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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#221 - 2013-03-06 15:10:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Cebraio
Wigglenomics wrote:

Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?

Black Ops, Hot Drops, Roaming gangs, gate camps, drag bubbles ...

I'm not complaining about them, but you asked.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#222 - 2013-03-06 15:13:09 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Every single, every single PvP MMO I have played had conquerable castles, keeps, stations and whatsnot where the only reward was being able to show your flag and tabard, sometimes getting a 5% buff at what gold NPCs dropped as loot and similar trifles. We had to pay tons of money a day as "upkeeping", keep 24/7 guard at our conquests because there were like 20 available structures to fight for between the whole player base and all wanted to capture your stuff.

Seriously, if you don't feel like you have achieved a reward for holding what you conquered, you are playing a clerk game where all you are in for, is the union contracted base wage.

Even the worst BoB took pride for their conquests as "per se" e-peen display.
You new(er)comers seem only interested at some pathetic paid fee for a job you were not even really after.

Yep and all those words you typed so eloquently ignore the fact that one must pay for their building blocks before they can build anything. Building the empire which is analogous to "shaping your empire" is a cost not a reward. That's not even taking into account the ongoing costs of securing your space and maintaining it.

Bolded and underlined the eloquent words of mine you quickly skipped.

Really, nobody is forcing you to go there and hold your castle. EvE does not force anybody to do it, if you are not up for sacrifices for the glory then you should play an accountant game, where you count the beans in and get the beans for your efforts out.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#223 - 2013-03-06 15:13:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
equal ..

the belief that nulsec should be more than hisec is based on a flawed premise.

You consider the premise that what players work hard, risk plenty, and spend a lot to build should be superior to what's handed to them at virtually no cost, no risk, and no effort in the safest area of the game?
Yeah, totally flawed.

Consider what CCP put Nulsec into the game for

"an area of space where capsuleers (the players) can build thier own empires"

At any point have CCP said that doing the above should be easy, cheap or low-risk ??
where CCP have failed in delivering that objective, is by restricting the players ability to achieve it.

If CCP allowed multiple outposts per system, most nulsec areas would then have the potential to easily equal hisec for industry and research, but you would have to work for it.

But if all you want is for it be handed to you, gift-wrapped, on a silver platter CCP need do nothing, as you can easily and quickly just move to hisec where you need make no effort to engage in mostly unresricted industrial activities.
Goldnut Sachs
#224 - 2013-03-06 15:15:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Goldnut Sachs
Vaerah Vahrokha I am not unfamiliar with your posting.
You are simply against any and all nerfs to highsec, and you often defend your opinions with some vaporous concepts like a big revolutionary change in mechanic, requiring ring mining, mining and sov changes and etc to take place before a hair can be touched on high sec, ending with you stating that you are too rich to care either way, cus you are a super kewl Boiler Room securities trader.

And let's not forget you suport eve going ftp + mircrotransactions.
Mhax Arthie
#225 - 2013-03-06 15:32:34 UTC
There is one thing I can't understand in null sec sov. Alliances can have their space, but this space is actually FFA... everybody can travel trough like a boss. So what's the point to have a very expensive pole with you alliance name on it if anybody can travel through your space anytime they want with little to no risk?!

I think it should be implemented a castle system in null sec where the alliance holding the sov can control the gates and let in only their allies. So if you wanna enter in that space, you may have to hack/assault the gate, like the walls nor gate of a real castle. This way those inside the sov space can feel home and somehow secure, including the indy guys. As it is now, null sec sucks and no wonder that the majority prefer to stay in high or low sec. Just sayin...
Fearghaz Tiwas
Caldari State
#226 - 2013-03-06 15:33:11 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Fearghaz Tiwas wrote:
I dunno about this, partcularly from a lore POV. I can't come up with reasons why, but I don't really like most of these changes. Seems like what you want is more like a different game altogether. I'll think a little more though. After all, its change, and Change, is not good.

I understand most won't like what I'd like and unlike others, I don't spam 1 thread a day to push my wishes on the face of everybody else.

