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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#241 - 2013-03-06 17:09:52 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Nullsec needs some substance to attract people like myself back to full-time living there. There needs to be an industrial backbone and the "farms and fields" concept needs to be fleshed out so there will be more things to do as well as fights to be had.

Yeah. I for one would not spend most of my time in highsec stealing from & awoxing highsec carebears if nullsec was actually worth using.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Notorious Fellon
#242 - 2013-03-06 17:12:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Notorious Fellon
The only real reason that industry is not worth doing in Sov, is because the market that was established by players is too far away, which causes logistical costs and risks.

Have any of the large alliances/coalitions attempted to establish Sov market hubs in their space? As in serious coordinated effort, not just places to buy your PVP Doctrine ships? Wouldn't logistics become *less* of an issue? In fact, the increase in blue traffic to the market hub may actually make logistics safer as well, wouldn't it? I see more space rocks and open moons in null than I see in hisec. Seems industry would do well down here if *demand* existed.

Or are we forever locked into perpetual jump freighter hauls to and from Jita 4-4? To be self sufficient in this game, you need to able to get your **** to where the demand is. It is natural to want to produce said **** (ratting, anoms, sigs, mining, manufacturing, etc) as close to the demand as possible.

Sounds like a self-inflicted wound to me.

Provide the market hub where **** is needed (in sov), and the demand will come (my prediction). This could be done by each alliance/coalition. Build one market hub in the center of each of their greedy little donuts or maybe have CCP establish another hisec pocket deep in null to act as a market hub.

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#243 - 2013-03-06 17:16:50 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
The only real reason that industry is not worth doing in Sov, is because the market that was established by players is too far away, which causes logistical costs and risks.

Have any of the large alliances/coalitions attempted to establish Sov market hubs in their space? As in serious coordinated effort, not just places to buy your PVP Doctrine ships? Wouldn't logistics become *less* of an issue? In fact, the increase in blue traffic to the market hub may actually make logistics safer as well, wouldn't it? I see more space rocks and open moons in null than I see in hisec. Seems industry would do well down here if *demand* existed.

Or are we forever locked into perpetual jump freighter hauls to and from Jita 4-4? To be self sufficient in this game, you need to able to get your **** to where the demand is. It is natural to want to produce said **** (ratting, anoms, sigs, mining, manufacturing, etc) as close to the demand as possible.

Sounds like a self-inflicted wound to me.

Provide the market hub where **** is needed (in sov), and the demand will come (my prediction). This could be done by each alliance/coalition. Build one market hub in the center of each of their greedy little donuts or maybe have CCP establish another hisec pocket deep in null to act as a market hub.

VFK market and whatever the TEST one is are the busiest nullsec trade hubs in the game. The problem is the logistics cost is not properly rewarded and that the industrial capacity of the sov space cannot meet the demand of the trade hub. This makes a lot of people go :effort: and JF in a batch of stuff from jita instead of buying locally. I would agree with you about the self-inflicted wound thing iff the industrial capacity was there.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Fearghaz Tiwas
Caldari State
#244 - 2013-03-06 17:17:56 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
The only real reason that industry is not worth doing in Sov, is because the market that was established by players is too far away, which causes logistical costs and risks.

Have any of the large alliances/coalitions attempted to establish Sov market hubs in their space? As in serious coordinated effort, not just places to buy your PVP Doctrine ships? Wouldn't logistics become *less* of an issue? In fact, the increase in blue traffic to the market hub may actually make logistics safer as well, wouldn't it? I see more space rocks and open moons in null than I see in hisec. Seems industry would do well down here if *demand* existed.

Or are we forever locked into perpetual jump freighter hauls to and from Jita 4-4? To be self sufficient in this game, you need to able to get your **** to where the demand is. It is natural to want to produce said **** (ratting, anoms, sigs, mining, manufacturing, etc) as close to the demand as possible.

Sounds like a self-inflicted wound to me.

Provide the market hub where **** is needed (in sov), and the demand will come (my prediction). This could be done by each alliance/coalition. Build one market hub in the center of each of their greedy little donuts or maybe have CCP establish another hisec pocket deep in null to act as a market hub.

