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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Kane Alvo
#501 - 2013-03-08 08:41:40 UTC
Solution proposal: NISK

Null sec wants to be completely autonomous. Let them. Let them effectively secede from the Union, and give them their own currency, NISK (Null Inter-Stellar Kredits) that can only be used in null to purchase null goods and services. Give null their POS upgrades and increase the number of available production slots by a factor of x10,000.

Sever all ties with "civilized" space completely, except 1 gate connection in each of the 4 empire's space. And that one connection should be on the furthest fringe system of space, as far away from any trade hub as possible. These 4 systems should be upgraded to 1.0 security and patrolled by CONCORD.

Goods produced in null space with NISK have 0 value anywhere else. Passing through one of the gates with illegal NISK goods will result in loss of ship and cargo. NISK can not be converted to ISK, or traded to other players outside of null space.

All null space residents receive a -10.0 security status that resets back to -10.0 daily, at every downtime.

Goods produced with ISK can be transported from high sec into null sec after paying a 50% sales tax.

Caldari Militia  ☜★☞ Psychotic Monk for CSM8

Frying Doom
#502 - 2013-03-08 08:50:41 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:

If this is what you're basing the legitimacy of your argument on no wonder you all keep falling flat on your face. Its this sense of entitlement that fuels the irrational demands and logic being spewed out from null sec bears.

So let me get this straight it is your belief that players who choose to be in more dangerous areas with less/no NPC facilities should be punished for their choice?

it's not about punishing for choice. It's about choice itself.

you have chosen to do industry in place where it is not as easy and good - it's your choice. Deal with it.

other examples:
you have chosen to live as criminal - don't cry about SS, NPC aggro and all this stuff. You made your choice.
you have chosen to live in WH - don't ask "why there is local everywhere and i have no local?" or "give me stations!". You made your choice.
i have chosen to run my pimped carebear mobile into low-sec: i have no rights to ask CCP "make it safer for me". I made my choice.

The same is with 0.0: people made their choice to live there. They have all the rights to live everywhere but they have chosen 0.0.

Over the last 10 years of EvE the balances have changed plus with the introduction of new parts of the game some of the old parts have been left behind.

Other parts of course were introduced broken and have just stayed that way.

Is it your opinion no one should complain over anything.

tried to change subject? failed.

I said what i said: it's your choice.

To answer to your "some parts are broken": yes, i can agree 0.0 sov is broken if we speak about industry. However it was "broken" from start. And everybody knows it. At the result 0.0 sov is bad for industry. You can push theme "CCP badly designed 0.0 sov industry and needs to reimplement it". However you can't speak about punishing players "for their choice to live in 0.0 sov".

Ok as the current sov system was not here from the start might I suggest you learn more about EvE before commenting.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#503 - 2013-03-08 08:51:54 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

So yeah I do feel that would be unbalanced and having gone over the numbers like this I would be more inclined to say 5-10% of the amount you want would be balanced.

That would mean single stations in high sec would have more slots than entire null systems.

Just wondering did you appear earlier in this thread as a pro-hi sec advocate. Your style of ridiculous comments seems similar.

But to make it easier for you I was referring to the total number of slots in non industry based stations with industry stations naturally having more. As I said earlier in this thread the cost of an out post is not that great when compared to the running costs of a POS

But I can understand your confusion after this comment
"Yet having five high sec systems that out produce all of nullsec combined is perfectly fine. Even with 400 slots high sec would out produce null. What exactly is unbalanced about tippias idea?"

Given that high sec stations are even cheaper than outposts I dont see why you are bringing up POS costs.

Unless you are gunning for either a slot nerf to high sec or vastly higher costs for using the slots

try option B..So bingo for you.

You might have read the rest of the thread where I pointed that out very clearly.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#504 - 2013-03-08 08:54:45 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

Frankly I thought my position (as you can only have one per system) of 50% of what you are requesting, with 75% as an out side was frankly a bit unbalanced towards outposts given the extra risk involved in an Outpost. but the fact that you will not take less than what is a massive number of slots is frankly a bit naive as you would frankly be lucky to get 50% of what was asked for.

Tippia takes into account the game limitation that hi sec does not have: max 1 outpost per system. So, in order to make a null sec system as good as the average 2-3 stations hi sec system, it'd have to support at least twice / thrice as many slots.

Of course then he/she proceeds exaggerating the numbers to support a certain "faction".