And some of us don't start PMSing all over the place either. It is becoming quite apparent that I might be better off trying to discuss my point with a shoebox of rampant sea snails, than continue conversing with you. You portray yourself as an ejit of the highest order.
Fearghaz Tiwas
Caldari State
#227 - 2013-03-06 15:35:31 UTC
Mhax Arthie wrote:
There is one thing I can't understand in null sec sov. Alliances can have their space, but this space is actually FFA... everybody can travel trough like a boss. So what's the point to have a very expensive pole with you alliance name on it if anybody can travel through your space anytime they want with little to no risk?!

I think it should be implemented a castle system in null sec where the alliance holding the sov can control the gates and let in only their allies. So if you wanna enter in that space, you may have to hack/assault the gate, like the walls nor gate of a real castle. This way those inside the sov space can feel home and somehow secure, including the indy guys. As it is now, null sec sucks and no wonder that the majority prefer to stay in high or low sec. Just sayin...

It's up to the people holding Sov to protect and control their systems. If they can't/choose not to, I don't think CCP should hold their hands.
Rotten Legion
#228 - 2013-03-06 15:42:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
Wigglenomics wrote:

There is no RISK in Nullsecc when you're blue to 50% of it dude.

I am so sick and tired of these people going around talking about Risk VS Reward....and these people are usually folks in CFC/HBC.

Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?

Even if the risk were the same, which I don't believe it is. It's still less profitable to do Industry in 0.0. That is the problem.

Even if 0.0 were safer, as you say... A great deal of effort is put into making it safe. And the Industry there is still less profitable than highsec.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#229 - 2013-03-06 15:52:58 UTC
Wigglenomics wrote:

There is no RISK in Nullsecc when you're blue to 50% of it dude.

I am so sick and tired of these people going around talking about Risk VS Reward....and these people are usually folks in CFC/HBC.

Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?

CONCORD won't save me. That's our risk and its quite a big risk. It's such a big risk it keeps people in highsec. It also isn't a risk that is properly rewarded. The "blue doughnut" myth you are trying to perpetuate here is blatantly false, it's hilarious that so many people use it as an excuse to cover up their own inadequacies.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#230 - 2013-03-06 15:54:31 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Bolded and underlined the eloquent words of mine you quickly skipped.

Really, nobody is forcing you to go there and hold your castle. EvE does not force anybody to do it, if you are not up for sacrifices for the glory then you should play an accountant game, where you count the beans in and get the beans for your efforts out.

Perhaps you should reread the post and attack the argument there instead of trying to gesticulate it away.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Yonis Kador
#231 - 2013-03-06 15:59:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Yonis Kador
I, for one, am pretty excited to see this discussion being undertaken. If this thread survives derailment, something positive may actually come from it. (But I've got to say, the flabbergasted responses over the question being asked at all have certainly put a smile on my face this morning. lol) Seriously though, after reading so many topics devoted to the best way to nerf highsec so null can be balanced and EVE saved from certain doom, asking the question of "should" null industry be balanced with highsec is, from my perspective, pretty encouraging.

Regardless of what it does for my "forum reputation" (if there is such a thing I need a forum alt) my general feelings toward the OP's question, is that I'd fall on the side of a "No" response. I think each sec should have unique offerings and that the profit (and more importantly, adventure) potential should scale greater moving toward null obviously. (Which it does.) But do I think null should have an equal number of industry slots as high? Do I think the game should be adjusted so that a fraction of the total characters can be "competitive" with the economic might of the majority? Or should null be able to "provide everything it needs?" Absolutely not. Trade with high sec is (and should be) required as all secs and thus, all players are co-dependent on one another. The most important element affecting the quality of pgc is player interaction. I accept that things need adjustment over time but I'll never be sold on the idea that leaving highsec behind and any chance of interaction with the vast majority of characters ever again - in a sandbox mmo - is a good thing for pgc.

But I also thought Hulkageddon was a good thing for pgc.

Part of the new player experience (trying to prov Mal correct here - think of the NOOOOBS) is finding themselves in this vibrant universe that is alive and well-populated. (I generate new reasons why I disagree with null independence before breakfast on any given day.) Today's reason will be: Were so many players allowed, or encouraged even, to leave highsec and never come back, the vibrancy of that first impression is going to take a hit. High-sec pgc then also takes a hit and with it the new player experience takes a hit. Is any of that also good for the game? Is it worth it? I suspect those are questions only CCP's internal metrics can answer and which they must continually debate.

