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Gallente (+Some Caldari Lovin)

First post
Renge Ukyo
#201 - 2011-10-28 10:06:51 UTC
I tried to edit a post of mine to include this but i don't know if it took or not so here it is again.

I think you should make T3 Hybrid Turrets, you could make these skills available for all turrets but I think this idea has a lot of merit.

When I was in th US Marines I was a helicopter mechanic. the ordinance lay of our AH-1W Super Cobra had a rotating ammo load out between tracers, depleted uranium, standard armor peircing rounds and incindeary rounds.

I think what you should do is make a magazine fed T3 turret that has the following advantages and dis advanteds by means of skills.

First, make a speed reload skills for T1 & T2 Turrets, say -10% reload time per level.

Then do this:

T3 Turret Skill (pick a name you like, it's all the same to me)
- +5% magazine capacity per level
- +2% of all t2 stats in the appropriate direction (so if PG was goin down, it goes another 2% from the total of a maxed t2 gun)
- No magazine reloading time, swaps just like crystals.
*prereqs: advanced weapons upgrades 5, max weapon specialization skills (IE small blaster spec 5 is the prereq for t3 blasters), all turret support skills to 4

Magazine Configuration:
- allows one additional kind of ammo to be loaded into the same magazine per level

Magazine Reloading
- -5% reloading time per level when reloading magazines in space

Magazine Regimes
- allows one user defined preset loading/reloading pattern to be created per level ( patterns can only be made in station or POS's )

What this does is allow the Gallente pilot to mix ammo types to effect the therm/kin balance at its optimal level, as well as alternate between cap intensive and cap reduced ammos to enhance staying power in battle, as well as alter range to deal with close range kiters like drams. it also allows you to mix between faction, standard and t2 ammo. To keep the void ammo outta rails, and spike outta blasters simply make blaster maags and railgun mags.

I think these new guns in addition to the rail buff would greatly even the odds for the Gallente.
Zhula Guixgrixks
Increasing Success by Lowering Expectations
#202 - 2011-10-28 16:20:07 UTC
ElCholo wrote:
I personally don't like the idea of increasing range or damage of blasters. Blasters already do a ton of damage with their range apropriate. I also don't like the aspect of increasing their agility.

If it were possible, I think you need to leave the Minmatar as the fastest and most agile. That is their unique flavor. I think the Gallente would be fixed if they could implement a way for them to have the highest acceleration. Turn on the MWD and bam, their are in your face. Not the greatest top speed, but the greatest rate of acceleration to their top speed. Minmatar would still be kings of speed kiting while a good gallente pilot could still be able to catch them with a scram and / or web.

Just my 2 isk.

I like the idea. Eve doesn't need simpleton fixes like "everything should be the same" (hello grimpak).
Not a dps,range etc increase for Gallente will sustain/create versatility in Eve.

Maybe Gallente needs something like mwd mass penalty reduction. Easy to implement and still good for fast acceleration. As ElCholo stated, a good Gallente pilot would be able to catch targets.

Thorax example:
10% decrease of MWD Activation Mass Penalty per level

0ccupational Hazzard --> check out the true love story 

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#203 - 2011-10-28 16:31:31 UTC
Took you some time to make this post :)
Great ideas, however think they should spend some time and look into all the ships and weapens, its not just the ships you mentioned there its wrong with :)
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#204 - 2011-10-28 16:53:35 UTC
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
ElCholo wrote:
I personally don't like the idea of increasing range or damage of blasters. Blasters already do a ton of damage with their range apropriate. I also don't like the aspect of increasing their agility.

If it were possible, I think you need to leave the Minmatar as the fastest and most agile. That is their unique flavor. I think the Gallente would be fixed if they could implement a way for them to have the highest acceleration. Turn on the MWD and bam, their are in your face. Not the greatest top speed, but the greatest rate of acceleration to their top speed. Minmatar would still be kings of speed kiting while a good gallente pilot could still be able to catch them with a scram and / or web.

Just my 2 isk.

I like the idea. Eve doesn't need simpleton fixes like "everything should be the same" (hello grimpak).
Not a dps,range etc increase for Gallente will sustain/create versatility in Eve.

Maybe Gallente needs something like mwd mass penalty reduction. Easy to implement and still good for fast acceleration. As ElCholo stated, a good Gallente pilot would be able to catch targets.

