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[CSM8] Ripard Teg for CSM8

First post First post
Ripard Teg
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#321 - 2013-03-09 17:10:35 UTC
Sorry, guys. No new posts from me for a couple of days.


aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#322 - 2013-03-09 20:45:39 UTC
Really sorry about your loss, Ripard. Thankfully I've never had to experience losing a loved one yet, so I can't really say how that feels.

When you're feeling up to it, we'll be here to debate imaginary internet spaceships.
Frying Doom
#323 - 2013-03-09 23:06:35 UTC
Sorry to hear about your loss.

They are your closest friends and best pals.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Syds Sinclair
#324 - 2013-03-10 17:58:50 UTC
..What a wonderful tribute of the Life and Times of Riley.
#325 - 2013-03-11 17:41:27 UTC
Sorry for your loss, Ripard. Your post about Riley paints a picture of a great companion and the best friend you can think about.

RIP Riley.

CSM Stuff
I read many pieces about thoughts on S-Cap proliferation, but I'm not sure if I encountered much about force projection coming with Titans and since ret. 1.1 from Black Ops.

What do you think about single pilots able to get support of hundreds from several light years away in a few seconds?
Does it Scale well in the risk vs. reward balance?
Is it helpful to get smaller entities into the play ground of 0.0?
Public Enemies CO
The Initiative.
#326 - 2013-03-11 17:45:05 UTC
You have my vote.
Vlad Stormbringer
Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#327 - 2013-03-11 19:13:45 UTC
Sorry for your loss Ripard.

You have my vote too mate.
TurAmarth ElRandir
Hiigaran Bounty Hunters Inc.
#328 - 2013-03-12 00:32:02 UTC
Jinrai Tremaine wrote:
Fawn Tailor wrote:
In my admittedly limited experience, the players that fall into that latter category are not predominantly "new players", they are players of all levels. The things they have in common are that they feel that Eve and the other players in it should change to suit them, they are loud and they will probably vote (if they bother to vote) for someone who promises to support making the changes they want so that they can put in even less of an effort than they already do.

Please, do not pander them.

You do realise that everything you've written there could also apply just as well to the New Order, right?

  • Players of all levels

James 315 has been EVEing for many years, Gevlon for over a year, you yourself are new, as a group you have players or alts of players of all sorts of SP levels and playstyles.

  • they feel that Eve and the other players in it should change to suit them

That seems to be James' campaign platform in a nutshell. Nerf hisec, force players who want more than a pittance in income to come out to lowsec/nullsec even if they don't like those playstyles. James has even said players who won't play like he wants them to should quit.

  • they are loud and they will probably vote for someone who promises to support making the changes they want

Blatantly yes.

  • so that they can put in even less of an effort than they already do

Again, James/the New Order want more targets in belts in Low and Nullsec where Concord won't force gankers to lose ships or wait between attacks or scan ships for tank, they want rid of anomalies/grav sites to make it easier to find miners to attack. They want to reduce Concord response time, sec status penalties for ganking and bring back the old boomerang exploit to make it easier to gank in what's left of hisec.

Indeed, we definitely shouldn't pander to them.

Apologies in advance for side-tracking the thread, but I couldn't let that level of irony pass without comment.

LOL This! This! and THIS! I have been so underwhelmed by the attempts of the NO sycophants to undermine Ripard by very selectively picking a few things he has said, some out of context which any child can do, and hammering on them like a gong in the hopes of what? Deafening the opposition?

I almost want to see what would happen if J315 won a seat... Any reasonable person with a even a modicum of business acumen knows there is zero possibility of any of his idea's making the grade to be even tabled as a topic of serious discussion at CCP.

EvE is a wholly owned "product" and the means by which CCP, a privately owned, for profit BUSINESS creates revenue to pay it's overhead and payroll and create and provide, if managed correctly, increased income for PROFITS which are in turn reinvested in the company to increase staff in order to create and sell more "products" such as WoD... and continue growth and prosperity for the company and it's owners and employees.

No matter what the advertising says, EVE is not "real"... Profit and Loss, however is. And J315's idea's add up to lower subscriptions and reduced profitability. Anyone who can't see that, based on J315s bald statements (multiple I have been reading his drivel for some time now) that the risk adverse can just leave (unsub) and 'EVE' would be a better game for it... well, not a lot can be done for you.

