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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Yonis Kador
#321 - 2013-03-06 21:16:21 UTC
Haradgrim wrote:
Yonis Kador wrote:
Haradgrim wrote:

What is it about POSes that would be an issue for you? Its the concept of having to make an investment and protect it that I'm seeking to encorperate into the high-sec manufacturing cycle.

I believe it was stated that having to haul minerals from a station to a POS was problematic and that freighters are slow, cumbersome to navigate, and difficult to maneuver between anchored POS modules. Though it may be safer to mine in high sec, that stated ease consequently and frequently empties systems entirely of ore - forcing folks to mine systems away from their POS at distances that can vary daily. So as far as I can tell, the nightmarish transportation and navigation issues are not sec-specific.

My insurmountable problem is that I operate all over the map, on opposite ends of multiple regions, with plans to continually expand indefinately. Tethering my industrial activites to my research POS (which firstly means I won't be able to do research) would translate to literally hundreds of freighter jumps per week. It is unworkable in any sense and will effectively end my game. My biggest issue with the idea is how limiting it is and the deleterious effect it will have on player fluidity. Everyone will be tethered to some point in space.

It may well be that in null, the absence of security lends itself readily to tethering yourself to a point in space. High sec has no such restriction and people go where they will. In fact, my current game has developed partly from those travels. I'm absolutely positive I'm not the only person who's going to have an issue with this.


I apologize if I'm being dense but I still don't really understand, what is to stop you from simply setting up more posses? They aren't very expensive to set up and as long as they are profitable to run they will pay themselves off very quickly. Wouldn't having a network of posses all over the high-sec galaxyy producing and researching wherever you operate be better?

Transporting to a pos is no more difficult than transporting to a station (which you will have to do to manufacture at any volume anyhow). The only real logistical issue is moving materials from your corperate hanger array to the various production modules but that's no more work than organizing your hanger on a station. So that just leaves the logistics of operating a pos, setting it up is a bit of work (but fun IMO) but maintaining it is very little work and a simple hauling alt can be utilizaed to take care of all your poses anywhere in the galaxy if you stagger their schedules.

Well, I guess there's absolutely nothing preventing me from investing billions in new startup costs, spending hundreds of millions more monthly on POS fuel, and using gametime that I now use to make isk freightering my goods from one end of New Eden to the other. Nothing at all. Except for the isk, the increased time requirements, and the fact that freightering goods is my least-favorite activity in the game. Nothing.

Even though nullseccers don't want to do industry in their own POS's, I'm sure I'll learn to love it - despite it adding a massive logistical challenge to my game that is currently not required.

I hope this change rolls out at the same time as null's new superores because it sure sounds super-balanced.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#322 - 2013-03-06 21:26:33 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
I agree, unfortunately, that is also from this side of the coin. You can easily search my posts and see where I am the one that starts the fight. But good luck finding one.

It's not starting a fight its you constantly recycling the same tired crap that 5 other people have already had shot down. Then when yours' gets shot down with the same facts the others were shot down with you get irate and state that you have years of nullsec experience, which is also false, when instead you should be learning from the discourse.

We understand you are against highsec nerfs we would like you to bring a cogent argument.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#323 - 2013-03-06 21:30:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Haradgrim
Yonis Kador wrote:
Well, I guess there's absolutely nothing preventing me from investing billions in new startup costs, spending hundreds of millions more monthly on POS fuel, and using gametime that I now use to make isk freightering my goods from one end of New Eden to the other. Nothing at all. Except for the isk, the increased time requirements, and the fact that freightering goods is my least-favorite activity in the game. Nothing.

Even though nullseccers don't want to do industry in their own POS's, I'm sure I'll learn to love it - despite it adding a massive logistical challenge to my game that is currently not required.

I hope this change rolls out at the same time as null's new superores because it sure sounds super-balanced.


So you went to the trouble to come up with and create a profitable business but your not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it? I mean I supposed your entitiled to that opinion.

The reason "nullseccers" don't want to do industry in their POSes is solely due to reasons you don't run into in high-sec as I explained before.

I'm not suggesting I think that removing station based services is the only option, infact increasing station slot costs could work as well, that said; I really think it would be beneficial to the game as a whole if every player high, low, or null sec, had to make an investment and guard that investment in order to compete in industry at high profit levels.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#324 - 2013-03-06 22:13:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Murk Paradox
La Nariz wrote:
Murk Paradox wrote:
I agree, unfortunately, that is also from this side of the coin. You can easily search my posts and see where I am the one that starts the fight. But good luck finding one.