Thorax example:
10% decrease of MWD Activation Mass Penalty per level

hmm and what would happen with caldari hybrid ships? they should be able to use blasters too , just like gallente ships should be able to use railguns
#205 - 2011-10-28 16:57:26 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
ElCholo wrote:
I personally don't like the idea of increasing range or damage of blasters. Blasters already do a ton of damage with their range apropriate. I also don't like the aspect of increasing their agility.

If it were possible, I think you need to leave the Minmatar as the fastest and most agile. That is their unique flavor. I think the Gallente would be fixed if they could implement a way for them to have the highest acceleration. Turn on the MWD and bam, their are in your face. Not the greatest top speed, but the greatest rate of acceleration to their top speed. Minmatar would still be kings of speed kiting while a good gallente pilot could still be able to catch them with a scram and / or web.

Just my 2 isk.

I like the idea. Eve doesn't need simpleton fixes like "everything should be the same" (hello grimpak).
Not a dps,range etc increase for Gallente will sustain/create versatility in Eve.

Maybe Gallente needs something like mwd mass penalty reduction. Easy to implement and still good for fast acceleration. As ElCholo stated, a good Gallente pilot would be able to catch targets.

Thorax example:
10% decrease of MWD Activation Mass Penalty per level

hmm and what would happen with caldari hybrid ships? they should be able to use blasters too , just like gallente ships should be able to use railguns

well caldari usually use shields so they have all those pretty low slots for speed mods... though the ships could use some tweeking to make them slightly faster...

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Zappenduster Inc.
#206 - 2011-10-28 17:15:08 UTC
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
ElCholo wrote:
I personally don't like the idea of increasing range or damage of blasters. Blasters already do a ton of damage with their range apropriate. I also don't like the aspect of increasing their agility.

If it were possible, I think you need to leave the Minmatar as the fastest and most agile. That is their unique flavor. I think the Gallente would be fixed if they could implement a way for them to have the highest acceleration. Turn on the MWD and bam, their are in your face. Not the greatest top speed, but the greatest rate of acceleration to their top speed. Minmatar would still be kings of speed kiting while a good gallente pilot could still be able to catch them with a scram and / or web.

Just my 2 isk.

I like the idea. Eve doesn't need simpleton fixes like "everything should be the same" (hello grimpak).
Not a dps,range etc increase for Gallente will sustain/create versatility in Eve.

Maybe Gallente needs something like mwd mass penalty reduction. Easy to implement and still good for fast acceleration. As ElCholo stated, a good Gallente pilot would be able to catch targets.

Thorax example:
10% decrease of MWD Activation Mass Penalty per level

I thought about that too, needs some testing but could be exactly what a real blaster setup needs.
Fast in - applying damage - fast out. I like that!
Hyrath Rotineque
#207 - 2011-10-29 10:15:34 UTC
They did say that in the Winter Update that they'd be not only looking at the Hybrid weapons but also a lot of the ships. They'll be remodeling some aka the Raven and redesigning a fair amount more I'd assume.
Pattern Clarc
#208 - 2011-10-30 00:29:18 UTC
Daily bump. Will reply to posts soon.

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

Kai Lae
Karmunism Limited
#209 - 2011-10-30 01:27:34 UTC
I've been thinking about some things with regards to plates; it seems rather craptacular that plates nerf speed. This results in all buffer setups - from you garden variety nanoed hurricane to interceptors - all being shield buffer fit. This also affects the fact that plates hit your speed (that plated mega setup is pretty slow, isn't it) for any configuration that gallente ships would use. In short I simply don't like the way it works. I think that instead of adding mass, they should penalize some other characteristic, such as agility or some other characteristic. This would allow more "fair" fittings, if you're like me and think shield tanked hyperions are something of an abomination forced on the playerbase by indifferent game design.
Renge Ukyo
#210 - 2011-10-30 08:06:33 UTC
Kai Lae wrote:
I've been thinking about some things with regards to plates; it seems rather craptacular that plates nerf speed. This results in all buffer setups - from you garden variety nanoed hurricane to interceptors - all being shield buffer fit. This also affects the fact that plates hit your speed (that plated mega setup is pretty slow, isn't it) for any configuration that gallente ships would use. In short I simply don't like the way it works. I think that instead of adding mass, they should penalize some other characteristic, such as agility or some other characteristic. This would allow more "fair" fittings, if you're like me and think shield tanked hyperions are something of an abomination forced on the playerbase by indifferent game design.

