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Remember who we are

The Crucible.
#1 - 2013-03-20 08:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: BloodBird
Text-only message relayed through the Intergalactic Summit to several Union-wide FTL broadcast channels. It carries no encryption and can be accessed by anyone. The message is in Intaki, but is easy to translate with even basic software.

Greetings, citizens of the Federated Union and all member-States. I am Allisieer, Alexander Kamyú. Unlike the majority of my post-human peers I do not suffer from any megalomania regarding my status and still involve myself greatly in politics, those of my homeland and Federation-level both.

For this reason I am making this today to elaborate on an issue plaguing our Federation. You are aware of who the Special Division of Internal Investigation is by now. Indeed, you likely know them better by their nick-name, the Black Eagles.

Following the Caldari State's invasion of our Union and the conclusion of the One-Day-War, the SDII was created, with a singular purpose - provide internal security for the Federation-level management of our Nation. They have a record for uncovering corruption and malicious intentions, supposedly bolstering our defense against infiltration by our enemies in the Caldari State and the Amarrian Empire.

This makes those of us who are politically and ideologically motivated - almost all of us - highly uneasy. An internal Federal-level police force with the rights to arrest anyone they wish on any charges falling under their mandate? Not something we are used to as part of our daily lives. Well, a few years ago our daily lives changed.

This Union is an entirely different entity during war-time than in peace. Whatever we had before this catastrophe started is now lost - transformed into something else. National issues and the pursuit of a better world for our citizens take a step-back as we all focus on the war-effort. History-books are being re-written and facts are being "conveniently altered" to paint the Caldari in a more negative light for the sake of propaganda. People enroll in the military in numbers not seen since the last war to defend their homes and rights. Anti-Caldari - not anti-State - sentiment is being encouraged, in spite of the fact that the Caldari State is not the sole representative body for the Caldari people. A war rages across the Federation's northern territories hardening our heart against our neighbors, numbing our sense for the individual tragedies. Millions have died.

And this madness has persisted for years now.

A wise person said once that "The man who sacrifices his liberty for security deserves neither." Well, to that I have a slightly different phrase, and another saying entirely: "The man who neglects security out of fear for his liberty, is soon a slave." Followed by "If you desire peace, be good at war." Where I am going with this, is very simple. First of all, we are all used to peace and quiet. Half a decade is not enough time for a completely new mentality to fully take root in the minds of trillions across thousands of separate countries and nation-states. As annoyed as we are with the SDII today, this here is factual truth: We need an organization like the SDII in this Union for as long as this disgrace to Human civilization rages on.

We need to keep fighting this war until we can come to an honorable peace that everyone can be satisfied with. We may not have wished for this war, but it is upon us now and it will be up to us to ensure we win it, and that we do so while maintaining the standards and integrity, not to mention our belief in human rights, that make us who we are.

The Black Eagles would have you act differently. In the name of security and victory they would prefer that you forget your principles and act in a manner more fitting to their designs, a manner more similar to a State Provist. Hale this truth if you wish and hold full trust in the Black Eagles if you desire, but consider this short tale I would like to share, regarding the events in the Cat system almost two weeks ago.
The Crucible.
#2 - 2013-03-20 08:38:22 UTC
Mixed Methaphor's forces assembled over Inghenges II together with other capsuleers from several corporations. We gathered on the request of a group calling themselves SnipeHunt. They did not inform us of what exactly they were after but insisted that it was vital for the Federation's safety that we escort their Obelisk-class freighter to Ommare. The trip to Ommare was uneventful, beyond a pesky Sansha-loyal Tengu pilot who shadowed our fleet in a very inept manner. The idea that this pilot was part of our fleet is a mistake at best, lies at worst.

In Ommare, the SH freighter docked with an FIO station. SH's goals was now revealed - they intended to break into security after pacifying the guards and personnel with suppression gas, and find the proof they claimed would prove that the SDII produce weaponry considered illegal in the Federation. If this is true, the SDII would be proven to have overstepped their mandate and broken the very laws they were created to protect.

While the SH raid took place inside the station, our fleet was in a state of turmoil. We were there to protect the freighter, but not everyone was happy with what SH was doing, or how they did it. While SH had noble intentions, their methods were less than ideal and they were actively breaking the law.

After a few minutes a Black Eagle force arrived in the local system and alarms went off inside the station. The SH team who entered the station consisted of two people, operatives Dufay Lellevoire and Lallererain Dorenotte. The SDII have proven several times in the past that they have the technology and training to pacify large numbers of people with no deaths and minor injury at worst. At this point however two unarmed activists were treated with a "kill on sight" directive. Dufay was the first to die, downed by a hail of gunfire. Lallererain was killed shortly after in a similar manner.