They do exist, but they're often far away, and its often much easier to just go back to Jita. It's not that null seccers cant do what your suggesting, its just not worthwhile due to the costs involved. It is much easier to give a shopping list to someone doing a high sec run.
Yonis Kador
#245 - 2013-03-06 17:18:22 UTC
Tippia (just) wrote:
...a cautionary tale explaining why moving high sec industry to POS's would also be an increased logistical challenge...


Notorious Fellon
#246 - 2013-03-06 17:22:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Notorious Fellon
Fearghaz Tiwas wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
The only real reason that industry is not worth doing in Sov, is because the market that was established by players is too far away, which causes logistical costs and risks.

Have any of the large alliances/coalitions attempted to establish Sov market hubs in their space? As in serious coordinated effort, not just places to buy your PVP Doctrine ships? Wouldn't logistics become *less* of an issue? In fact, the increase in blue traffic to the market hub may actually make logistics safer as well, wouldn't it? I see more space rocks and open moons in null than I see in hisec. Seems industry would do well down here if *demand* existed.

Or are we forever locked into perpetual jump freighter hauls to and from Jita 4-4? To be self sufficient in this game, you need to able to get your **** to where the demand is. It is natural to want to produce said **** (ratting, anoms, sigs, mining, manufacturing, etc) as close to the demand as possible.

Sounds like a self-inflicted wound to me.

Provide the market hub where **** is needed (in sov), and the demand will come (my prediction). This could be done by each alliance/coalition. Build one market hub in the center of each of their greedy little donuts or maybe have CCP establish another hisec pocket deep in null to act as a market hub.

They do exist, but they're often far away, and its often much easier to just go back to Jita. It's not that null seccers cant do what your suggesting, its just not worthwhile due to the costs involved. It is much easier to give a shopping list to someone doing a high sec run.

I live in NULL as well btw, I just haven't been down there for the many years the game has been running (I played many years in hi and low only).

So, in reading these two responses I am curious if maybe the deeper issue is simply this:

If I have to go more than a few jumps, I am going to use my JF or Carrier to move my stuff. So, if I need to use my 7 billion isk JF, I might as well jump it to Jita 4-4 since the cost to do so is basically the same (maybe a tad more fuel, which is cheap). The only other issue would be the transfer from Low-Hi which isn't too difficult.

If these Sov hubs are so busy, why aren't people using them instead of Jita? Purely location and ease of transport making the distance irrelevant?

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Notorious Fellon
#247 - 2013-03-06 17:25:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Notorious Fellon
La Nariz wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
The only real reason that industry is not worth doing in Sov, is because the market that was established by players is too far away, which causes logistical costs and risks.

Have any of the large alliances/coalitions attempted to establish Sov market hubs in their space? As in serious coordinated effort, not just places to buy your PVP Doctrine ships? Wouldn't logistics become *less* of an issue? In fact, the increase in blue traffic to the market hub may actually make logistics safer as well, wouldn't it? I see more space rocks and open moons in null than I see in hisec. Seems industry would do well down here if *demand* existed.

Or are we forever locked into perpetual jump freighter hauls to and from Jita 4-4? To be self sufficient in this game, you need to able to get your **** to where the demand is. It is natural to want to produce said **** (ratting, anoms, sigs, mining, manufacturing, etc) as close to the demand as possible.

Sounds like a self-inflicted wound to me.

Provide the market hub where **** is needed (in sov), and the demand will come (my prediction). This could be done by each alliance/coalition. Build one market hub in the center of each of their greedy little donuts or maybe have CCP establish another hisec pocket deep in null to act as a market hub.

VFK market and whatever the TEST one is are the busiest nullsec trade hubs in the game. The problem is the logistics cost is not properly rewarded and that the industrial capacity of the sov space cannot meet the demand of the trade hub. This makes a lot of people go :effort: and JF in a batch of stuff from jita instead of buying locally. I would agree with you about the self-inflicted wound thing iff the industrial capacity was there.

Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore. Space rocks and Ice all over the place! Note: i am not in the same Sov space as you so maybe they are different respectively.

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#248 - 2013-03-06 17:28:27 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore.
…except that the only thing worse than manufacturing at an outpost is manufacturing at a POS — taking all the woes of null production and suffering them twice over does not make the woes go away. Quite the opposite.
Notorious Fellon
#249 - 2013-03-06 17:31:30 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore.
…except that the only thing worse than manufacturing at an outpost is manufacturing at a POS — taking all the woes of null production and suffering them twice over does not make the woes go away. Quite the opposite.

