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EVE General Discussion

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EvE Online: Odyssey!!!

First post
Aidan Patrick
Aldebaran Foundation
#201 - 2013-03-24 09:36:23 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
i see you like to drag and drop little cubes. good show.

I believe some people weren't around for the old scanning system. The current version of probing is so immensely improved on it that I never thought to complain about the current system.

It wont let me have an empty signature...

Dave stark
#202 - 2013-03-24 09:46:30 UTC
Aidan Patrick wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
i see you like to drag and drop little cubes. good show.

I believe some people weren't around for the old scanning system. The current version of probing is so immensely improved on it that I never thought to complain about the current system.

*shrug* people are always going to complain, i just find it amusing especially when people often confuse "dumbing it down" with "removing tedium"
Captain Africa
#203 - 2013-03-24 09:50:06 UTC

1. DEEP SPACE !!!!!!!! ?
2. New Wormholes to Deep Space ?
3. New Exploration Ships ( Cap T3 LOL)
4. New Scanning System to accommodate Deep Space ?
5. Player owned stations you can deploy in deep space?
6. Environmental challenges in deep space?

Am I on track here or just jumping to conclusions ?
.... I know Blink

This sounds amazing lol
Pr1ncess Alia
#204 - 2013-03-24 09:51:53 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
"Discovery Scanner

Using this new system, more pilots will reveal the hidden secrets of the EVE Universe. Beautiful new visuals, customizable controls and new functionality have been added to encourage the adventurer in everyone."

Translation: We're dumbing down exploration for the geometrically challenged. By lowering the IQ bar we hope to get more DUST players into EvE.

"A New "Spacescape"

A rebalance of major areas of space from highsec to nullsec include changes in exploration sites, industrial resources, some types of NPC loot and more…"

Translation: We're adding a new officer module that give +20% to Margin Trading.

"The Little Things

Continued development towards raising accessibility without removing functionality will bring dozens of changes to player-owned starbases, game UI and beyond."

Translation: We're changing the interface again, without any player input again, and will ignore all player feedback again after we've done it.

"The War Machines

Forged by the lessons learned from countless combat pilots, the four factions will issue forth with the latest tools of war and re-designs of old favorites - ships as awe-inspiring as they are deadly."

Translation: Pirate faction rookie ships! Buy yours today, only 250,000,000ISK each! Tomorrow they'll be going for 5,000ISK but so what? Buy moar PLEX, plebs!

"The Storyline Continued

The shared EVE Universe storyline continues to evolve following the Battle for Caldari Prime, with participatory events spawning unique player stories in two games at once."

Translation: We're going to keep driving our story train down these rails and you're welcome to continue watching & pretending that you're actually a part of it as we, the Almighty Devs, continue to act out our scripts as planned.

Oh, I love translations.

Like the part of your quote I bolded?
Let me translate:

"wahh wahh, we don't get to ruin CCPs events for cheap laughs with my internet friends, this is srs bidness and eve is dying"

yeah, that sucks for you.

Fortunately, for the vast majority of players that love these events, your inability to disrupt them simply doesn't register on the give-a-crap-o-meter.

As for the rest of your non-bolded drivel, you should probably find a new game since this one apparently sucks so much.
Don't worry, no one will ever miss you.

At all.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#205 - 2013-03-24 10:00:06 UTC
Pr1ncess Alia wrote:
Please give me the attention that my parents never did!

There, I've acknowledged your pathetic existence. Happy, now?

Pr1ncess Alia
#206 - 2013-03-24 10:03:58 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
Pr1ncess Alia wrote:
Please give me the attention that my parents never did!

There, I've acknowledged your pathetic existence. Happy, now?

Reported for trolling. We don't appreciate that type of thing around here.
Teen Borg
Frozen Dart
#207 - 2013-03-24 10:04:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Teen Borg
We need a ccp spai in here, to leek us intel..