Shortly before the SH freighter departed from the station and set course for the Cat system, two members of our fleet made their decision in this matter. A fight with the SDII forces were now almost unavoidable and these pilots chose to abandon the fleet and leave the system, their sense of loyalty told them not to fight with official Federation forces. I was held back from doing the same only by two facts. I was committed to my fleet and my companions, and the SDII's actions regarding Dufay and Lallererain, as well as the purpose of the SH raid itself made me question the SDII's integrity. I wanted answers, answers we may never get.

The freighter and our fleet moved to the Cat gate and made the jump. On the other side the entire SDII task-force waited for us, while the freighter's cloak held we moved into position, preparing for any engagement. The SDII fleet, commanded by Field Agent Thoun Gaterau opened fire without any requests for surrender.

The battle was swift and one-sided. With low-numbers to begin with and members who had left and one who refused to fight, the outcome was inevitable. With the majority of our fleet silenced, the SDII immobilized and then destroyed the freighter without mercy, apparently killing Aurrent Boosnie, the SnipeHunt CEO piloting it. There were hundreds of activists on board, guilty only by association - Dufay Lellevoire and Lallererain Dorenotte were the only SH members to enter the station.

After the freighter was destroyed, the Sansha-aligned Tengu swooped in and abducted 258 of the surviving activists. We know this only because this traitor to humanity later bragged about this on public channels. The pilot in our fleet who refused to fight managed to gather the remaining 17 surviving activists, then utilized them as human shields while he pleaded with the SDII not to destroy his ship, in return for the surviving activists. Gaterau agreed to this.

Field Agent Thoun Gaterau referred to this waste of biomass as a "Hero to the Federation" on public channels. A coward who had moment before flown in support of the very people he was now handing over to the SDII, people that Thoun had been hard at work trying to get killed only moments before, was now a hero. Quite heroic, indeed. The reward this coward received from the fleet-mates he had just betrayed was over 750 million interstellar in bounties.
The Crucible.
#3 - 2013-03-20 08:38:51 UTC
According to Gaterau the whole incident with SnipeHunt was a sting-operation and this was intended to happen.

In other words, today it is perfectly fine for a Federal agency for internal security to lie about their activities, to lure specific groups into a trap and then kill them on sight, as opposed to arresting them for breaking the law. It is apparently also fine to ignore that over 250 of our citizens were abducted by the Sansha, because Thoun Gaterau's idea of arresting someone on an unarmed ship involves destroying it and then salvaging whoever may have survived.

This is unacceptable. SnipeHunt had the impression they found damning evidence that their claims were right. This evidence may have been lost, but all the indications I need are before me. I will be careful about assisting the Black Eagles in the future, or trusting a word any of them say. For the average citizen however, we only need to keep one thing in mind.

The aggression and bare-faced hatred demonstrated by our enemies is self-evident. Our need for an organization to maintain internal security while we are at war is amply demonstrated. That organization however, will abide by the same laws as everyone else, or be replaced by those who will. I for one refuse to accept that it's fine to violate our laws and our standards in the name of security. Our enemies would love nothing less than for us to do this.

Let us not fall to that level. If we allow ourselves to become petty bigots the likes of Tibus Heth and Mentas Blaque, run by their inner demons and shallow racism, we will become little more than provists ourselves. I do not know how long this war will last, but it ends one day. Until then we must fight, and we must do so honorably, our beliefs intact, otherwise this war will be lost, regardless of material cost. I promise you fellow citizens, I will fight.

We will win this war.
Hans Nardieu
Federal Nationalist Party
#4 - 2013-03-20 08:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Nardieu
Strength lies not in defence but in attack. We now have an opportunity to settle this matter once and for all and we cannot baulk when victory is within our grasp. Not a fleeting victory, but one for all time.

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong and the victor will never be asked if he told the truth. Sometimes, great sacrifices are necessary for great gain, and those who quibble over details are spineless cowards who hold us back from our destiny.

A lion does not see its prey weakened and alone and fail to take the throat. I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.

Fight on, soldiers. The blood of your fallen people demands it.

Col. Hans Nardieu (ret.) Chairman, National Party of the Federated Union of Gallente Prime Office of the Party Headquarters, Villore VII-6 Senate Bureau Station

Quinzel Nikulainen
Kokako Acquisitions
#5 - 2013-03-20 09:09:24 UTC
Interesting read. Given the sentiments expressed here I must ask: do you have any comments to make regarding the status of your CEO and his recent GalNet activity?

Ex-Kaalakiota citizen. Ex-Hyasyoda citizen. CEO of KŌKAK, a Nugoeihuvi affiliate corporation.

