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EVE General Discussion

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Watershed moment? The Apostle shrugged

Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2011-10-30 07:55:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Ris Dnalor

I counter-suggest the following:

Merge CONCORD & Pend Insurance.

Instead of paying for an insurance contract, pay for PENDCORD mercs to protect you at an hourly rate which would be based on the ship you fly.

Make PENDCORD strong but not weaker than CONCORD -- think CONCORD late 2003 early 2004 if you were around.

If PENDCORD fails to protect you, you are then reimbursed.

also -- remove sentry guns from low sec Twisted

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#102 - 2011-10-30 08:50:55 UTC
Suicide ganking is possible, but it could be abused to bring about change to hinder it.

But AFK-mining and ships totally geared for roid-sucking and ISK creating with no defenses is also abuse. I speak of bots.

It's between the ganksters and the bots, in my opinion.

The rest of us suffer from these mechanics.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

#103 - 2011-10-30 10:39:19 UTC
It is probably stupid to disallow these events ; they do create alot of activity all over high sec and in several aspects of the game BUT

On the other hand they should be limited in duration and frequincy

you don't want betwee 1/4/ and 1/2 of the player base to unsubcribe because their playstyle is being griefed enmasse permanantly
and you can't force people to play a different style ; which they don't like? they will just leave and never come back

Having a hulkaggedon event every 3 months will do just that, and after you scared off all the highsec miners, killed off all the bots and decimated all the mission runners what next ?

EVE is a great game with alot of diversity of things you can do and different playstyles but taking away that diversity or those different playstyles only makes the game stale , boring and pretty much onesided

just ùy thoughts on these events

ps making RL threats, or so the rumurs go , is a serious offense and should be permabanned no matter who it is

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#104 - 2011-10-30 10:58:59 UTC
These days I'm just laughing louder and harder when I ready posts advocating or demanding changes in low sec or high sec, in one way or another.

Players do not have the latest paying subscriber figures. CCP obviously does.
CCP will not stand by and watch as they haemorrhage paying accounts, which is what will happen.
Null and Low sec - You don't get Eve if you're trying to force players out of Highsec and/or blaming them for all the sins of the marketplace.

CCP will not kill their cash-cow.

But, ramble on regardless.
Destination SkillQueue
#105 - 2011-10-30 11:45:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Destination SkillQueue
pussnheels wrote:
It is probably stupid to disallow these events ; they do create alot of activity all over high sec and in several aspects of the game BUT

On the other hand they should be limited in duration and frequincy

you don't want betwee 1/4/ and 1/2 of the player base to unsubcribe because their playstyle is being griefed enmasse permanantly
and you can't force people to play a different style ; which they don't like? they will just leave and never come back

Having a hulkaggedon event every 3 months will do just that, and after you scared off all the highsec miners, killed off all the bots and decimated all the mission runners what next ?

EVE is a great game with alot of diversity of things you can do and different playstyles but taking away that diversity or those different playstyles only makes the game stale , boring and pretty much onesided

just ùy thoughts on these events

ps making RL threats, or so the rumurs go , is a serious offense and should be permabanned no matter who it is

The problem is that the mass of people you're referring to aren't being "griefed" permanently and aren't the incompetent dumbasses people seem to think. I've flown with a small corp trying to do different things and interacting with others outside the corp for about a year now and the picture some forum enthusiasts paint about the generic player or impact of these gank campaigns just doesn't correspond well with my perception of reality in EVE.

For example after talking with some people in a industry/mining corp you realize, that the people getting slaughtered in the belts during these special campaigns are the retards and unlucky losers of EVE and not the real organized miners. The miners scout out gravimetric sites, keep an eye out for strangers in local, know most of the tricks you can use to ensure survival and know what areas to avoid during a special ganking event. Consequently they don't get ganked on a regular basis and are able to operate even during the times when the forums predict mass exodus of miners from the game.

There really won't be an issue as long as CCP ensures, that miners have ways and tools they can use, which help mitigate and avoid the danger these ganking campaigns create for them. The thing is that CCP shouldn't balance them so that even the most stupidest and inbred miner is mostly safe from danger. The competent miners aren't in danger of dying out by these campaigns, so I would say, that the current balance is actually pretty good.

