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EVE Odyssey, drone UI revamp Implemented?

Zenos Ebeth
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2013-03-24 17:04:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Zenos Ebeth
Lineath wrote:
Wait for fanfest. Im 95% sure that new drone ui will make his debut in there. Among other things...

the thing with fanfest , is that it's not uncommon for things to pop up there and never be seen again. ( tesselation , and that awesome tech demo where they showed hull damage and a titan being split in two are the first thing that come to mind )

Bad posts are not welcome on these forums.  -CCP Falcon

#22 - 2013-03-24 18:20:11 UTC
Zenos Ebeth wrote:
Lineath wrote:
Wait for fanfest. Im 95% sure that new drone ui will make his debut in there. Among other things...

the thing with fanfest , is that it's not uncommon for things to pop up there and never be seen again. ( tesselation , and that awesome tech demo where they showed hull damage and a titan being split in two are the first thing that come to mind )

I think that stuff was a medium term wish list rather than a plan for the year ahead.
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