I can understand it'd effect acceleration. What i dont understand is how or why it would use any cpu or pgg. it's stationary... makes noooo sense what so ever.
Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#211 - 2011-11-01 09:03:29 UTC
Current "boost" sux .
Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#212 - 2011-11-01 09:42:05 UTC
I am not so sure there certainly seems a lot of pessimism in the dev blog feedback thread.

For me the major wins are the fitting improvements and the cap reduction, playing around with fitting tools and some “ahem” rough calculations gives some much improved fits and the cap change seems to be adding a good portion of a minute to cap time depending on the fit.

That just leaves us with the issue of speed (when armour fit) and needing to scram an opponent really to gain control of the fight, has anyone worked out the potential speed increases with a microwarpdrive? That said the shield gank fits seem increasingly powerful with bigger guns ,more speed and more cap to play with, not sure how I feel about this.

Not sure if it is really that much of a buff to battleship guns although again the real payoff is in the fittings and I was really hoping for some form of ammo revision.

Zappenduster Inc.
#213 - 2011-11-02 08:37:57 UTC
Yea, the fitting requirements will help, but I also would like to see some ammo revision.
I really liked the idea of having 80% thermal / 20% kinetic and the other way around ammunition. Also some other bonuses like additional tracking speed per ammo could lead to an interesting change.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#214 - 2011-11-02 11:04:28 UTC
I feel the need to post here
As current changes proposed by CCP don't strike even near that what is needed.

Seemingly CCP is trying to ditch us yet again, they wish to make minor adjustments
to gallente weapons and ships playing the safe card. Gallente should be happy
for getting any change at all, and all others won't have many reasons to complain
because at the end of the day gallente pilots will still be burdened by complete and
utter ineffectiveness of their weapons and ships.

Minor tracking improvement, among with ridiculous ship speed improvements are
not going to change the field performance of gallente warfare strategy, and it is my
conviction that CCP is testing out the terrain. It is vital that we show them our
disapproval of their propositions. We need to show them the way, even paint it down
for them if they can't see it.

So i am very grateful to game dev team for finally recognizing that something is foul,
however i need to point out that gallente should be given equal chance to compete
with other factions, current suggestions don't do that.

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#215 - 2011-11-05 16:15:26 UTC
Hello Pattern,

I see you've finally come round to similar views to myself the on the tracking front Blink

On the DPS side, I still like the idea of a beefed up 'overload' bonus for a distinct feel - it also allows for larger % boosts as it ultimately isn't sustainable.

Otherwise more good stuff for the ongoing discussion.


War Machine:

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#216 - 2011-11-05 16:15:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
Double post.

(Can we have the old forums back please - seriously, these suck monkey balls!)

War Machine:

Ekil Ix
Shadow Foxes
#217 - 2011-11-07 07:14:47 UTC
Amazing stuff, CCP should take note.

Sebastian N Cain
Gallente Federation
#218 - 2011-11-07 20:18:21 UTC
M1AU wrote:
Zhula Guixgrixks wrote:
ElCholo wrote:
I personally don't like the idea of increasing range or damage of blasters. Blasters already do a ton of damage with their range apropriate. I also don't like the aspect of increasing their agility.

If it were possible, I think you need to leave the Minmatar as the fastest and most agile. That is their unique flavor. I think the Gallente would be fixed if they could implement a way for them to have the highest acceleration. Turn on the MWD and bam, their are in your face. Not the greatest top speed, but the greatest rate of acceleration to their top speed. Minmatar would still be kings of speed kiting while a good gallente pilot could still be able to catch them with a scram and / or web.

Just my 2 isk.

I like the idea. Eve doesn't need simpleton fixes like "everything should be the same" (hello grimpak).
Not a dps,range etc increase for Gallente will sustain/create versatility in Eve.

Maybe Gallente needs something like mwd mass penalty reduction. Easy to implement and still good for fast acceleration. As ElCholo stated, a good Gallente pilot would be able to catch targets.

Thorax example:
10% decrease of MWD Activation Mass Penalty per level

I thought about that too, needs some testing but could be exactly what a real blaster setup needs.
Fast in - applying damage - fast out. I like that!

Fast in - webbed, neuted, scrammed - dead.

This is how todays combat environment works: keep outside of tackle-range or die.

I got lost in thought... it was unfamiliar territory.

Conquerors Undead Space
#219 - 2011-11-08 20:58:20 UTC
bump + 1
#220 - 2011-11-22 19:13:49 UTC
Tier 3 BC's... Because what Gallente really needed was yet another glass cannon! Roll