Imo, success should not be defined as emancipation from the rest of the game when the game's quality is determined by player interaction.

But. That's just me.

Yonis Kador

Oh, and P.S.

Buzzy Warstl wrote:
Ban Amarr!

No. Big smile
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#232 - 2013-03-06 16:13:52 UTC
Cebraio wrote:
Wigglenomics wrote:

Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?

Black Ops, Hot Drops, Roaming gangs, gate camps, drag bubbles ...

I'm not complaining about them, but you asked.

So what you're saying is, in order for industry to be safe in nullsec, then none of this can happen? Sounds like hisec. Go there.

Don't ban me, bro!

Fearghaz Tiwas
Caldari State
#233 - 2013-03-06 16:16:51 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
Cebraio wrote:
Wigglenomics wrote:

Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?

Black Ops, Hot Drops, Roaming gangs, gate camps, drag bubbles ...

I'm not complaining about them, but you asked.

So what you're saying is, in order for industry to be safe in nullsec, then none of this can happen? Sounds like hisec. Go there.

In what worldly language is he in any way suggesting that? You asked Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?[/quote]

He answered. They don't make it impossible at all, just more risky.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#234 - 2013-03-06 16:23:14 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
You're neglecting to take into account the huge investment of ISK, time and effort to secure that security in sov space. It doesn't just happen by itself. And it's still less secure than hi-sec.

Being able to shape your own empire is the reward, not a cost. If you don't like that ability, nothing forces you to embark into it.

False: Building the empire is a cost

ok. then next question: what is the reward in being in SOV 0.0? What makes you to be in SOV 0.0 instead of low-sec/NPC 0.0/WH?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#235 - 2013-03-06 16:34:22 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
You're neglecting to take into account the huge investment of ISK, time and effort to secure that security in sov space. It doesn't just happen by itself. And it's still less secure than hi-sec.

Being able to shape your own empire is the reward, not a cost. If you don't like that ability, nothing forces you to embark into it.

False: Building the empire is a cost

ok. then next question: what is the reward in being in SOV 0.0? What makes you to be in SOV 0.0 instead of low-sec/NPC 0.0/WH?

The reward for SOV goes to the alliance. In w-space, the reward of holding a system goes to the corp and individuals that make it up.

Don't ban me, bro!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#236 - 2013-03-06 16:37:09 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
Cebraio wrote:
Wigglenomics wrote:

Really? What RISK do you have in Nullsec that Highseccers don't have?

Black Ops, Hot Drops, Roaming gangs, gate camps, drag bubbles ...

I'm not complaining about them, but you asked.

So what you're saying is, in order for industry to be safe in nullsec, then none of this can happen? Sounds like hisec. Go there.

No, I'm not saying that and you should l2read.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#237 - 2013-03-06 16:37:47 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
Consider what CCP put Nulsec into the game for

"an area of space where capsuleers (the players) can build thier own empires"

At any point have CCP said that doing the above should be easy, cheap or low-risk ??
where CCP have failed in delivering that objective, is by restricting the players ability to achieve it.
…and no-one is asking for it to be easy, cheap, or low-risk — just that the difficulty, expense and risk should be accompanied by commensurate rewards.

If CCP allowed multiple outposts per system, most nulsec areas would then have the potential to easily equal hisec for industry and research, but you would have to work for it.
Actually, it wouldn't. Outposts are still so hideously unable to even begin to come close to the capabilities of even a single station that you'd run out of planets long before you got something that even remotely resembled a highsec system.

I suppose I'll have to post my standard improvement requirement list in this thread too…

1. One outpost per system probably has to remain for sov reasons (sov needs a revamp, but let's break one thing at a time).
2. Every outpost type gets 50 each of every industry slot type. Industry-specific outposts get twice that (up from a best-case scenario of 10 of one type).
3. Every outpost type gets 20 offices; Gallente outposts get twice that (up from 4–8 / 24).
4. Every outpost type gets a 30% refinery; a 50% refinery is a single basic upgrade.
5. Basic industry upgrades add 50 each of every slot type (up from 5 of a specific type); Intermediate upgrades add 100 (up from 7); Advanced upgrades add 150 (up from 9). Time bonuses could probably remain the same.

