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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#341 - 2013-03-06 23:56:00 UTC
Haradgrim wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Haradgrim wrote:
So what your saying is that if (as an arbitrary example) every POS factory slot had a +25% Material Efficiency bonus when operated in null sec, there wouldn't be sufficient motivation to move T1 production out to 0.0? And that once prices fell below the high-sec minimum production cost level there would be anyone doing otherwise?

I'm not suggesting that's the solution but it took me all of 1 second to come up with a way to manipulate market forces to make 0.0 more profitable than high-sec in a particular market.

Then again, if I was the CFC and I didn't want an entity to come together in high sec (in much the way goons once did) and one day challenge me, nerfing high sec industry would certainly help me out with that.

The only way to make production costs fall below the high-sec minimum production costs with your idea is to make nullsec station & POS upkeep costs on par with highsec station costs. In other words, make it virtually free. Your 1 second solution would only reduce the material costs associated with production, people would still build stuff in highsec because it would always be cheaper regardless.

Not at all, I'm suggesting that a reduction in the material requirements offset the station and pos upkeep costs perhaps even to the point where the end product could be sold below the high sec production cost, perhaps that number is greater than a 25% reduction, I don't know I haven't done the math but that is easy enough to calculate. That makes it possible, I'm not suggesting its the most desireable alternative.

Adding to this, material cost differences have the added advantage of affecting logistics as well causing comparatively reduced material movement in null for the same end product in high. Not to say it's the total solution but could be a good component of it.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#342 - 2013-03-07 00:02:30 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
[sarcasm]CONCORD protection and non-flippable NPC stations with tons of manufacturing AND research slots AND 50% refineries all in one stop aren't an advantage at all. Nor is the fact that these slots cost such a pathetically small amount of isk that calling it a pittance would be making it sound higher than it is. Nope, no advantage there at all, it's just the trade hubs. Thanks for that, guy whose only experience with null is reading some NPC corp shirtlord's GD posts![/sarcasm]

Right there with you =)

Here's one step I would like CCP to take to rectify the situation: convert all refineries and reprocessing plants into activity lines, just like manufacturing lines. These activity lines will have stats such as "volume per hour" and "refining efficiency". These stats would be altered for different stations: Mining corporations' mineral repository stations might have 30% efficient refineries with millions of cubic metres per hour throughput (i.e.: geared to miners with standings and skills and implants). Assembly plant and logistics stations might have 50% efficient refineries with tens of thousands of cubic metres per hour capacity.

Step two would be to adjust all POS refineries to work the same way (and of course remove the pointless 75% cap on efficiency). Thus you might have a refinery structure at the POS which hosts four activity lines, each of which is a 30% efficient refinery/reprocessor with a million cubic metres per hour throughput, but that structure takes most of the CPU and PG of a large tower. A smaller structure might have 1 similar line, or four 50% efficient lines capable of handling a thousand cubic metres per hour. I suspect a lot of the code behind POSes is tied to a "tick" of about an hour (the same way a space combat grid has a minimum resolution of 1 second). This doesn't need to be changed: a one hour turnaround time for POS refineries is fine, as long as they can be made 100% efficient using skills and implants, and I can refine dense veldspar at the same time as regular veldspar, or reprocess a whole grab bag of modules in the one run.

Step three would be to reevaluate the need for dozens of stations in system (why are there so many stations in Kusomonmon?).

Step four would be having NPC rates for activity lines dynamically adjusted based on utilisation. As utilisation exceeds 80%, increase the price of the lines by about 1% a day for new jobs. As utilisation drops below 50%, reduce the price by about 1% a day. Perhaps the percentages and timeframes would change, perhaps an entirely different model would be required: the essential outcome is that NPC rates rise in order to push industry out to player owned facilities.

Step five would be adjusting the number of NPC activity lines downwards, removing refineries or assembly lines from administrative stations (make offices in those stations cheaper, perhaps), and allowing specialisation such that stations with R&D agents will have research labs (but no other activity lines), stations listed as "Assembly plants" will have assembly lines (and perhaps a low volume reprocessing plant).