I have only manufactured ammo from a POS, and have limited experience with larger scope manufacturing. What makes it so painful? If that issue were addressed, would the result cascade into more market hubs popping up in Sov, and thus reducing the Jita hub flood?

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#250 - 2013-03-06 17:34:32 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore.
…except that the only thing worse than manufacturing at an outpost is manufacturing at a POS — taking all the woes of null production and suffering them twice over does not make the woes go away. Quite the opposite.

I have only manufactured ammo from a POS, and have limited experience with larger scope manufacturing. What makes it so painful? If that issue were addressed, would the result cascade into more market hubs popping up in Sov, and thus reducing the Jita hub flood?

It is a long list but to start, the UI, the maintenance of the POS, and the logistics involved.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#251 - 2013-03-06 17:37:54 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:

Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore. Space rocks and Ice all over the place! Note: i am not in the same Sov space as you so maybe they are different respectively.

It was posted earlier that one highsec system, Sobaseki, has more industrial capacity than entire nullsec reasons. In summary outposts are terrible at pretty much everything. POS manufacturing is about as attractive as self circumcision, so I'll leave it as an exercise to yourself in order to figure why that isn't done more often.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#252 - 2013-03-06 17:39:10 UTC
La Nariz wrote:

I am not in SOV 0.0 unless there is a fleet op, most of my time is spent awoxing people in highsec. We might have control of our area of space but, control of nothing is still nothing. Nullsec needs some substance to attract people like myself back to full-time living there. There needs to be an industrial backbone and the "farms and fields" concept needs to be fleshed out so there will be more things to do as well as fights to be had.

Would a requirement to use the space make people be there or would it amke them quit? By requirement I mean you literally HAVE TO do stuff in there or your SOV drop/is lost. Shooting red crosses, mining, industry, PI, anything really but completely REQUIRED for it to stay under your SOV. Would alliance/coalition just say **** this **** it's too much of a grind to keep up or would they do it? Would null sec people find it "too carebear" to do stuff like that insetad of PvP? It's important because we can't really force PvP anyway.

Those requirment would, if implemented well make sure there are always ship in space AND of course provide an income generated by activity insetad of "passive" moons. Taxes would then be set to fund the corps/alliance.
Notorious Fellon
#253 - 2013-03-06 17:41:58 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore.
…except that the only thing worse than manufacturing at an outpost is manufacturing at a POS — taking all the woes of null production and suffering them twice over does not make the woes go away. Quite the opposite.

I have only manufactured ammo from a POS, and have limited experience with larger scope manufacturing. What makes it so painful? If that issue were addressed, would the result cascade into more market hubs popping up in Sov, and thus reducing the Jita hub flood?

It is a long list but to start, the UI, the maintenance of the POS, and the logistics involved.

I found the POS UI inefficient and hindering no doubt. However, I lack confidence in CCP's ability to make a decent UI, so let's set that one aside for a moment.

If the POS upkeep *costs* were less than the equivalent cost of JF fuel and related logistics needed to haul the raw materials and finished goods to/from Jita, would we see a slow migration to more market hubs in your opinion? Or is the risk of being POS-bashed or station camped by afk cloakers (or a real threat) still too much burden to be worth it?

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#254 - 2013-03-06 17:44:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tippia wrote:
…and no-one is asking for it to be easy, cheap, or low-risk — just that the difficulty, expense and risk should be accompanied by commensurate rewards.

While I wholeheartedly agree with the rest of the post about buffing sov stations, this sentence begs 3 questions:

1) If it's not commesurate reward why are there anybody fighting for sov and people don't just stay in NPC null sec or even go back to hi sec?

2) Why most other alliances past and present including the ones I played in, never, ever posted a single thread like this, yet you see CFC (and to a much lesser degree) HBC continuously post about these nerf this - buff that threads?

3) Do you think we were imbeciles to stage in low sec, prepare and train for long months and then go to null sec and fight our way through other guys sovereignty and conquer their territory?

Because apparently we were doing it for the honor and the fame, and the CCP chronichles and the blogs around the world chanting how great and epic the EvE battles.

These days if you want to read about an EvE epic battle you have to go back to the "Ooops I gated my Titan in instead of bridging people" chronicle, that is something that was not even meant to happen.

