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CCP Hunting Players that Play EVE over PLEX ?

First post
#41 - 2011-10-29 07:52:22 UTC
I feel for you. You found a way to make enough isk to pay for the game. I'm close to it myself with all 3 of my toons doing heavy PI, but I think the change will add alot to game play and warfare. Although I can't say how much or how it will effect people because I am a highsec person and this change will only mean a higher tax rate for me, which wasn't much to begin with. I'm speculating with the new system in place, the price of these goods will go up because if there isn't a customs office there then its a huge pain and the offices will be used in warfare. So it may mean more isk for the highsec pi's and lots more isk for the corps that hold a home system and can defend it. I really have no clue, i'm just guessing.
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#42 - 2011-10-29 09:20:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Terminal Insanity
If you've played since 2005 then you'd know PLEX / GTC's were around before PI, and that even if CCP removed PI, this wouldnt really impact the majority of PLEX'd accounts.

What i'm more worried about is PLEX prices, and what NeX is going to do to them in the future. Giving away free AUR i think helped keep PLEX prices from skyrocketing even worse, but i remember only a couple years ago i was paying 160mil for 30d GTC. Now its over 400mil. And introducing new products that are available only through consuming PLEX? (increasing demand for PLEX) should only drive prices higher. This is not a good thing.

Lucky for me i developed my eve "PLEX independance" earlier when i only had to earn 160 a month to keep my account alive. Now i'm making quite a bit and can afford the 400mil. If i was trying to do the same thing with today's prices... it would have taken me a -LOT- longer

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2011-10-29 11:30:30 UTC
I have really hard time deciding which one should win... yours or this.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Gallente Federation
#44 - 2011-10-29 11:39:31 UTC
Ottman wrote:
Well... how should i start ?

i try to keep it short, in the beginning ccp tried to get control over the rmt situation, and with the introduction of plex they made on one hand a big throw in this case, but on the other hand they have signed an unspoken agreement. it means that player that find ways to earn enough isk legally within eve can buy plex and plax the game "for free", but it really means they play eve in a way that support the eve economy and the eve community, and it was good and worked fine, especially when pi came up and we players could skill up and raise up colonies, it was perfect.
from that point of time the unspoken agreement was this, feed the eve market with the requested pi goods, and you get isk for plex to play the game and support the community, and it again worked fine and perfect.

but with the announcement of the player customs office you have broken this agreement ccp, and this means you kick those players that use plex to stay online out of eve online, if you wish so then say it, have the eggs and reply to this post and tell it toward the community, so that all players that use plex to play eve can at least leave eve online in an organized way, if that is what you want ccp.
and not only words form an agreement, actions do that also, just to clarify it.
and tbh, all the flaming that will follow i will ignore, only staff member from ccp that reply to this post i will read and response, the rest... i dont care.

i play eve since 2005, six years altogether, and i deserve an answer from you ccp guys and i demand it, and if you dont give me an answer then i take it as the worst answer possible.
must all the eve players that play eve over plex and earn isk with pi feel like player second class that no one is interested in ? are they getting hunted down like this ? do they really deserve this ccp ? give an answer to this questions, in your own interest !

MfG Ottman

what is this I don't even


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Dane El
Negative Density
#45 - 2011-10-29 11:41:25 UTC
I encourage the OP to look into other ways to purchase PLEX. I buy two a month (used to be three but I have little need for that third alt anymore) and have not trained one PI skill on any pilot.

Eve has a multitude of ways to make tons of isk. I wouldn't put Pi high on that list at all. A couple months back I looked at Pi as a potential new venture and quickly dismissed it. It's way too much grunt work for too little profit compared to many other activities.
Amarr Empire
#46 - 2011-10-29 23:21:44 UTC
sorry that i do this again, but i havent got the proper answer from ccp side... push
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2011-10-30 20:31:37 UTC
and again ... push
JC Anderson
#48 - 2011-10-30 20:37:26 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
You have to be kidding me....

You haven't received a reply because you are presenting your argument without even the slightest understanding of PLEX, or the announced changes to PI.

And since you said right off the bat that you wont read any replies from anybody but a dev or GM, you are ignoring the help of others as they waste their time making the attempt to increase your understanding of this misinformed argument.

Did you even notice that there was a blue post in this thread clearing the off topic posts? Thats so that you could SEE the on topic posts from the people trying to help you understand the situation!
Sunshine and Lollipops
#49 - 2011-10-30 20:40:30 UTC
Ottman wrote:
sorry that i do this again, but i havent got the proper answer from ccp side... push
The problem is that if CCP were to give you the proper answer, they'd have to ban themselves afterwards for the nasty things they said…
JC Anderson
#50 - 2011-10-30 20:42:16 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Ottman wrote:
sorry that i do this again, but i havent got the proper answer from ccp side... push
The problem is that if CCP were to give you the proper answer, they'd have to ban themselves afterwards for the nasty things they said…

Every so often, I like you Tippia. ;)
Caldari State
#51 - 2011-10-30 21:00:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Cypermethren
so OP is mad that a new item/mechanic has been implimented into the game

One that you have to manufacture from a blueprint which is sold from LOYALTY POINT VENDORS.

