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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Frying Doom
#521 - 2013-03-08 10:29:03 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Considering you have mostly covered my proposals of "hi sec slots costs = POS costs and to heavily increase null sec slots."
Well close enough anyway as I would like NPC slightly higher and by slightly I mean 1 or 2%

The exact mechanics would have to be based on some sort of moving average, taking into account the ever changing fuels costs. A plus delta could be considered as incentive for POS owners to have also to pay the structures in advance (amortization costs), I am really forcing myself staying neutral on this, because as I said, the more the POSes improve the better I do Pirate.

Frying Doom wrote:

Th only one you did not cover their was the lowering of NPC facilities to a 30% base rate but that is only slightly more training and an implant to achieve perfect refine. It is definitely not manufacturing/research skills as they could be used on NPC or POS facilities. So not sure if you are meaning me.

I did not cover NPC facilities to 30% base because we already have some of them in hi sec (and NPC null) and some experiments on those would indicate that:

- The loss for an established character is low enough to not impact a sufficient deal to justify such a vast game change.

- The loss for a new player is high enough to screw them royally off and push well away their ability to start competing in the game. EvE needs all but some additional though wall thrown in the face of new players to keep the ongoing players turnover.

While disliking NPC facilities I could see myself failing to argue on the 30% refine so long as the basis of a POS and Outpost refine was using the same calculations as a hi-sec 50% refinery, excluding the reputation equation of course.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#522 - 2013-03-08 10:33:21 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

Yeah I guess our choice to only ever build one station in a system was one we didn't fully think through. And our choice to pay sov bills may have been, in retrospect, a mistake. And our choice to build manufacturing outposts with only 4 office slots is one that we now both rue and lament.

Once again read what's written: "most are stupid drawbacks indeed".

Actually I am surprised none of you super-pro null guys ever mentioned how SH!TTY is to live at a null or WH POS, I hated the terrible tortures tied with fitting and un(packaging) ships in null sec so much that I did not even feel the research slots issue compared to that.

To return to the reply: having 4 office slots and whatever is irrelevant to the background principle.

In facit it is your choice (like it was MY choice and I ACCEPTED it without crying later) to go there despite the limitations, the limitations did not rain on you like a storm on a clear sky day they were well evident before hand.

There has not been a "breach of contract" by CCP, CCP are not due to refund you for your choices.

As I said pages ago, CCP hopefully will greatly improve the null sec facilities but that's an act of kindness (and business savy) off them, not a forcibly due act.

You are not entitled to what you were not promised to begin with.

Yes hi seccers for some reason got more, too much more and EvE is unfair, cold and harsh and all that stuff.

My medicine for hi sec is known and bitter, but at least it's fair because everybody would be under the same rules.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#523 - 2013-03-08 10:35:41 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
I also feel that we should urgently reconsider our choice not to build the 1,361 amarr outposts that it would take to equal hi-sec's production capacity. While it is true that it would cost ~34 trillion ISK to do so, and would still leave us looking at a similarly sized project to match the research capacity hi-sec has, surely that's a small price to pay!

Yeah because with the POS buffs you'd NEVER plant POSes to gain slots and most of all, your alliance *clearly* is 250,000 account sized so it has to deploy a similar amount of slots than those 250k hi seccers have got. Blink
Gallente Federation
#524 - 2013-03-08 10:40:56 UTC
Just wondering -- why does null need to meet or exceed all other space in every last way?

I mean they have the highest NPC bounty income, largest quantity of "low quality" ores, larges quantity of 'high quality" ores, so on and so forth.

So why do they need every last aspect of the game made easier and more profitable than all other space?

Won't that eliminate any and all reasons to ever actually trade for value vs "dump off" goods to other space?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#525 - 2013-03-08 10:41:23 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
While disliking NPC facilities I could see myself failing to argue on the 30% refine so long as the basis of a POS and Outpost refine was using the same calculations as a hi-sec 50% refinery, excluding the reputation equation of course.

A more functional change, that would not nuke newbies, would be to impose non immediately profitability crushing drawbacks.

With this I mean: for a new player with a 30% refine it'd be deadly to say buy an underpriced module, reprocess and sell the minerals. But what if the drawback was the inability to reprocess more than NNNN volume per day or to take NNNN hours to complete the reprocessing job? A newbie would not lose tangible ISK but would lose time (which for a veteran is way more valuable than ISK) and they'd be hard capped within a newbie comfort zone that lets still them progress.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#526 - 2013-03-08 10:53:12 UTC
Mocam wrote:
Just wondering -- why does null need to meet or exceed all other space in every last way?

