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The Problem with Terrible Trebor

First post
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-03-26 11:01:00 UTC

You all know I have strong reservations about Terrible Trebor and his run for CSM8. This will be his fourth CSM, if he does in fact win a seat.

Terrible Trebor has become terribly out of touch with the realities of EVE Online in the four years that he's rarely logged into the game. The dude's in a PvP alliance. Check his killboard. For a dude that keeps touting that he's nullsec and PvP, he does very little of it. One might argue that he uses Dirt Nap Squad as a badge of legitimacy.

I've been listening to Terrible Trebor of late. There are two major interviews for you to listen too. The one conducted by Xander Phoena. And the debate he took part in on Alekseyev Karrde's Declarations of War.

One of Trebor's core talking points this campaign season is that all ideas should be on the table for consideration. As a specific example, he talks about safe areas, ostensibly PvP-free areas, of space. He argues that if PvP-free areas can draw more people the game, then it's an idea worth serious consideration. He mentions increased subscriber numbers. Which means more targets for people to shoot at. Which means increased subscriber revenue. Which would mean more devs hired for EVE. Which could mean a POS revamp.

All of his talking points are couched in language that is meant to sound oh so promising.

Let's examine the notion that if PvP-free areas bring in more subscribers, that it will mean more targets to shoot at. Exactly how are we to shoot all these new risk-averse subscribers (because we have to assume they finally decided to subscribe because they were enticed by the new risk-free areas in EVE) if they are holed up in Trebor's new PvP-free zones? You can't shoot what is completely safe.

What about more devs hired? Maybe. CCP might hire a few more EVE devs. But more cooks in the kitchen doesn't necessarily mean you get your order faster, or that it tastes any better. CCP is also developing DUST 514 and World of Darkness. One can assume that they'd certainly love to accelerate development on those properties. EVE Online is, for the most part, propping up and funding the development of those projects currently. Any increase in revenue may actually go towards developing those games at an increased pace. My opinion is that the majority of an increase in revenue would go towards those properties, rather than back into EVE Online directly.

He's leading the electorate down a slippery slope. It we do implement this idea, then it will result in this thing here, which will then mean this other something, which will ultimately culminate in that super important thing everybody's been clamouring for.

Let's return to his core talking point, that all ideas should be on the table for consideration. I'm not sure how he's come to the conclusion that that's an effective form of management. That sort of management you'd only champion after passing the Clusterfuck Management 101 course. You do yourself no favours burying your time and energy in bad ideas to consider.

Implementing ideas that go against the core principles of the game only risks alienating your core audience. PvP-free areas are not part of the original core philosophy of EVE. It's an idea that can safely be discarded without a moment of consideration. CCP has ten years of experience developing a cold, harsh and dangerous universe. They have absolutely no experience developing for the themepark crowd that Trebor would like to see CCP try to attract. CCP would risk losing their core audience, and in doing so, would risk losing any audience.

I was chatting with a CSM7 representative, the other day. (I'll let him out himself if he wants to in the comments.) I was curious why he would publicly support Trebor for CSM8, when he's also gone on record stating that they've very rarely agreed on any design and development issues. If this CSM7 rep feels that Trebor is so chock-full of terrible ideas, why would he want to give those ideas a platform? He wrote:
SOMEONE is going to represent the views Trebor does. I'd rather it be a hard worker who debates honestly and is open to comprimise than someone who isnt active and isnt interested in either of those things.

I get the impression that most of CSM7 agree with that sentiment. It strikes me as a very odd opinion to hold. If someone with terrible ideas has to be on CSM8, I think I'd rather they be as inactive as possible, to never show up for meetings, to be as unavailable to the process as possible. I'd actually prefer they were not on the CSM at all, but if I didn't have that choice, I'd prefer they were very inactive to active.

Come the CSM8 election, consider not placing Terrible Trebor Daehdoow anywhere on your ballot.
Borlag Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-03-26 11:11:49 UTC
It's not that far fetched to think that Trebor is using alts to actually play on, so that he can go about his business without the additional burden of being CSM distracting from that. Additionally even the things that you or me consider horrible, do still need a representative. I think mining is absolutely horrible, incursions and PvE in general is laughably easy and industry in general is mindnumbingly boring, yet it is best for the overal good of the game to have someone advocating the improvements as well as the present state of those things so that things don't get even worse and that other things regarding them can be improved.

Simply put, as long as the main goal is the overal good of the game in whole, every single playstyle should be represented in the CSM one way or another. And no, I'm in no way supporting Trebor, just countering your somewhat silly arguments.
Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#3 - 2013-03-26 11:19:05 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
One of Trebor's core talking points this campaign season is that all ideas should be on the table for consideration.