All this ..... they do is is just to keep playerbase occupyed with worthlessly round discussions.

this devblog has no devs!

(and yes, this is my mining alt!)
Dave stark
#208 - 2013-03-24 10:06:24 UTC
Teen Borg wrote:
We need a ccp spai in here, to leek us intel..

All this ..... they do is is just to keep playerbase occupyed with worthlessly round discussions.

this devblog has no devs!

(and yes, this is my mining alt!)

you don't get it do you.

make broad statements,
wait for wild speculation,
steal the good ideas.
Teen Borg
Frozen Dart
#209 - 2013-03-24 10:08:51 UTC
wonderfully good point!
Winters Chill
Unitas Incorporated
#210 - 2013-03-24 10:09:26 UTC
Alot of wild negativity in this thread.

Some people should just take a long eve break, since apparently its not doing it for them any more.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#211 - 2013-03-24 10:10:36 UTC
Pr1ncess Alia wrote:
Reported for trolling. We don't appreciate that type of thing around here.

Good, you won't be missed. Big smile

#212 - 2013-03-24 10:47:51 UTC
Just one thing... why they make more boring navy ships instead of pirates/other corporation variants Ugh
#213 - 2013-03-24 10:55:26 UTC
marVLs wrote:
Just one thing... why they make more boring navy ships instead of pirates/other corporation variants Ugh

Because i don't have pirate LP, obviously.

_-Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. _

JD No7
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#214 - 2013-03-24 11:06:29 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
"Discovery Scanner

Using this new system, more pilots will reveal the hidden secrets of the EVE Universe. Beautiful new visuals, customizable controls and new functionality have been added to encourage the adventurer in everyone."

Translation: We're dumbing down exploration for the geometrically challenged. By lowering the IQ bar we hope to get more DUST players into EvE.

"A New "Spacescape"

A rebalance of major areas of space from highsec to nullsec include changes in exploration sites, industrial resources, some types of NPC loot and more…"

Translation: We're adding a new officer module that give +20% to Margin Trading.

"The Little Things

Continued development towards raising accessibility without removing functionality will bring dozens of changes to player-owned starbases, game UI and beyond."

Translation: We're changing the interface again, without any player input again, and will ignore all player feedback again after we've done it.

"The War Machines

Forged by the lessons learned from countless combat pilots, the four factions will issue forth with the latest tools of war and re-designs of old favorites - ships as awe-inspiring as they are deadly."

Translation: Pirate faction rookie ships! Buy yours today, only 250,000,000ISK each! Tomorrow they'll be going for 5,000ISK but so what? Buy moar PLEX, plebs!

"The Storyline Continued

The shared EVE Universe storyline continues to evolve following the Battle for Caldari Prime, with participatory events spawning unique player stories in two games at once."

Translation: We're going to keep driving our story train down these rails and you're welcome to continue watching & pretending that you're actually a part of it as we, the Almighty Devs, continue to act out our scripts as planned.

Why play then?
Margreet Zelle
#215 - 2013-03-24 11:20:17 UTC
Dave stark
#216 - 2013-03-24 11:20:52 UTC
look on the bright side, no matter what ccp does with this expansion nobody will feel as upset as mark webber does right now.
Route One
#217 - 2013-03-24 11:29:26 UTC
Needs more detail before assessing properly.

Initial thought is that it sounds pretty underwhelming. Hopefully I'm wrong because I think CCP are going to see a fair amount of people decide "ten years is long enough" this summer.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#218 - 2013-03-24 12:01:20 UTC
lolz changing scaning again!? i remember the old system as bad as that was i liked it. the system we have now is 100000000 times better. i dont see a need for change. we need to stop dumbing down the game for these ps3/WoW players
Drainor septum
Drainor INC
#219 - 2013-03-24 12:08:32 UTC
I saw this on youtube, presentation about Odyssey:
Komodo Askold
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#220 - 2013-03-24 12:09:31 UTC
Reading the official page has made my day. =D