It's not starting a fight its you constantly recycling the same tired crap that 5 other people have already had shot down. Then when yours' gets shot down with the same facts the others were shot down with you get irate and state that you have years of nullsec experience, which is also false, when instead you should be learning from the discourse.

We understand you are against highsec nerfs we would like you to bring a cogent argument.

I did and it got summarily ignored to worry about other random publord trashtalking overexplaining elitism.

For instance, your "years of null" or how rather, everyone says "oh you must live in highsec because you dont think or believe the way i do" which is garbage.

Don't for one second think you even care about a discussion. You don't. You want strife and angst in all forms. Otherwise you'd be on subject and wouldn't care, instead of coming to someone else's defense. Because my ideas do not get shot down.

They don't even get addressed!

Tell me again why you think entitlement should come to you just because you spent more money investing in something you already know to be broken!

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Frying Doom
#325 - 2013-03-06 22:15:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Haradgrim wrote:
Yonis Kador wrote:
Well, I guess there's absolutely nothing preventing me from investing billions in new startup costs, spending hundreds of millions more monthly on POS fuel, and using gametime that I now use to make isk freightering my goods from one end of New Eden to the other. Nothing at all. Except for the isk, the increased time requirements, and the fact that freightering goods is my least-favorite activity in the game. Nothing.

Even though nullseccers don't want to do industry in their own POS's, I'm sure I'll learn to love it - despite it adding a massive logistical challenge to my game that is currently not required.

I hope this change rolls out at the same time as null's new superores because it sure sounds super-balanced.


So you went to the trouble to come up with and create a profitable business but your not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it? I mean I supposed your entitiled to that opinion.

The reason "nullseccers" don't want to do industry in their POSes is solely due to reasons you don't run into in high-sec as I explained before.

I'm not suggesting I think that removing station based services is the only option, infact increasing station slot costs could work as well, that said; I really think it would be beneficial to the game as a whole if every player high, low, or null sec, had to make an investment and guard that investment in order to compete in industry at high profit levels.

Now I my self am all for increasing the cost of NPC facilities to make them slightly more expensive than POS per slot.

And I am aware that Outposts do need the ability of increased industry capabilities, but I do believe the amount of increase Tippia would like to see is frankly too much.
Tippia wrote:

If CCP allowed multiple outposts per system, most nulsec areas would then have the potential to easily equal hisec for industry and research, but you would have to work for it.
Actually, it wouldn't. Outposts are still so hideously unable to even begin to come close to the capabilities of even a single station that you'd run out of planets long before you got something that even remotely resembled a highsec system.

I suppose I'll have to post my standard improvement requirement list in this thread too…

1. One outpost per system probably has to remain for sov reasons (sov needs a revamp, but let's break one thing at a time).
2. Every outpost type gets 50 each of every industry slot type. Industry-specific outposts get twice that (up from a best-case scenario of 10 of one type).
3. Every outpost type gets 20 offices; Gallente outposts get twice that (up from 4–8 / 24).
4. Every outpost type gets a 30% refinery; a 50% refinery is a single basic upgrade.
5. Basic industry upgrades add 50 each of every slot type (up from 5 of a specific type); Intermediate upgrades add 100 (up from 7); Advanced upgrades add 150 (up from 9). Time bonuses could probably remain the same.

Similar to this but a bit less say 50=70% of what you are asking. Excluding the refine which I think is needed in POS and outposts at a base 50%...The other side of Outposts is of course the usage based SoV system but I don't want to get into that atm, as the current proposal is about doing the most good for the least developer resources.

Now POS are a pain in the butt but those willing to take the pain and the capital out lay should be rewarded not punished and outposts cost a hell of a lot more than a POS but have a lot of abilities a POS does not.

But yes a lot of the problems to other systems like the war dec system would be solved as people would actually be taking the risk from war decs, in order to gain a financial advantage.

I hope that makes sense, it has been a long night.