…and that's just to make a null system provide the same capacity as a highsec system — note how most of those buffs can be measured in orders of magnitude(!) We haven't even begin to touch the things that need to happen to compensate for the difficulty, expense and risk.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#238 - 2013-03-06 16:47:00 UTC
Tippia, would all of that add anything worth doing to the space?

POSes can already supply more industrial capacity than actually gets used, because there isn't enough of a market to justify any more work than the odd JF run from highsec.

Unless there's a latent market that nobody is talking about there just aren't enough people to justify major changes to nullsec industry. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#239 - 2013-03-06 16:59:51 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
You're neglecting to take into account the huge investment of ISK, time and effort to secure that security in sov space. It doesn't just happen by itself. And it's still less secure than hi-sec.

Being able to shape your own empire is the reward, not a cost. If you don't like that ability, nothing forces you to embark into it.

False: Building the empire is a cost

ok. then next question: what is the reward in being in SOV 0.0? What makes you to be in SOV 0.0 instead of low-sec/NPC 0.0/WH?

"what is the reward in being in SOV 0.0?" That part is subjective, I would personally say control. Yet there isn't enough of a competitive advantage so that control isn't really useful. It's also one of the reasons people don't fight as often as the forum howls for. If there is no advantage to be taken from someone else why fight them?

"What makes you to be in SOV 0.0 instead of low-sec/NPC 0.0/WH?" I think you are trying to say "What makes you want to be in SOV 0.0 instead of being in lowsec/NPC 0.0/WH" if that's not the case correct me.

I am not in SOV 0.0 unless there is a fleet op, most of my time is spent awoxing people in highsec. We might have control of our area of space but, control of nothing is still nothing. Nullsec needs some substance to attract people like myself back to full-time living there. There needs to be an industrial backbone and the "farms and fields" concept needs to be fleshed out so there will be more things to do as well as fights to be had.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Sunshine and Lollipops
#240 - 2013-03-06 17:08:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Buzzy Warstl wrote:
Tippia, would all of that add anything worth doing to the space?
Yes. Industry.

POSes can't supply any actual industrial capacity for two simple reasons: storage space and refineries. A station lets you cart over aaaaall those 425s, rclick→recycle, and then you have a massive pile of minerals (well… no more than 2^31-1, so it can't be that massive, but still) that go into every kind of thing you want to build, be it ships or drones or ammo or T1 modules or T2 modules or mixed-content modules such as cloaks. Bam done. If you want to build something you didn't think of, just rclick→manufacture because all the stuff is there. When the pile grows thin, just rclick→recycle more stuff and keep going.

In a POS, you have to take all those modules to the station (hopefully in the same system); rclick→recycle there, because if you do it in the POS it'll be ready by the time the dinosaurs have re-evolved from canaries; cart all those minerals in fiftyeleven freighter runs (have you tried manoeuvring a freighter inside a tightly packed POS, btw?) to the POS; at the POS, you must know where everything goes because you have different arrays for different products and each of them have limited storage capacity; and if you want to manufacture something else, you have to go to the POS and rearrange materials between arrays (and hope to god they're close enough or you'll have to break out the freighter again)…

…oh, and then your POS gets blown up with all the minerals inside.

To make POSes take up the slack, you'd have to give them things like infinite storage, multiple-purpose production lines, instant (and perfect) refineries, and preferably docking capabilities too. We have this kind of POS already — they're called outposts. That's why I'm suggesting outposts as the thing to provide the industry counterpart to NPC stations: because they are… you know… the counterpart to stations. Also, because changing POSes would just mean that people started using these much-improved POSes in highsec instead, and all we've managed is to make outposts an obsolete game construct.

Unless there's a latent market that nobody is talking about there just aren't enough people to justify major changes to nullsec industry.
Sure there is. The problem is that they're all in highsec doing their thing rather than producing locally because it would be utterly idiotic for them not to take advantage of the free, safe, easy, and infinitely available capacity.