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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#261 - 2013-03-06 18:09:23 UTC
The answer to this question is pretty obvious.

The Tears Must Flow

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#262 - 2013-03-06 18:15:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Haradgrim
As someone who does a lot of high sec industry yet spent the majority of my career in null; I would love to see a system that rewarded industrialists for living in 0.0 but didn't take away the safety blanket of high-sec. That said I think it’s a lot harder than nerfing or buffing anything.

In 3 points:

1) The barrier to entry in Null is very high - sure you can join a corp and participate in Null as they see fit, but if you are a highly-advanced industrialist then you most likely want to have your own corp in place to manage POS assets and such. Joining 0.0 alliances as an industrialist corp (even with high SP PVPers in your ranks) isn't the easiest thing to do, yes it can be done but expecting your average high-sec manufacturer to even know where to start or who to approach is a stretch at best not to mention an exercise in attempting not to get scammed.

Often when I hear calls to nerf high-sec industry without an associated plan as to how one would provide for an industrial play style in 0.0 or low sec which I feel is equatable to asking CCP to turn off a part of the game many people enjoy. I'm not opposed to CCP changing the game in such a way that encourages industry to move to less secure space or encourages PVP in general but I believe it has to be done in a way that includes some form of matchmaking (alliance placement/recruitment tools and/or incentives) or some as yet undiscussed method of lowering the barrier to entry.

2) “Null sec is scary” - This is a perception that I can never get over just how ubiquitous it is in this game. When I started playing EVE the game was a lot different (remember needing to find someone who owned a BPO and hiring them to build you a ship? Open Market! pshaw!) and as such I never really experienced the whole "Null is the home of god-like PVPers, massive blobs of gate campers and every system has a cloaked scanning ship just waiting for you to stop somewhere" type perception I see so often. I moved to null while I was still pretty new so it was "where I grew up" but that was also before it had become so entrenched with massive power blocs.

For many of my newer friends (people that have now been playing for 3 or 4 years) Null represents a perception of some sort of forbidden fruit, a land of lawlessness and almost guaranteed loss if you don’t own a moon to poop out ISK-goo. While anyone that’s spent time in Null knows that the situation is much more complex than that (NPC Space, NRDS areas, Complexes, etc.) and that there are lots of money making opportunities but it’s hard to convince high-sec industrialists that they should give up a very enjoyable play style for one that earns them almost no additional reward but carries with it an immense amount of risk. If you try and drive these same people to null by nerfing the bajeezus out of high-sec then they are simply going to quit not move, would you play a game that the developer decided the way you’ve been playing for 4 or 5 years shouldn’t be allowed regardless of its impact on the health of the game? I’m not justifying the position, merely stating that I find it to be exactly as I would have expected.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#263 - 2013-03-06 18:15:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Haradgrim
3) The big: ‘Why?’ – I think one of the most important questions being asked right now by a player who is both knowledgeable about 0.0 and considering a move out there is “why should I?” At the moment, if you are earning 1B+ ISK in high-sec per month, have the option of PVP roaming (I’ve noticed the massive rise of “Kil2 style PVP”, solo pvpers in cheap-ish ships starting in Jita and going roaming in null/low sec) when you feel like it, the ability to conduct industrial activities safely, etc. Why would you ever move to null?

Well, there’s the massive fights that most EVE players love (even if only to read about), there’s moon mining, and there is ratting/WHs/exploration (PVE). So let me take a moment to examine each of these points:

a. Alliance scale warfare – there is one thing that virtually every EVE player agrees on; the current sov grind sucks. Slowly grinding structures and waiting on timers isn’t the most fun or immersive way to fight with internet spaceships and while the old POS based version of sov wasn’t much better (anyone remember the battle for FAT-6P way back during the first part of the great war? POS spamming and remote doomsdays FTW! T_T ) The one point of disagreement is whether grinding structures is worth it to potentially bring about a meaningful fight. Obviously this debate has played out in public recently but it’s hardly surprising. While I agree with people like Shadoo that grinding sov sucks, I don’t know that a Thunderdome with a few tech moons or whatever as a side bet is going to be a whole lot better (the current plan at least as publicly reported). I obviously can’t speak for their pilots but I, for one, am not exactly salivating to join up with one of the participating parties to get in on some “gudfights”.

