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How is faction warfare fun??

Ivy Romanova
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-03-23 16:11:17 UTC
I tried faction warfare a day or so ago...

Primary , secondary

and primaried

There is no sense of connection between each fleet mates , we are just..well.... there ...
The CO lacked a sense of authority .
The coms is a tad mucked up and in generally its just a bunch of hooligans banded together for some pew pew .

But thats just half the concern , you feel like as if you are a disposable pawn in the hands of a FC you don't even know of , or have any respect of ... you are following his orders because he's well... the one in the position .. not because you respect him or trust him he would lead you to victory or whatever....

Why do people even do FW??

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DAMN THIS    SIGNATURE    IS FANCY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Toshiroma McDiesel
Lupus Draconis
The Lost Drone Society
#2 - 2013-03-23 16:13:04 UTC
Hi, Welcome to EVE, you must be new here Pirate

I"m not really the Evil One, I'm just his answering service.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-03-23 16:13:48 UTC
Ivy Romanova wrote:

The coms is a tad mucked up and in generally its just a bunch of hooligans banded together for some pew pew .

Why do people even do FW??

You kinda answered your own question there.

But for me its the combination of LP and easy, low barrier to entry and cheap fleet pvp.
Tiberius StarGazer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-03-23 16:17:55 UTC
Did FW for a total of 3 months, actually my first forray into PvP after carebearing it up in Highsec, actually formed better connections with a number of corporations, and, more importantly got some help and advice on PvP, which, if we honestly think about it you dont get unless your throwing ships into it.

Still walked away with about 2bn in my pocket afterwards, and now have a lot of new friends.

But after a while, the grind of it does get extraordinarily tedious.
Dash Bishop
#5 - 2013-03-23 16:37:33 UTC
My personal opinion is that FW needs a revamp. Not from a mechanics standpoint, but the players involved in it. I was in FW for awhile too, and loved most aspects of it. However, there are some fatal flaws that prevent taking it to the next level.

It's very difficult to make any headway from the intelligence side of things, because everyone just assumes you're a spy or completely worthless if you're not in their corp/alliance. There's no "grand scale". Corps/alliances are mostly only concerned with their little corner of the map and give **** all about everything else and the overall militia effort. There are exceptions, but this is the rule. Throw in LP farmers, and the problem compounds itself.

Caldari Militia ☜✫☞

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-03-23 17:04:28 UTC
Dash Bishop wrote:

It's very difficult to make any headway from the intelligence side of things, because everyone just assumes you're a spy or completely worthless if you're not in their corp/alliance.

This is definitely not true. You just have to prove yourself as somewhat trustworthy.
Irya Boone
The Scope
#7 - 2013-03-23 17:23:58 UTC
FW is screwed .. Warzone control should concern only pvp matters , the faction doing the most kill in a system control the systemenough with this ihub uppgrade thing.

And actually FW is fun if you play all aspet of it.

romaing >> embargo on a system, destroy pos of ennemies in a system, wardec industry support corp, etc etc ,

And if you have problem with your FC... why don't you become one?

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#8 - 2013-03-23 17:32:02 UTC
This should be in Warfare & Tactics, not GD.
Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#9 - 2013-03-23 17:34:46 UTC
Fun PVP where corporations and alliance can learn to PVP and grow without needing a huge capital fleet or the PITA that is Sov.
There are plenty of players in FW getting small gang fights and solo PVP because they go out and look for it.

If you joined the militia NPC corp and put and x in the Militia channel for fleet then all you're going to get for PVP is blobtastic kitchen sink fleets.
Join a Player FW PVP corp that focuses on small gang and skirmish PVP and go kill people while making stacks of ISK.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Liam Inkuras
#10 - 2013-03-23 18:39:54 UTC
You see there sonny boy, there is something we peeveepee'ers call "solo"

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Domanique Altares
#11 - 2013-03-23 21:49:48 UTC
Ivy Romanova wrote:
I tried faction warfare a day or so ago...


You stand a better chance to find cohesion and a better social experience in a player held FW corp/alliance than you will with most of the PUG groups in the NPC militias. There are corps out there that can foster the solo or small gang experience that you're looking for.
Havoc Zealot
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2013-03-23 21:54:39 UTC
Ivy Romanova wrote:

But thats just half the concern , you feel like as if you are a disposable pawn in the hands of a FC you don't even know of , or have any respect of ... you are following his orders because he's well... the one in the position .. not because you respect him or trust him he would lead you to victory or whatever....

Why do people even do FW??

That's because you are a pawn in a fleet.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#13 - 2013-03-23 22:04:44 UTC
Ivy Romanova wrote:
I tried faction warfare a day or so ago...