The NPC facilities should be available in order to allow for a "reboot from scratch" scenario, i.e.: a large number of users leave the game, industry falls into chaos, new players or players new to industry pick up the reins with NPC-provided activity lines, moving to their own POSes when NPC lines become too expensive. The idea being that industry should be player-run all the way from resource gathering through to final sale. NPC facilities should only be a disaster recovery plan for CCP, not a staple for industrialists.

PS: in this writing, the difference between "refinery" and "reprocessing plant" is semantic, not technical. A refinery is simply an activity line that can process large volumes of material at a low efficiency (boosted by the character's refining, scrap metal processing and specialist ore processing skills, and implants), while a reprocessing plant can handle small volumes at a higher efficiency. In the case of a POS structure, higher volume capacity means more PG, higher efficiency means more CPU.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#343 - 2013-03-07 00:06:03 UTC
Yonis Kador wrote:
Well, I guess there's absolutely nothing preventing me from investing billions in new startup costs, spending hundreds of millions more monthly on POS fuel, and using gametime that I now use to make isk freightering my goods from one end of New Eden to the other. Nothing at all. Except for the isk, the increased time requirements, and the fact that freightering goods is my least-favorite activity in the game. Nothing.

You can contract out the couriering of items from one end of the galaxy to the other. You know that. The only extra logistics required is loading up your freighter, industrial or orca with enough fuel to fill the fuel bay of the local POS, using fuel blocks that you've acquired at the local/nearest station.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#344 - 2013-03-07 00:19:32 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
Murk Paradox wrote:

I did and it got summarily ignored to worry about other random publord trashtalking overexplaining elitism.

For instance, your "years of null" or how rather, everyone says "oh you must live in highsec because you dont think or believe the way i do" which is garbage.

Don't for one second think you even care about a discussion. You don't. You want strife and angst in all forms. Otherwise you'd be on subject and wouldn't care, instead of coming to someone else's defense. Because my ideas do not get shot down.

They don't even get addressed!

Tell me again why you think entitlement should come to you just because you spent more money investing in something you already know to be broken!

See this post here is an explicit reason why you aren't taken seriously. You also got the bolded part wrong, there was no cogent argument.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#345 - 2013-03-07 00:21:54 UTC
Haradgrim wrote:
Not at all, I'm suggesting that a reduction in the material requirements offset the station and pos upkeep costs perhaps even to the point where the end product could be sold below the high sec production cost, perhaps that number is greater than a 25% reduction, I don't know I haven't done the math but that is easy enough to calculate. That makes it possible, I'm not suggesting its the most desireable alternative.

If you do the math, you will realise why it won't work. People seem to be under the impression that outposts are no different from NPC stations.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Yonis Kador
#346 - 2013-03-07 00:46:50 UTC
Haradgrim wrote:

The logistical difficulty of using POSes in null has more to do with getting raw materials out there (its hard to get trit for instance since mining is dangerous, low income, and it takes up a lot of space) where as in high-sec you can just freighter whatever you need to a pos.

Notorious Fellon wrote:
"What makes [POS manufacturing] so painful?"

La Nariz wrote:
"It is a long list but to start, the UI, the maintenance of the POS, and the logistics involved."

Tippia wrote:
"In a POS, you have to take all those modules to the station (hopefully in the same system); rclick→recycle there, because if you do it in the POS it'll be ready by the time the dinosaurs have re-evolved from canaries; cart all those minerals in fiftyeleven freighter runs (have you tried manoeuvring a freighter inside a tightly packed POS, btw?) to the POS; at the POS, you must know where everything goes because you have different arrays for different products and each of them have limited storage capacity; and if you want to manufacture something else, you have to go to the POS and rearrange materials between arrays (and hope to god they're close enough or you'll have to break out the freighter again)"

Yonis Kador wrote:

I believe it was stated that having to haul minerals from a station to a POS was problematic and that freighters are slow, cumbersome to navigate, and difficult to maneuver between anchored POS modules. Though it may be safer to mine in high sec, that stated ease consequently and frequently empties systems entirely of ore - forcing folks to mine systems away from their POS at distances that can vary daily. So as far as I can tell, the nightmarish transportation and navigation issues are not sec-specific.

