m3 to 40,000m3."
- bullshit! 40k m3 is ONE (JUST ONE) full cargohold of mining barge. What will he do mine more?

Not mastering proprieties, won't become firmly established. - Confucius

Cyren Dean
Lonetrek Tax Haven
#42 - 2013-04-02 15:24:34 UTC
So no changes to where it's possible to anchor? Thought safe spot pos' was mentioned at one point, or cheaper easier to maintain personal pos'.
MisterAl tt1
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2013-04-02 15:25:07 UTC  |  Edited by: MisterAl tt1
Private starbase hangers
Maybe CEO should have access to anything inside the hangar? To be able to save some shinies when the tower is being reinforced (you don't have time to call for everyone when it happens).

Otherwise we will have to kill our own hangars once in a while, to get things out of them, belonging to those not playing anymore and so on).

ANd what will people, having 5 alts do with their sections? Need some way to share. Though I understand that looks tough from programming point.
#44 - 2013-04-02 15:26:03 UTC  |  Edited by: iskflakes
The biggest fix we need is the roles, as has already been mentioned in this thread.

How about a way to make SMA fitting service and SMA storage public? I often need to have out of corp alts in the tower, and it's a pain in the ass when they can't fit their ships, or even store their own ships moments after they drop roles.

Onlining delays are another annoyance (when you have 40 modules to online). Can we just have a "select all", "online all sequentially" button somewhere so I can go AFK for 40 minutes while it happens?

Edit: Something else I thought of. If the personal storage arrays have no pilot limit, will we see people creating storage alts that they just use to get more storage space?


State War Academy
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-04-02 15:26:16 UTC
The overhaul seems great initially and yes WH folks will be skipping around naked!

However I agree that ceo/directtors MUST be allowed access to remove items rather than destroying them for afk/on vacation members.

Or this will be seen as CCP making more money from members! (does it need more negative feedback on this front)

Has any consideration been given to allowing modules (i.e guns warp dis ext) having the ability to drag back into the shields when taking the pos down?

Yes it will remove risk of flying to then and getting dropped but would mean putting up and taking down POs's is quicker and easier and would therefore result in more being used/sold and utalized in game (Hey! theres your isk making again!)

o7 Dalcho

Jim Orland
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2013-04-02 15:26:17 UTC
ChromeStriker wrote:
edit: damn

Edit edit:.... wormhole supers???

Not unless they're removing the Sov requirement from CSAAs as well.
Tshaowdyne Dvorak
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2013-04-02 15:27:58 UTC
Dranchela wrote:
A hanger is something you put clothes on in a closet. A hangar is something you store aircraft/spacecraft in.

I'm glad I didn't have to be the one to say it. It's a little bit like having an eyelash in your eye to see a word misspelled over and over again. Eventually you'll get over it, but it's really annoying while it's there. Apparently they managed to fix it between the time I read the article and started to write this comment, so now you and I will look like crazy people. ;)

On the topic of the changes: they all sound excellent. The only one I don't really care about is changing the interface to set up defenses. It's a huge pain to set them up initially, yes, but it's also something that doesn't happen very often. If something needs to be scrapped in order for other features to make the expansion and more time is needed to finish the other tasks, please deprioritize this. I think we can all live with the currently crappy experience of setting up a POS for a while longer if the trade-off is that personal hangars, repackaging, and Tech 3 subsystem swaps become a reality!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2013-04-02 15:27:59 UTC
POSes aren't something I've had a lot of experience with so this may well be a ridiculous suggestion, but I've never understood why they can't be more like NPC stations. When I first heard of a POS I imagined something like a small NPC station, with some of the facilities thereof, not a massive shield in space with confusing, disparate bits of structure floating around inside, each with a different function.

I understand that they need to be modular, with players being able to add on bits to enable various facilities, but I don't see why that couldn't be done with something more akin to a station - one big structure into which you dock (or 'moor', if you don't have the appropriate 'module') and wherein all of the other facilities are available as you purchase the add-ons. It could just look like a really small, bare-bones station at first, and each of the additional modules, defensive installations, etc., could 'bolt-on' to the outside, much as a ship changes in appearance as different equipment is fitted, until it looked bigger and cooler.

Or you could go the boring route and just have the additional facilities 'unlocked' once you paid the right price.
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2013-04-02 15:28:14 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
These changes are a good temporary measure to alleiviate some of the worst aspects of dealing with and living out of POS.

But they're not a substitute for a proper POS rework. Sooner or later that will have to be done.