On top of all of this, the interesting and unintended consequence of TiDi has been that when a big fight happens somewhere, all of the null ends of having a chance to join in which obviously makes things very unpredictable. I can only imagine this will be worse when a massive battle is planned for a system or region and this information is available in advance. Big fights are good but TiDi to the point where it crushes your soul isn’t much better than the old lag filled mid-sized fights (but is definitely better than the old strobe-light giant battles).

b. Moon Goo – The holy grail of industry, as any major manufacturer that’s been involved in the Tech2 production cycle knows; Moon goo is one of the main driving forces of the EVE economy. Unfortunately the static nature of the moon mining system, the issues with the current sov system and the null-sec geopolitical situation have basically made it so that profits from moon mining are really only seen at the alliance level. Different alliances do different things with this income (whether financing cap fleets or paying their FC’s mortgage) but at the end of the day it does nothing to create opportunity for the individual industrialist, in most alliances I find it’s easier to just buy goo from Jita rather than try and get the Alliance to provide it for production purposes (often even if that production is intended to benefit the alliance!). In other words, it does nothing to increase the attractiveness of 0.0 to the average player.

c. PVE in 0.0 can be very profitable, even back in the old days of running 10/10 complexes it has always been profitable, that said, there is a major disparity between PVE income and industry income for two reasons; first, there is PVP risk involved in PVE activities which makes it possible to lose more than you earn (a scary thought for many industrialist types), second, it’s not an extensible activity that can have its profitability multiplied by plexing alts. The ability to add an alt, pay for its plex, and still make a profit by expanding your current operation is one of the major reasons why industry is so popular. Especially given the semi-passive nature of the income, it’s obviously considerably harder to apply the same approach to PVE since I doubt most players could effectively run 5+ characters in PVE and I think the point of this argument is self-evident. The one additionally relevant point is a player can move a character to 0.0 participate in PVP and PVE yet have high-sec industry going at the same time via alts. The question then becomes is that fair or excessive that the player in question is allowed to do both? Since I don’t see a for-profit company (CCP) deciding that their customers may only buy one of their product as opposed to many, I doubt the policies regarding the fundamental principle of multi-accounts will ever be changed for that reason.

In a perfect world I’d love to be able to agree with people like James 315 and find a way to get everyone out of high-sec but it’s hard to take a pacifier from a baby that’s already had one and to continue the analogy you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. High-sec industry is fun, why not make low and null sec industry more fun as a way to bring people out instead of simply making high-sec not fun. At the end of the day I think changing the Sov and POS systems to make null more fun for everyone would do more to bring people out then a major change to high-sec industry and regardless I think it makes sense to try that first.

TL;DR High sec is fun, so is Null but it’s hard to get established. Making Sov fun, lowering the barrier to entry for Null and creating industrial incentives would be far preferable to nerfing high-sec industry.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#264 - 2013-03-06 18:16:44 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
The only real reason that industry is not worth doing in Sov, is because the market that was established by players is too far away, which causes logistical costs and risks.

Have any of the large alliances/coalitions attempted to establish Sov market hubs in their space? As in serious coordinated effort, not just places to buy your PVP Doctrine ships? Wouldn't logistics become *less* of an issue? In fact, the increase in blue traffic to the market hub may actually make logistics safer as well, wouldn't it? I see more space rocks and open moons in null than I see in hisec. Seems industry would do well down here if *demand* existed.

Or are we forever locked into perpetual jump freighter hauls to and from Jita 4-4? To be self sufficient in this game, you need to able to get your **** to where the demand is. It is natural to want to produce said **** (ratting, anoms, sigs, mining, manufacturing, etc) as close to the demand as possible.

Sounds like a self-inflicted wound to me.

Provide the market hub where **** is needed (in sov), and the demand will come (my prediction). This could be done by each alliance/coalition. Build one market hub in the center of each of their greedy little donuts or maybe have CCP establish another hisec pocket deep in null to act as a market hub.

VFK market and whatever the TEST one is are the busiest nullsec trade hubs in the game. The problem is the logistics cost is not properly rewarded and that the industrial capacity of the sov space cannot meet the demand of the trade hub. This makes a lot of people go :effort: and JF in a batch of stuff from jita instead of buying locally. I would agree with you about the self-inflicted wound thing iff the industrial capacity was there.

Reread the GP.

There is plenty of potential industrial capacity, it's just easier to ship stuff out from highsec.

Making POSes easier to work with would obviously go a fair ways to fixing this (perhaps even the whole way), but it doesn't change that the market can be serviced by JFs hopping out from Jita, taking a very small portion of the market with them.

