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Finish WiS: Kickstarter or Paid Expansion

First post
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2013-03-25 11:44:08 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
You used data of a bull post to support whatever
idea you had in mind (ready our own post) and now you come up with this.

It's still bull. No valueable data given. You can't even see that.

No point in talking to you, if you lack the ability to admit that you wrote bull.
Rotten Legion
#82 - 2013-03-25 11:47:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Solstice Project wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
You used data of a bull post to support whatever
idea you had in mind (ready our own post) and now you come up with this.

It's still bull. No valueable data given. You can't even see that.

No point in talking to you, if you lack the ability to admit that you wrote bull.

You can't see what isn't there. I can see that your an idiot though. Go read a good book on science. Bad Science is a good one. It even talks about some of the common flawed logic arguments people (read you) use.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2013-03-25 11:52:11 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
You used data of a bull post to support whatever
idea you had in mind (ready our own post) and now you come up with this.

It's still bull. No valueable data given. You can't even see that.

No point in talking to you, if you lack the ability to admit that you wrote bull.

You can't see what isn't there. I can see that your an idiot though. Go read a good book on science. Bad Science is a good one. It even talks about some of the common flawed logic arguments people (read you) use.
And again, there's nothing more to say except that you wrote bull,
and displayed that you actually believed the bull you wrote.

Just *read* your post. ^_^
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#84 - 2013-03-25 11:59:16 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
There was actually a casual poll in GD that implicated half of Eve has CQ on, and the other half doesn't. Of the half that doesn't, they said they only didn't have it on for resource reasons.

So if CCP put some time into resource management for the engine (plus the fact people are progressively upgrading hardware) then 3/4s of Eve would have it on.
A bullshit claim you make based on a bullshit poll which indicates nothing at all. "if CCP did" ... "people would have it on".

If you actually gave a purpose to the Avatar content stuff then you might even get some of the remaining quarter.
An additional claim you make, also building on the crap you wrote in the first quote.

You're all definite there. Taking a bullshit poll (50% ... LOL) and making a claim based on that bullshit poll.

And you wanna tell me i'm stupid ?

Sure. %)
Rotten Legion
#85 - 2013-03-25 12:04:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Solstice Project wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
There was actually a casual poll in GD that implicated half of Eve has CQ on, and the other half doesn't. Of the half that doesn't, they said they only didn't have it on for resource reasons.

So if CCP put some time into resource management for the engine (plus the fact people are progressively upgrading hardware) then 3/4s of Eve would have it on.
A bullshit claim you make based on a bullshit poll which indicates nothing at all. "if CCP did" ... "people would have it on".

If you actually gave a purpose to the Avatar content stuff then you might even get some of the remaining quarter.
An additional claim you make, also building on the crap you wrote in the first quote.

You're all definite there. Taking a bullshit poll (50% ... LOL) and making a claim based on that bullshit poll.

And you wanna tell me i'm stupid ?

Sure. %)

You might want to re-read the posts you just quoted. The words "if" and "might" come up fairly often. It's simply a hypothesis. One that you have no evidence to counter with. Your personal opinion is only worth stating once, after that it's just running your mouth and expecting people to listen. Offended I called you stupid? If you can't take it you shouldn't be handing it out.

Also, what happened to this?

Solstice Project wrote:

No point in talking to you, if you lack the ability to admit that you wrote bull.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Route One
#86 - 2013-03-25 12:10:10 UTC
Since people are pulling "statistics" out of their arses here's some meaningless "statistics" from me :

Out of the people I know in Eve only one has CQ turned on and he's the only one interested in WiS. Everyone else thinks its a pile of crap and have it turned off for that reason. Nothing to do with "resources", its because they think its **** and has no place in the game.

If I wanted to walk around in a game then I have plenty of choice of games to play.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#87 - 2013-03-25 12:15:12 UTC
I want WIS working like right frelling NOW! So I can put Solstice Project and Arduemont in a room and take bets on which one throws the first punch, not to mention side bets on who will bite the other guys ear first.