TurAmarth ElRandir Anoikis Merc, Salvager, Logibro and Unrepentant Blogger Fly Wreckless and see you in the Sky =/|)=

Amyclas Amatin
Goonswarm Federation
#329 - 2013-03-12 00:44:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Amyclas Amatin
TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:
Jinrai Tremaine wrote:
Fawn Tailor wrote:
In my admittedly limited experience, the players that fall into that latter category are not predominantly "new players", they are players of all levels. The things they have in common are that they feel that Eve and the other players in it should change to suit them, they are loud and they will probably vote (if they bother to vote) for someone who promises to support making the changes they want so that they can put in even less of an effort than they already do.

Please, do not pander them.

You do realise that everything you've written there could also apply just as well to the New Order, right?

  • Players of all levels

James 315 has been EVEing for many years, Gevlon for over a year, you yourself are new, as a group you have players or alts of players of all sorts of SP levels and playstyles.

  • they feel that Eve and the other players in it should change to suit them

That seems to be James' campaign platform in a nutshell. Nerf hisec, force players who want more than a pittance in income to come out to lowsec/nullsec even if they don't like those playstyles. James has even said players who won't play like he wants them to should quit.

  • they are loud and they will probably vote for someone who promises to support making the changes they want

Blatantly yes.

  • so that they can put in even less of an effort than they already do

Again, James/the New Order want more targets in belts in Low and Nullsec where Concord won't force gankers to lose ships or wait between attacks or scan ships for tank, they want rid of anomalies/grav sites to make it easier to find miners to attack. They want to reduce Concord response time, sec status penalties for ganking and bring back the old boomerang exploit to make it easier to gank in what's left of hisec.

Indeed, we definitely shouldn't pander to them.

Apologies in advance for side-tracking the thread, but I couldn't let that level of irony pass without comment.

LOL This! This! and THIS! I have been so underwhelmed by the attempts of the NO sycophants to undermine Ripard by very selectively picking a few things he has said, some out of context which any child can do, and hammering on them like a gong in the hopes of what? Deafening the opposition?

I almost want to see what would happen if J315 won a seat... Any reasonable person with a even a modicum of business acumen knows there is zero possibility of any of his idea's making the grade to be even tabled as a topic of serious discussion at CCP.

EvE is a wholly owned "product" and the means by which CCP, a privately owned, for profit BUSINESS creates revenue to pay it's overhead and payroll and create and provide, if managed correctly, increased income for PROFITS which are in turn reinvested in the company to increase staff in order to create and sell more "products" such as WoD... and continue growth and prosperity for the company and it's owners and employees.

No matter what the advertising says, EVE is not "real"... Profit and Loss, however is. And J315's idea's add up to lower subscriptions and reduced profitability. Anyone who can't see that, based on J315s bald statements (multiple I have been reading his drivel for some time now) that the risk adverse can just leave (unsub) and 'EVE' would be a better game for it... well, not a lot can be done for you.

Ah, finance and marketing arguments. I'll bite.

Eve cannot afford to lose it's niche as a hardcore pvp game. Even if it hopes to, the PVE content is really boring (unless you have spreadsheet fetishes) and it is a long way from competing with other PVE oriented MMOs.

Also, player activism:
The old school players will burn this universe to the ground before they see it become yet another theme park. EVE is one of the last refuges for hard-core mmo gameplay.

EVE's niche is community, conflict, and constant danger.

Making the game into a safe theme park will throw away a decade of thriving in this niche.

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#330 - 2013-03-12 01:34:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Wescro2
TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:
I have been so underwhelmed by the attempts of the NO sycophants to undermine Ripard

TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:
LOL This! This! and THIS!

TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:
...sycophants ...

TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:
LOL This! This! and THIS!

Look up irony in the dictionary. Smile

TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:
by very selectively picking a few things he has said, some out of context which any child can do, and hammering on them like a gong in the hopes of what? Deafening the opposition?

From your rant against James 315, you of all people should appreciate vigorous examination of a candidate. It seems you have a double standard here. Let's be objective and appreciate all candidates being questioned aggresively. The New Order and others have been exceedingly fair in the face of Ripards arguments from positions of ignorance on certain issues.

I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post criticizing James 315, in this thread anyway. This is Ripards thread, lets keep it about him. If you want to discuss other candidates, go to their threads and you will get to debate them.
Plus 10 NV
#331 - 2013-03-12 14:26:49 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Cearain wrote:
As far as I can tell from the minutes, CSM almost exclusively talks to CCP about how the game is designed. How then can you avoid being a junior game designer and still fill your roll?
Sorry, I did miss this question.