Well, if I'm throwing out that idea, then I'm throwing out this whole thread along with it.

I don't feel like listening to your opinion today GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR

Singular Snowflake
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-03-26 11:25:05 UTC
Borlag Crendraven wrote:
It's not that far fetched to think that Trebor is using alts to actually play on, so that he can go about his business without the additional burden of being CSM distracting from that. Additionally even the things that you or me consider horrible, do still need a representative. I think mining is absolutely horrible, incursions and PvE in general is laughably easy and industry in general is mindnumbingly boring, yet it is best for the overal good of the game to have someone advocating the improvements as well as the present state of those things so that things don't get even worse and that other things regarding them can be improved.

Simply put, as long as the main goal is the overal good of the game in whole, every single playstyle should be represented in the CSM one way or another. And no, I'm in no way supporting Trebor, just countering your somewhat silly arguments.

How are we supposed to vote representatives for our playstyle if the CSM members say one thing and do another, for example a supposed "pvp" representative supporting pvp-free Hellokitty playstyle?
Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#5 - 2013-03-26 11:32:31 UTC
Singular Snowflake wrote:
Borlag Crendraven wrote:
It's not that far fetched to think that Trebor is using alts to actually play on, so that he can go about his business without the additional burden of being CSM distracting from that. Additionally even the things that you or me consider horrible, do still need a representative. I think mining is absolutely horrible, incursions and PvE in general is laughably easy and industry in general is mindnumbingly boring, yet it is best for the overal good of the game to have someone advocating the improvements as well as the present state of those things so that things don't get even worse and that other things regarding them can be improved.

Simply put, as long as the main goal is the overal good of the game in whole, every single playstyle should be represented in the CSM one way or another. And no, I'm in no way supporting Trebor, just countering your somewhat silly arguments.

How are we supposed to vote representatives for our playstyle if the CSM members say one thing and do another, for example a supposed "pvp" representative supporting pvp-free Hellokitty playstyle?

Support someone with traceble record of doings, m8 Cool

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Borlag Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-03-26 11:35:12 UTC
Singular Snowflake wrote:
How are we supposed to vote representatives for our playstyle if the CSM members say one thing and do another, for example a supposed "pvp" representative supporting pvp-free Hellokitty playstyle?

That's another argument entirely, and a valid one at that. Stanziels wasn't.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#7 - 2013-03-26 11:37:17 UTC
It's increasingly difficult to escape the suspicion that Poetic Stanzel is actually a sleeper agent for the Commitee To Re-Elect Trebor.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Rengerel en Distel
#8 - 2013-03-26 11:44:02 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
It's increasingly difficult to escape the suspicion that Poetic Stanzel is actually a sleeper agent for the Commitee To Re-Elect Trebor.

I thought it was more likely he was in the "i want to run for CSM, but couldn't fit in the seat to iceland" camp. Not that there's anything wrong with pasty 400 pound men who spend 12 hours a day writing about an online spaceship underwater simulator game.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-03-26 11:59:58 UTC
Rengerel en Distel wrote:
pasty 400 pound man
I'm not American. If you're going to fantasize about me, do it accurately, please.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-03-26 14:50:03 UTC
I already posted my magnum opus exposing your rampant hipocrisy here which is sad because this is an even better place for it, but I'm not copying it over.

I'll mention some highlights though:

You yourself stated recently High-sec needs to be safer in your post regarding War-decs being broken. You suggested limiting decs based on corp size and, more importantly, allowing corps to bribe concord to avoid war-decs. Allowing Corps to bribe concord to avoid War-decs IS the removal of non-consensual wardecs. If you choose not to pay the isk, you are consenting. When you add an opt-out option to something, it is no longer non-consensual.

So, when you suggest effectively the same thing, it's fine. When Trebor throws it out as devil's advocate he's the anti-christ. You don't have the courage to stand up for your ideas, so it's "Hey, I want to make high-sec safer... BUT I'M NOT TREBOR HE'S THE REAL CAREBEAR GUYS! **** HIM, RIGHT GUYS!?!? HARDCORE PVPERS UNITE!" You don't want to lose that hardcore pvper cred so you paint Trebor as worse then parade him around.

Your ideas don't get better or worse based on other people's ideas being better or worse. They are good or they are bad. Stand up for them, don't make a straw man and burn it to make yourself look better. Stick by the courage of your convictions.

You know like, when you called EvE Uni a pox on the game because they didn't like being under a constant War-dec. Are they still a pox on the game even though you now feel High-sec should be safer, I wonder?

The fact is, War-decs are completely screwed at the moment, and in view of that, I don't think "Nuke the whole thing and start over" is a particularly outrageous idea.

