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EVE General Discussion

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‮ sgnitteS muroF‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬

Cpt Greagor
Liquid Relief
#1 - 2011-10-28 12:26:40 UTC
How about a setting to remove the word filter.

Some people cuss, it is going to happen.

I don't see why the people who don't find it offensive have to sit and guess to try and figure out what they are saying.

The people who find it offensive can leave the wordfilter on.

Everyone is happy.

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Tanya Fox
#2 - 2011-10-28 12:28:30 UTC
Cpt Greagor wrote:
How about a setting to remove the word filter.

Some people cuss, it is going to happen.

I don't see why the people who don't find it offensive have to sit and guess to try and figure out what they are saying.

The people who find it offensive can leave the wordfilter on.

Everyone is happy.

Lol It does not normally take much guessing.
Cpt Greagor
Liquid Relief
#3 - 2011-10-28 12:30:23 UTC
Tanya Fox wrote:
Lol It does not normally take much guessing.

Normally, no, but sometimes, yes.

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Xoria Krint
The Angelic
#4 - 2011-10-28 12:41:06 UTC
Eve is a dark universe. Drugs, exotic dancers, mercenarys, pirates and scamming is all a part of Eve. **** and **** should be a part of Eve as well.
Cpt Greagor
Liquid Relief
#5 - 2011-10-28 12:47:01 UTC
Xoria Krint wrote:
Eve is a dark universe. Drugs, exotic dancers, mercenarys, pirates and scamming is all a part of Eve. **** and **** should be a part of Eve as well.

My point exactly, it is not easy to determine what was said here. And you can no longer click quote to see either.

Provide the ones who want it with a way to view what is hidden beneath the magical *'s.

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