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Trebor Daehdoow for CSM8 - The Proven Performer -

First post
Ivy Romanova
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#381 - 2013-03-28 05:25:33 UTC
Trust .
Its earned , not given,and over the years Trebor has done the community a great service.
Our trust is then earned .

Trust a man
with real life managerial experience.
with compassion
with integrity
with maturity
with a conviction to represent the virtues that made EvE great.

Trust Trebor Daehdoow

CSM8 2013

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DAMN THIS    SIGNATURE    IS FANCY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#382 - 2013-03-28 07:39:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.
Prince Kobol
#383 - 2013-03-28 10:22:10 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.

Lets be honest here, you can say the same of the entire of the CSM7, I mean where has the chairman been all this time?
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#384 - 2013-03-28 10:28:29 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
I mean where has the chairman been all this time?
He had the good sense not to run again.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#385 - 2013-03-28 11:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tcar
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.

Despite the urge to go full ****** and get all ad hominem, I won't.

Some people, Trebor included, are not spurge lords that type drivel on their blogs, forum alts, and badpost in the internet in a pathetic attempt to gain internet spaceship notoriety. While some people run their mouths with keyboard courage, safe in internet anonymity and never have the balls to actually enter the CSM race, Trebor has been diligently working to constantly improve the EVE experience for all players. Old & New, Bear and PvPer alike.

Hmm, perhaps that was more than a little ad hominem, if read myself back correctly.

Here, let me be blunt instead of diplomatic.

Your blog posts are interesting only in the "oh my god, look a train wreck," or perhaps the "look, a paranoid schizophrenic with a puppy and a chainsaw," sense. Your position on nearly any item of import flip flops and jumps around like by-catch on a fishing trawler. You seek notoriety over any solution to issues you speak about, seeking to blame your troubles on others. That perhaps is most aggravating in my eyes. The best endorsement you could do for a candidate is start to bad mouth them because you are such a well known spergelord and self appointed authority that your trashing someone is seen as a positive.

Face it. You are not a WIlliam Randolph Hearst. You are not the tail that wags the dog nor will you ever will have the Mittani's influence in EVE. You are not even EVE famous for leet PvP, only having done that for less than a year.

Pipe down while the men are speaking, boy.
Frying Doom
#386 - 2013-03-28 11:25:39 UTC
Ok I will admit I laughed

At "Trebor has been diligently working to constantly improve the EVE experience for all players"

Shame that due to him the CSM is a shadow of its former self and he couldn't even do the secretary jobs in CSM 6.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#387 - 2013-03-28 14:28:38 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.

Also, Trebor can't even grow hair. If he can't grow hair, how can we expect him to help grow EvE Online?
The Black Shell
#388 - 2013-03-28 14:59:42 UTC
Question : do you have any other PVP toon ?

Because on Trebor Daehdoow's evekill, you have almost no PVP activity, you're only engaging in one single (excessively from my point of view) risk-limited kind of engagement, and your few ship losses are all badly fitted.

I'm not willing to be harsh or "randomly bashing", but I cannot support someone that is just willing to stay in the CSM without a proper PVP experience. Thanks for your attention. I browsed several pages and didnt notice anybody asking about it.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

State War Academy
Caldari State
#389 - 2013-03-28 16:57:45 UTC
Friggz wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.

Also, Trebor can't even grow hair. If he can't grow hair, how can we expect him to help grow EvE Online?

The dude is 50 or something, he's allowed to not grow hair. Lol

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Frying Doom
#390 - 2013-03-28 17:23:49 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Friggz wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.

Also, Trebor can't even grow hair. If he can't grow hair, how can we expect him to help grow EvE Online?

The dude is 50 or something, he's allowed to not grow hair. Lol

He is ear hair free?Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#391 - 2013-03-29 14:08:44 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
He is ear hair free?Lol

No ear hair, but too much ear wax. My mother has always said you could grow carrots in there.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

State War Academy
Caldari State
#392 - 2013-03-29 22:28:53 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
For someone who's such a hard worker and what people are calling a "great communicator" ... let's look at your blog:

March 24 2012. You post to tell us all the election results, that you made it onto CSM7.

Next post. September 13 2012. You post about the death of Vile Rat.

Next post. December 15 2012. You post to tell us you're back from Iceland.

Starting in January 2013, when you, more or less, decided to run for CSM8, your posting frequency dramatically increases. (Weird! Shocking!)

Can we expect you to disappear, again?

Assuming nobody dies this year, I look forward to your one post in 2013 ... if you're re-elected again.

The less 'doing' Trebor does the better off we all are.

The 'do-nothing' member of the GoonSwarm Economic Warfare Cabal

The edge is REALLY hard to see at times but it DOES exist and in this case we were looking at a situation where a new feature created for all of our customers was being virtually curbstomped by five of them

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#393 - 2013-03-30 13:54:03 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Shame that due to him the CSM is a shadow of its former self and he couldn't even do the secretary jobs in CSM 6.

As secretary of CSM 6, I compiled almost 100 pages of minutes, wrote or edited every official CSM publication, ran a prioritization crowdsourcing, and extensively updated the CSM wiki.

At this point you're just phoning it in. It's hard to farm you for bumps when you don't even put an effort into constructing plausible misrepresentations.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Frying Doom
#394 - 2013-03-30 14:02:33 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Shame that due to him the CSM is a shadow of its former self and he couldn't even do the secretary jobs in CSM 6.