Totaly forces people whom use plex to pay for game time to stop paying for said plex with isk and go out and buy customs offices instead.

Because customs offices are...... wait... who cares about them anyway? go away OP

p.s - There's people doing "Preoders" for customs office blueprints on the Trade forums - meaning they have the loyalty points stocked up and are wanting quick cash on the release date. I'm pleased to announce the going rate is around 35mil per BPC. So unless you plan to customs office every single planet in two regions, you wont be needing to break you're precious plex into isk to be able to afford one.
Mine and More Ind
#52 - 2011-10-30 21:30:30 UTC
Tayrne Orun wrote:
CCP is just making the game better by pushing further in a direction that EVE has always been directed, a player driven world.

You mean a criminal driven worldBear
Amarr Empire
#53 - 2011-11-01 17:03:30 UTC
and again push...
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2011-11-01 17:08:20 UTC
Can I have your stuff ?

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

JC Anderson
#55 - 2011-11-01 17:12:03 UTC
Lykouleon wrote:
The OP is filled with so much logical fallacy that even I can't troll it.

And I can usually troll anything.

Yes, and hes been bumping this thread since the 22nd of last month now. And on top of that doesn't even bother to read anything people post to help him understand any of it.

Its becoming an eyesore.
Amro One
#56 - 2011-11-02 01:02:44 UTC
In one day you can make enough ISK and more to buy a plex from doing incursions.

And some one had to uses real cash to get that plex into game market,

Yet another moron not thinking before posting.
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2011-11-04 23:44:17 UTC
well ccp how long do you want to ignore a question from a long time customer ?
ppl like me have supported you long enough, and you already pissed off enough of them, most of them have left eve already, and ppl like me with now 6 years of playing eve or even longer are really very rare within the eve community, and we talk about first hand accounts, nothing else to make it clear.
dont break your given word, and as i said, what you deliver as features are kind of deals and promises toward the players too, and in the end the community has at least one last vote, and that is turning their back to you and quit eve online. how many quits can you afford before you understand that you are not the masters, you are employees ccp, everyone of you, you work in the end for us, and not otherwise, we are not cash delivering cattle where you can do with whatever you want, but maybe you understand only when its nearly too late for ya and when we as community have lost another great mmo that eve online was and can be again if you choose the right decisions, means directly dont touch pi, hands off custom offices, leave them npc, pi as it is still now is good, and eve community needs a steady stream of pi goods, and that business has to be open for everyone willing to choose it whereever he want, that was eve online philosophy all the years back.
and pi is, even when some forum flamer yell carebear, one base of the eve economy, even those forum flamers and "can i have your stuff" yellers need pi goods, even when they dont realize it.
every pvp ship directly produced in 0.0 space, from frigate toward capital ship needs a pos to run, who will be able to do that when pi goods are expensive like hell ?
or more basic, t2 ammo needs pi goods too, or do you think rocket fuel is something you can produce in npc station ? meep wrong... pi based.
pi is the basement for all real good stuff that you pew pew addicted guys need to have the fun, and you should be at least aware enough that your fun is in danger, not only the carebear you like to flame in forum.
because give a griefer in eve online an option to grief without fearing consequences and he will do it, no matter if others have to suffer or not, and to bring it back in mind, most pi and industry based stuff is done in small corps that cant defend against griefers and called in merc corps as example.
you want a stable and affordable flow of pi goods that ensure constant pew pew and fun ? that think twice and let ccp know what you think about this...

MfG Ottman
#58 - 2011-11-05 10:00:03 UTC
For crying out loud what a whiner you are dude , really.

First off if you play for that long , and i am one of those too , and you can't make 400 to 500 M a month you really don't know how the game works.People who only have started out a year back can pay it with ease yet you as a veteran have troubles with it jeez.

CCP has been so kind -offcourse for own gains-to introduce this feature in the first place because as you know back in the days you could only pay with cash so let's roll back to that one shall we as you are so against the way plex prices go.IF people don't pay 450 for a plex then the price drops , yet people pay for it so it rises and rises , you know like in rl supply and demand.

Your complaining about plex prices and then also complaining you can not pay it with PI any more , wich are TWO FEATURES that came a long time after we started playing so again let's kill off plex and while we are at it kill of PI?CCP handed you a way to not pay cash for a game aka plex and they handed a way to earn easy isk aka PI.

And on a sidenote you do not need to pay 450 or so for PLEX if you are smart but then i doubt you are as pointed out if you can not make this kind of cash as a vet you REALLY have not been paying attention for years.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#59 - 2011-11-08 03:34:47 UTC
Ottman you are an extraordinarily bad poster.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Spacing Cowboy
Caldari State
#60 - 2011-11-08 06:21:15 UTC
Another plex whine?
If your to poor to pay a subscribtion, maybe spend your energy on finding a better job then bitching about space pixels?

And that you try to rabble it into PI .. Erm, use less drugs?
( might help you find a better job to just subscribe..... )