Having specific issues that I'd like to see addressed is mostly important for you as a voter to choose who you want to represent you on the CSM. When it comes to summits and the like, though, from what I've seen CCP of course has their own ideas about game development. Mostly, they want to know from the CSM what they believe are good about these things, bad about these things, or should be adjusted or tweaked about these things. Only rarely does a CSM member get the opportunity to push a specific agenda, and that's usually only when CCP is having a crisis of confidence. I don't see them having one of those right now....

They want to hear from csm about what is good and bad about their plans for developing the game, yet csm is not involved in game development?

Why do so many that run for csm take this irrational view that they are not involved in game development? Everything in this thread is about how eve should develop - except the question about sony/dust - which you punted on.

But let me play along. If csm isn't going to effect the "development of the game" why should we vote for csm?

Bottom line: Unless csm just blindly pushes what players upvote in assembly hall,(or some other substantially objective metric of player desires) they are acting like game devs.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#332 - 2013-03-12 18:33:05 UTC
Cearain wrote:
They want to hear from csm about what is good and bad about their plans for developing the game, yet csm is not involved in game development?

Why do so many that run for csm take this irrational view that they are not involved in game development? Everything in this thread is about how eve should develop - except the question about sony/dust - which you punted on.

Most of the time, CSM members try not to act as "Junior Game Designers", though of course we are human and there is a big grey area between simply evaluating CCP presentations and pushing for specific solutions.

Two things that CSMs do a lot of are:

* Priortization advocacy -- arguing that particular aspects of the game need more attention. This is more like 'Fix sov!" as opposed to "Fix sov by doing X"

* Solution feedback -- when CCP comes up with a proposed solution, we evaluate it in light of the extra information we are privy to. I'm constantly pushing for more background info so we can evaluate things in the proper context. In the case of things like ship balancing, we usually see the first pass and give some feedback, then they are put out for broader community feedback. I would like to see this done whenever possible.

So tl/dr, there's a difference between being involved in game development and game design.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#333 - 2013-03-12 19:54:36 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

* Priortization advocacy -- arguing that particular aspects of the game need more attention. This is more like 'Fix sov!" as opposed to "Fix sov by doing X"

I'm hoping that there's an element of "Fix sov to achieve desirable goal"...

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Plus 10 NV
#334 - 2013-03-12 20:50:35 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Cearain wrote:
They want to hear from csm about what is good and bad about their plans for developing the game, yet csm is not involved in game development?

Why do so many that run for csm take this irrational view that they are not involved in game development? Everything in this thread is about how eve should develop - except the question about sony/dust - which you punted on.

Most of the time, CSM members try not to act as "Junior Game Designers", though of course we are human and there is a big grey area between simply evaluating CCP presentations and pushing for specific solutions.

Two things that CSMs do a lot of are:

* Priortization advocacy -- arguing that particular aspects of the game need more attention. This is more like 'Fix sov!" as opposed to "Fix sov by doing X"

* Solution feedback -- when CCP comes up with a proposed solution, we evaluate it in light of the extra information we are privy to. I'm constantly pushing for more background info so we can evaluate things in the proper context. In the case of things like ship balancing, we usually see the first pass and give some feedback, then they are put out for broader community feedback. I would like to see this done whenever possible.

So tl/dr, there's a difference between being involved in game development and game design.

Are "CCP devs" developing the game and not designing it? Sorry this distinction may have some meaning in the field, but csm seems to do both.

The minutes show you do quite a bit more than "fix sov" and "Fix fw" etc. The discussions are at a bit higher level than that addressing what is broken and what goals should be strived for and what mechanics can reach those goals.

I guess my problem with everyone csm saying I am not a "game designer" is that it is just the biggest cop out line there is.

Consider these options for csm candidates:

1) GOOD communication and persuasion skills and has GOOD ideas for game design/development
2) GOOD communication and persuasion skills and has BAD ideas for game design/development
3)BAD communication and persuasion skills and has GOOD ideas for game design/development
4) BAD communication and persuasion skills and has BAD ideas for game design/development

The worst case scenario for EVE is a csm that matches #2. Very persuasive with their game wrecking ideas.

3 and 4 are basically nullities since they aren't good at communicating and persuading their ideas.

The best option is 1.