The tools are there, yet not being used.

It's scant wonder that CCP would be making the observation that people don't seem that interested in POSes given that situation. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#265 - 2013-03-06 18:27:48 UTC
From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "blue everything" (quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the sov was taken right? Before dronelands got changed, and before tech and moongoo were what they are now.

Yet still null was taken. And NIP/NAP and coalitions were still formed, knowing industry in null sucked.

People still used highsec alts. People still flew down to harass and terrorize highseccers.

People still made alts to awox and gank and wreak havoc.

Jita was still scheduled to burn.

I'm starting to see the trend that industry is now the new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix".

I don't see where this change to null industry happened only AFTER you decided to take and live and try to make sov null flourish as you think it does.

Highsec should not be in that calculation.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#266 - 2013-03-06 18:31:48 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:

No, you're wrong. It is possible to make null competitive with HS. Nothing is stopping you from building the production facilities using POS's. Null has better resources. Null has better everything. What it doesn't have is safe travel with the ability to move large amounts of material relatively risk free. And because nullsec alliances suffer from meglomania and everyone else there is so bored they'd shoot their mother, it's never going to be that kind of place which is aka hisec.

So when are high sec going to start paying trillions in structure upkeep like we have to in order to get those slots.
Alavaria Fera
#267 - 2013-03-06 18:34:02 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:
No, you're wrong. It is possible to make null competitive with HS. Nothing is stopping you from building the production facilities using POS's. Null has better resources. Null has better everything. What it doesn't have is safe travel with the ability to move large amounts of material relatively risk free. And because nullsec alliances suffer from meglomania and everyone else there is so bored they'd shoot their mother, it's never going to be that kind of place which is aka hisec.

So when are high sec going to start paying trillions in structure upkeep like we have to in order to get those slots.

But you COULD gauge out your eye on POS costs, therefore the easy and nearly-free slots in highsec are A-OK.

Checkmate, null zealot.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#268 - 2013-03-06 18:40:32 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:
No, you're wrong. It is possible to make null competitive with HS. Nothing is stopping you from building the production facilities using POS's. Null has better resources. Null has better everything. What it doesn't have is safe travel with the ability to move large amounts of material relatively risk free. And because nullsec alliances suffer from meglomania and everyone else there is so bored they'd shoot their mother, it's never going to be that kind of place which is aka hisec.

So when are high sec going to start paying trillions in structure upkeep like we have to in order to get those slots.

But you COULD gauge out your eye on POS costs, therefore the easy and nearly-free slots in highsec are A-OK.

Checkmate, null zealot.

A new tactic to beat goons. Have them all put on suicide watch as they tend to countless towers.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#269 - 2013-03-06 18:46:02 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:

No, you're wrong. It is possible to make null competitive with HS. Nothing is stopping you from building the production facilities using POS's. Null has better resources. Null has better everything. What it doesn't have is safe travel with the ability to move large amounts of material relatively risk free. And because nullsec alliances suffer from meglomania and everyone else there is so bored they'd shoot their mother, it's never going to be that kind of place which is aka hisec.

So when are high sec going to start paying trillions in structure upkeep like we have to in order to get those slots.

Who says they aren't?

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#270 - 2013-03-06 18:47:18 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:

No, you're wrong. It is possible to make null competitive with HS. Nothing is stopping you from building the production facilities using POS's. Null has better resources. Null has better everything. What it doesn't have is safe travel with the ability to move large amounts of material relatively risk free. And because nullsec alliances suffer from meglomania and everyone else there is so bored they'd shoot their mother, it's never going to be that kind of place which is aka hisec.

So when are high sec going to start paying trillions in structure upkeep like we have to in order to get those slots.

Who says they aren't?

Oh, highsec players actually have to maintain those free NPC stations now do they?

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#271 - 2013-03-06 18:48:30 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:

Who says they aren't?

The game mechanics?
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#272 - 2013-03-06 18:50:23 UTC
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

Reread the GP.

There is plenty of potential industrial capacity, it's just easier to ship stuff out from highsec.

Making POSes easier to work with would obviously go a fair ways to fixing this (perhaps even the whole way), but it doesn't change that the market can be serviced by JFs hopping out from Jita, taking a very small portion of the market with them.

The tools are there, yet not being used.

It's scant wonder that CCP would be making the observation that people don't seem that interested in POSes given that situation.