I mean they have the highest NPC bounty income, largest quantity of "low quality" ores, larges quantity of 'high quality" ores, so on and so forth.

So why do they need every last aspect of the game made easier and more profitable than all other space?

Won't that eliminate any and all reasons to ever actually trade for value vs "dump off" goods to other space?

Don't you think it's rather dishonest to say that we're asking for " every last aspect of the game made easier and more profitable than all other space" when 10 years of building outposts in sov 0.0 has given us just 3% of the facilities that hi-sec enjoys for free?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#527 - 2013-03-08 10:54:00 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
While disliking NPC facilities I could see myself failing to argue on the 30% refine so long as the basis of a POS and Outpost refine was using the same calculations as a hi-sec 50% refinery, excluding the reputation equation of course.

A more functional change, that would not nuke newbies, would be to impose non immediately profitability crushing drawbacks.

With this I mean: for a new player with a 30% refine it'd be deadly to say buy an underpriced module, reprocess and sell the minerals. But what if the drawback was the inability to reprocess more than NNNN volume per day or to take NNNN hours to complete the reprocessing job? A newbie would not lose tangible ISK but would lose time (which for a veteran is way more valuable than ISK) and they'd be hard capped within a newbie comfort zone that lets still them progress.

For example, end instant refines and limit the number of refine jobs that a player can have at any one time?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Goldnut Sachs
#528 - 2013-03-08 11:00:57 UTC
wow again with the "i am too rich and too leet-industrialist to care either way, but think of the newbies".
the proposed nerfs will be no worse than mission loot drops, and the null anomaly nerf and drone poo in null, incursion nerf, and so on.

both sides just need to stop using the newbie card.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#529 - 2013-03-08 11:06:45 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
While disliking NPC facilities I could see myself failing to argue on the 30% refine so long as the basis of a POS and Outpost refine was using the same calculations as a hi-sec 50% refinery, excluding the reputation equation of course.

A more functional change, that would not nuke newbies, would be to impose non immediately profitability crushing drawbacks.

With this I mean: for a new player with a 30% refine it'd be deadly to say buy an underpriced module, reprocess and sell the minerals. But what if the drawback was the inability to reprocess more than NNNN volume per day or to take NNNN hours to complete the reprocessing job? A newbie would not lose tangible ISK but would lose time (which for a veteran is way more valuable than ISK) and they'd be hard capped within a newbie comfort zone that lets still them progress.

For example, end instant refines and limit the number of refine jobs that a player can have at any one time?

Well, my knowledge of English is rather poor, but isn't "inability to reprocess more than NNNN volume per day or to take NNNN hours to complete the reprocessing job" basically what you say?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#530 - 2013-03-08 11:09:20 UTC
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
wow again with the "i am too rich and too leet-industrialist to care either way, but think of the newbies".
the proposed nerfs will be no worse than mission loot drops, and the null anomaly nerf and drone poo in null, incursion nerf, and so on.

both sides just need to stop using the newbie card.

Sadly I wish I was so altruist to fullfill the "but think of the newbies".
I think of my future too, and a lot. I am TERRIFIED by my past experiences, investing years in MMOs that all tanked when they stopped bringing in new blood. So yes, newbies are really my obsession, I don't want to have wasted another 4+ years in a MMO for nothing.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#531 - 2013-03-08 11:10:13 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
While disliking NPC facilities I could see myself failing to argue on the 30% refine so long as the basis of a POS and Outpost refine was using the same calculations as a hi-sec 50% refinery, excluding the reputation equation of course.

A more functional change, that would not nuke newbies, would be to impose non immediately profitability crushing drawbacks.

With this I mean: for a new player with a 30% refine it'd be deadly to say buy an underpriced module, reprocess and sell the minerals. But what if the drawback was the inability to reprocess more than NNNN volume per day or to take NNNN hours to complete the reprocessing job? A newbie would not lose tangible ISK but would lose time (which for a veteran is way more valuable than ISK) and they'd be hard capped within a newbie comfort zone that lets still them progress.

For example, end instant refines and limit the number of refine jobs that a player can have at any one time?

Well, my knowledge of English is rather poor, but isn't "inability to reprocess more than NNNN volume per day or to take NNNN hours to complete the reprocessing job" basically what you say?

It is, I was suggesting a mechanism that would define that limit rather than a station manager just going "lolnope, no reason, just because".