Agreed, but "the perfect is the enemy of the good". CSM7 worked very hard to help CCP squeeze out the most bang-for-buck for the development resources available.

CSM8 will have to keep the pressure on to ensure that as CCP develops its longer-term plans, a revamp of starbases is in the roadmap.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Giles Corey
Mnemonic Enterprises
#50 - 2013-04-02 15:29:21 UTC
"Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hanger, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangers."

I think allowing directors to remove items from the hangars should be implemented, in wormhole space there would still be risk of corp theft by trusted directors rather than currently by random members.

Also not being able to control the contents of a hangar with regard to inactive/quit members and members that have left the corp is extremely annoying.
Marcel Devereux
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#51 - 2013-04-02 15:30:30 UTC
Why create a new structure for the personal hangars? I know there is a balance to keep with fittings of each tower (which are horribly unbalanced at the moment ) but with the removal of variable fuel consumption this doesn't make much sense. Just slap the personal hangars on the tower itself and be done with it. When personal ship hangars are added add those to the tower as well.
Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#52 - 2013-04-02 15:31:43 UTC
Great news for the EvE community. I do understand that POS code is a fracking headache but it just needs to be fixed in order for a lot of us to enjoy the actual game-play.

I just have a note about this one:
''Corp directors have the ability to see what members have items in the hanger, but do not have the ability to take or place items from/in the hangers.''

CEO or directors should have the ability to manage personal storage of other people. A lot of time people just go afk or I can already see how someone puts stuff into his own hangar and you have to wait for that person to get online.

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Burseg Sardaukar
Free State Project
#53 - 2013-04-02 15:31:47 UTC
This is really good stuff.

I would also like to add that reworking the POS defense interface (like an easy-to-access control within and Select Item box that launches a defense controller screen ) could help as well, but this stuff would make a lot of life MUCH easier for my POS guy(s).

Can't wait to dual box my Dust toon and EVE toon on the same machine!

Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#54 - 2013-04-02 15:33:53 UTC
* Repackaging modules in starbase arrays
* Accessing starbase arrays from anywhere within the shield

This is awesome. Can we also swap ships and fittings when anywhere inside the shield?

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

V'Kanth Agalder
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2013-04-02 15:34:06 UTC
All the proposed additions sound excellent, and I hope they all (especially the private SMAs) make it into the expansion.

I do think that directors/CEOs should be able to access all items stored in the proposed CHA. That being said, if the feature is too difficult to program, I would rather the array was implemented without it all the same.
Jackie Fisher
Syrkos Technologies
#56 - 2013-04-02 15:37:26 UTC
Maybe allow directors to access personal hangers of players whose last logon was more than x days ago?

Fear God and Thread Nought

Mar Drakar
#57 - 2013-04-02 15:37:32 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Sweet blog! Think this one will push you over 5k? Blink

I guess that will depend on whether Starbase users are a small portion of the community or not. Lol

we see what you did there Blink
#58 - 2013-04-02 15:38:46 UTC
Vigilanta wrote:
Good on the personal storage divisions, but I do suggest you make it so a director can remove members items. so if they go AFK for a week and a pos needs to be taken down you don't have to destroy all there stuff.

EDIT, ADDITIONAL: Without a proper rework of the structuring of corporate roles we are still pretty screwed though. Basically as long as someone has setup rights they can destroy everyone's stuff, this is much better over steal everything I will admit, but we should be able to assign roles on a per system basis, not just globally.

The changes look fair to me, but to be honest, when I saw changes were coming to the POS system, I was excited about a revamping of the Corporate Roles system, and I hoped for a system where each individual structure could be set to specific roles. Primarily to make Labs rentable to specific Corp Members. As it stands, everyone using my labs needs to trust one another, and in Eve trust is nearly nonexistant. Let me lock it down further please.

Vesago the Ultraparanoid.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2013-04-02 15:38:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Camios
I'm sorry to break this lovely atmosphere of joy, but


Can you please do something about it?
Or at least explain briefly the rationale behind them sucking so hard.
In my opinion losing 30% or so of what you mined does not make any sense.
Max Goldwing
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2013-04-02 15:40:22 UTC
Looks great!

Even if 10-40km3 is a little small, its plenty for people to keep their modules, ammo, salvage in the POS, and will greatly improve the lives of ppl living out of posses.

For larger storage we still have our old CHA which can be used for mining storage, sharing between chars etc (you cant share in a station between 2 chars without a corp hanger anyway, why should this be better).

Very nice !