Oh one thing I would like to add is for there to be a way built in so that the slots on outpost would cost the same as those on a POS and made as an isk sink, so it is similar to a fueling cost on a POS.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#326 - 2013-03-06 22:18:45 UTC
Kestrix wrote:
Null sec is already better than hi sec for industry. You can build anything in Null. Sure there is risk involved and the logistics (which are not hard) can be annoying at times. The only thing Empire has over Null sec is the trading hubs.

Yeah, just the trading hubs. CONCORD protection and non-flippable NPC stations with tons of manufacturing AND research slots AND 50% refineries all in one stop aren't an advantage at all. Nor is the fact that these slots cost such a pathetically small amount of isk that calling it a pittance would be making it sound higher than it is. Nope, no advantage there at all, it's just the trade hubs. Thanks for that, guy whose only experience with null is reading some NPC corp shirtlord's GD posts!

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Yonis Kador
#327 - 2013-03-06 22:22:42 UTC
Haradgrim wrote:

So you went to the trouble to come up with and create a profitable business but your not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it? I mean I supposed your entitiled to that opinion.

The reason "nullseccers" don't want to do industry in their POSes is solely due to reason you don't run into in high-sec as I explained before.

I'm not suggesting I think that removing station based services is the only option, infact increasing station slot costs could work as well, that said; I really think it would be beneficial to the game as a whole if every player high, low, or null sec, had to make an investment and guard that investment in order to compete in industry at high profit levels.

And as I've already replied, the logistical challenges of POS manufacturing (transporting minerals to the POS, dividing minerals between various arrays, navigating/maneuvering a slow, cumbersome ship, etc.) are not sec-specific. If nullsec doesn't enjoy the task, it's nuts to suggest that highseccers should.

But "not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it?" What does that even mean? I'm manufacturing now in npc stations usually on site exactly where my goods are sold. Why in the world would I want to operate multiple POS's, increasing my own costs and logistics? Because I sure don't. I fly around in a slicer delivering bpcs. I'm operating at ends of regions just to pipe goods down there to folks who are far from hubs ....because it's harder. A difficult path always has less competition. That and I genuinely know what it felt like when I was in those places for various reasons and couldn't get the basic things I needed on a day to day basis.

I guess I just don't understand why we have skills that allow the setup of station manufacturing jobs remotely, or the ability to buy/sell items remotely if none of that will soon be relevant? Why have players work on building standings with npc corps to achieve perfect refine rates if refining at a POS will be superior? Everything about the current system centers around station manufacturing. For an idea that gets thrown around so casually, the impact of such a change would affect everyone. And in highsec it would affect most folks negatively - new players disprortionately so.

In my specific case, I worked for months to build up my standings with over a dozen npc corps specifically to increase my options in-game. And yet I still run into situations where I'm in a system without a station belonging to one of them. Just two days ago, I spent 6 hours in a cov ops scouting systems because my system and all others within 3-4 jumps were mined out. I'm now 10 jumps from that location. That sort of thing happens all the time. Highsec is dynamic. You adapt and move on. But that only works because I'm not tethered to a point in space. If I had to relocate a POS every time I relocated myself, that's all I'd do.

But just because I'm opposed to my time investment in mechanic grinding being made worthless, opposed to my costs and effort being increased exponentially for the same isk, because I have no desire to be tethered to a single point in space, or my game being made orders of magnitude more complicated, does not have anything to do with being unwilling to work.

Quite the opposite actually.

Frying Doom
#328 - 2013-03-06 22:30:46 UTC
Yonis Kador wrote:
Haradgrim wrote:

So you went to the trouble to come up with and create a profitable business but your not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it? I mean I supposed your entitiled to that opinion.

The reason "nullseccers" don't want to do industry in their POSes is solely due to reason you don't run into in high-sec as I explained before.

I'm not suggesting I think that removing station based services is the only option, infact increasing station slot costs could work as well, that said; I really think it would be beneficial to the game as a whole if every player high, low, or null sec, had to make an investment and guard that investment in order to compete in industry at high profit levels.

And as I've already replied, the logistical challenges of POS manufacturing (transporting minerals to the POS, dividing minerals between various arrays, navigating/maneuvering a slow, cumbersome ship, etc.) are not sec-specific. If nullsec doesn't enjoy the task, it's nuts to suggest that highseccers should.