Anyway, enough of that. Onto your more recent hilarity.

First, you suspect Trebor is using Dirt Nap Squad as some of kind false front for legitimacy but he doesn't really play the game. Well, Trebor has 19 kills this month and is fairly active on our coms. Now you might scoff at only 19 kills but when you check his kills you see he was flying an Oneiros, and we know Logis get the short end of the stick when it comes to killmails.

A bigger question is why in the name of hell Trebor would want to be on the CSM again if he doesn't actually play the game?

The CSM takes up a lot of time, I believe Trebor estimated about 20 hours a week, although I don't remember exactly how much he said, I might be off there on the exact amount. Why would anyone put the time and effort into a game they don't even play? No other incumbent is running again because being on the CSM is a lot of work.

So, what exactly is Trebor's nefarious plan here? I'm missing the endgame in this conspiracy. Trebor actually doesn't care about EvE and doesn't play so he hatched a plot to give himself a ton of work in the same said game he doesn't care about and doesn't play? I'm pretty sure Trebor could find much easier and less convoluted ways to throw away his free time. Like making a blog and spending most of it personally attacking the CSM candidate of his choice while the rest of the universe rolls their collective eyes.

Anyway, even with his time stretched thin, Trebor has done quite a bit to reach out and be approachable. He's always on our coms, he listens to people, actively solicits our feedback (for example his work on gathering feedback on Black Ops change preferences) and has even just recently helped a member of our corp who had his isk wrongly seized by overzealous CCP security.

The fact of the matter is Trebor works his ass off, both in the CSM and in game, and trying to point to killboards as sign he doesn't is grasping at straws. You are trying to prove a point that doesn't actually exist.

Now, I'm not even going to talk about your rants on Trebor's opinions because you just misrepresent them. If Trebor says he believes A and you insist he believes B there is little point in debate. You see, a debate is when one person gives their side, and another person gives their side. It is not when one person tells another person what they believe, then goes on to explain why those beliefs are wrong. That's called making a straw man argument and not particularly productive.

Instead I will say it is an excellent idea to listen to both those interviews. I'll even link them to make it easy:

Crossing Zebras
Trebor and Monk debate

If you listen to both of those with an open mind, you'll see Trebor is not trying to destroy EvE as we know it and turn it into WoW.

Do you really almost every active member of the CSM7 would be endorsing Trebor if his goal for re-election was to remove High-sec PvP? If that's what he actually believed no one would endorse him nor would I or anyone else support him. Trebor even said in his debate with Monk that he felt Monk would make a great CSM candidate and Monk is running to represent High-sec griefers!

A vote for Trebor is not a vote for candyland Online. It's a vote for a stronger CSM with an experienced voice that is going to make the whole CSM better. It's a vote to have an experienced CSM delegate on a CSM class that is going to otherwise be entirely new. It's a vote to keep the relationship between CCP and the CSM going strong instead of having to be rebuilt with entirely new delegates.

Those are the reasons you and everyone else should have Trebor someone on their ballot.
None ofthe Above
#11 - 2013-03-26 14:51:14 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
It's increasingly difficult to escape the suspicion that Poetic Stanzel is actually a sleeper agent for the Commitee To Re-Elect Trebor.

I know, right?

Particularly when the reasoning and logic skills displayed in his anti-Trebor pieces are sub-par. I mean Poetic's blog has often been hit or miss, but you can tell that his head's not clear on this.

But then again there was that terrible hit piece on Arydanika a while back that made even less sense.

Oh wait.. I have a theory...

Last year Trebor pulled a huge stunt, mass eve-mailing the electorate, this year Poetic is marketing software to do just that. Trebor in the meantime has been promising a new campaign stunt. This it!

Not only is Poetic a member of the Commitee to Re-Elect Trebor... HE IS TREBOR! Writing deliberately bad attacks on himself to raise his profile as a candidate.

Poetrebor, I AM ON TO YOU!

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Dolmite Cornerstone
#12 - 2013-03-26 15:11:29 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Let's return to his core talking point, that all ideas should be on the table for consideration. I'm not sure how he's come to the conclusion that that's an effective form of management. That sort of management you'd only champion after passing the Clusterfuck Management 101 course. You do yourself no favours burying your time and energy in bad ideas to consider.

I don't know where you do business, but where I'm from you're wrong. Two things come immediately to mind: first, brainstorming, second, thinking outside the box.
In the US there is a quiet, behind-the-scenes, unknown company which is responsible for many of the ingenuities products have had in the past decade. I don't remember their name. Point being, part of their process involves accepting any idea, no matter how crazy or seemingly unworkable, because from those untenable ideas spring useful innovative ideas.