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-03-20 09:13:10 UTC
Quinzel Nikulainen wrote:
Interesting read. Given the sentiments expressed here I must ask: do you have any comments to make regarding the status of your CEO and his recent GalNet activity?

Screw off.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#7 - 2013-03-20 09:19:41 UTC
Hans Nardieu wrote:
Strength lies not in defence but in attack. We now have an opportunity to settle this matter once and for all and we cannot baulk when victory is within our grasp. Not a fleeting victory, but one for all time.

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong and the victor will never be asked if he told the truth. Sometimes, great sacrifices are necessary for great gain, and those who quibble over details are spineless cowards who hold us back from our destiny.

A lion does not see its prey weakened and alone and fail to take the throat. I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.

Fight on, soldiers. The blood of your fallen people demands it.

And this is why I will stand by my Caldari comrades when the time comes.

Sorry Bloodbird, you seem like an intelligent and thoughtful man, but so long as die hards like Nardieu have a prominent voice, this isn't going to work out. That is only MY impression of the matter, what it would take for me as a Caldari citizen to think 'maybe talking is worthwhile'. I am well aware that we have just as many people so entrenched in hatred that we may never get this generation or the next clean of it. But we have to start somewhere, and the ostracising and marginalisation of war mongers such as Nardieu isn't going to be achieved by forces outside the Federation.

As you can already see in the State, many capsuleers, for what little power we have in mortal affairs, are speaking out against the actions that State entities have conducted against apparently lawful citizens. Whether the Executor is at the center of everything is a matter of debate and irrelevance, it takes more than one man to conduct a purge, even if the greater portion of guilt should be apportioned to the man giving the order. The Federation has its share of individuals doing the same for their own authorities, Mixed Metaphor being a prime example, with elements of Villore Accords similarly expressing their wish for peace and compromise despite the chest-beating and mewling of Julianus Soter. Seriphyn Inhonores is another man who comes to mind as misguided by my standards, but principled to the point of conflict with the elements of the Federation he finds corrupt.

With the focus now squarely on Caldari Prime, and military exercises that many are linking to that world, more is at stake on both sides than mere patriotism and flag waving. Principles of ownership, whether it be generational, legally documented or a quality derived from the emergence of a culture on a given world, make this more than two powers clashing over dirt. I obviously support that Caldari Prime is a Caldari world by right of heritage, such would be expected of my similar stance to an Intaki right to secede should such ever become a popular ideology outside of capsuleer circles. But I'd be a fool to state that Gallente, Mannar, Jin-Mei and the children born of cross-racial unions cannot call that world home too. A home now at war.

In my opinion, we have a rare chance here. It will likely end in blood and fire as so many such chances do, but it is a chance to see where the fundamental opposition of our ideals truly meets, and where reconciliation may begin. I think this has gone way too far to stop a confrontation, the escalating military alertness communicated through the media indicates that both sides are arming up beyond their capacity to withhold intelligence of such, but we can learn.

I will likely be opposite you on that field of battle when it is drawn out, Bloodbird (and all who think as he seems to), but I hope we both take something more than one another's crews away from that tragic day. Neither of our nations are going to die in a generation, probably not even in what even we immortals consider 'a long time', but their ideals could be twisted and corrupted by the corrosive power of hatred and conflict long before either falls, making the day one truly stands victorious truly Pyrrhic for those of us long-lived enough to remember all that might be lost.

CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange

Intaki Reborn

Independent Capsuleer

Hans Nardieu
Federal Nationalist Party
#8 - 2013-03-20 11:13:47 UTC
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace. Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice

Col. Hans Nardieu (ret.) Chairman, National Party of the Federated Union of Gallente Prime Office of the Party Headquarters, Villore VII-6 Senate Bureau Station

Lialus Raithe
#9 - 2013-03-20 11:15:02 UTC
Hans Nardieu wrote:
Strength lies not in defence but in attack. We now have an opportunity to settle this matter once and for all and we cannot baulk when victory is within our grasp. Not a fleeting victory, but one for all time.

Strength lies in unity, be it for defense or offense.

Hans Nardieu wrote:
Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong and the victor will never be asked if he told the truth. Sometimes, great sacrifices are necessary for great gain, and those who quibble over details are spineless cowards who hold us back from our destiny.

Success is the judge of nothing as it is dependent upon a great many variables it has no control over. The Federation was founded upon the ideals of liberty and freedom, human rights and a standard of treatment even for our enemies. To abandon all of this in the name of victory is to forsake the very reason we exist.

Hans Nardieu wrote:
A lion does not see its prey weakened and alone and fail to take the throat. I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.