Also it's always seemed odd that station refines are instant. Refining takes lots of time and energy

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

All Web Investigations
#532 - 2013-03-08 11:14:43 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Sariah Kion wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Sentamon wrote:
Then don't build in nullsec, there's nothing stopping you from using highsec industry.
So you're all for removing all income from highsec, then?
There's nothing stopping people from making money in low and null…

In fact, you're all for removing industry from highsec, I preseume, since there's nothing stopping people from doing that in low and null?

Straw man, dont you read what you link?

I believe what he was actually doing was using the same logic and arguments you support against you. The argument you agreed with was don't improve industry in null and instead make null players go to highsec to do what they want. He's asking if you'd be all right with the same attitude being applied to YOU. Lets force you to go to nullsec to do what you want to do.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#533 - 2013-03-08 11:15:10 UTC
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
wow again with the "i am too rich and too leet-industrialist to care either way, but think of the newbies".
the proposed nerfs will be no worse than mission loot drops, and the null anomaly nerf and drone poo in null, incursion nerf, and so on.

both sides just need to stop using the newbie card.


"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Kane Alvo
#534 - 2013-03-08 11:23:22 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Kane Alvo wrote:
Solution proposal: NISK

Null sec wants to be completely autonomous. Let them. Let them effectively secede from the Union, and give them their own currency, NISK (Null Inter-Stellar Kredits) that can only be used in null to purchase null goods and services. Give null their POS upgrades and increase the number of available production slots by a factor of x10,000.

Sever all ties with "civilized" space completely, except 1 gate connection in each of the 4 empire's space. And that one connection should be on the furthest fringe system of space, as far away from any trade hub as possible. These 4 systems should be upgraded to 1.0 security and patrolled by CONCORD.

Goods produced in null space with NISK have 0 value anywhere else. Passing through one of the gates with illegal NISK goods will result in loss of ship and cargo. NISK can not be converted to ISK, or traded to other players outside of null space.

All null space residents receive a -10.0 security status that resets back to -10.0 daily, at every downtime.

Goods produced with ISK can be transported from high sec into null sec after paying a 50% sales tax.

Why would anyone export anything as it would instantly be worthless.

You might just say you are concerned about Null having a working industry as you would have to compete with more people and the markets would not just be in Hi-sec.

Null HAS a working industry. You null bears seem to think that you need the best version of every aspect of the game available in your own back yard. That's perfectly fine with me. You all want to be special snowflakes and be above the rest of the population, I'm fine with that too.

Giving null their own currency solves all the issues at hand. You're effectively cut off from dependence on high sec industry, logistics problems are eliminated, and you're still free to build the player-based economy that you should be building anyway, but aren't.

Caldari Militia  ☜★☞ Psychotic Monk for CSM8

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#535 - 2013-03-08 11:48:56 UTC
Kane Alvo wrote:

Say goodbye to any T2 in highsec then. As it needs moongoo. which means, pretty much, nullsec.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Dave Stark
#536 - 2013-03-08 11:50:35 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Kane Alvo wrote:

Say goodbye to any T2 in highsec then. As it needs moongoo. which means, pretty much, nullsec.

doesn't it also need morphite?
Kane Alvo
#537 - 2013-03-08 11:53:47 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Kane Alvo wrote:

Say goodbye to any T2 in highsec then. As it needs moongoo. which means, pretty much, nullsec.

Wait. You mean that no one area of space can have everything? Is it possible that they're in some way dependent on each other as part of a bigger picture? That interaction between the two is a necessity by design?

Say it ain't so. Shocked

Caldari Militia  ☜★☞ Psychotic Monk for CSM8

Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#538 - 2013-03-08 12:11:40 UTC
Kane Alvo wrote:

Null HAS a working industry. You null bears seem to think that you need the best version of every aspect of the game available in your own back yard. That's perfectly fine with me. You all want to be special snowflakes and be above the rest of the population, I'm fine with that too.

Giving null their own currency solves all the issues at hand. You're effectively cut off from dependence on high sec industry, logistics problems are eliminated, and you're still free to build the player-based economy that you should be building anyway, but aren't.

You are sorely mistaken. Yes, there is supercap industry in Null, and other such massive undertakings, however, a small or medium sized industry setup will fail miserably there. Not because it can't be done, but because compared to High sec, everything is just worse.

1) Risk
In high sec, you are under the protectin of CONCORD, your assets are for the most part all in stations, the only assets you have that are continually 'at risk' are your POS facilities for extra ME, PE, and Copy slots. However, they also fall under the banner of CONCORD, requiring a 24 hours spool up to be put at risk(ie. wardec), plenty of time to take them out of space and put them safely in a station until things blow over.
In Null sec, you either have your main assets in a station, which can become inaccessible all of a sudden due to politics, or under serious threat during an invasion. Or In a POS. The POS can be attacked at any time, and if it's put in reinforce, you will not be able to retrieve said assets, unless you successfully fend of the 2nd round of fighting.
As such, your BPO's ( the most important investment for an industrialist ), will be at far greater risk than in high sec.
Now, this isn't so bad on it's own.. however..