Primary , secondary

and primaried

There is no sense of connection between each fleet mates , we are just..well.... there ...
The CO lacked a sense of authority .
The coms is a tad mucked up and in generally its just a bunch of hooligans banded together for some pew pew .

But thats just half the concern , you feel like as if you are a disposable pawn in the hands of a FC you don't even know of , or have any respect of ... you are following his orders because he's well... the one in the position .. not because you respect him or trust him he would lead you to victory or whatever....

Why do people even do FW??

So, you got into one not so good fleet, and in your absolute brilliance have decided that FW is not fun?

Did you go out solo hunting enemy plex runners?

Did you join a small gang styled FW corp and go hunting?

Did you form a fleet, link it in FW chat and then go out and show them FW noobs how it was done?

No, you mean you just joined some random fleet, dind't like it and gave up? Do you also spend most of your time in high sec?

I join the Gallente Militia on day one of faction warfare. It was fun, but after a few weeks the experienced 'pick up fleet" FCs left, mostly for null sec) and for a short while no one formed fleets. So, rather than wait for someone else to provide my fun for me, I started making fleets (with a grand total of 1 year of EVE experience and 6 weeks of PVP expriance)..and whelping those fleets against the "squids" mercilessly. I TOLD the people who joined my fleets "I don't do subtle, i jump straight into the enemy and live or die".

It was fun, but then, as I said, I'm not the sort to jump into something and be dissapointed when someone else doesn't provide my fun for me. I don't FC anymore, I do FW on an annoymous alt, but I still don't expect the situation to cater just to me.

I wait the coming exploits of the vicious and skillful FC Ivy Romanova FW fleets....

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-03-23 22:46:34 UTC
Try joining up with other people who complain about blobs and develop tactics.

The issue isn't with blobs ... the issue is with the FCs.
Dash Bishop
#15 - 2013-03-23 22:59:37 UTC
Turelus wrote:
Join a Player FW PVP corp that focuses on small gang and skirmish PVP and go kill people while making stacks of ISK.

Got a list of those? CalMil? Because I seem to be running up against a brick wall trying to find them.

Caldari Militia ☜✫☞

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-03-23 23:03:09 UTC
I tried null sec a day or so ago...

Primary , secondary

and primaried

There is no sense of connection between each fleet mates , we are just..well.... there ...
The CO lacked a sense of authority .
The coms is a tad mucked up and in generally its just a bunch of hooligans banded together for some pew pew .

But thats just half the concern , you feel like as if you are a disposable pawn in the hands of a FC you don't even know of , or have any respect of ... you are following his orders because he's well... the one in the position .. not because you respect him or trust him he would lead you to victory or whatever....

Why do people even do null sec??

I can post too.

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Grendel Sickswitch
#17 - 2013-03-23 23:22:24 UTC
you get to kill people legally and make stacks of isk while doing it. what's not to like?
Rebecha Pucontis
#18 - 2013-03-23 23:54:29 UTC
Dash Bishop wrote:
My personal opinion is that FW needs a revamp. Not from a mechanics standpoint, but the players involved in it. I was in FW for awhile too, and loved most aspects of it. However, there are some fatal flaws that prevent taking it to the next level.

It's very difficult to make any headway from the intelligence side of things, because everyone just assumes you're a spy or completely worthless if you're not in their corp/alliance. There's no "grand scale". Corps/alliances are mostly only concerned with their little corner of the map and give **** all about everything else and the overall militia effort. There are exceptions, but this is the rule. Throw in LP farmers, and the problem compounds itself.

I agree with this post. The main issue with FW is how easy it is to AWOX and spy by creating an alt in the opposing force. The only solution I can think of is to somehow raise the barrier of entry in FW, and tougher reprucussions to those who AWOX.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2013-03-23 23:58:51 UTC
Rebecha Pucontis wrote:

I agree with this post. The main issue with FW is how easy it is to AWOX and spy by creating an alt in the opposing force. The only solution I can think of is to somehow raise the barrier of entry in FW, and tougher reprucussions to those who AWOX.

I'm fine with tougher AWOX penalties, but why ruin the easy access? Its one of FW's best features.
Rebecha Pucontis
#20 - 2013-03-24 00:04:29 UTC
Takseen wrote:
Rebecha Pucontis wrote:

I agree with this post. The main issue with FW is how easy it is to AWOX and spy by creating an alt in the opposing force. The only solution I can think of is to somehow raise the barrier of entry in FW, and tougher reprucussions to those who AWOX.

I'm fine with tougher AWOX penalties, but why ruin the easy access? Its one of FW's best features.

I agree, but it was the only solution I can think off right now. I'm sure their are better methods to reduce the ease of people simply training spy accounts and putting them in the opposing militia, because as you say its good if actual newbs can enter FW without too much trouble.
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