Because man possesses a level of self-awareness that reveals to us this cruelty. This alone holds us accountable.
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#10 - 2013-03-20 11:19:20 UTC
Hans Nardieu wrote:
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace. Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice

Keep digging Hans. Most of us do not propose peace, merely perspective. It is evident you are not even capable of that.

CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange

Intaki Reborn

Independent Capsuleer

Hans Nardieu
Federal Nationalist Party
#11 - 2013-03-20 11:32:47 UTC
Lialus Raithe wrote:
Bleeding heart poppycock.

I see the Sociocrats have got to you, boy!

Col. Hans Nardieu (ret.) Chairman, National Party of the Federated Union of Gallente Prime Office of the Party Headquarters, Villore VII-6 Senate Bureau Station

Lialus Raithe
#12 - 2013-03-20 11:43:22 UTC
Hans Nardieu wrote:
I see the Sociocrats have got to you, boy!

I form my own opinions and I defend them just as vehemently as you defend yours, though perhaps with less demoralization and hand waving.

Hans Nardieu
Federal Nationalist Party
#13 - 2013-03-20 11:44:05 UTC
Lialus Raithe wrote:
Though perhaps with less demoralization and hand waving.

More's the pity.

Col. Hans Nardieu (ret.) Chairman, National Party of the Federated Union of Gallente Prime Office of the Party Headquarters, Villore VII-6 Senate Bureau Station

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-03-20 11:47:21 UTC
Oh my~.

So many fork-tongued Gallenteans around lately.

They push and they push, but do they realize that eventually they'll push and the Caldari won't bend... they'll break?

And then maybe when the State war machine wreaks havoc on your people, you'll crawl along on your front (for lack of arms or legs) and it'll dawn on you...

That you've become snakes.

But, and with sincerity, I do hope that your people, the Gallente, the Caldari, you must come to your senses. Lives numbered so many in the balance, so highly the stakes lie, that I fear that the Cluster would weep until a time much further away than I will ever see in the fallout were your people to attempt to eradicate one-another.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Thoun Gaterau
Federal Intelligence Office
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2013-03-20 12:01:03 UTC

What a ridiculous, ill informed, and biased account of events.

You may want to see employment with "Gutter Press". I'm sure they'll be delighted to have a writer of your caliber on board.

Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2013-03-20 12:03:43 UTC
Hans Nardieu wrote:

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong and the victor will never be asked if he told the truth. Sometimes, great sacrifices are necessary for great gain, and those who quibble over details are spineless cowards who hold us back from our destiny.

I'm sorry, I can't help but raise an eyebrow when I hear a member of the Federation embracing the concept of destiny. It seems rather odd to me for a society that is built around the preservation of individual freedom to embrace the idea of predetermination. Aren't the two ideas a bit contrary to each other?
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#17 - 2013-03-20 12:05:05 UTC
Thoun Gaterau wrote:

What a ridiculous, ill informed, and biased account of events.

You may want to see employment with "Gutter Press". I'm sure they'll be delighted to have a writer of your caliber on board.

Care to refute or are you just here to blow off steam between socio-ideological knee-cappings?

CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange

Intaki Reborn

Independent Capsuleer

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#18 - 2013-03-20 12:12:17 UTC
Uraniae Fehrnah wrote:
Hans Nardieu wrote:

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong and the victor will never be asked if he told the truth. Sometimes, great sacrifices are necessary for great gain, and those who quibble over details are spineless cowards who hold us back from our destiny.

I'm sorry, I can't help but raise an eyebrow when I hear a member of the Federation embracing the concept of destiny. It seems rather odd to me for a society that is built around the preservation of individual freedom to embrace the idea of predetermination. Aren't the two ideas a bit contrary to each other?

Apparently Hans believes he has the freedom to force people to see things his way. Such is the folly of individual liberty - it can breed tyranny in excess of even the heaviest-handed despots of feudal or corporate governance.

When individual ideology is not tempered by social conscience (be that through contractual or legal enforcement), every ill-informed opinion can take wing and with enough luck (the genetic lottery we represent) and firepower (again, a result of said lottery or the convincing of weak, 'patriotic' minds) become dominant. Liberty breeds the worst excesses of tyranny in times of hardship, which is why liberal cultures require euthanising before they ever meet truly hard times.

It is quite a shame.

CEO of the Achura-Waschi Exchange

Intaki Reborn

Independent Capsuleer

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#19 - 2013-03-20 12:23:42 UTC
Wait a minute, Hans Nardieu, aren't you supposed to be dead?

Katrina Oniseki

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2013-03-20 12:29:00 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
Wait a minute, Hans Nardieu, aren't you supposed to be dead?

Dear, most of us are supposed to be dead. Why, this thread was created by a dead man. News of IGS personalities dying by this point should be taken with a pinch of salt.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

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