Yet, these days, it looks like all those guys FORCED to build their empire really need the trillions puring out of every rock or else...
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#255 - 2013-03-06 17:53:22 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

I am not in SOV 0.0 unless there is a fleet op, most of my time is spent awoxing people in highsec. We might have control of our area of space but, control of nothing is still nothing. Nullsec needs some substance to attract people like myself back to full-time living there. There needs to be an industrial backbone and the "farms and fields" concept needs to be fleshed out so there will be more things to do as well as fights to be had.

Would a requirement to use the space make people be there or would it amke them quit? By requirement I mean you literally HAVE TO do stuff in there or your SOV drop/is lost. Shooting red crosses, mining, industry, PI, anything really but completely REQUIRED for it to stay under your SOV. Would alliance/coalition just say **** this **** it's too much of a grind to keep up or would they do it? Would null sec people find it "too carebear" to do stuff like that insetad of PvP? It's important because we can't really force PvP anyway.

Those requirment would, if implemented well make sure there are always ship in space AND of course provide an income generated by activity insetad of "passive" moons. Taxes would then be set to fund the corps/alliance.

If a requirement is put in place but the way to meet the requirement is onerous then yes people will leave. No one likes to log in to grind fest, if there's going to be a requirement it needs to be naturally met from people's regular activity in space. There should be no special effort to maintain it. Basically give us fun things to do in our space before putting any requirement about making us stay in our space.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#256 - 2013-03-06 17:56:14 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Help me out here, what do you mean "if the industrial capacity was there"? I see empty moons all over down here just waiting for a manufacturing POS to go up on. Slots galore.
…except that the only thing worse than manufacturing at an outpost is manufacturing at a POS — taking all the woes of null production and suffering them twice over does not make the woes go away. Quite the opposite.

I have only manufactured ammo from a POS, and have limited experience with larger scope manufacturing. What makes it so painful? If that issue were addressed, would the result cascade into more market hubs popping up in Sov, and thus reducing the Jita hub flood?

It is a long list but to start, the UI, the maintenance of the POS, and the logistics involved.

I found the POS UI inefficient and hindering no doubt. However, I lack confidence in CCP's ability to make a decent UI, so let's set that one aside for a moment.

If the POS upkeep *costs* were less than the equivalent cost of JF fuel and related logistics needed to haul the raw materials and finished goods to/from Jita, would we see a slow migration to more market hubs in your opinion? Or is the risk of being POS-bashed or station camped by afk cloakers (or a real threat) still too much burden to be worth it?

I think you'd see more market hubs in nullsec if the logistics costs were properly rewarded or compensated. The risk of being attacked is always there it's just not properly rewarded right now. If both of those are rewarded you will see new trade hubs pop up in nullsec. I don't think anything players do will shift jita, that's something CCP will have to do like they did with Yulai if I remember correctly.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#257 - 2013-03-06 18:00:03 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
So, in reading these two responses I am curious if maybe the deeper issue is simply this:

If I have to go more than a few jumps, I am going to use my JF or Carrier to move my stuff. So, if I need to use my 7 billion isk JF, I might as well jump it to Jita 4-4 since the cost to do so is basically the same (maybe a tad more fuel, which is cheap). The only other issue would be the transfer from Low-Hi which isn't too difficult.

If these Sov hubs are so busy, why aren't people using them instead of Jita? Purely location and ease of transport making the distance irrelevant?

Because in the end

- you end up spending similar amounts of ISK to move the stuff either going to Jita or the null sec hub.
- you end up spending similar amounts of time to move the stuff either either going to Jita or the null sec hub.
- you can ferry the same items either either going to Jita or the null sec hub.

So, null sec industry or not, in the end what happens is this:

1) Why should I spend ISK to ferry stuff to my local sov hub when Jita WILL get my full volume of goods sold and fast?
2) Why should I spend this time to ferry stuff to my local sov hub when Jita offers better deals and sells quicker?
3) Why should I bother making my widgets for my local sov hub where half won't be bought when Jita will take all?
4) Why should I risk my 7B ship and perhaps land in the middle of some hot crap going on (this expecially applies to NPC null) when I can cyno close to hi sec and avoid most of it?
5) Why should I create say 100 capital parts BPCs for resale that I can't sell anytime soon in my sov null sec hub, when I can get them sold in a week in Jita?
6) Jita got magic Concord and magic "hi sec" all around it, I can go solo, I can slack, I can go there with no effort, I can do mistakes and (unless being an idiot with some 7B in cargo) the JF won't get popped. How does the local sov hub compare to that?