See WIS would be cool if it got funded and properly promoted ... similar to a vegas boxing match :)

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#88 - 2013-03-25 12:21:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Goldiiee
Othran wrote:
Since people are pulling "statistics" out of their arses here's some meaningless "statistics" from me :

Out of the people I know in Eve only one has CQ turned on and he's the only one interested in WiS. Everyone else thinks its a pile of crap and have it turned off for that reason. Nothing to do with "resources", its because they think its **** and has no place in the game.

If I wanted to walk around in a game then I have plenty of choice of games to play.

local/personal stats are just as useless as Forum Polls, I interact with 200 to 300 players a day and none of them are involved in PVP, so by that standard does that mean nobody does PVP.

I know at least for my part I alternate between the CQ and Hangar depending on what I am doing, and how bored I am with the background. Ships spinning has never interested me so I look for entertainment wherever I can when stuck in a station waiting.

Edit: yes I got your meaningless part but somehow dropped it in the copy paste :)

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Winters Chill
Unitas Incorporated
#89 - 2013-03-25 12:39:24 UTC
Alot of you are missing what happened with WiS.

It has nothing to do with Incarna failing it has more to do with CCPs ambition not matching the ecology of contemporary mmo construction.

Incarna promised avatars and social spaces.(and they ignored the early calls of "we want a game not the sims").

So CCP did what it does best and set out to make the best avatars in the world.

And in that it was successful.

Speculation time:

The only problem is that somewhere in late development it is likely they finally realised that actually places like Jita and Amarr were social spaces would be most needed/useful/fun would just be impossible.

A single pod pilot avatar nearly melted computers on release. And that was only ONE avatar and an evironment. More than one avatar would probably have been all but impossible with the avaerge gamer machine.


So I imagine the whole nex store bullshit was trying to salvage a big mistake, a directionless concept that was more about technical and financial ambition than making a fun game.

The problem is CCP are much less likely now to take risks, meaning that chances of WiS coming back in any form is marginal, even the cool DayZ type expansion shown at the moscow player meet. CCP are a business of very smart people, but for some reason every third year or so they always seem to lose sight of what they are doing by taking themselves too seriously as a "innovative software developer" and thier "groundbreaking technical achievements" and forgetting that they are infact a "games company" - can you imagine if Games Workshop blogged about the casting process instead of the next army they were releasing? (I remember stackless I/O and how they went on and on about it and most players were like "oh thats nice but what about space ships and las0rs?")

Anyway, I do want walking in stations to be developed, but as long as its a GAME and not an experiment in GUI engine design. And I wouldn't mind paying some money for it either (as long as it was an actual game).
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#90 - 2013-03-25 13:00:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Arduemont wrote:
I admit this topic is sticky, so i keep going. ^_^

For what it's worth, let's get more detailed here.
The poll is so bull, i just can't stand it. And your post is bull,
because it's based on the crappy poll.

Anyway, what's *much more representative of reality*,
without even having the need for numbers ...

Parts of the community ...
... don't use the CQ, because it's too draining on the resources.
... don't use it, because loading it takes too ******* long.*
... don't run/like it, because it doesn't add any actual content.
... simply hate it, for reasons i don't understand.
... hate it, simply because it's new/different.**
... have reasons against it which i can't think of now. (feel free to add)

*(that's different to "it uses too many resources". loading it != running it)
**(big parts of these people usually adapt and accept new stuff, but have to whine about it beforehand anyway)

There's of course the whole group of people that wants it. (with their own very different reasons)

Every person that DOESN'T want WiS/CQ either is in
one of the above,
more of the above or/and
some probably even in all of the above.

(a person in none of the above would run WiS/CQ)

Why i call your ... hypothesis ... bull is because the poll ... at best ... displays
only a small, even tiny bit of reality, while your hypothesis makes it look like you'd believe
that if these points were addressed, all could be fixed.

Let me try now.

To fix the WiS-issue, *at least* four points i can see *right now* have a need to be addressed.
(which, very likely, incorporate a lot of work behind it)

.) Make it load FAST ! (docking/undocking with CQ is a pain!)
.) Less resource-drain.
.) Actual gameplay.
.) Don't make it look like FiS falls short.

These aren't breathtaking new insights, but they address a huge portion of the players.