So CSMs should stop copping out and just be upfront and tell us how they want the game to be developed/designed. The players can decide whether they are being persusasive about the ideas they set forth when they read the minutes.

If you do not think the game or parts of the game should change at all thats fine too.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Ariadne Invictus
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#335 - 2013-03-13 02:40:22 UTC
Cearain wrote:

Consider these options for csm candidates:

1) GOOD communication and persuasion skills and has GOOD ideas for game design/development
2) GOOD communication and persuasion skills and has BAD ideas for game design/development
3)BAD communication and persuasion skills and has GOOD ideas for game design/development
4) BAD communication and persuasion skills and has BAD ideas for game design/development

The worst case scenario for EVE is a csm that matches #2. Very persuasive with their game wrecking ideas.

3 and 4 are basically nullities since they aren't good at communicating and persuading their ideas.

I don't mean to thread jack, but I have to respectfully disagree in light of some IRL experience. First, good and bad communication skills are relatively objective. If you talk to someone in a meeting, or see someone give a presentation at a seminar, it's pretty easy to tell if they're an effective communicator. Degrees of "goodness" can be assigned based on how well a person reaches diverse audiences or other factors, but usually effective communicators are easy to spot. Good and bad ideas, on the other hand, are largely subjective. What you call game breaking I might call game saving and vice versa. Even the criteria for a good idea is subjective. Is a good idea one that expands subscription revenue? Is it one that improves the quality of gameplay despite a loss of revenue? And so on.

Secondly, the most dangerous person on your list is probably number 3, assuming his ideas fit your criteria for good. Why? Because people tend to brand their ideas. Here's an example. If I were to say to an American in 2008 "Barack Obama" most people would immediately think "Hope and Change". What your read is on those "ideas" doesn't come down to their merits a lot of the time though, they come down to what you think of Barack Obama. So lets say you elect an inarticulate sociopath who has the cure for each and every thing that ails Eve right now. His or her ideas will never get anywhere because he or she will inevitably stigmatize them as having come from "that guy". On the other hand "bad" ideas articulated well can be taken apart on their merits by sufficiently intelligent people. I'll take a good communicator of "bad" ideas for Eve over a bad communicator of "good" ones any day.

If you think I'm wrong, just look at how many people have written off J315 because they project his activities in game, as a character, onto his ideas for changing the game as a person. While I don't agree with him, it's pretty easy to tell once you start reading what he writes that he's an effective communicator. But he also has a brand, or, if he doesn't his campaign certainly does. And that brand puts a certain spin on his ideas that makes some people less likely to listen to him and others to pay closer attention. In business (and yes, this is a business), like it or not, people become their own brand. And if you brand yourself as an inarticulate fool, most of your ideas wind up getting dismissed right off the bat.
Ripard Teg
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#336 - 2013-03-13 06:16:59 UTC
Hi all,

Again, my apologies for the delay in my posting here. Thank you to all of you that sent me your kind words and condolences about Riley. It means a lot.

For those of you interested in the high-sec ganking topic, I've written what's likely to be my final blog post on the subject until the election: How safe is too safe? Go give it a read. I consider it my definitive answer to the question of high-sec ganking. If you disagree with me on this topic, I understand completely and I encourage you to vote for Psychotic Monk. I like his take on the subject.

Ariadne Invictus wrote:
In a recent blog post you wrote about making mining a more engaging game mechanic, I believe, at a fundamental level.
I don't know that I wrote about this recently, but yes, mining needs to be more interesting at a fundamental level. I'd love to see mining work a bit more like probing. Almost every asteroid has almost every type of ore. If you slide up to a rock without scanning it first, you get veldspar or scordite. But if you scan the rock first, you find the more interesting ores. The closer you are to null, the more likely interesting ores will be present and the easier they are to find. Put some skill into it! Then as compensation for that time spent scanning, cut down the mining laser cycle time. Less dead time when mining.

Syds Sinclair wrote:
..Teg, you mentioned something about a "gankmas." This is where you and your corp/alliance make a trek to highsec for three weeks during Christmas and gank haulers. My question is, does the version of the sandbox that you are vying allow that kind of activity? Will your version of the sandbox protect every highsec pilot except the ones that you and your troupe like to gank for sport? Why did you take part in such activities, and why do you mingle with pilots who take part in such activities?
1: Yes. 2: No. 3: To try it out, but I found for myself that I prefer targets that shoot back. 4: Because my alliance-mates are bad-ass individuals whose company I enjoy very much and whose piloting skills I respect completely.