But "not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it?" What does that even mean? I'm manufacturing now in npc stations usually on site exactly where my goods are sold. Why in the world would I want to operate multiple POS's, increasing my own costs and logistics? Because I sure don't. I fly around in a slicer delivering bpcs. I'm operating at ends of regions just to pipe goods down there to folks who are far from hubs ....because it's harder. A difficult path always has less competition. That and I genuinely know what it felt like when I was in those places for various reasons and couldn't get the basic things I needed on a day to day basis.

I guess I just don't understand why we have skills that allow the setup of station manufacturing jobs remotely, or the ability to buy/sell items remotely if none of that will soon be relevant? Why have players work on building standings with npc corps to achieve perfect refine rates if refining at a POS will be superior? Everything about the current system centers around station manufacturing. For an idea that gets thrown around so casually, the impact of such a change would affect everyone. And in highsec it would affect most folks negatively - new players disprortionately so.

In my specific case, I worked for months to build up my standings with over a dozen npc corps specifically to increase my options in-game. And yet I still run into situations where I'm in a system without a station belonging to one of them. Just two days ago, I spent 6 hours in a cov ops scouting systems because my system and all others within 3-4 jumps were mined out. I'm now 10 jumps from that location. That sort of thing happens all the time. Highsec is dynamic. You adapt and move on. But that only works because I'm not tethered to a point in space. If I had to relocate a POS every time I relocated myself, that's all I'd do.

But just because I'm opposed to my time investment in mechanic grinding being made worthless, opposed to my costs and effort being increased exponentially for the same isk, because I have no desire to be tethered to a single point in space, or my game being made orders of magnitude more complicated, does not have anything to do with being unwilling to work.

Quite the opposite actually.


Ok because has been stated before the NPC facilities would cost slightly more and with a maxed out refining skills and an implant as well as your NPC standings you would be able to mitigate the risk involved in production.

So your reward from your NPC standings and higher skills is a mitigation of risk.

But you know all this as you have used this same argument before and it has been shot down in flames.

Ok you want to fly all over the universe and mine in different areas but do not want to operate multiple POS's, so don't, you will miss out on a very small amount of profit while still retaining almost no risk.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Dave Stark
#329 - 2013-03-06 22:34:39 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
50% refineries all in one stop aren't an advantage at all.

2% refining implant, and a 40% station [i think it was a 40% station i was using...] will still give you lossless refining on any ores you can use t2 crystals for. so 50% refining stations aren't really an advantage.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#330 - 2013-03-06 22:43:13 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:

Because, for any serious manufacturer, costs are irrelevant.


More costs = less profits, what in the world makes you think more costs is a good thing? You honestly think we think costs are irrelevant in any of our choices?

Even your own mad workings out show high sec is the only logical choice.
Yonis Kador
#331 - 2013-03-06 22:51:49 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
some stuff that I disagree with

If anyone at all thinks that the quality of my gameplay will not be decreased by necessitating flying around in a freighter carrying fuel blocks instead of a slicer carrying bpcs, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#332 - 2013-03-06 22:52:31 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Arcosian wrote:

People claim that manufacturing with POS is the way to go in null but it's too risky. This is due to POS roles severely lacking when it comes to securing who can start/cancel jobs, not to mention only corp members can access those slots. For null to be "fixed" indy wise it needs to have a basic infrastructure like high does now where anyone can use it. But there will always be some dependence on high for empire materials like data cores/faction mods. This leads into my next point of JF


This is one of the major issues with making stuff.

In high, you can start jobs and they're perfectly safe from your fellow corp members.

Being able to launch a POS that /only/ you can access. Or part of a POS that is just yours, that will help a lot. And it'd help with removing one of the reasons for people to have single player corps (can't trust people with your resources)

A simple option here is to fix roles so anyone can cancel jobs that they start, without requiring the rights to cancel any job started by anyone.
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#333 - 2013-03-06 23:01:04 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
2% refining implant, and a 40% station [i think it was a 40% station i was using...] will still give you lossless refining on any ores you can use t2 crystals for. so 50% refining stations aren't really an advantage.

The "in one stop" was the important part of that sentence.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Alavaria Fera
#334 - 2013-03-06 23:09:05 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
2% refining implant, and a 40% station [i think it was a 40% station i was using...] will still give you lossless refining on any ores you can use t2 crystals for. so 50% refining stations aren't really an advantage.

The "in one stop" was the important part of that sentence.