As secretary of CSM 6, I compiled almost 100 pages of minutes, wrote or edited every official CSM publication, ran a prioritization crowdsourcing, and extensively updated the CSM wiki.

At this point you're just phoning it in. It's hard to farm you for bumps when you don't even put an effort into constructing plausible misrepresentations.

So you updated the what is the csm page prior to the CSM7 election for the removal of alts?

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#395 - 2013-03-30 20:02:46 UTC
Frying Doom: Attacking the proven performers, but defending the horrible racists.
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#396 - 2013-03-31 09:44:50 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
So you updated the what is the csm page prior to the CSM7 election for the removal of alts?

Well, if I was the Secretary of CSM7, I might well have. But I'm not -- I am the Vice-Chairman. I work very hard on CSM, but surely you don't expect me to do everyone else's job as well?

I know you hold me in the highest possible regard, and have high expectations of me, but I am still human after all (scurrilous rumors to the contrary should not be taken seriously).

PS: Could you wait at least 6 hours before replying to this post, so as to space out the bumps? Thanks in advance!

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Frying Doom
#397 - 2013-03-31 10:22:52 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
So you updated the what is the csm page prior to the CSM7 election for the removal of alts?

Well, if I was the Secretary of CSM7, I might well have. But I'm not -- I am the Vice-Chairman. I work very hard on CSM, but surely you don't expect me to do everyone else's job as well?

I know you hold me in the highest possible regard, and have high expectations of me, but I am still human after all (scurrilous rumors to the contrary should not be taken seriously).

PS: Could you wait at least 6 hours before replying to this post, so as to space out the bumps? Thanks in advance!

Oh ok so the fact there were no alts in CSM 7 was released after the election was held and after the candidates were announced, thus being the end of your term for secretary.

You are not even managing to lie well this year, are you ill?

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#398 - 2013-03-31 13:04:21 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:

Oh ok so the fact there were no alts in CSM 7 was released after the election was held and after the candidates were announced, thus being the end of your term for secretary.

You are not even managing to lie well this year, are you ill?

Could you be any more a pedant? The man wasn't the secretary. Alts were not "removed", all members of the CSM were "full" members and thanks to technology and the interwebs. You keep overstating and using hyperbole. Are you even trying? This is the same troll you've been using for the last twenty odd pages.

Also I can't figure out if you are trying to ascribe election fraud, meta gaming, or dishonesty to Trebor in this statement. Could you please pick one and make a realistic argument rather than a childish lawyering of irrelevant details. (see pedant)
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#399 - 2013-03-31 14:54:35 UTC
Tcar wrote:

Could you be any more a pedant?

It's actually pretty hard, but here's what I got.

Trebor: Do you ever walk into rooms then forget why you did? If you can't even keep your agenda straight how can we vote for you?

Trebor: Do you ever get those bits of crud in the corner of your eyes in your eyes in the morning? That shows you lack the vision needed to be on the CSM.

Trebor: When you pee, do you sometimes get that split stream thing going on? Clearly you are unable to focus on one goal at a time.

I'd also like to know what size you butter your toast on. This is vital information to me as a voter.

Poetic, feel free to make a blog about any of those topics.
Frying Doom
#400 - 2013-03-31 15:41:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Tcar wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

Oh ok so the fact there were no alts in CSM 7 was released after the election was held and after the candidates were announced, thus being the end of your term for secretary.

You are not even managing to lie well this year, are you ill?

Could you be any more a pedant? The man wasn't the secretary. Alts were not "removed", all members of the CSM were "full" members and thanks to technology and the interwebs. You keep overstating and using hyperbole. Are you even trying? This is the same troll you've been using for the last twenty odd pages.

Also I can't figure out if you are trying to ascribe election fraud, meta gaming, or dishonesty to Trebor in this statement. Could you please pick one and make a realistic argument rather than a childish lawyering of irrelevant details. (see pedant)

Well at least now we know how Trebor gets elected.

Due to forum constraints I will just say congratulations on your ability to use a computer. It must have been a struggle coming from such a shallow part of the gene pool.

Yes Trebor was the secretary in CSM 6. One of his duties as secretary was to maintain the page "What is the CSM"
During this his time as Secretary the elections for CSM 7 were announced this election came with a change, previously the CSM was made up of 9 Full members and positions 10-14 were alternate delegates. This was no longer the case in CSM 7 the position of alternate delegate was removed and these elected CSM members became full members.
At the time this change was announced Trebor was the secretary and it was his responsibility to update this page.

The fact that he was the secretary for CSM 6 is a fact, that it was his responsibility to update the page "What is the CSM" is also a fact, and it is also a fact that at the end of his term as secretary the page still read and for that matter still reads now as "After the polls have closed, an automated system will count the votes and provide a list of the fourteen candidates with the greatest total number of votes received. The nine highest tallies of this group will be elected as Representatives, while the next five highest tallies will be elected as Alternates. Candidate tally placement does not grant any special privileges, as all Representatives — and Alternates when serving in the place of Representatives — have equal power on the CSM. "

So was that clear enough for you?

As secretary he did not perform all of his duties. It really is that simple. So hardly the "Proven Performer"1

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!