There's only 1 answer to that: as long as there's magic NPCs and basically as long as hi sec exists, then you can do anything to boost null sec and nerf hi sec yet people will still solidly prefer Jita.

That is, a reasoned and deep change is needed to really alter the current gameplay, just buffing or nerfing industry is but one cog in a giant mechanism that can't work if the rest of the game stays as is.

Hi sec has to go. We all know this.

Most don't have the gonads to say so.
Most in the deep of their mind don't really want it to happen.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#258 - 2013-03-06 18:01:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Notorious Fellon wrote:
I have only manufactured ammo from a POS, and have limited experience with larger scope manufacturing. What makes it so painful?
See my post on the previous page.

…or, for an illustration, let's say I want to produce a couple of battleships (not even mass-produce) — one of those things that are actually a bit of a faff to import from high.

I've bribed some devs to give me three perfect ME Rokh BPOs (because I haven't had the 25 years required to research them yet). I've put up a POS with a LSAA (but no refinery because fsck that — less material capacity than a JF and a 3-hour cycle time, after which I've lost a crapton of minerals? No thanks).

So I slot in my three BPOs and want to build, oh, let's say 10 Rokhs from each.
That means filling the LSAA with 14,855,823 × 3 × 10 units of minerals — 4,456,746.9 m³ worth. Oh dear.

If I were in a station, I could just cart out 4000 425mm rails and refine them and it'll all be there. Unfortunately, it's in a POS, so I can't. Instead, I have to haul them to the station, refine them there, and then transport the full-sized minerals out to the POS. At 4.5M m³, that means ten trips with the freighter… A roundtrip that on its own can quite easily take an hour because, well, it's a freighter — not exactly something you'd use to skip around the galaxy (or even the system) without being absolutely sure that it'll be a clear run. That's an hour looking at the rear end of a slug rather than blowing stuff up and earning ISK, so I've already lost maybe a hundred mil ISK from the transportation alone.

Fourty hours later, not only do I have to do that mineral haul all over again, but I now have 30 battleships parked in a POS where they're not doing anything good. I want them back in the corp hangar where people can pull them out and put them to good use. If I were in a station, they'd already be there, buuuuut… no, I'm in a POS. That means hauling 1,500,000 m³ worth of repackaged ships back to the station. That's just four runs, so maybe I've only missed out on 20–30M on that move.

That's for 30 ships — what's commonly known as a small-group roam… now imagine instead that I want to supply 600 to really make use of that POS and equip a large fleet.
Zircon Dasher
#259 - 2013-03-06 18:02:01 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

I am not in SOV 0.0 unless there is a fleet op, most of my time is spent awoxing people in highsec. We might have control of our area of space but, control of nothing is still nothing. Nullsec needs some substance to attract people like myself back to full-time living there. There needs to be an industrial backbone and the "farms and fields" concept needs to be fleshed out so there will be more things to do as well as fights to be had.

Would a requirement to use the space make people be there or would it amke them quit? By requirement I mean you literally HAVE TO do stuff in there or your SOV drop/is lost. Shooting red crosses, mining, industry, PI, anything really but completely REQUIRED for it to stay under your SOV. Would alliance/coalition just say **** this **** it's too much of a grind to keep up or would they do it? Would null sec people find it "too carebear" to do stuff like that insetad of PvP? It's important because we can't really force PvP anyway.

Those requirment would, if implemented well make sure there are always ship in space AND of course provide an income generated by activity insetad of "passive" moons. Taxes would then be set to fund the corps/alliance.

If this income system (2nd paragraph) is put into place, then the stuff about SOV is a consequent. Meaning that alliances/corps (depending on implementation) have a vested interest in maintaining farms and fields -which gives those who only log in to PVP a chance for fights that do not necessarily involve bringing their 1000 closest friends- but only if those farms and fields are actually sufficient to draw the alts back from High/Low/W-space.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Josef Djugashvilis
#260 - 2013-03-06 18:05:02 UTC
This thread is going round in ever decreasing circles.

This is not a signature.