> Those with lack of cpu/gpu-power. ("yay i finally can use it!")
> Those who need to dock/undock fast. ("yay, less time wastage!")
> Those who would want to use WiS/CQ but see no point. ("yay, that new stuff is FUN!")
> Those who use CQ anyway, ("yay, i can do more stuff now!")
> Those who don't give a flying **** about it, because they want spaceships. ("yay, they still added stuff to FiS!")

In your post, you've said that if the resource-drain would be fixed, two thirds of the other fifty percent
would suddenly start using CQ ... and adding actual content to it, would make the last third run it too.

Your post reduces all parts of the community into two equally sized parts.
Those who can't run it and those who don't "have enough content/see the point".

That's why i called it out.
A bullshit poll leads to a bullshit post ... and on this forum,
leads to people picking it up, writing even more bull.

I really used the word bull way too much. ^_^
Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#91 - 2013-03-25 13:05:27 UTC
Winters Chill wrote:
Incarna promised avatars and social spaces.(and they ignored the early calls of "we want a game not the sims").

Thing is, had CCP delivered The Sims in EVE, people would have been happy. As it is, they delivered only the character creation portion of The Sims, and nothing else. Naturally they got burned for it.

But honestly, what's wrong with The Sims? You do know it is the best-selling PC game of all time, right? Not WoW, not CoD, and certainly not EVE. So the whole "we want a game, not the sims" is a crock. A complete and total crock. Plenty of people would have loved some avatar elements of The Sims in EVE universe - as long as it would eventually allow hunting down people hiding in stations and shooting them in the face.

As far as I'm concerned, Incarnageddon had nothing to do with the expansion's actual content (or lack thereof), but rather a combination of CCP yet again failing to deliver, plus the greed letter, plus the cash shop with ludicrous prices in a paid MMO. These three things created a perfect storm. That is all.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2013-03-25 13:07:34 UTC
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
As far as I'm concerned, Incarnageddon had nothing to do with the expansion's actual content (or lack thereof), but rather a combination of CCP yet again failing to deliver, plus the greed letter, plus the cash shop with ludicrous prices in a paid MMO. These three things created a perfect storm. That is all.
Plus the removal of one of the most loved "features" in the game.
Ship spinning.
Rotten Legion
#93 - 2013-03-25 13:16:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Solstice Project wrote:

You really appear to have missed the point. I was talking about the number of people using the CQ. I quoted someone saying that no one used the CQ, and pointed out that wasn't true using a poll to back up my point. I simply pointed out that half of the people who took that poll and didn't use CQ, didn't use it because of high resources requirements/load times (I don't think making a distinction adds any value to the argument). So if you fixed that you would have more people using the CQ. I then stipulated that if you added content, the rest of them might use it. CQ, that is.

Your the one generalising here. I never implied anything beyond the scope of the Captains Quarters. You mis-interpreted my post as trying to imply something else and then went on an insulting rant about how crap my post was when you never even understood it in the first place.

Also, your still implying my stipulations are rubbish on the basis that they are based on a poll... Your then going on to make claims of your own with no evidence to back it up at all. Your just making it up. Now, I am not saying there is no value in logical deductions. There is, but it is a lessor form of logic than actually checking your guesses in the real world. My guess (and it is a guess, like everything else in science) is based on objective data. Yours, is without.

Your post reduces all parts of the community into two equally sized parts.
Those who can't run it and those who don't "have enough content/see the point".

I did that because making the distinction between load times and resource management adds no value to the argument. Also, I simplified the statement. So? The point made, is still the same. Your post above may have more categories and added some complexity but it's still a vast simplification itself. There is a heavy dose of hypocrisy in all of your posts so far.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Winters Chill
Unitas Incorporated
#94 - 2013-03-25 13:19:58 UTC
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:

Thing is, had CCP delivered The Sims in EVE, people would have been happy. As it is, they delivered only the character creation portion of The Sims, and nothing else. Naturally they got burned for it.

But honestly, what's wrong with The Sims? You do know it is the best-selling PC game of all time, right? Not WoW, not CoD, and certainly not EVE. So the whole "we want a game, not the sims" is a crock. A complete and total crock. Plenty of people would have loved some avatar elements of The Sims in EVE universe - as long as it would eventually allow hunting down people hiding in stations and shooting them in the face.