The bigger problem is, that mining as a profession sucks balls in empire space and doesn't reward you for actively playing the game over AFK mining. If mining would be more profitable and provide a larger proportion of the minerals on the market, the losses incurred could be recovered from much faster. If active mining would be rewarded, people wouldn't be so likely to AFK and be easy pickings for any random ganker. Boosting profitability and developing mining as a profession would propably do much to mitigate any negative affects gank campaigns have and they can be achieved by boosting and improving the professions, instead of just focusing on ganking.
#106 - 2011-10-30 12:11:09 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
pussnheels wrote:
It is probably stupid to disallow these events ; they do create alot of activity all over high sec and in several aspects of the game BUT

On the other hand they should be limited in duration and frequincy

you don't want betwee 1/4/ and 1/2 of the player base to unsubcribe because their playstyle is being griefed enmasse permanantly
and you can't force people to play a different style ; which they don't like? they will just leave and never come back

Having a hulkaggedon event every 3 months will do just that, and after you scared off all the highsec miners, killed off all the bots and decimated all the mission runners what next ?

EVE is a great game with alot of diversity of things you can do and different playstyles but taking away that diversity or those different playstyles only makes the game stale , boring and pretty much onesided

just ùy thoughts on these events

ps making RL threats, or so the rumurs go , is a serious offense and should be permabanned no matter who it is

The problem is that the mass of people you're referring to aren't being "griefed" permanently and aren't the incompetent dumbasses people seem to think. I've flown with a small corp trying to do different things and interacting with others outside the corp for about a year now and the picture some forum enthusiasts paint about the generic player or impact of these gank campaigns just doesn't correspond well with my perception of reality in EVE.

For example after talking with some people in a industry/mining corp you realize, that the people getting slaughtered in the belts during these special campaigns are the retards and unlucky losers of EVE and not the real organized miners. The miners scout out gravimetric sites, keep an eye out for strangers in local, know most of the tricks you can use to ensure survival and know what areas to avoid during a special ganking event. Consequently they don't get ganked on a regular basis and are able to operate even during the times when the forums predict mass exodus of miners from the game.

There really won't be an issue as long as CCP ensures, that miners have ways and tools they can use, which help mitigate and avoid the danger these ganking campaigns create for them. The thing is that CCP shouldn't balance them so that even the most stupidest and inbred miner is mostly safe from danger. The competent miners aren't in danger of dying out by these campaigns, so I would say, that the current balance is actually pretty good.

The bigger problem is, that mining as a profession sucks balls in empire space and doesn't reward you for actively playing the game over AFK mining. If mining would be more profitable and provide a larger proportion of the minerals on the market, the losses incurred could be recovered from much faster. If active mining would be rewarded, people wouldn't be so likely to AFK and be easy pickings for any random ganker. Boosting profitability and developing mining as a profession would propably do much to mitigate any negative affects gank campaigns have and they can be achieved by boosting and improving the professions, instead of just focusing on ganking.

tell that to the one month old noob you just got his first retriever butr sadly isn't eve wise enough to read thye forums

Second point do they really mine outside highsec last time i checked they didn't in nullsec

third point you know how many grav sites are being spawned in high sec

NAH aslong those socalled hardcore pvp players cry hard enough no ,imnner no industrialist will ever seen a buff or new content to help them
Contrary ccp will probably even nerf industry even more or givingh control away to people who will not use it or only use it to grief others with

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Imryn Xaran
Coherent Light Enterprises
#107 - 2011-10-30 12:26:03 UTC
okst666 wrote:
Concord is there to blow up a ship after a criminal act, that's it, that's all it ever has been. They are by no means " protection ".

It would be cool if concord would act like real police would do...but with a chance.

they should patrol and follow suspects (negative secstatus for example...or killed people in the last 3 month) where ever they go with a chance of 33% someone in highsec...concord targets you (80% chance) ..first shot on possible victim and you will be vaporized by concord.(100% chance)

It would be far simpler just to have concord pod kill anyone with negative sec status. Keep pirates in low and null, leave high for the carebears. Suicide gankers would need a fresh character for each attack, or to spend the time to grind sec status between attacks.

Before I get flamed I should mention that I DON'T think this is a good idea, BUT if the more "out there" speculation about mittens ultimate goals are correct it might be what he wants.
Ad'Hakim Tahous
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#108 - 2011-10-30 14:45:59 UTC
okst666 wrote:
Concord is there to blow up a ship after a criminal act, that's it, that's all it ever has been. They are by no means " protection ".

It would be cool if concord would act like real police would do...but with a chance.

they should patrol and follow suspects (negative secstatus for example...or killed people in the last 3 month) where ever they go with a chance of 33% someone in highsec...concord targets you (80% chance) ..first shot on possible victim and you will be vaporized by concord.(100% chance)

Ah... my good man.... if they were to act like real police then we would have the opportunity to:

- Attempt to approach them to see if they are receptive to being paid off. If successful, proceed to Step 2, otherwise chances of you being under surveillance increase
- Pay them off and chances of you being under surveillance decline.