Most high sec stations do not have manufacturing and/or Material research. So with the numbers tippia gave the for example Copy slots would be, well a hell of a lot more than the whole of Hi and lo sec just on the slots from Goonswarms out posts let alone TESTs and the other alliances.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#505 - 2013-03-08 09:02:09 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Ok as the current sov system was not here from the start might I suggest you learn more about EvE before commenting.

ok. then let me know when outposts got their slots reduced? What did CCP say when they made this change?

Or let's speak about POSes: when they lost they refining efficiency?

Or maybe once outposts couldn't be recaptured?

Maybe you can even show the point in time when industry in 0.0 "sov" space wasn't bad?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Frying Doom
#506 - 2013-03-08 09:15:35 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Ok as the current sov system was not here from the start might I suggest you learn more about EvE before commenting.

ok. then let me know when outposts got their slots reduced? What did CCP say when they made this change?

Or let's speak about POSes: when they lost they refining efficiency?

Or maybe once outposts couldn't be recaptured?

Maybe you can even show the point in time when industry in 0.0 "sov" space wasn't bad?

how about you show me these same things from before the release of Castor

You were the one claiming these things were here from the start.
March rabbit wrote:
However it was "broken" from start.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#507 - 2013-03-08 09:18:00 UTC
Kane Alvo wrote:
Solution proposal: NISK

Null sec wants to be completely autonomous. Let them. Let them effectively secede from the Union, and give them their own currency, NISK (Null Inter-Stellar Kredits) that can only be used in null to purchase null goods and services. Give null their POS upgrades and increase the number of available production slots by a factor of x10,000.

Sever all ties with "civilized" space completely, except 1 gate connection in each of the 4 empire's space. And that one connection should be on the furthest fringe system of space, as far away from any trade hub as possible. These 4 systems should be upgraded to 1.0 security and patrolled by CONCORD.

Goods produced in null space with NISK have 0 value anywhere else. Passing through one of the gates with illegal NISK goods will result in loss of ship and cargo. NISK can not be converted to ISK, or traded to other players outside of null space.

All null space residents receive a -10.0 security status that resets back to -10.0 daily, at every downtime.

Goods produced with ISK can be transported from high sec into null sec after paying a 50% sales tax.

Why would anyone export anything as it would instantly be worthless.

You might just say you are concerned about Null having a working industry as you would have to compete with more people and the markets would not just be in Hi-sec.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#508 - 2013-03-08 09:32:37 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

Frankly I thought my position (as you can only have one per system) of 50% of what you are requesting, with 75% as an out side was frankly a bit unbalanced towards outposts given the extra risk involved in an Outpost. but the fact that you will not take less than what is a massive number of slots is frankly a bit naive as you would frankly be lucky to get 50% of what was asked for.

Tippia takes into account the game limitation that hi sec does not have: max 1 outpost per system. So, in order to make a null sec system as good as the average 2-3 stations hi sec system, it'd have to support at least twice / thrice as many slots.

Of course then he/she proceeds exaggerating the numbers to support a certain "faction".

Most high sec stations do not have manufacturing and/or Material research. So with the numbers tippia gave the for example Copy slots would be, well a hell of a lot more than the whole of Hi and lo sec just on the slots from Goonswarms out posts let alone TESTs and the other alliances.

Well as I said she / he starts with a concept but being partisan then proceeds ninjaing numbers to push her / his cause.
The basic concept is not totally flawed though as indeed one can only have outpost per system.

Where I see a flaw is the research slots.
In hi sec you don't usually see 1 corp completely filling every station slots and filling every moon with their POSes. This achieves a sort of "statistical balance" between the various hi sec inhabitants. Plus stations costing less than POSes make POS spamming a bad choice.

In null you could create a "science star" system totally full of POSes + station and - if the requested hi sec nerfs go through - spamming POSes will be as or more convenient than upkeeping the equivalent hi sec slots and that will lead to some totally unbalanced null sec slot monsters.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#509 - 2013-03-08 09:36:17 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

Frankly I thought my position (as you can only have one per system) of 50% of what you are requesting, with 75% as an out side was frankly a bit unbalanced towards outposts given the extra risk involved in an Outpost. but the fact that you will not take less than what is a massive number of slots is frankly a bit naive as you would frankly be lucky to get 50% of what was asked for.

Tippia takes into account the game limitation that hi sec does not have: max 1 outpost per system. So, in order to make a null sec system as good as the average 2-3 stations hi sec system, it'd have to support at least twice / thrice as many slots.