As far as I'm concerned, Incarnageddon had nothing to do with the expansion's actual content (or lack thereof), but rather a combination of CCP yet again failing to deliver, plus the greed letter, plus the cash shop with ludicrous prices in a paid MMO. These three things created a perfect storm. That is all.

Your right of course.

However, I'm suggesting they actually couldn't physically deliver anything that would match the quality they put into the avatar portion of WiS simply because only a very small portion of players would have had a PC capable of rendering more than one avatar at a time.

And by the time they realised this it was probably too late. After that; it was damage control II active.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#95 - 2013-03-25 13:22:43 UTC
Red Teufel wrote:
ccp Finnish what you started or no balls.

Balls are for pussies anyways. -.-

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#96 - 2013-03-25 13:29:25 UTC
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
As far as I'm concerned, Incarnageddon had nothing to do with the expansion's actual content (or lack thereof), but rather a combination of CCP yet again failing to deliver, plus the greed letter, plus the cash shop with ludicrous prices in a paid MMO. These three things created a perfect storm. That is all.

That all depends on how you choose to slice it. It really could be condensed into “arrogance”, but the details that make up that display are a couple more than just those thee points. Also, it depends on what you mean by “not the actual content”. Sure, if the alternate UI (which is all the CQ is) had been released as a single bulletpoint in a proper expansion, it might not have caused as many waves as it did, but since the content was at the very centre of the expansion hype, the fact that it lacked any content would have caused quite a stir even without the other failures surrounding its release.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#97 - 2013-03-25 13:32:41 UTC
Tiberius StarGazer wrote:
While yeah its resource hungry, if WIS has a development cycle of 2/3 years most PC's will be able to handle it quite well I believe.

Not the PC's of eve players. if their 300 year old rigs can play excel and word at the same time every EVE player with a shred of dignity will be like "OMFG! o_O) MAH RIG CAN HAZ EXCEL AND WORD RUN AT TEh sAm3 timE! EVe shouldZ run p3rfeclty friggin buggy pi3cocrap!"

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#98 - 2013-03-25 14:58:04 UTC
Karl Hobb wrote:
As long as I don't have to pay for that bullshit, sure.

Were you in game when the Closed Door got released?

If so, then you have already paid for it and in full.

You just got delivered nothing but a pre-pre-pre alpha technology demo.

WiS was not coded in spare hours, it took its canonical six months like all the other expansions and thus adsorbed the same (your too) money like all the other expansions.
Roisin Connor
Fight Club Outfit
#99 - 2013-03-25 17:21:01 UTC
I just do not get guys that are not interested in WiS. Who would not want to explore a space station or wreck? Why would you not want to make Eve even better and more immersive?

What is it with these guys that say its all about spaceships, when walking around in your character would still be about spaceships only ones you can see the outside of or flying outside through the bars Windows.

I think it is some kind of macho prick relax now to put down WiS. It is very annoying now though as this game needs new off spaceship things in it.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#100 - 2013-03-25 17:41:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Roisin Connor wrote:
I just do not get guys that are not interested in WiS. Who would not want to explore a space station or wreck? Why would you not want to make Eve even better and more immersive?

What is it with these guys that say its all about spaceships, when walking around in your character would still be about spaceships only ones you can see the outside of or flying outside through the bars Windows.

I think it is some kind of macho prick relax now to put down WiS. It is very annoying now though as this game needs new off spaceship things in it.

Dissing WiS automatically makes the guy part of the elite, though EvE guys.

It's just sheep behavior, nobody has the balls to say something that does not conform to the EvE canons that define "politically correct EvE player".

I had a blast playing SWTOR, the only element missing is EvE's PvP. If only we could merge the two, have players actually land on the damn thousands EvE planets and explore them with those "gallente vehicles" and so on. One day EvE and DUST worlds could evolve and converge beyond the current DUST settings.

Imagine a planetary Apochrypha where people can come from the space or from the planet itself (Dusties) and do tasks beyond what's allowed today.

Imagine the potential for crafing endless amounts of stuff for planets / wrecks / moons explorations, imagine something like an EvE "planetary incursion" where at the last room half the guy reveal to be mercs who backstab the other guys in the face and take everything. Endless PvP content, endless tears, endless crafted stuff.

Yeah, playing first person in EvE would really suck Roll