Cearain wrote:
They want to hear from csm about what is good and bad about their plans for developing the game, yet csm is not involved in game development?

Why do so many that run for csm take this irrational view that they are not involved in game development? Everything in this thread is about how eve should develop - except the question about sony/dust - which you punted on.

But let me play along. If csm isn't going to effect the "development of the game" why should we vote for csm?
For the record, I punted on the DUST 514 question because I'm not a DUST 514 player and I'm not a current FW player. I'm running for CSM to represent EVE players, not DUST players, and I'm sure there will be several potential good FW reps. My own experience with FW play is six months not long after the feature was released, plus a couple of months of button-orbiting. Except in the most basic, basic terms, it would be rather hypocritical of me to represent myself as any sort of FW expert or EVE/DUST link expert, because I'm not. It's one of the topics in this game I need to learn more about.

As for the rest, I've written several hundred thousand words around how I feel the game should be developed, what I think is working and what I don't think is working. If you don't like my positions, there are going to be lots of good people to vote for instead. If I end up sitting in a chair in Iceland, whenever possible I'm going to present CCP with the opinions of the broadest base of players possible. When that's not possible, I'm going to let my own instincts guide me. If you want to know what those are, see my collected written works. That's what I was saying in my post.

Only rarely, though, am I going to try to push a specific solution to a problem. Many past CSM members have said it's more profitable to simply state the problem and let CCP come up with potential solutions, then provide insight into how players might regard those potential solutions. That's a valuable service to CCP and that's why you should vote for a CSM member that you feel will represent your play style. That said, even there I'm going to cheat. I've already said I think CSM8 should devote itself to building a new list of "little things" from their own ideas, what they find in the F&I thread and other forums, and player suggestions.

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#337 - 2013-03-13 07:23:00 UTC
Your blog is terrible, you are most of the time confused and clueless, and it would be bad for EVE if you ended up in the CSM.


Prince Kobol
#338 - 2013-03-13 08:01:27 UTC
Roime wrote:
Your blog is terrible, you are most of the time confused and clueless, and it would be bad for EVE if you ended up in the CSM.

and you sir are a master at the written language :)
Prince Kobol
#339 - 2013-03-13 08:16:22 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Jeremy Soikutsu wrote:
The problem isn't that the disparity will be that same after no matter what ergo it doesn't matter which they do. The problem is that nerfing high doesn't actually fix null, it just breaks high to make null look comparatively good and then we have another swath of space that's ****** up. Weeee.

No, that isn't how it works.

The issue with null and highsec right now is one of balance. Highsec is much more attractive than nullsec, therefore nullsec suffers. Nullsec is broken because there isn't anyone there.

Re-weighting one or the other is the only way to fix the issue - except that currently highsec is so high that it'd be bad for the game to raise null above that, so the only option remaining is to nerf highsec.

This view is so wrong.

You can nerf HS to oblivion and all you will end up is lots of people un-subbing and a poorer Eve for it.

HS has been nerfed time and time again and yet here we are still facing the same issues with null.

Whilst there are still certain aspects of HS I would like to see changed, increase to a manufacturing costs, number of manufacturing slot reduced considerably, Ice belts broken up so instead of having a few large belts you have many more smaller belts, less normal belts and more grav sites etc etc, the main problem we have is that null sec doesn't so much need a buff but a total rethink.

I would love to see each type of space have it own unique resource, rich in one thing, rare in others, more unique complexes with better rewards, a sov system where no structure has any kind of timer, you build it, you make damn sure you have the numbers to defended it when its attacked or you lose it, not for a fleet up 2 - 3 days after it has been attacked.

Whilst I currently dislike the UI interface of PI I still think its a good idea to move all moon goo to this type of mechanic as it means isk flows bottom up, small gangs can disrupt operations a lot more easier.

I would love CCP to make it so that before you are able to build a SC/Titan you have to have Strategic at lvl5 and Industry at lvl 5, in other words you would have to hold and work the system first.

Will any of these things happen, not a chance simply because the amount of rage that would happen from the likes of TEST, Goons, PL etc.

CCP have no longer become master of their game.

Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#340 - 2013-03-13 14:55:30 UTC
Amyclas Amatin wrote:
...there are swarms of angry pvpers out there who want to gank everybody...
You mean 'Gangbears'?

People who want to gang, but are to lazy or risk adverse to do it under the present system.