Since people always argue about "protecting" the highsec "newbies", remember "we" have industrial newbies as well. Granted, they would just look like highsec industrial newbies, since highsec is the Promised Land for things like industry and mining nowadays.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

#335 - 2013-03-06 23:12:16 UTC  |  Edited by: GreenSeed
reading this thread i cant help to think of that CCP post saying that whoever is in charge of allocating resources asked "what should we do next?" to which some CCP devs answered "POSes should be revamped next", this lead designer then asked this small group of devs "can you tell me what would this do for the game besides being cool?" and that team couldn't come up with an answer.

pos revamp, outpost revamp, and industry revamp is THE most needed thing on this game. doing anything BUT this is postponing the inevitable for another year.

forget nerfing highsec, or buffing this and that, or even updating SOV mechanics. updating manufacturing processes, production chains, invention and research mechanics will have a blanket effect in all areas of EVE online, it will get people out of highsec, if only to set up a pos and dig themselves inside it.

pretty much all complaints can be traced back to unprofitably, or the fact that manufacturing anywhere but highsec has a skewed risk/reward ratio... and its not even a clear risk/reward thing, its more like risk+hassle+commitment/reward. revamping POSes needs to at least get rid of the hassle.

the way i see it, "bitter vets" need to bite the bullet and let at least one development cycle be used to update mechanics that have never received an update!

its not just POSes and manufacturing, its also Corp roles, corp ownership of ships and modules, corp accounting, fleet management, market mechanics, contract system. all this things have NEVER been revisited. once you have this updated/fixed then you can start talking about adding more minerals into nullsec to see if then people start producing... as it is now people don't produce because it requires many times more time, risk, and investment to do much of anything in null.

just think of how easy it would be to run an alliance/corporation manufacturing division if corp owned ships and modules could be introduced. anyone who has had to spend 6hrs straight setting up corp contracts and then monitor who's taking what from where and how many, knows the process as it is now is a nightmare... add to that the pain of managing the production made by many individuals or corporations...

people who never stepped into null always say things like "why don't you guys try to do industry in null?", well that's why. in high sec its easy to organize production, because there's a market. any attempt at production in null hits a brick wall, when allocating rewards to producers and getting the goods to the hands of the consumers has to be done manually by the alliance and cant be left in the hands of "the market".
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#336 - 2013-03-06 23:29:00 UTC
^ I agree that POS's should be the priority for CCP. New structures could be the answer to the industry problem...
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#337 - 2013-03-06 23:32:26 UTC
Haradgrim wrote:
So what your saying is that if (as an arbitrary example) every POS factory slot had a +25% Material Efficiency bonus when operated in null sec, there wouldn't be sufficient motivation to move T1 production out to 0.0? And that once prices fell below the high-sec minimum production cost level there would be anyone doing otherwise?

I'm not suggesting that's the solution but it took me all of 1 second to come up with a way to manipulate market forces to make 0.0 more profitable than high-sec in a particular market.

Then again, if I was the CFC and I didn't want an entity to come together in high sec (in much the way goons once did) and one day challenge me, nerfing high sec industry would certainly help me out with that.

The only way to make production costs fall below the high-sec minimum production costs with your idea is to make nullsec station & POS upkeep costs on par with highsec station costs. In other words, make it virtually free. Your 1 second solution would only reduce the material costs associated with production, people would still build stuff in highsec because it would always be cheaper regardless.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#338 - 2013-03-06 23:45:27 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Haradgrim wrote:
So what your saying is that if (as an arbitrary example) every POS factory slot had a +25% Material Efficiency bonus when operated in null sec, there wouldn't be sufficient motivation to move T1 production out to 0.0? And that once prices fell below the high-sec minimum production cost level there would be anyone doing otherwise?

I'm not suggesting that's the solution but it took me all of 1 second to come up with a way to manipulate market forces to make 0.0 more profitable than high-sec in a particular market.

Then again, if I was the CFC and I didn't want an entity to come together in high sec (in much the way goons once did) and one day challenge me, nerfing high sec industry would certainly help me out with that.

The only way to make production costs fall below the high-sec minimum production costs with your idea is to make nullsec station & POS upkeep costs on par with highsec station costs. In other words, make it virtually free. Your 1 second solution would only reduce the material costs associated with production, people would still build stuff in highsec because it would always be cheaper regardless.