2) Logistics
In high sec, you have easy access to trade hubs where you can quickly buy materials, and sell product. Moving these is an easy and quite safe task, requiring little efford or cost.
In Null sec, your local market is far smaller than in empire, meaning that a lot of your product needs to be shipped out to other hubs in the area, this is not without risk, as you could be killed anywhere along the way. Moving things in large quantities would require a Jump Freighter, requiring additional costs in fuel, as a freighter is simply too big and easy target to risk.
Getting your materials for production is a similar matter, you cannot simply go to your local hub, and quickly get what you need.
A lot of the things you need will be unavailable or low in supply, thus requiring you to make them yourself, or import them from Empire, at again, additional costs and risks.

3) Costs
Manufacturing in Highsec requires very little in costs, just the costs of your local manufacturing station's service fee and you're done. As these are abundant all over the place, and moving a few jumps to get to a place where you can setup production immediately if your main station is unavailable, is a piece of cake.
In nullsec, all station manufacturing slots are very busy, as they are so rare, that the demand that is there, far outweighs the supply. Thus, you are forced to use a POS not just for research, but also for Manufacturing, meaning again, more risks involved in running your operation, as well as extra costs in fuel.

4) Profit
Taking empire prices as a base, in null, the prices are generally higher. However, as manufacturing goods there is on general far more intensive and expensive as well as riskier than simply importing them, a Jump freighter pilot that buys manufactured goods in empire(or manufactres them over there), ships them out to null and sells them at a profit there, only has the cost of the fuel bill for trips, which is a lot less than the costs for running a whole manufacturing plant. Thus the margins he can set to earn a 'decent' profit, mean that an industrialist simply cannot compete.

Does railgun ammunition come in Hollow Point?

Frying Doom
#539 - 2013-03-08 12:13:31 UTC
Kane Alvo wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Kane Alvo wrote:
Solution proposal: NISK

Null sec wants to be completely autonomous. Let them. Let them effectively secede from the Union, and give them their own currency, NISK (Null Inter-Stellar Kredits) that can only be used in null to purchase null goods and services. Give null their POS upgrades and increase the number of available production slots by a factor of x10,000.

Sever all ties with "civilized" space completely, except 1 gate connection in each of the 4 empire's space. And that one connection should be on the furthest fringe system of space, as far away from any trade hub as possible. These 4 systems should be upgraded to 1.0 security and patrolled by CONCORD.

Goods produced in null space with NISK have 0 value anywhere else. Passing through one of the gates with illegal NISK goods will result in loss of ship and cargo. NISK can not be converted to ISK, or traded to other players outside of null space.

All null space residents receive a -10.0 security status that resets back to -10.0 daily, at every downtime.

Goods produced with ISK can be transported from high sec into null sec after paying a 50% sales tax.

Why would anyone export anything as it would instantly be worthless.

You might just say you are concerned about Null having a working industry as you would have to compete with more people and the markets would not just be in Hi-sec.

Null HAS a working industry. You null bears seem to think that you need the best version of every aspect of the game available in your own back yard. That's perfectly fine with me. You all want to be special snowflakes and be above the rest of the population, I'm fine with that too.

Giving null their own currency solves all the issues at hand. You're effectively cut off from dependence on high sec industry, logistics problems are eliminated, and you're still free to build the player-based economy that you should be building anyway, but aren't.

Us null bears, am I a member of Goonswarm? Maybe TEST? Maybe a renter corp?

Your views towards Null industry are as valid as your statement calling me a Null bear.

I have no characters in Null at all, its not profitable enough. I am an industrialist so going to an area with a lower profit is not something I would do.

But if it makes you feel better you can always call me a goonswarm alt Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#540 - 2013-03-08 12:15:50 UTC
Kane Alvo wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Kane Alvo wrote:

Say goodbye to any T2 in highsec then. As it needs moongoo. which means, pretty much, nullsec.

Wait. You mean that no one area of space can have everything? Is it possible that they're in some way dependent on each other as part of a bigger picture? That interaction between the two is a necessity by design?

Say it ain't so. Shocked

It isn't so.

With your idea it would just mean wormhole dwellers would charge you 10 times as muchLol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!