So you are attributing the lack of industry in nullsec to player laziness now? Yeah that's a bunch of crap. Highsec is too good when it comes to industry hence everyone and their brother moving their industrial stuff to highsec. Reread my post, Sobaseki a highsec system has more slots than entire nullsec regions.

The core of this debate is basically should player created content be better than NPC content? The answer to that is yes, player content is what makes the game what it is.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#273 - 2013-03-06 18:56:14 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

Reread the GP.

There is plenty of potential industrial capacity, it's just easier to ship stuff out from highsec.

Making POSes easier to work with would obviously go a fair ways to fixing this (perhaps even the whole way), but it doesn't change that the market can be serviced by JFs hopping out from Jita, taking a very small portion of the market with them.

The tools are there, yet not being used.

It's scant wonder that CCP would be making the observation that people don't seem that interested in POSes given that situation.

So you are attributing the lack of industry in nullsec to player laziness now? Yeah that's a bunch of crap. Highsec is too good when it comes to industry hence everyone and their brother moving their industrial stuff to highsec. Reread my post, Sobaseki a highsec system has more slots than entire nullsec regions.

The core of this debate is basically should player created content be better than NPC content? The answer to that is yes, player content is what makes the game what it is.

What if they removed the free station slots and you had to use high-sec pos slots? Would that change your opinion? I know a lot of people that do most of their manufacturing in PoSes for a number of reasons (proximity to trade hubs, etc). Again this would create an issue for new players looking to learn manufacturing.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#274 - 2013-03-06 18:57:49 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Murk Paradox wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:

No, you're wrong. It is possible to make null competitive with HS. Nothing is stopping you from building the production facilities using POS's. Null has better resources. Null has better everything. What it doesn't have is safe travel with the ability to move large amounts of material relatively risk free. And because nullsec alliances suffer from meglomania and everyone else there is so bored they'd shoot their mother, it's never going to be that kind of place which is aka hisec.

So when are high sec going to start paying trillions in structure upkeep like we have to in order to get those slots.

Who says they aren't?

Oh, highsec players actually have to maintain those free NPC stations now do they?

The players aren't the ones who control empire sov. But your taxes while in highsec are going somewhere I'm sure. Think of all those npc corps and agents and empire space and all that money NOT going into your wallet as you perform functions while you are there.

From a lore standpoint, that's highsec... not player but npc. Which is what highsec is.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#275 - 2013-03-06 18:58:19 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Murk Paradox wrote:

Who says they aren't?

The game mechanics?

Which game mechanic? The tax? or the seed costs?

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#276 - 2013-03-06 18:58:41 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

Reread the GP.

There is plenty of potential industrial capacity, it's just easier to ship stuff out from highsec.

Making POSes easier to work with would obviously go a fair ways to fixing this (perhaps even the whole way), but it doesn't change that the market can be serviced by JFs hopping out from Jita, taking a very small portion of the market with them.

The tools are there, yet not being used.

It's scant wonder that CCP would be making the observation that people don't seem that interested in POSes given that situation.

So you are attributing the lack of industry in nullsec to player laziness now? Yeah that's a bunch of crap. Highsec is too good when it comes to industry hence everyone and their brother moving their industrial stuff to highsec. Reread my post, Sobaseki a highsec system has more slots than entire nullsec regions.

The core of this debate is basically should player created content be better than NPC content? The answer to that is yes, player content is what makes the game what it is.

It wasn't my intent to attack you personally, I'm sorry that you see it as such.

I know why there isn't an industrial POS on every moon though, and it has nothing to do with the state of highsec industry and everything to do with the failings of the POS system.

But I understand your disappointment in discovering that the brass ring is actually plated plastic, and hollow at that. It does make a person feel like lashing out at everyone they see as having things better. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

I Irradiate Dead People
#277 - 2013-03-06 18:59:30 UTC
A higher risk should always give a higher reward.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#278 - 2013-03-06 19:03:01 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "blue everything" (quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the sov was taken right? Before dronelands got changed, and before tech and moongoo were what they are now.

Yet still null was taken. And NIP/NAP and coalitions were still formed, knowing industry in null sucked.

People still used highsec alts. People still flew down to harass and terrorize highseccers.

People still made alts to awox and gank and wreak havoc.

Jita was still scheduled to burn.

I'm starting to see the trend that industry is now the new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix".