Not at all, I'm suggesting that a reduction in the material requirements offset the station and pos upkeep costs perhaps even to the point where the end product could be sold below the high sec production cost, perhaps that number is greater than a 25% reduction, I don't know I haven't done the math but that is easy enough to calculate. That makes it possible, I'm not suggesting its the most desireable alternative.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#339 - 2013-03-06 23:53:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Haradgrim
Yonis Kador wrote:
Haradgrim wrote:

So you went to the trouble to come up with and create a profitable business but your not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it? I mean I supposed your entitiled to that opinion.

The reason "nullseccers" don't want to do industry in their POSes is solely due to reason you don't run into in high-sec as I explained before.

I'm not suggesting I think that removing station based services is the only option, infact increasing station slot costs could work as well, that said; I really think it would be beneficial to the game as a whole if every player high, low, or null sec, had to make an investment and guard that investment in order to compete in industry at high profit levels.

And as I've already replied, the logistical challenges of POS manufacturing (transporting minerals to the POS, dividing minerals between various arrays, navigating/maneuvering a slow, cumbersome ship, etc.) are not sec-specific. If nullsec doesn't enjoy the task, it's nuts to suggest that highseccers should.

But "not willing to put in the same investment of isk and same sort of time/effort to grow it?" What does that even mean? I'm manufacturing now in npc stations usually on site exactly where my goods are sold. Why in the world would I want to operate multiple POS's, increasing my own costs and logistics? Because I sure don't. I fly around in a slicer delivering bpcs. I'm operating at ends of regions just to pipe goods down there to folks who are far from hubs ....because it's harder. A difficult path always has less competition. That and I genuinely know what it felt like when I was in those places for various reasons and couldn't get the basic things I needed on a day to day basis.

I guess I just don't understand why we have skills that allow the setup of station manufacturing jobs remotely, or the ability to buy/sell items remotely if none of that will soon be relevant? Why have players work on building standings with npc corps to achieve perfect refine rates if refining at a POS will be superior? Everything about the current system centers around station manufacturing. For an idea that gets thrown around so casually, the impact of such a change would affect everyone. And in highsec it would affect most folks negatively - new players disprortionately so.

In my specific case, I worked for months to build up my standings with over a dozen npc corps specifically to increase my options in-game. And yet I still run into situations where I'm in a system without a station belonging to one of them. Just two days ago, I spent 6 hours in a cov ops scouting systems because my system and all others within 3-4 jumps were mined out. I'm now 10 jumps from that location. That sort of thing happens all the time. Highsec is dynamic. You adapt and move on. But that only works because I'm not tethered to a point in space. If I had to relocate a POS every time I relocated myself, that's all I'd do.

But just because I'm opposed to my time investment in mechanic grinding being made worthless, opposed to my costs and effort being increased exponentially for the same isk, because I have no desire to be tethered to a single point in space, or my game being made orders of magnitude more complicated, does not have anything to do with being unwilling to work.

Quite the opposite actually.


I'm going to point out once again that the reasons that null sec players consider poses a logistical challenge isn't for the same reason as high sec players. Fueling a pos is not a logistical challenge. Fueling a pos while your system is being camped by 200 hostiles with a cap fleet on call is.

I realize you have a highly specialized manufacturing model but I have to believe you would be making more money with access to cheaper or more readily available minerals/materials even if you had to pay someone to ship your goods (if you didn't want to). I'm not going to be able to convince you if you believe that any departure from your current playstyle destroys your "quality of life."
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#340 - 2013-03-06 23:54:26 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Kitty Bear wrote:
If CCP allowed multiple outposts per system, most nulsec areas would then have the potential to easily equal hisec for industry and research, but you would have to work for it.

Except then you cause problems with sov, because currently a system outpost has to be captured before the system itself can be captured. How would this work with multiple outposts? Would we have to grind through every outpost in a system before it could be captured? Sounds like less risk, not more.

Even if you could have multiple outposts per system, as Tippia pointed out you would still be unable to match highsec for manufacturing capability.

Kitty Bear wrote:
But if all you want is for it be handed to you, gift-wrapped, on a silver platter CCP need do nothing, as you can easily and quickly just move to hisec where you need make no effort to engage in mostly unresricted industrial activities.

Well I guess it's good that I don't want it to be handed to me on a silver platter, and you have absolutely no excuse for accusing me of such because I've repeatedly stated I want MORE conflict drivers.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)