Of course then he/she proceeds exaggerating the numbers to support a certain "faction".

Most high sec stations do not have manufacturing and/or Material research. So with the numbers tippia gave the for example Copy slots would be, well a hell of a lot more than the whole of Hi and lo sec just on the slots from Goonswarms out posts let alone TESTs and the other alliances.

Well as I said she / he starts with a concept but being partisan then proceeds ninjaing numbers to push her / his cause.
The basic concept is not totally flawed though as indeed one can only have outpost per system.

Where I see a flaw is the research slots.
In hi sec you don't usually see 1 corp completely filling every station slots and filling every moon with their POSes. This achieves a sort of "statistical balance" between the various hi sec inhabitants. Plus stations costing less than POSes make POS spamming a bad choice.

In null you could create a "science star" system totally full of POSes + station and - if the requested hi sec nerfs go through - spamming POSes will be as or more convenient than upkeeping the equivalent hi sec slots and that will lead to some totally unbalanced null sec slot monsters.

As unbalanced as 5 hi-sec systems being able to outproduce the entirity of sov 0.0?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Goldnut Sachs
#510 - 2013-03-08 09:42:03 UTC
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#511 - 2013-03-08 09:46:10 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

As unbalanced as 5 hi-sec systems being able to outproduce the entirity of sov 0.0?

Shallow one liners like this are so Malcanis 2.0.

1.0 and with his law in signature was different and very worth of CSM 8.

Now tell me in the post above where did I say that null sec slots are fine or that hi sec is balanced with null sec.

What I say is that Tippia's concept is OK-ish but have to take care that sov null sec is not etherogeneous like hi sec his, so the combined potential of the facilities has to be carefully calculated. With an hi sec change making NPC slots costing as much as POS slots, then spamming POSes becomes an option. An option too good to pass on in a controlled sov system. Slap a number of those systems all around and you have one alliance out-researching a similar portion of hi sec players.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#512 - 2013-03-08 09:46:13 UTC
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#513 - 2013-03-08 09:50:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Malcanis wrote:
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

The one repeating your own, self defeatist mantra here is you. Roll

Do you even understand that my alts had (and still partly have) enough POSes that I only get huge advantages by any possible POS buff and NPC nerf?
And despite that I don't immediately hop in the "I ONLY SEE MY OWN PROFIT FIRST" bandwagon, because I can understand others who are not yet at a certain progress and would be blasted by some of the absurd proposals being written in these threads.

Anyway I am all for making hi sec slots costs = POS costs and to heavily increase null sec slots.

You are raining on the ocean here, sorry.

The only things that I am totally against is when people make choices knowing too well about the drawbacks and then come on the forums: not only to have the drawbacks removed (most are stupid drawbacks indeed) but also to have others be damaged in the process. That reeks of spoiled people who refuse to accept the responsibility of their choices and actually reverse them on somebody else.
Goldnut Sachs
#514 - 2013-03-08 09:53:32 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

It's perfectly fine and dandy considering because it is vital that all the gimmick 3 alt corps of highsec cannot bear to have a hair nerfed from the teet of low cost casual-newbie-friendly highsec npc stations, or eve will die, it's literally our fault that we try to blow up all neutrals in sov space.
Frying Doom
#515 - 2013-03-08 09:59:36 UTC
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

It's perfectly fine and dandy considering because it is vital that all the gimmick 3 alt corps of highsec cannot bear to have a hair nerfed from the teet of low cost casual-newbie-friendly highsec npc stations, or eve will die, it's literally our fault that we try to blow up all neutrals in sov space.

All our history is mankind competing over limited resources. If resources were not so limited the need to defend so many of them would not be so needed, Note I said not so limited, not stupidly over abundant.

Of course this would also be less of a problem if Sov Null actually had to use its space as well as defend it in order to upgrade or keep it.

Nor would Empire be dependent on NPC facilities if their was an alternative that while requiring more work provided greater bonuses.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#516 - 2013-03-08 10:06:17 UTC
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

It's perfectly fine and dandy considering because it is vital that all the gimmick 3 alt corps of highsec cannot bear to have a hair nerfed from the teet of low cost casual-newbie-friendly highsec npc stations, or eve will die, it's literally our fault that we try to blow up all neutrals in sov space.


Well now I understand, thanks for your concise and clear explaination, good sir!

