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Free skillpoints for participants of mass-tests

First post
Missile War
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#21 - 2011-10-21 18:14:44 UTC
Chris baileyy wrote:
Missile War wrote:
chris, if you don't have those SP you probaly didn't turn up in the logs, so you either came to late, or didn't come at all and just want free far habukak hasn't made any mistakes i think?
and its duality, you won't be playing much there anyway

Yes i was there most of my accounts received the SP except them 2 cause they kept crashing cause my PC sucks And im pretty sure the duality mirror goes on sisi soon

uhm... the build goes on sisi, i hope they will bring the old-new mirror back we had whe TiDi etc. were on sisi. i liked that mirror :)
Sygnus Triage
#22 - 2011-10-21 23:14:06 UTC
Hopefully when they mirror sisi i get my sp because i dont see any right now =;(
Missile War
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-10-21 23:23:08 UTC
Sporego wrote:
Hopefully when they mirror sisi i get my sp because i dont see any right now =;(

habukak is probaly a very busy person ;) and it can take up to 48 hours before you receive your SP, just give it another day. and he will say in this topic when the SP are applied
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#24 - 2011-10-22 17:09:52 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Habakuk
Hi all! Yeah, I was a bit busy and yesterday evening I was too tired to apply the skillpoints earlier.

But now the 2M skillpoints for Thursday's mass-test are applied to 462 characters on Singularity. 5 additional characters are in my list. but do not exist yet on Sisi (old DB). Thank you for participating! There is a small chance, that I have missed a few characters, which joined a bit later - please post here if this was the case for you, and I'll check it.

But I have one request: Please complain about missing skillpoints only within one week after the mass-test. If you complain several weeks later than it would be much more difficult for me to check the facts (some logs no longer available and similar), so I will have to deny the skillpoints in most cases.

Regarding mirror for Sisi: I'm not sure yet, if the mirror will be from the same day as the Duality mirror. SPs will be reapplied as soon as the mirror hits Sisi (whenever it will be - at the moment there is another release candidate for TQ being tested on Sisi).

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Daniel Souquel
#25 - 2011-10-22 19:04:44 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
5 additional characters are in my list. but do not exist yet on Sisi (old DB).

That would be me... xD

Just started playing... and i just want support EVE as much as i can. ;)

I hope, i get my SP if a new mirror is applied to Siingularity and my character is finally over there.
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#26 - 2011-10-22 19:29:22 UTC
Daniel Souquel wrote:
CCP Habakuk wrote:
5 additional characters are in my list. but do not exist yet on Sisi (old DB).

That would be me... xD

Just started playing... and i just want support EVE as much as i can. ;)

I hope, i get my SP if a new mirror is applied to Siingularity and my character is finally over there.

Yeah. you are one of those. You will get the SP as soon as Singularity gets a new mirror. :)

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Adekan Solari
Shedload of Zeds
#27 - 2011-10-23 23:42:49 UTC
I was there, although a bit late due to getting off work at 20:00 and having to download the patch before I could log in. Was there for the last half hour or so. Did not get any SP applied yet.
Anikan Fernardo
Shedload of Zeds
#28 - 2011-10-23 23:45:41 UTC
I was also there, although my account does not exist on the Sisi mirror yet. Hopefully i'm one of the 5.
Templewood Terrinsbar
AntiMacro Decimation
#29 - 2011-10-24 01:25:28 UTC
I was also there.. Fleet W.. :) I even got podded at the end.. :)
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2011-10-24 04:25:35 UTC
I was there on the Duality test, I was a bit late because it took quite a while to download and update the duality client. I was there for the relogging episode, though I didn't fight.

Can I have 2m sp pretty please? So I didn't get up at 6am and download 1.2gb for nothing?

Vote Item Heck One for CSM8

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2011-10-24 14:29:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Aspherical

I joined a bit late bcs the update took so long.
I joined with a Jaguar, just arrived to dock up as part of FleetX.

Podded in smartbomb blob on planet 1.

I forgot something, my character needs to be activated on Singularity.

AlsoI noticed that I miss skillpoints from the masstest before that one on Duality, should be 8 millions now like my 2. char groundhunter.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#32 - 2011-10-24 14:32:00 UTC

my Skillpoints arent applied.

I joined a bit late with my Nyx, and Im so not on the tower Killmail.

I got plenty pod kills on smartbobing on Planet 1.
Ramsese II
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2011-10-25 11:34:36 UTC
Participated in Mass Testing on Duality and did not receive 2M SP.
was in fleet x with CCP Affinity
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2011-10-25 22:54:49 UTC
I forget which test I participated in, I believe the one *BEFORE* the time dialation test. I had my 2 mil SP on the mirror (same mirror as cyno effects) and then when sisi rolled back, i never got my 2 mil SP since.
Templewood Terrinsbar
AntiMacro Decimation
#35 - 2011-10-28 07:17:46 UTC
Any idea when these are gonna be applied for those of us who are still missing them?

CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#36 - 2011-10-28 18:00:31 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Habakuk
Adekan Solari, Templewood Terrinsbar, Akturous, Aspherical, groundhunter, Ramsese II: Skillpoints applied to Sisi and added to my list for the next mirror.

Anikan Fernardo: You will get the SPs together with the next mirror.

Sharaar: You are at the moment only in the list for the 8th September and I am not able to verify that you were present in any other mass-test after this one (some logs are no longer available).

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Adekan Solari
Shedload of Zeds
#37 - 2011-10-28 23:00:44 UTC
Greatly appreciated. Thanks much.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2011-10-29 00:59:10 UTC
Woot thanks very much mate.

Vote Item Heck One for CSM8

Totality Squad
#39 - 2011-10-30 20:23:32 UTC  |  Edited by: AtheistOfFail
During the last mirror, i lost all the SP i had from the single event I participated in. Just the 2m SP is all i need.

Event description included
-> Engaging a PoS
-> Engagement on a gate
-> Engaging a lot of NPC BS at a planet
-> Finally a massive smartbomb that killed everything at a planet (Supercaps/Titans included)
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2011-10-31 02:08:50 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:

Sharaar: You are at the moment only in the list for the 8th September and I am not able to verify that you were present in any other mass-test after this one (some logs are no longer available).

Sorry, does that mean I get credit for the sept 8th test and still receive 2 mil sp? Will I get anything whenever the next mirror is?