I don't see where this change to null industry happened only AFTER you decided to take and live and try to make sov null flourish as you think it does.

Highsec should not be in that calculation.

From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "you have no experience with what you are talking about and should learn about it before posting"(quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the posts were made right? Before posts in this thread and that thread oh and also in the other thread.

Yet a post was still made even though it was horribly under-informed.

Posts were still made while asserting full-know how of the goings on in nullsec.

Posts were still made while asserting that highsec superiority is okay.

Highsec was still buffed repeatedly.

I'm starting to see a the trend that making bad uninformed posts is your new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix."

I don't see where this change to bad posting happened only AFTER you decided that you really didn't live in nullsec and decided that even though you have no experience it is fine as it is.

Highsec is always in the calculation.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#279 - 2013-03-06 19:10:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Murk Paradox
La Nariz wrote:
Murk Paradox wrote:
From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "blue everything" (quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the sov was taken right? Before dronelands got changed, and before tech and moongoo were what they are now.

Yet still null was taken. And NIP/NAP and coalitions were still formed, knowing industry in null sucked.

People still used highsec alts. People still flew down to harass and terrorize highseccers.

People still made alts to awox and gank and wreak havoc.

Jita was still scheduled to burn.

I'm starting to see the trend that industry is now the new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix".

I don't see where this change to null industry happened only AFTER you decided to take and live and try to make sov null flourish as you think it does.

Highsec should not be in that calculation.

From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "you have no experience with what you are talking about and should learn about it before posting"(quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the posts were made right? Before posts in this thread and that thread oh and also in the other thread.

Yet a post was still made even though it was horribly under-informed.

Posts were still made while asserting full-know how of the goings on in nullsec.

Posts were still made while asserting that highsec superiority is okay.

Highsec was still buffed repeatedly.

I'm starting to see a the trend that making bad uninformed posts is your new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix."

I don't see where this change to bad posting happened only AFTER you decided that you really didn't live in nullsec and decided that even though you have no experience it is fine as it is.

Highsec is always in the calculation.

So you're saying that highsec is the pillow you bit all night in your frustration? I don't understand what you're trying to mock. You clearly made decisions knowing the cost and the risks and I'm only seeing poeple cry about them and look to blame others for it.

Sounds like you and yours have some serious issues with frustration. I mean, we can only read what YOU post right? Not MY fault if your information giving skills suck ass.

And I do live in nullsec. We in fact recently moved systems in the same region. Perhaps you should do some research as well. You know, to stay informed.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#280 - 2013-03-06 19:14:01 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Murk Paradox wrote:
From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "blue everything" (quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the sov was taken right? Before dronelands got changed, and before tech and moongoo were what they are now.

Yet still null was taken. And NIP/NAP and coalitions were still formed, knowing industry in null sucked.

People still used highsec alts. People still flew down to harass and terrorize highseccers.

People still made alts to awox and gank and wreak havoc.

Jita was still scheduled to burn.

I'm starting to see the trend that industry is now the new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix".

I don't see where this change to null industry happened only AFTER you decided to take and live and try to make sov null flourish as you think it does.

Highsec should not be in that calculation.

From what I've read, this has been a problem for quite some time, most likely predating the "you have no experience with what you are talking about and should learn about it before posting"(quoted for obvious reasons) yet this issue has been known before all the posts were made right? Before posts in this thread and that thread oh and also in the other thread.

Yet a post was still made even though it was horribly under-informed.

Posts were still made while asserting full-know how of the goings on in nullsec.

Posts were still made while asserting that highsec superiority is okay.

Highsec was still buffed repeatedly.

I'm starting to see a the trend that making bad uninformed posts is your new "target" and not really being a priority to "fix."

I don't see where this change to bad posting happened only AFTER you decided that you really didn't live in nullsec and decided that even though you have no experience it is fine as it is.

Highsec is always in the calculation.

So you're saying that highsec is the pillow you bit all night in your frustration? I don't understand what you're trying to mock. You clearly made decisions knowing the cost and the risks and I'm only seeing poeple cry about them and look to blame others for it.

Sounds like you and yours have some serious issues with frustration. I mean, we can only read what YOU post right? Not MY fault if your information giving skills suck ass.

And I do live in nullsec. We in fact recently moved systems in the same region. Perhaps you should do some research as well. You know, to stay informed.

Your assuming there was a point to his post aside from angering you, that was your first mistake.