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Frying Doom
#517 - 2013-03-08 10:06:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

The one repeating your own, self defeatist mantra here is you. Roll

Do you even understand that my alts had (and still partly have) enough POSes that I only get huge advantages by any possible POS buff and NPC nerf?
And despite that I don't immediately hop in the "I ONLY SEE MY OWN PROFIT FIRST" bandwagon, because I can understand others who are not yet at a certain progress and would be blasted by some of the absurd proposals being written in these threads.

Anyway I am all for making hi sec slots costs = POS costs and to heavily increase null sec slots.

You are raining on the ocean here, sorry.

The only things that I am totally against is when people make choices knowing too well about the drawbacks and then come on the forums: not only to have the drawbacks removed (most are stupid drawbacks indeed) but also to have others be damaged in the process. That reeks of spoiled people who refuse to accept the responsibility of their choices and actually reverse them on somebody else.

Ok that was fairly reasonable.

I myself am not really doing this for personal profits, I with 1 POS would not benefit greatly as while I gain some isk from manufacturing, I gain most of mine from PI and Mining.

Considering you have mostly covered my proposals of "hi sec slots costs = POS costs and to heavily increase null sec slots."
Well close enough anyway as I would like NPC slightly higher and by slightly I mean 1 or 2%

Th only one you did not cover their was the lowering of NPC facilities to a 30% base rate but that is only slightly more training and an implant to achieve perfect refine. It is definitely not manufacturing/research skills as they could be used on NPC or POS facilities. So not sure if you are meaning me.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#518 - 2013-03-08 10:08:42 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Goldnut Sachs wrote:
what part of statistical balance do you not understand, Malcanis

Well I guess the part where it's all perfectly fine and dandy for sov 0.0 to have 3% of the production capacity of hi-sec, but an EVE-killing catastrophe if sov 0.0 has more production capacity than hi-sec.

The one repeating your own, self defeatist mantra here is you. Roll

Do you even understand that my alts had (and still partly have) enough POSes that I only get huge advantages by any possible POS buff and NPC nerf?
And despite that I don't immediately hop in the "I ONLY SEE MY OWN PROFIT FIRST" bandwagon, because I can understand others who are not yet at a certain progress and would be blasted by some of the absurd proposals being written in these threads.

Anyway I am all for making hi sec slots costs = POS costs and to heavily increase null sec slots.

You are raining on the ocean here, sorry.

The only things that I am totally against is when people make choices knowing too well about the drawbacks and then come on the forums: not only to have the drawbacks removed (most are stupid drawbacks indeed) but also to have others be damaged in the process. That reeks of spoiled people who refuse to accept the responsibility of their choices and actually reverse them on somebody else.

Yeah I guess our choice to only ever build one station in a system was one we didn't fully think through. And our choice to pay sov bills may have been, in retrospect, a mistake. And our choice to build manufacturing outposts with only 4 office slots is one that we now both rue and lament.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#519 - 2013-03-08 10:13:31 UTC
I also feel that we should urgently reconsider our choice not to build the 1,361 amarr outposts that it would take to equal hi-sec's production capacity. While it is true that it would cost ~34 trillion ISK to do so, and would still leave us looking at a similarly sized project to match the research capacity hi-sec has, surely that's a small price to pay!

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#520 - 2013-03-08 10:21:49 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Considering you have mostly covered my proposals of "hi sec slots costs = POS costs and to heavily increase null sec slots."
Well close enough anyway as I would like NPC slightly higher and by slightly I mean 1 or 2%

The exact mechanics would have to be based on some sort of moving average, taking into account the ever changing fuels costs. A plus delta could be considered as incentive for POS owners to have also to pay the structures in advance (amortization costs), I am really forcing myself staying neutral on this, because as I said, the more the POSes improve the better I do Pirate.

Frying Doom wrote:

Th only one you did not cover their was the lowering of NPC facilities to a 30% base rate but that is only slightly more training and an implant to achieve perfect refine. It is definitely not manufacturing/research skills as they could be used on NPC or POS facilities. So not sure if you are meaning me.

I did not cover NPC facilities to 30% base because we already have some of them in hi sec (and NPC null) and some experiments on those would indicate that:

- The loss for an established character is low enough to not impact a sufficient deal to justify such a vast game change.

- The loss for a new player is high enough to screw them royally off and push well away their ability to start competing in the game. EvE needs all but some additional though wall thrown in the face of new players to keep the ongoing players turnover.