Haradgrim wrote:

The reason "nullseccers" don't want to do industry in their POSes is solely due to reasons you don't run into in high-sec as I explained before.

Yonis Kador wrote:

And as I've already replied, the logistical challenges of POS manufacturing (transporting minerals to the POS, dividing minerals between various arrays, navigating/maneuvering a slow, cumbersome ship, etc.) are not sec-specific. If nullsec doesn't enjoy the task, it's nuts to suggest that highseccers should.

Haradgrim wrote:

I'm going to point out once again that the reasons that null sec players consider poses a logistical challenge isn't for the same reason as high sec players. Fueling a pos is not a logistical challenge.

Is this the point where I write again that the issues with POS manufacturing listed in this topic by other posters: maintaining/fueling multiple POS's, navigating in a freighter, multiple trips between a refining station and a POS, and maneuvering a freighter inside anchored POS modules aren't sec-specific activities? Those activities must suck everywhere. Or do I just throw my hands in the air and give up? lol I realize there are differences with risk but the similarities in why POS manufacturing isn't enjoyable (as stated in this topic) seem pretty universal for everyone.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#347 - 2013-03-07 00:48:28 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
2% refining implant, and a 40% station [i think it was a 40% station i was using...] will still give you lossless refining on any ores you can use t2 crystals for. so 50% refining stations aren't really an advantage.

The "in one stop" was the important part of that sentence.

Since people always argue about "protecting" the highsec "newbies", remember "we" have industrial newbies as well. Granted, they would just look like highsec industrial newbies, since highsec is the Promised Land for things like industry and mining nowadays.

Newbies who want to go null sec should have appropriate pirate-faction facilities available at something the most similar to hi sec. Something like a special wormhole they can enter when they have just created their character. The interior of that WH would be hi sec and they can learn the ropes like the hi sec "cousins", then they can leave that WH and be at the fringes of a NPC nullsec area. They can go back for say 1 week tops then the WH can't be entered any more (else older people would exploit the WH providing high sec like crazy).
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#348 - 2013-03-07 00:51:57 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
2% refining implant, and a 40% station [i think it was a 40% station i was using...] will still give you lossless refining on any ores you can use t2 crystals for. so 50% refining stations aren't really an advantage.

The "in one stop" was the important part of that sentence.

Since people always argue about "protecting" the highsec "newbies", remember "we" have industrial newbies as well. Granted, they would just look like highsec industrial newbies, since highsec is the Promised Land for things like industry and mining nowadays.

Newbies who want to go null sec should have appropriate pirate-faction facilities available at something the most similar to hi sec. Something like a special wormhole they can enter when they have just created their character. The interior of that WH would be hi sec and they can learn the ropes like the hi sec "cousins", then they can leave that WH and be at the fringes of a NPC nullsec area. They can go back for say 1 week tops then the WH can't be entered any more (else older people would exploit the WH providing high sec like crazy).

What the hell?

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Frying Doom
#349 - 2013-03-07 01:00:28 UTC
Yonis Kador wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
some stuff that I disagree with

If anyone at all thinks that the quality of my gameplay will not be decreased by necessitating flying around in a freighter carrying fuel blocks instead of a slicer carrying bpcs, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.


Again if you don't want to use a POS no one is trying to force you...

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Yonis Kador
#350 - 2013-03-07 01:05:55 UTC
Right. As an industrialist competing for ever-decreasing profit margins, raising the cost of using station manufacturing slots and decreasing station refining yield has been proposed in conjuction with better refining/manufacturing at high-sec POS's. Skills trained to start manufacturing jobs remotely and standings with npc corps would be irrelevant.

Any industrialist with common sense and basic math skills will recognize there is no choice if this is done.

