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Remember who we are
CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange
Intaki Reborn
Independent Capsuleer
CEO of Lanate Industries
Citizen of Solitude
[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]
When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.
“Here also are the heralds of his praise."
Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas!
-- "The weak of mind are quick to judge with slightest tempt; Thus fools go forth to spread false word." - The Scriptures, Book of Trials 2:13 - 2:21
--"At the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend." - Hyasyoda Proverb