Now, should CCP expend thousands of man-hours working on ideas they already know they aren't going to implement? No. But to disregard the ideas just off the cuff without investigating what new and/or useful ideas might be buried in the muck....foolish IMHO.
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-03-26 16:23:54 UTC
Friggz wrote:
...and has even just recently helped a member of our corp who had his isk wrongly seized by overzealous CCP security.

This incident did not involve CCP Security. It was the result of an honest mistake. However, it and several other similar incidents that have occurred gave rise to concerns inside CSM that there might be a procedural problem that could be addressed in order to reduce the likelyhood that these unfortunate situations would occur, and increase the speed at which they were resolved.

After consulting with my fellow CSM delegates, I wrote a letter expressing our concerns and used this particular incident as an example (in large part because of the copious documentation that was available about it), but explicitly did not ask CCP to give any special treatment to the individual involved.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Onyx Nyx
The Veldspar Protectorate
#14 - 2013-03-27 18:36:30 UTC
Fon Revedhort wrote:
Singular Snowflake wrote:
Borlag Crendraven wrote:
It's not that far fetched to think that Trebor is using alts to actually play on, so that he can go about his business without the additional burden of being CSM distracting from that. Additionally even the things that you or me consider horrible, do still need a representative. I think mining is absolutely horrible, incursions and PvE in general is laughably easy and industry in general is mindnumbingly boring, yet it is best for the overal good of the game to have someone advocating the improvements as well as the present state of those things so that things don't get even worse and that other things regarding them can be improved.

Simply put, as long as the main goal is the overal good of the game in whole, every single playstyle should be represented in the CSM one way or another. And no, I'm in no way supporting Trebor, just countering your somewhat silly arguments.

How are we supposed to vote representatives for our playstyle if the CSM members say one thing and do another, for example a supposed "pvp" representative supporting pvp-free Hellokitty playstyle?

Support someone with traceble record of doings, m8 Cool

Yes, let's all support the loudest neo-n a z i in EVE, Fon Revedhort.

I kill kittens, and puppies and bunnies. I maim toddlers and teens and then more.

  • Richard (
Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#15 - 2013-03-27 19:29:37 UTC
None ofthe Above wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
It's increasingly difficult to escape the suspicion that Poetic Stanzel is actually a sleeper agent for the Commitee To Re-Elect Trebor.

Not only is Poetic a member of the Commitee to Re-Elect Trebor... HE IS TREBOR! Writing deliberately bad attacks on himself to raise his profile as a candidate.

Poetrebor, I AM ON TO YOU!

I managed to sneeze chili con carne (With copious amounts of chili&garlic) halfway across my table when I read this.
You, sir, is a health hazard to these forums!

Apart from that, your revelation is quite a shocking turn of events. How will Poetrebor respond? And will they respond in disagreement with eachother?

IF Trebor responds first with denial, and Poe then denounces Trebor, THEN we will be able to know they're really one and the same!
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-03-27 19:51:15 UTC
Alphea Abbra wrote:
IF Trebor responds first with denial, and Poe then denounces Trebor, THEN we will be able to know they're really one and the same!
More evidence. Trebor is bald. Poe has a full head of healthy hair. Bald people are, of course, evil. People with hair, good.
Rengerel en Distel
#17 - 2013-03-28 00:14:52 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Rengerel en Distel wrote:
pasty 400 pound man
I'm not American. If you're going to fantasize about me, do it accurately, please.

Funny that you didn't take offense to the 12 hours writing about EVE part ...

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Frying Doom
#18 - 2013-03-28 09:47:37 UTC
Onyx Nyx wrote:
Fon Revedhort wrote:
Singular Snowflake wrote:
Borlag Crendraven wrote:
It's not that far fetched to think that Trebor is using alts to actually play on, so that he can go about his business without the additional burden of being CSM distracting from that. Additionally even the things that you or me consider horrible, do still need a representative. I think mining is absolutely horrible, incursions and PvE in general is laughably easy and industry in general is mindnumbingly boring, yet it is best for the overal good of the game to have someone advocating the improvements as well as the present state of those things so that things don't get even worse and that other things regarding them can be improved.

Simply put, as long as the main goal is the overal good of the game in whole, every single playstyle should be represented in the CSM one way or another. And no, I'm in no way supporting Trebor, just countering your somewhat silly arguments.

How are we supposed to vote representatives for our playstyle if the CSM members say one thing and do another, for example a supposed "pvp" representative supporting pvp-free Hellokitty playstyle?

Support someone with traceble record of doings, m8 Cool

Yes, let's all support the loudest neo-n a z i in EVE, Fon Revedhort.

Hell why not we let Americans vote and they had a leader still wanted for war crimes.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!