Frying Doom
#351 - 2013-03-07 01:11:10 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
2% refining implant, and a 40% station [i think it was a 40% station i was using...] will still give you lossless refining on any ores you can use t2 crystals for. so 50% refining stations aren't really an advantage.

The "in one stop" was the important part of that sentence.

Since people always argue about "protecting" the highsec "newbies", remember "we" have industrial newbies as well. Granted, they would just look like highsec industrial newbies, since highsec is the Promised Land for things like industry and mining nowadays.

Newbies who want to go null sec should have appropriate pirate-faction facilities available at something the most similar to hi sec. Something like a special wormhole they can enter when they have just created their character. The interior of that WH would be hi sec and they can learn the ropes like the hi sec "cousins", then they can leave that WH and be at the fringes of a NPC nullsec area. They can go back for say 1 week tops then the WH can't be entered any more (else older people would exploit the WH providing high sec like crazy).

So just like portals in WoW.

So any other WoW like changes you would like to propose?

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#352 - 2013-03-07 01:20:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Yonis Kador wrote:
Right. As an industrialist competing for ever-decreasing profit margins, raising the cost of using station manufacturing slots and decreasing station refining yield has been proposed in conjuction with better refining/manufacturing at high-sec POS's. Skills trained to start manufacturing jobs remotely and standings with npc corps would be irrelevant.

Any industrialist with common sense and basic math skills will recognize there is no choice if this is done.


Ok lets try to spell this out for you

Profit margins are decreasing because it is too cheap to just decide to build something, so a lot of people are and always have built without working out the profit or the ever popular "Minerals are free"

Again the refining yield will still be 100% you just need an implant and higher skills this is your trade off so you don't have to risk any thing.

As to Hi-sec POSs yes they would have slightly cheaper manufacturing as they are out laying capital and taking risks to earn their isk.

As to "Skills trained to start manufacturing jobs remotely and standings with npc corps would be irrelevant."

You are gaining the reward of reduced risk by using an NPC facility while POS users are gaining the reward of isk for taking risks.

It very much seems to me that you are so risk adverse that you will argue forever, over your right to make risk free isk, killing off the ability for anyone who wants more out of industry and at the same time putting your self above all of the other regions of EvE.

So let me make this one real easy for you....Those who risk more should get more...No one works on an off shore oil rig for $50 a month. Nor should someone who builds their own manufacturing plant earn less than someone who uses someone elses almost for free.

Or to put in the terms any industrialist can understand. You are arguing that the yield of a procurer should equal the yield of a hulk as the hulk should not benefit just because it is more expensive and needs more SP to fly.

Or alternatively that you should not profit with higher rep through refining as even though you put in a greater amount of work the people who haven't are at a disadvantage.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#353 - 2013-03-07 01:34:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
Yonis Kador wrote:
Is this the point where I write again that the issues with POS manufacturing listed in this topic by other posters: maintaining/fueling multiple POS's, navigating in a freighter, multiple trips between a refining station and a POS, and maneuvering a freighter inside anchored POS modules aren't sec-specific activities? Those activities must suck everywhere. Or do I just throw my hands in the air and give up? lol I realize there are differences with risk but the similarities in why POS manufacturing isn't enjoyable (as stated in this topic) seem pretty universal for everyone.

What if all those activity lines could link to a POS hangar array? That is, you would only need to dump all the raw materials in the hangar, then set up a resource routing to shove the appropriate number of material X into assembly array Y, and it would all sort itself out? Or in other words, have POSes work just like PI. Or PI in reverse (this assembly line uses Hangar Array A for input and Hangar Array A for output).

What if POS refineries could be just as effective as station refineries? Would that reduce round-trip times? One single-line refinery that can take all the raw materials (Arkonor, Bistot, 425mm railgun I) and dump the output into the POS hangar array, ready for the minerals to be fed into the assembly lines.

Heck, what if you could dump fuel into that hangar array too, and have it dribbled into the POS fuel bay as required?

Frying Doom wrote:
So let me make this one real easy for you....Those who risk more should get more...No one works on an off shore oil rig for $50 a month. Nor should someone who builds their own manufacturing plant earn less than someone who uses someone elses almost for free.

What if all facets of industry were easier at a POS than using NPC facilities? What if there were no NPC stations with both refineries and assembly lines? What if POSes could use PI-style processing lines, would that be a benefit to the industrialist?
Frying Doom
#354 - 2013-03-07 01:41:43 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:

Frying Doom wrote:
So let me make this one real easy for you....Those who risk more should get more...No one works on an off shore oil rig for $50 a month. Nor should someone who builds their own manufacturing plant earn less than someone who uses someone elses almost for free.

What if all facets of industry were easier at a POS than using NPC facilities? What if there were no NPC stations with both refineries and assembly lines? What if POSes could use PI-style processing lines, would that be a benefit to the industrialist?

Now you have come to the largest part of the issue, now things can always get better in this game and POSs being easier to use would be great, removing refine from stations no I would not like that just the lowering of the refine rates. As to the production well just made a little better would be helpful

But all these things use a lot of dev resources, resources we will likely never see. That is why I prefer things that will give the maximum benefit with a few resources as possible.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Sunshine and Lollipops
#355 - 2013-03-07 01:41:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Frying Doom wrote:
And I am aware that Outposts do need the ability of increased industry capabilities, but I do believe the amount of increase Tippia would like to see is frankly too much.


Similar to this but a bit less say 50=70% of what you are asking.
They really aren't. Those numbers were quite carefully picked to make a maxed out industry system be exactly as good as the best highsec industry systems. No more, no less.

So that's just what's needed to be on par, slot-wise. It does not account for any of the other benefits highsec has. If anything, those numbers could be 50-70% higher if we want to move null into some actual “better”-territory.

Those are the bare minimums, not something that needs to be reduced by 30–50%.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#356 - 2013-03-07 01:46:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Frying Doom wrote:

So just like portals in WoW.

So any other WoW like changes you would like to propose?

What's a portal in WoW? You seem to have experience with that game, I don't. Last time I have seen that thing, was when it was worth playing. That is the first months it existed.
Frying Doom
#357 - 2013-03-07 01:46:29 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
And I am aware that Outposts do need the ability of increased industry capabilities, but I do believe the amount of increase Tippia would like to see is frankly too much.


Similar to this but a bit less say 50=70% of what you are asking.
They really aren't. Those numbers were quite carefully picked to make a maxed out industry system be exactly as good as the best highsec industry systems. No more, no less.

So that's just what's needed to be on par, slot-wise. It does not account for any of the other benefits highsec has. If anything, those numbers could be 50-70% higher if we want to move null into some actual “better”-territory.

Quite possibly and I can see the argument for it and to be honest I have little experience with Outposts but having said that it is more the difference it would make between sov and non Sov, dangerous areas, that concerns me as outposts already give a fair few bonuses, docking being one of them.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#358 - 2013-03-07 01:50:30 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

So just like portals in WoW.

So any other WoW like changes you would like to propose?

What's a portal in WoW? You seem to have experience with that game, I don't.

Yes I do, having played most of the popular MMOs for years all the way back to text MUDS in the 80's.

So that concerns me more as you are obviously unfamiliar with other MMOs, specifically the worlds most famous and the one with the highest subscriber level.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#359 - 2013-03-07 01:52:00 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
I have little experience with Outposts

This will be important for the next quote.

Frying Doom wrote:
outposts already give a fair few bonuses, docking being one of them.

That you think being able to dock in an outpost that you own is a bonus really says it all.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Alavaria Fera
#360 - 2013-03-07 01:55:45 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
I have little experience with Outposts

This will be important for the next quote.
Frying Doom wrote:
outposts already give a fair few bonuses, docking being one of them.

That you think being able to dock in an outpost that you own is a bonus really says it all.

The NPC outposts have the best "bonuses" then? So er, I guess players shouldn't be building their own infrastructure....

Oh right, HIGHSEC is the place to be, the NPCs have the infrastructure all ready for you !

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?